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14065404? ago

Lots of new ppl are signing up here on QRV not understanding why they cant post submissions. Then they find out that they need 10 CCP, so they start asking for upvotes because they see others doing it. Then they get attacked, but don't quite understand what they are doing wrong and start to think that this is a horrible scary place. They also have no idea that they can't gain CCP by posting on QRV and that they must venture out to other subverses to gain it. BUT, by the time they learn this they are already put off because of their 'harsh' welcome. They were not asking for upvotes because they wanted to trash the place, but because they desperately want to participate.

I only state all this because it happened to me, and it took me a while to get my head around what was going on, and because Q sent me here so I wanted to be a part of this place. I eventually went to another subverse and joined in a few conversations there and got my 10 CCP overnight. It would have been very helpful to me if I had know what to do from the start instead of fumbling around for days wondering how the hell things worked around here and wondering why I was being attacked.

I think it would be really helpful if someone could write a sticky explaining (in plain english) the does, dont's and how too's, and general advice for new QRV voaters about how to quickly settle in here. For me personally, now I've been here awhile and worked through the frustration I love it here and it feels like home. I post a lot and simply ignore any comments aimed at me that I don't like. I love the anonymity - it's very freeing, but it does add hurdles for newcomers to overcome regarding the CCP requirements.

14065453? ago

Expertly said. I too would like to see such a sticky.

14066512? ago

I just went on 8chan - seems the sticky is coming :) Its also been cross posted from there to here: