14061988? ago

I just finished reading the Haj by Leon Uris (A jew), and it is one massive propaganda piece. A jew writing as an Arab, focusing and framing Arabs as 100% incompetents (not far off...) But the Jews are fucking Gods among men in this book. Charitable, kind, merciful, it's complete and subtle history framing at its finest. Jews are narrative masters, I'll concede that. We have to up our game.

14060448? ago

The USA must Outlaw Dual citizens in any Government positions federal or local. It also begs to question, why the majority of Politicians in the USA Government are asked to pledge allegiance to Israel and they are all flown to Israel on paid for junkets to be indoctrinated and given Israeli citizenship. Yet, Taxpayers give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years, (or more) that is used against us to buy our Politicians and scandalize them for blackmail. And we the people are forced to pay for it against majority will . All incredibly absurd, anti American and criminally stupid. This evil must stop. Schumer clsimed in a speech that ge was " a soldier for Israel" Return the Rule of Law. WWG1WGA.

14060087? ago

When I was born back in 1961, my father was serving in the US Army in Nurnberg. I had German citizenship at the time even though both of my parents were American born. When he was stationed at Fort Knox, KY a few years later, his commanding officer insisted that I become a US citizen PDQ. So my parents went through the paperwork, and my father took me to court and he swore my citizenship for me. At the same time, my German citizenship was renounced. It's a darn shame that the dual citizenship rule has not been enforced like it once was. I'm so proud to be American!

14059838? ago

12 months later got their payout.

14059827? ago

The khazarian or ashkenazi jew is a tamuld subscribing jew and a zionist. In Australia they make up 93% of all jews living here. Frank Lowy with Larry Silverstein bought the twin towers months before they came down and reinsured them for an absolute packet.

14059781? ago

Firstly - At the top there are no borders. What better way to garnish support for Isreal than to take over congress.

14059599? ago

What the problem? You're all neocon shills.

14059493? ago

yup we have a massive problem with it in australia too, i dont think these people have the countrys best interests at heart, why would they fucking care anyway?

14059392? ago

That was part of the sneaky infiltration. That's how subversive enemies penetrate all aspects of a country then they rape, murder and pillage.

14058695? ago

You're not on reddit, you can say jews.

14068714? ago

Traitors have been around for along time.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman, 106 BC-43 BC)

14058292? ago

Because their kikes.

14057336? ago


14057165? ago

"There is no such thing as an American Jew. There are only Jews that Live in America"

14057144? ago

Move it Shlomy!

14056959? ago


14056913? ago

Intuition tells me to pretend to be other ppl in other countries for nefarious activities...

14056655? ago

Forgot Rahm Emanuel who with love of homeland volunteered for military service for Israel-When the US was at war

14056632? ago

Like Jonathon Pollard-in fed prison for massive military espionage-oh pardoned by trump Was the Israeli mole mega ever ID'd? Also Kushners dad introduce the gay mossad honeypot to ex-gov McGreavy go figure

14056363? ago

Has anyone started the petition process on the white house website? edit/ this is probably one of the biggest problems we face as a nation...

14055655? ago

Most of them are lawyers. In order to practice, research what they essentially renounce.

14055213? ago

Please read and learn!!!! Disinformation:


14055197? ago

Even ONE dual-citizen is too many in Congress — but we need to source this accurately before calling attention to it, because for sure it would be called antisemitic, even though it doesn't matter if the duals were Finns. I've seen The List. I haven't seen irrefutable public records.

14054891? ago

This should be a no brainer! That is obviously a conflict if interest!! SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!

14054830? ago

Israeli & USA Dual Citizenships....see a pattern here??

14054791? ago

Just because a list is on the internet does not make it true. Common on, let’s practice critical thinking and be deserving of following Q

14054768? ago

Looks like we got us a Jew problem only in places where socialist are a problem. East Coast Holla West Coast Holla Mid-states ? Not enough people here to worry about and they got it surrounded. MS-13 from the South of the Border mafia and Canada from the North. You boys better be glad that Texas is in the middle of this. We kinda got a reputation for taking care of an entire nations army, all alone and outnumbered. So bring it on.

14054438? ago

WW Voter Fraud

14053858? ago

Average citizens need to be the ones able to run for office. Campaigns shouldn't cost millions, they should reflect what the average person wants. Run for office, get involved. Take the country back and MAGA

14054797? ago

This fucker here gets it.

14053638? ago

It's written (((dual))). If you're going to voat, voat right.

@insanegoatiswear: check out this jaQass.

14053838? ago

I prefer [] the killbox.

Not () weak shit.

14053271? ago

Huh you think this information would be put out during a campaign and then the voters could send these people packing.

14053243? ago

The missing original13th amendment : no duel citizenship and no lawyers in 3 branches of government. We sure would have been better off had it not been conveniently been left out🧐

14055239? ago

SO much better off.

14053239? ago

The real problem that I see is: THESE DEEP STATE CABAL PEOPLE don't honor anything of real value in the first place. They are the ME, ME, ME...people, nothing else matters. Even now as their house is crumbling down around them, they are trying to save their own stinking skins by turning on each other. There is no loyalty among them. WE don't want them at all, not even as a part of the human race. I suppose that they ARE, so WE can see, what IT is, that WE should never BE.

14053232? ago

It is their "Insurance Policy" so they can run to their "Other" country when Babylon falls.

14053096? ago

It is the same in Australia. Fucking disgraceful. At least they are slowly being removed.. now.

14055264? ago

How are they being removed anon?

14103381? ago

Lots of resignations and fake dramas to cover everything Q was talking about. It's amazing how obvious it is.

14052458? ago

then one has to factor ALL THOSE that voted for obama and now lie about it Think folks dont see you? You are still cancer . . . . . .

14052374? ago

Especially for the US, I mean the whole point is you’re Leaving your country of origin because you want to become an American citizen. She’s only allowed one citizenship as an American, and if you have a problem with that, I would say you’re not an American.

