Why the fuck do we have so many Goddamned DUAL CITIZENS in Congress and Government? Out! Out! Out! (QRV)
submitted 6.4 years ago by 2741831?
And by Dual, I mean [[[Dual]]].
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14044495? 6.4 years ago
You mean the Jews control America and are massively over represented in banking politics and media. They can be American and Israeli. Sound like chosen people. Try Brother Nathaniel on You Tube an ex Jew who explains how it works for the non Jews.
14044955? 6.4 years ago
I'm sure this has grown much larger by now, but lets have a look at what OP is talking about
14054991? 6.4 years ago
Let’s take a look at just one...Oh, what about the first one!
A speech given by FORMER Attorney General – Michael Mukasey.
I could write a five page report on just him. He is an AMERICAN. RESEARCH.
14055165? 6.4 years ago
Ok, I might have to type really slow for this so you'll understand but listen close.
You can start out an American citizen and be granted Israeli citizenship later.
Kinda goes both ways, bud.
14055238? 6.4 years ago
14055287? 6.4 years ago
You have no power here Sabbatean
Your words don't carry weight and you can't silence the truth. Enjoy the ride. You're out of places to run.
14075150? 6.4 years ago
I am not running. Just get a life and go find another tree to bark at. I am bored.
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14044495? ago
You mean the Jews control America and are massively over represented in banking politics and media. They can be American and Israeli. Sound like chosen people. Try Brother Nathaniel on You Tube an ex Jew who explains how it works for the non Jews.
14044955? ago
I'm sure this has grown much larger by now, but lets have a look at what OP is talking about
14054991? ago
Let’s take a look at just one...Oh, what about the first one!
A speech given by FORMER Attorney General – Michael Mukasey.
I could write a five page report on just him. He is an AMERICAN. RESEARCH.
14055165? ago
Ok, I might have to type really slow for this so you'll understand but listen close.
You can start out an American citizen and be granted Israeli citizenship later.
Kinda goes both ways, bud.
14055238? ago
14055287? ago
You have no power here Sabbatean
Your words don't carry weight and you can't silence the truth. Enjoy the ride. You're out of places to run.
14075150? ago
I am not running. Just get a life and go find another tree to bark at. I am bored.