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14050832? ago

Ever think this may not be true, but disinformation. Look for data to back up what you are upset about. Where did this data come from?

14051366? ago

It's literally a FACT that dual citizens are in Government positions of power. Even if the source was CNN, I'd actually believe the source for once.

14051507? ago

Just to say it is a fact does not make it a fact.

14051570? ago

I'm not your personal researcher. Look it up. It's PROVEN many in Congress hold DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Research shlomo.

14054175? ago

you posted it not me.

I have looked it up. If you post something source it with real data. Way to support your post.

14054477? ago

Do a shred of leg work. And you've already looked it up, so you know it's factually accurate. golf clap

Or was this a mini lesson on how to post more effectively?

14055257? ago


This buds for you.