14052312? ago

INVESTIGATE how JEWs in the US Congress can amass 10s of Millions (some 100s) while their salary is $170-200K per year - Simple Answer: Corruption. Use NSA data to Investigate them. And, Audit the Fed - our biggest criminals.

14052274? ago

I had read that the USA government don't recognized a person if he's dual citizen but still there are dual citizen in the USA. Is it the person recognized themselves as a dual citizen?

14052100? ago

Why even have a Congress? It's a complete joke!

14052072? ago

Neocon is another name for Jew-cuckold!

14051912? ago

There should be zero dual citizens in Congress....and NO taking the oath of office using the Quran.

14051820? ago

Look deeper into what country has the most dual citizens and that is your deep state right there. The mafia is crumbling as we speak anyway. Q has them by the balls.

14051461? ago

"For the love of money is the root of all evil"

Who, in this world, loves money the most?

14051425? ago

So they will have somewhere to RUN to when they get caught.

14051338? ago

Let's not forget...........

Q told us Israel is being saved for last. It will be a glorious day when they are brought to their knees.

14051200? ago

Because that's how Jews are attacking us from within.

But it's worse than that - those Jews all wriggle their way to becoming heads of our intel, moral and investigation committees where they can cause the most damage.

We currently have three Jews on our Supreme Court (33% Jew) and you can guarantee Hillary would have added two more if she'd won and our Supreme Court would not be completely controlled by Jews.

14051190? ago


14051123? ago

That is a Big Part of Why we give Israel More than all other Countries put together. The Jews in Congress are Fleecing Us! Ban Israelis in the US Government! Americans and ONLY Americans!

14051029? ago

California appoints an undocumented immigrant to a state post

14051012? ago

They are ALL JEWS. Ban Dual Citizenship! Ban Dual Citizenship in Congress, Administration and Courts! Hang the Traitors.

14051009? ago

I was always of the mind it was natural born citizens for all of government. Not sure what happen but I second your call.

14050832? ago

Ever think this may not be true, but disinformation. Look for data to back up what you are upset about. Where did this data come from?

14051366? ago

It's literally a FACT that dual citizens are in Government positions of power. Even if the source was CNN, I'd actually believe the source for once.

14051507? ago

Just to say it is a fact does not make it a fact.

14051570? ago

I'm not your personal researcher. Look it up. It's PROVEN many in Congress hold DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Research shlomo.

14054765? ago

Why not even look at Wikipedia... a weak source but one that has linked sources to back up....

I did not find any yet that have dual citizenship with Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign-born_United_States_politicians

Another interesting article: https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/US-Jewish-politician-takes-offense-to-dual-citizenship-with-Israel-canard-405656

14054289? ago

Salud Carbajal, representative from California, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Mexico.

Adriano Espaillat, representative from New York, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Dominican Republic.

Jim Himes, representative from Connecticut, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Peru.

Ruben Kihuen, representative from Nevada, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Mexico.

Ted Lieu, representative from California, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Republic of China.

Sean Patrick Maloney, representative from New York, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Canada.

Stephanie Murphy, representative from Florida, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Vietnam.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, representative from Florida, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Cuba.

Raul Ruiz, representative from California, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Mexico.

Albio Sires, representative from New Jersey, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Cuba.

Norma J. Torres, representative from California, is a dual citizen of U.S. and Guatemala.

no source.... could be made up? I guess I will have to call all Congress.

14054175? ago

you posted it not me.

I have looked it up. If you post something source it with real data. Way to support your post.

14054477? ago

Do a shred of leg work. And you've already looked it up, so you know it's factually accurate. golf clap

Or was this a mini lesson on how to post more effectively?

14055257? ago



This buds for you.

14050509? ago

shills; theyre all goddamn shills

14050493? ago

For the same reason every Germany voted for this muzzie lover to get ass fucked.

14050399? ago

All wars are bankers wars. And who are the bankers?

14050280? ago

I agree, serve America only.

14050275? ago

Any statistic on what the duals are? I suspect Israel being the foremost.

14050274? ago

Good Lord, that's ridiculous. Worse than ridiculous. Dangerous.

14050255? ago

Should be banned for sure. What country do they serve? It's pretty obvious not the U.S. It sure looks like Feinstein sides with China.

14050154? ago

In order to become a U.S citizen they must renounce allegiance to the other country. However, my belief aligns with, you should not be able to vote or hold office if you have dual citizenship. In addition you may not work for the government in any way shape or form including contracting if you have elegance or alternate citizenship PERIOD!

14050127? ago

For those that would like to know who specifically works in the US government and hold dual citizenship in the US and Israel: http://american3rdposition.com/us-politics-hold-ual-usisraeli-citizenship/

14050123? ago

Does it Surprise anyone that most are ISRAELI!

14050121? ago

We should push to get a Constitutional Amendment put on the 2020 ballot to bar ALL dual-citizens from ANY government position, elected or bureaucratic. If you want to keep your job, your loyalty should be to this country ONLY! It should be common sense, but with all the moronic BS taught now in our schools, and critical thinking and civics completely skipped, I guess common sense isn't all that common anymore...

14050068? ago

Reinstate the original, missing 13th amendment too, while we are at it!

14050047? ago

The evil Khazarian Mafia Chieftains use their American "Israeli-first" dual citizens to plan 9/11 attacks. Bibi Netanyahu, the operational head of the KM, deployed the Mossad and these Dual Citizens to set up and institute the attacks.To be blamed on the Muslims. Sauce found at www.veteranstoday/2015/03/08/the-hidden -history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarianmafia/.

14049739? ago

Why? Because all this time we believed we had a government that works for us. FALSE! We had and will have until the clean up is done a group of power brokers, cowards, thieves, psychos and pretty much the bottom of humanity’s barrel sucking the life and money out off the rest of us. ENOUGH!!

14049692? ago

Jewel citizenship. Zion and what not. [genocide] Muh Kabbala. Most are heading to LoF. I hope they find the truth.

14049633? ago

Dual citizens should not be allowed to vote in federal elections.

14049534? ago

This is clearly master(Isr^el) & slave(USA) relationship. Obey or face the consequences ( by M0ssad(C_A)/media).

14049192? ago

Are they paying taxes in both countries? Legally they are required to.

14049148? ago

All Jews, whether they want it or not, have dual citizenship. Israel grants citizenship to all Jews everywhere in the world automatically by default. If they move to Israel it is called Alyah. There is a difference between Zionists and Jewry. The Zionists are the globalists and Satanists. Jewry are just people. I suppose legislation could be passed that all American Jews that wanted to run for office would have to formally renounce their citizenship with Israel. However, that does not change the Israeli position. This is why Q said, Israel is being saved for last. It is a difficult problem.

14049136? ago

Money. Its a crime." -Pink Floyd. Someone somewhere is making money off of it. The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil.

14049103? ago

You can't ride two horses with only one ass!

14049005? ago

It’s just one presidential order away to make ut illegal to hold any public office :D

14048923? ago

Agreed. If you hold a public office you should be required to renounce your citizenship of other countries.

Point of debate: At what level? Federal only? State House? School council? (personally, I don't have a problem with all of the above).

14048779? ago

Yeah jews shouldn't have dual citizenship. The Goyim wouldn't be allowed to do the same in their shithole kike country.

14048759? ago

*Also, they need to rectify and amend the *natural-born citizen" bullshit that allows Kenyan born, CIA groomed, Afghani-fighting, Muslim traitors to be President.

14048730? ago

It's illegal here in Australia. A number of them have been caught out recently not having correctly revoked the other one. I can't believe the US allows this.

14048618? ago

A lesson in DISINFORMATION: https://voat.co/v/qvr/2738433

14048510? ago

When emotions run high people tend to lose control of what they say. If you do it enough, the problem becomes a habit. President Trump is an example of how people should express their anger. He uses real words rather than all the derivatives of the meaningless word FUCK. Let us try to find meaningful words to express ourselves and thereby raise the conversation to both a reasonable and more accurate statement. Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

14048472? ago

Conflict of interest... Or what's best for the NWO and our borderless world our overlords have in store for us hoomans.

14048105? ago

In Australia, was same thing, dual citizenship holders were forced out of the gov. they then cancelled their 2nd citizenship and were were back in the gov after next election not that their viewpoints had changed but they were then legal

14048082? ago

Fuck Rosenstein. Jewey ass nigger

14047788? ago

Why do Q's [[Killboxes]] look like parenthesis?

14047580? ago

I'm not sure I agree on this one. Just for the sake of argument.. If you want to invest or own property in a different country you may need to hold dual citizenship. Doing business or making investments is probably not out of the realm of many gov employees especially if they are close to retirement. Do you have stats?

14048129? ago

Be a dual citizen. No problem there. Just don't fucking be in any form of government. Period.

14048397? ago

DMV, post office... I dunno. What about background checks? Gov is so bloated it could be cut in half and then in half again and we would get better service. BUT What your advocating seems to contradict the constitution for American born, natural citizens. More laws, more restrictions? Isn't that how we got so bogged down with gov in the first place?

14048747? ago

Plenty of room in the private sector.

Keep all dual citizens out of Federal jobs.

14047811? ago

Dual citizenship is not for Americans in position of trust. Period.

14048473? ago

I think I need a new word for an ism against patriots. A dual citizenship doesn't equal untrustworthy.

14056104? ago

If the shit hits the fan and we lose wouldn't want to stay and be a progressive's lacky

14057097? ago

We aren't going to lose. We are already progressive lackeys. LOL I'm just talking about options, different ideas, asking questions to find the best possible answers. Not arguing, thinking!

14048930? ago

If you are the Super Bowl Coach of the New England Patriots... it would not be well taken if you were also a major shareholder in the Atlanta Falcons.

If you aspire to a major position in the government of America...renounce all other national citizenships.

Chose where all your power will reside.

14049226? ago

I wonder if you can hold both in the military...

14049177? ago

Unless you have to take an oath for the post office... probably do... elected positions?

14049139? ago

Conflict of interest, I can get behind that. Oath taking offices, maybe? Seems more reasonable : )

14047570? ago

This is a no brainer and it is crazy we have let it go on for so long.

14047541? ago

This one is a great introductory jq pill for friends and co-workers. It is an alarming revelation for the average joe.

14047533? ago

Dual citizenship violates your oath of office.

One step at a time.

Establish unquestioning integrity in our justice system. Prosecute and punish the leaders of the movement of traitors.

Circle back around and clean up low level Congressmen who have violated their oath.

There are only two groups in America...Patriots and traitors.

14047511? ago

2 passports = shady individual

14047321? ago

They do it so they can flee the US and hide their stolen loot in offshore bank accounts easier.

14047123? ago

I'll bet most of America doesn't realize this. This obviously creates a conflict of interests, divided loyalties and an indication they may be willing to bail if things get tough.

14047094? ago

Wasn't the last POTUS Kenyan or something?

14054341? ago

part kenyan, he was also half baboon

14057592? ago

We also need laws prohibiting politicians who can peel an orange with their feet.

14046952? ago

You have got to be kidding! All those people hold Isreali citizenship? (Referring to the ((())) )

14046939? ago

Makes ya wish the Israel and Iran would settle their differences...no wonder congress is fucked

14046801? ago

Why? Because the British Empire and Israel have used the US Government as their proxy mercenaries for decades, and the people in the US Government with dual citizenship are willing participants, sometimes overtly and often covertly.

14046928? ago

Oy Vey, look at this lovely lady, Congressperson. Here have a drink, Congressperson. One Roofie Later Congressperson wakes up, "HOLY SHIT! That lovely lady sure looks young!??!"

Oy vey, we own you now, Congressperson.

14046691? ago

Dual citizenship should automatically disqualify you for even running for an elected public office. Period.

14046603? ago

I wonder if this is correlated with Birthright Israel? Funded by Bronfman (yes that one), Sheldon Adelson! and others.

14046535? ago

What is Bruce Ohr's back story? Is he originally from the US? I cant find much info on him prior to his college education.

14046528? ago

Americans vote for them over and over.

14046229? ago

Mostly ISRAEL. Figure it out.

14046155? ago

As a nation we should say no dual citizenship for anyone! I do not not even want our teachers, police, military, or any government office to hold dual citizenship. And what the heck does that do to taxes? Do they do this for tax breaks or as a place to flee to when they get busted for corruption in this country?

14046035? ago

Tourette's Syndrome

14045921? ago

Yeah, that is completely wrong! They should denounce their non-US citizenship or become ineligible to serve. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

14045901? ago

These are your Red Pills son.

Assuming you're new-ish here.

You wonder why most folks here hate the Jews with a passion that seems to be illogical? This is why. We've seen shit. We've gone past the brainwashing.

I started by looking at the 6 gorillion. Juuuuust how again was that possible? Hmmmm.

Whenever a TV show comes on, I look to see what's been (((added))). And I see it, right away.

Whenever I hear a "Fellow White Person", I check, and sure fucking enough...that nose can really smell the shekels.

And then when you look at the media, and at Congress (fucking Congress, man)...well, it all starts making much more sense.

For you newfags, this is it. I know your savior in Q wants everybody to get along, but THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. Not when they want you dead. Because that's next, son. You--and your children--are to be removed, forever.

So now what are you going to do?

Recon-Johnny (fuckit, that's who I am, no anon needed)

14055903? ago

The Evil Empire is vast. Yep, lots of them hiding behind “Jew” and in the Vatican, lots behind an assortment of 3 letter agency’s and so on. If we took out everyone that was in a group associated with this evil empire, there wouldn’t be many left. Wait....... only patriots and those who have real moral standing. I was wrong let Kill um alll.

14051614? ago

Whereas the Soviet (Jewish) Communists Murdered between 60-100 MILLION Christians after their Revolution. And a primary target was the 'Intelligentsia' (higher IQ engineers, etc.). They want all independent thinking people Gone. We need to hang the current trove of Socialists.

14046726? ago

I started by looking at the 6 gorillion. Juuuuust how again was that possible? Hmmmm.

According to the German Census: In January 1933, some 522,000 Jews lived in Germany. Over half (about 304,000) emigrated (They were NOT PERSECUTED. Hitler set up a FUCKING FUND to HELP THEM IMMIGRATE!) during the first six years of the Nazi dictatorship.

So less than 300,000 Jews were in Germany at the advent of WWII... and 6 million WERE IN ALL OF EUROPE. So Hitler managed to round up every fucking Jew in Europe and ship them back to Germany? Really??? Yeah, not buying that shit for a minute.

14059109? ago

Let's not forget how many times 6 million jews was pushed as a narrative before WW2 also.


14049115? ago

I love you fuckers.I am so proud of you!

14045799? ago

Amen! I've been saying this berry same thing. Pick a side. You're either with us or you're not.

14045791? ago

Right. Let's have that collusion conversation the right way this time.

I feel sad for the Jews, their mode of action just couldn't keep up with the internet. But it's their (((curse))) to get torn down by hubris. Just like the temples get wrecked bitches!

14045725? ago

We should start publicly executing those who betray their oaths to the Constitution.

14056066? ago

This movement or whatever it is has become a freight train we win with “trust the plan” or wwg1wga will need to be a mass accent on DC and many other known cabal strongholds. Posting is nice, how many patriots are willing to move when/if needed. Sincerely pray we will never need to know.

14045998? ago

I heard that newly elected Presidents are taken into a dark room and shown the Zapruder film. Then from one of the many unseen others in the room, a loud voice ask "any questions"? /s /s Godspeed Patriots..

14045717? ago

Because they get an Israeli passport automatically?

There are different kinds of jews.

There are zionist jews who in your terminology would probably be "nazis of israel". Most of them.. in Israel.

Then there are globalist jews who in your terminology would be "nwo communists". Most of them in NYC, Canada and Germany.

Those 2 groups hate each other. One thinks Israel is their holy homeland and dreams of building the 3rd temple. The other thinks that Israel is an abomination and all jews should forever be exiled and that each synagogue is a temple.

Then you have other groups of jews - normal people as well.

Do they have a common goal? Fuck no. Do they have a common faith? As much as catholics, protestants and orthodox christians + all the christian sects.

Were there communist jews? Yes. Were there nazi jews? Yes. Were there comedian jews? Yes. Are jews controlling the US liberal media? Yes. Are nationalist jews ruling Israel like Hungary, Poland or Russia are ran? Yes.

Are those the same people? No. Do they like each other? No. Do they have common interests? No.

Is there someone above them controlling both sides? Possibly. But if there is someone above, it's not just the jews under their control.

14048749? ago

They don't have to get along for me to hate them both. Look at Palestine and Isreal.

Don't ever forget that Jews hate you, don't be their Cuck.

14045680? ago

Disproportionate representation by 2% of the U.S. population.

14045631? ago

If you do a duckduckgo on Afroyim vs Rusk you will learn that it was a fellow named Bernstein that played a major role in the Supreme Court legalizing dual-citizenship. It's always / always the Chosen.

14046474? ago

Is there any way to reverse this decision?

14048682? ago

Well, 33 percent of the current (((Supreme Court))) will never let that happen.

14053129? ago

What about after Trump replaces RBG?

14045741? ago

Thanks for the info.. I had guessed White as the leader of that ruling.. Godspeed Patriot

14045540? ago

I see no reason at all why these folks need to be citizens of the US and Israel. Pick one. Then leave us alone. Let me know how you like living on a kibbutz.

14045567? ago

Life on the kibbutz: Free US Taxpayer paid Uni. Free US Taxpayer paid Healthcare. Free US Taxpayer paid wars. And a fuckton of US Taxpayer paid subsidies.

14056620? ago

Here in Pittsburgh, the jewish community of Oakland, Squirrel Hill, & Shadyside is holding so much Jew money, they don't pay for nothing. My ex gf became good friends with many of them who are over age 60. They do not pay for anything and have money out the wazoo just sitting in all the banks of the area. They eat, shop, & shit for free. They are the main controllers of Pittsburgh Democrat party and have been running this city for many decades. Republicans have zero chance in this city because the unions back them up, which are also mafia, political and jewish controlled.

14045849? ago

.1 BILLION in 2018.. so far!

14045473? ago

The ones I want out of Congress are the ones who do not stand for the Pledge or National Anthem. I've seen them many times continue sitting and talking. Very disrespectful.

14045911? ago

I agree.. but like NFL, The "owners" [us voters] don't force or require them to do so!

14045471? ago


14045387? ago

Get them out

14045319? ago

Totally agree. But we also need to see to it that no more foreign-born imposters are elected president as well. Produce un-tampered with birth certificate at the time of announcing his or her run for the highest office.

14045763? ago

When they run for "ANY OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT" not just POTUS!!

14045773? ago

I stand corrected.

14045397? ago

I really hope the [C]_A is destroyed. Once that's done, we should be golden for any future elections... I hope.

14045696? ago

The C_A is only a small part of the Cabal.. Vast network which includes many Foreigners..

14045269? ago

As an aside, not all Jews have dual citizenship. Dual citizenship must be applied for. I have Jews in my family and none of them have dual citizenship. That doesn't change much, but I just wanted to be clear.

14057609? ago

Dual citizenship must be applied for

A mere technicality - Jews can just collect their dual passports on their way through Israeli customs.

14045166? ago

Anyone with both USA and Israel citizenship is surely only faithful to Israel (allegiance to America in name only)

14045132? ago

why are you all so worried about jewish ppl? amazing

14046169? ago

Ignoring the disproportionate media/government representation that Jews have in America (my comment would become too long) you seriously don't think the American relationship with Israel is a little bit one-sided and unusual? You don't think it is strange that Israel gets a free pass on a lot of things, such as on the migrant issue and their treatment of the Palestinians?

You don't think the Hasidim, who have a habit of acting like asshats whereever they go, never seem to face any consequences for their actions? Look up Lakewood, NJ to get an idea of what I'm talking about there.

I'm not as extreme as the average goat, but it doesn't take much thought to see that some questions need to be asked about those types of issues and that it's time to get past WW2 guilt and hold these guys to the same standards as everyone else.

14273007? ago

i can not sit and discuss israel here ...i know all about jews lol i am jewish :) and i never claimed jews are angel but the hate and the nonsense i see is no diff then nazism thanks for your comment, means a lot

14045277? ago

[Boomer Evangelical Confirmed]

14045208? ago

Shill not or you shall be Shilled!

14050568? ago

To shill or not to shill... that is the Q uestion!!

14045114? ago

This is not new, I was made aware of this at least 20 yrs ago. No one, and I mean NO ONE back then wanted to hear a word about this. I can't tell you how good this post makes me feel. Happy to see it out there and I hope it goes viral, Q-uickly! WWG1WGA!

14045037? ago

Good info.

But remember young padwans, Master Q has said, timing is everything. Master Q also said, Israel last.

So keep your rightful angers in heart, don't let it go out too quickly. Trust the plan, trust Master Q.

14053071? ago

This needs to be stickied to the top of this subject! 👍🏻

TrustThePlan #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

14044982? ago

Mossad agents?

14044961? ago

Heimie go out on a limb here and say Jew are talking about the kikes?

14044924? ago

YES... We need to BAN Dual Citizenship... America First...

14046233? ago

Disagree we need to BAN it. Only require full legal renunciation before holding office.

14046802? ago

And that person must be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the USA. Born in Israel? Born in any other country? Sorry. Fuck off. No politics for you to wade in.

14054678? ago

most are natural US citizens BUT because they are jewish they are afforded ISrael citizenship.

14051951? ago

I was born on McKinley Air Force Base Bermuda and my Brother on Okinawa Japan. We both spent our Entire lives in Service to America! (He is a Colonel and I am a Senior Civil Service Engineer) The only exception to the natural Born rule should be Military (serving abroad) children! Why abuse our truest Patriots?!

14057825? ago

I'm pretty sure those bases are considered U.S. soil. Calm your tits.

14048081? ago


14044906? ago

Blatant conflict of interest should not be allowed ever in Government.

14046605? ago

I wonder how they vote on funding for Israel? I really don't see how the SC could rule that it's okay to have dual citizenship and be an elected representative of the American People!

14044831? ago


14044801? ago

Dual Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that “the term ‘national of the United States’ means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.” Therefore, U.S. citizens are also U.S. nationals. Non-citizen nationality status refers only individuals who were born either in American Samoa or on Swains Island to parents who are not citizens of the United States. The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth. Or, an individual having one nationality at birth may naturalize at a later date in another country and become a dual national. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to his or her U.S. citizenship. However, persons who acquire a foreign nationality after age 18 by applying for it may relinquish their U.S. nationality if they wish to do so. In order to relinquish U.S. nationality by virtue of naturalization as a citizen of a foreign state, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish U.S. nationality. Intent may be shown by the person’s statements and conduct. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. They are required to obey the laws of both countries, and either country has the right to enforce its laws. It is important to note the problems attendant to dual nationality. Claims of other countries upon U.S. dual-nationals often place them in situations where their obligations to one country are in conflict with the laws of the other. In addition, their dual nationality may hamper efforts of the U.S. Government to provide consular protection to them when they are abroad, especially when they are in the country of their second nationality. U.S. nationals, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country. Use of the foreign passport to travel to or from a country other than the United States is not inconsistent with U.S. law.

14046860? ago

Claims of other countries upon U.S. dual-nationals often place them in situations where their obligations to one country are in conflict with the laws of the other

14045049? ago

And since the US sucks off [MOS ISRAEL], they only have to give allegiance to the Synagogue of Satan. Fuck those clowns.

14044800? ago

Because you elected them.

14045119? ago


14046837? ago


14044713? ago

Name the JEW or die under their rule goy.

14044620? ago

I didn't realize the numbers. This must be addressed.

14057620? ago

Oy vey!

That'll be like a second shoah!

14044596? ago

Deferment of Taxes?

14044566? ago

this should be a no brainer to ban any dual citizenship as elected officials in our govt. it's just insane to let anyone near govt offices that may have a citizenship conflict of interest FFS.

14053341? ago

better yet. you can only be a citizen of one country. no dual citizenship. period. you are an american or you are an israeli. because we are talking about jews in this context.

14077079? ago

i would agree, i dont know a single reason we'd allow dual citizenship with any country.

14089747? ago

yea it does not make since. if we are in good relations with a country we let you visit and even work on a "work visa" how can you declare complete dedication to two countries? at best your 50/50 in emotions to one or the other.

14050725? ago

I have some commentary about Australia's objection to FISA declassification. need some supportto be able to post. noob

14049751? ago

MOS has been running our government for the dark elite.

14048544? ago

true, but many of the single citizenship (USA) people, have conflicts of interest as well, as we are seeing now have betrayed America, usually for the Money and not ideals, (which the globalists exploit) just have to see their nett worth before and after going into gov. and the likes of mad max and feinstein & co. who funneled money to family members and their buisnesses its all about the Money, Money, Money

14047910? ago

I completely agree

14047102? ago

I’d go so far as no dual citizens in government period.

14052450? ago

Yes, ESPECIALLY in government! But really dual citizenship should be against the law in the US - if you want to be a quasi-American, you don’t belong here.

14051236? ago

NO MDual Citizens in the USA! End Dual Citizenship. They break our laws and then run to Israel. Isreal will Not Extradite a Jew back to the USa. NOT our Ally!

14051081? ago

In the late 1800’s to early 1900's during massive immigration from Europe to the U.S., immigrants were required to renounce citizenship to their home countries just to become U.S. Citizens. They had to sign a paper in their local county court rescinding citizenship to the "old country" and proclaiming loyalty to the U.S. Dual citizenship was not allowed with ANY country.

We need to go back to this, it's how our Constitution was written. The framers understood you cannot serve 2 masters. And yes, this goes for people holding dual citizenship with European countries. Pick one or the other.

14056114? ago

I didn't realize that had changed.

14054865? ago

many countries have dual citizenship. I do think a person should pick one but I do not think if a person is not serving in government or military etc. should be required to renounce.

14058561? ago

well I think immigration should be banned entirely for at least 100 years. then we should monitor and police immigrant communities and actively break up their enclaves. once everyone is assimilated, we MIGHT continue slow immigration from ONLy compatible countries. No muslims period.

14050477? ago

I was going to say "who gives rat's ass what credentials the janitor at the DMV has", but then I realized that's exactly the kind of thinking that allows a terrorist to sneak bombs into the postal service

14049510? ago

If a citizen wishes to work four the US government, they should be fully committed to our nation and ours alone. Dual citizenship just creates a conflict of interest, as it begs the question, which citizenship do they put first? if not America, then why are they in that position in the first place.

It's pretty straightforward, imo.

14055259? ago

I agree.

14047718? ago

I couldn't agree more!

14047034? ago


And for a people that make up a little more than 1% of the US population, they sure know how to network and hire each other.

Look at SCOTUS... It is statistically impossible. Its ALL statistically IMPOSSIBLE.

14048529? ago

Like flies on shit

14045309? ago

We can only serve one master! Dual citizenship completely contradicts this.

14054832? ago

God is the master we serve, if a person choses to do so. Where we live and who our earthly citizenship is to is not a master.

14049659? ago

That’s still one master too many

14048500? ago

NWO is our one true master, chosen for us...

14052641? ago

The NWO is communism, I'll take the Illuminati capitalists any day.

14057552? ago

No, the NWO is Zionism.

14052905? ago

Is there a difference when the end goal is open borders and total control? One world bank, or one world government, what's the difference if you're still a slave?

14050054? ago


14049874? ago

I do not accept.

14050922? ago

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

14044562? ago

Tourette syndrome

14044495? ago

You mean the Jews control America and are massively over represented in banking politics and media. They can be American and Israeli. Sound like chosen people. Try Brother Nathaniel on You Tube an ex Jew who explains how it works for the non Jews.

14047316? ago

Don't forget about Britain/Canada.

14044955? ago

I'm sure this has grown much larger by now, but lets have a look at what OP is talking about

  1. Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
  2. Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
  3. Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
  4. Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
  5. Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
  6. National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
  7. Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
  8. White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
  9. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
  10. Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
  11. U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
  12. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
  13. UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
  14. Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
  15. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
  16. Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
  17. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
  18. Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
  19. Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
  20. White House Political Director – Ken Melman
  21. National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
  22. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
  23. Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
  24. National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
  25. President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
  26. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
  27. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
  28. White House Speechwriter – David Frum
  29. White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
  30. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger
  31. Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
  32. Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
  33. Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
  34. Federal Reserve Chair – Janet Yellen
  35. Federal Reserve Vice-Chair – Stanley Fischer
  36. Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
  37. Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
  38. Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
  39. Representative Howard Berman (California)
  40. Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
  41. Representative Susan Davis (California)
  42. Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
  43. Representative Bob Filner (California)
  44. Representative Barney Frank (Former) (Massachusetts)
  45. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
  46. Representative Jane Harman (California)
  47. Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
  48. Representative Steve Israel (New York)
  49. Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
  50. Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
  51. Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
  52. Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
  53. Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
  54. Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
  55. Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
  56. Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
  57. Representative Adam Schiff (California)
  58. Representative Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania)
  59. Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
  60. Representative Brad Sherman (California)
  61. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
  62. Representative Henry Waxman (California)
  63. Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
  64. Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)
  65. Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
  66. Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
  67. Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
  68. Representative Howard Berman (California)
  69. Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
  70. Representative Susan Davis (California)
  71. Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
  72. Representative Bob Filner (California)
  73. Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
  74. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
  75. Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
  76. Representative Jane Harman (California)
  77. Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
  78. Representative Steve Israel (New York)
  79. Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
  80. Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
  81. Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
  82. Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
  83. Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
  84. Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
  85. Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
  86. Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
  87. Representative Adam Schiff (California)
  88. Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
  89. Representative Brad Sherman (California)
  90. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
  91. Representative Henry Waxman (California)
  92. Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
  93. Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

14179494? ago

Thank you for this list. Is this dual citizenship with various countries or Israel?

14067551? ago

<b> Duplicates from #65down. Read carefully! </b>

14067452? ago

In this list, the representatives are listed TWICE. Way to go. Can you correct that post?? You have 30 extra lines there.

14057454? ago

"There's no Jewish conspiracy, its all a lie, start naming names!!!"

14056474? ago

multiple repeated names, revise.

14054991? ago

Let’s take a look at just one...Oh, what about the first one!


A speech given by FORMER Attorney General – Michael Mukasey.

I could write a five page report on just him. He is an AMERICAN. RESEARCH.

14055165? ago

Ok, I might have to type really slow for this so you'll understand but listen close.

You can start out an American citizen and be granted Israeli citizenship later.

Kinda goes both ways, bud.

14055238? ago

14055287? ago

You have no power here Sabbatean

Your words don't carry weight and you can't silence the truth. Enjoy the ride. You're out of places to run.

14075150? ago

I am not running. Just get a life and go find another tree to bark at. I am bored.

14053478? ago

This list is totally unproven. There is a world of difference between Jews being eligible for Israeli citizenship, and actually having it. Of course it's only a request away, but this talking point is horse shit, and people need to drop it.

The real point is not that some people in America have citizenship in other Nations. The point is that some people in America have their first loyalty to other Nations.

Whether they're Jews or Mexicans or Chinese, they're all going back.

14053636? ago

Nice words

words words words words words

Well, that was easy.

14052680? ago

Based goat post

14051799? ago

been lurking since FBIANON, this is new to me.....and very concerning overall....this needs to stop. You can't serve two masters cognitively. That's why employers state that full/part time employees are exclusive and some state you CAN'T share company initiatives/projects etc without fear of reprisal in healthcare!

14049854? ago

WTF HOLY SHIT! How can this be allowed!?!?!?

14048365? ago

My God! Mind you better Jews than Muslims. The UK has Muslims!

14049959? ago

Jew by citizenship only.

These things are Jews in nationality only. Luciferians is much closer to what they are.

Very hard pill to swallow and if you want a name to search, Sabbatai Zevi is where it starts (this time around)

I don't know your religious leanings, but God seems to put some major roadblocks in their path every few hundred years. We're, right now, at one of those times.

It's truly a remarkable time to be alive. I think Q may have sent you guys here for this information. https://mega.nz/#!ZegxFKbY!thtN7FodEGVG0FxcYjxOJ8p9cwmjCIUJNyZQicsQnIA

14049342? ago

The UK has both!

14048917? ago

the UK sure does lol do you know the most popular name for newborn boys in England? it has been for long time now, if you take into account the different spellings it is miles ahead and in the usa in 2017 figures, it is at no.14 and climbing

14048140? ago

Cross-ref that with CFR members. Quite a list.


14046998? ago

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)

That fucking cunt...

14067503? ago

the list has DUPLICATES in there...

14052759? ago

She looks like a wet rat.

14046893? ago

Which are their other citizenships and, more importantly, which of these citizenships did they acquire/accept actively as adults?

14047056? ago

Every person on the list is a dual-israeli citizen. I don't have the answer to the 2nd question.

14047606? ago

I’m gobsmacked. I thought that maybe some of them were Swedish citizens or Filipino or Japanese There may be even more other kinds of dual citizens in Federal office! I am aware that certain countries will not allow you to divest yourself of their citizenship mainly because they want to conscript males into military service. Some grandchildren of Greek citizens have found them selves conscripted in the airport when they first set foot in the country and perhaps their parent had never done so. But even if this is a list of people who Isreal would grant a passport to should that person request it, it’s bad enough because it’s soooooooo out of proportion. It doesn’t condemn any single person on that list to having wrongdoing in their past or on their mind. Any other dual citizenship for that matter is interesting and seems like it to be a matter for the public It would certainly be interesting to become aware of which people have acknowledged the acceptance/benefit of Isreli citizenship.

14046829? ago

That is scary, from a national security view. Why is this? In my country, you are a citizen, or you are a foreigner? My wife chooses to be a foreigner, she is a British citizen. She has all the rights of a citizen ( police protection, etc ), and emcurbances ( tax - what can I say ). She cannot vote is all. But she cannot stand for election also. Why does America allow Foreigners to stand?

14055745? ago

I'm born in USA, I am applying for dual citizenship...I want an out if the sicko left socialists ever take over

14048786? ago

are you sure there are no foreigners in the gov? hehe good question to ask Hussein, (or Brennan) is all about who you know, and of course its all about the Money, Money,Money

14047005? ago

What I find scary is I haven't updated that list in over 2 years and, given the prior rate of increase from 2010-2012 (this was 12-14 I believe that I worked out), there may be well in excess of 115 dual-citizen israelis in high office right now in the US.

I honestly think we're just too big a country, too spread out to keep control over the federal government. I really think we need to be broken up into 5 portions and form a type of EU between those 5 sections. DC is 4,000 miles away from millions of Americans. How can that be a good thing?

14054952? ago

Or, increase states rights and decrease Fed power? Wait, we tried that already.

14049339? ago

I'm closer to D.F. than I am to D.C.

14047404? ago

Good evening, Patriot. It looks like you do good work. I am not anti-Semite. But I am not pro-Semite. So, nice, a fresh start. As I said. it is scary that so many people in US power have considerations that are far away. And often against America's interests.

It is interesting you mention America's size : this is where rubber meets road -- the trendies in NY know nothing of the lives of people in Pittsburgh. ( Hillary will win by 98.1% - a real poll (on the East Coast - HuffPost - who else)).

Brother, I have never even been to America, but it seems I know it better than the idiots in NY. I feel the people of Kansas( and similar states ) they are like my people, of the soil. Give them hope, back it up with action, they will love you forever.

And I got off what you were talking of. Definite conflict of interest. What does your constitution say of foreigners holding office?

14048668? ago

I don't believe the concept of dual-citizen existed when the constitution was written

14046685? ago

Have you noticed there are numerous duplicates in this list?. Ex: Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida) and more. Many more.

14046853? ago

Well excuse me for trying.

A lot of the stuff I see Copied and Pasted is my original work so maybe you want to clean it up a bit for me? I'm a bit overworked as of late.

14045432? ago

I knew there was something weird about Yarmuth! I’ve never voted for him but he’s adored by the liberals here...

14045324? ago

Has anyone compared this list to the members of congress not seeking re-election?

14054643? ago

Holy shit this! You should make a post comparing the two. Including the major CEOs too maybe.

14048281? ago

importantly, who among those seeking reelection ARE dual citizens, and then being it out to the public prior to the election.

14045072? ago

Oy VEY! The Goyim know! Shut it down!

14067476? ago

representatives are listed TWICE

14046117? ago


14045979? ago

There are no coincidences

14044885? ago

I love Brother Nathaniel!

14044482? ago

Exactly they gotta go !!!!

14044331? ago

No dual citizenship should be permitted in America, period.

14048431? ago

I agree. It's a question of loyalty.

14046399? ago

Careful what you wish for; a second passport affords all kinds of options. Agreed, though, on elected representatives.

14051385? ago

Fuck off, Moshe.

14046573? ago

I agree that you should be allowed to have dual citizenship, but if you do, you forfeit the right to serve in government. That only makes sense. Israel itself does not allow dual citizens to serve in it's government. They consider such a thing a security risk. They're more than happy with the US allowing it though.

14045704? ago


14045559? ago

Agreed.. Either an American or not.

14044458? ago

I'm pretty sure it isn't. You have to give up one or the other when you turn 18. Problem is that other countries don't have to recognize this, as is there sovereign right.

14047002? ago

I hear you. The problem is that it seems that is not enforced at all. The list above is real. Those people feel nothing for the USA, they will do everything for Israel. It's up to you to let people know of this obvious bias, and vote them out ….

14045095? ago

dual cit is allowed in the usa..for example u can hold a canadian and a american passport...

14047308? ago

I Hear you , but wouldn’t it raise a few eyebrows if that many Canadians held such high positions?? And where would their loyalties lie in the face of tariffs etc???

14282989? ago

what does canada have to do with anything? why would i even care about canada?

14044627? ago

Nah. "Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but in 1967 the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship."

14051460? ago

I wonder how much bribery (I mean 'campaign contributions') that legal twist cost (((Them)))?!

14051092? ago

Lyndon B Johnson

14047247? ago


14044295? ago

Idiots vote (((them))) in for gibs There are even more of (((them))) infesting the bureaucracy

14044260? ago

Something that must be addressed.

14044212? ago

No, No, No...this calls for an amendment!

14044119? ago

I do not know why, but name them at every opportunity

14044516? ago

Sure... ISRAEL

1.Attorney General – Michael Mukasey 2. Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff 3. Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle 4. Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz 5. Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith 6. National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams 7. Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby 8. White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten 9. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman 10. Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass 11. U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick 12. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger 13. UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton 14. Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser 15. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen 16. Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith 17. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten 18. Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield 19. Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz 20. White House Political Director – Ken Melman 21. National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak 22. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman 23. Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin 24. National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff 25. President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler 26. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten 27. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger 28. White House Speechwriter – David Frum 29. White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer 30. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger 31. Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman 32. Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen 33. Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis

Article Continues Below

Current members as best I could find: Senate: •Senator Barbara Boxer (California) •Senator Benjamin Cardin (Maryland) •Senator Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) •Senator Al Franken (Minnesota) •Senator Dianne Feinstein (California) •Senator Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) •Senator Frank Lautenberg (New Jersey) •Senator Joe Lieberman (Connecticut) (Independent) •Senator Carl Levin (Michigan) •Senator Bernard Sanders (Vermont) (Independent) •Senator Charles Schumer (New York) •Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon)

House of Representatives: •Representative Gary Ackerman (New York) •Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey) •Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada) •Representative Howard Berman (California) •Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee) •Representative Susan Davis (California) •Representative Eliot Engel (New York) •Representative Bob Filner (California) •Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts) •Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona) •Representative Alan Grayson (Florida) •Representative Jane Harman (California) •Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire) •Representative Steve Israel (New York) •Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin) •Representative Ronald Klein (Florida) •Representative Sander Levin (Michigan) •Representative Nita Lowey (New York) •Representative Jerry Nadler (New York) •Representative Jared Polis (Colorado) •Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey) •Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois) •Representative Adam Schiff (California) •Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania) •Representative Brad Sherman (California) •Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida) •Representative Henry Waxman (California) •Representative Anthony Weiner (New York) •Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

14050743? ago

Wow, didn’t know it was that bad. Does someone have a link to a source?

14055062? ago

There is NO SOURCE because it is false!!! Research.

Let’s take a look at just one...Oh, what about the first one!


A speech given by FORMER Attorney General – Michael Mukasey.

I could write a five page report on just him. He is an AMERICAN. RESEARCH.

14045381? ago

So pretty much half of Congress 😂

14044651? ago

Has anyone compared this list the the members of congress not seeking re-election?

14044719? ago

Polis has dual us/Israel, he's running for Governor here in CO.

14044060? ago

Well, that's a new one on me. Why Do we have dual citizens in congress and the government? Perhaps so they can roll out when they know the jig is up and they are about to be arrested for their misdeeds...just a thought mind you. Also, over the years congress and the government made it seem so boring to do what they do with the endless speeches leading to no action and the posturing that the American public went to sleep and did not notice the small changes happening.

14044140? ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return Nope, not for that reason. I'd say it's to control us. What other reason to govern?

14045463? ago

Law of Return doesn't make them an automatic citizen, it just gives them the right to claim permanent residency.