13966990? ago

disagree - Neon provides great, quality content - he's an asset to this movement.

13967169? ago

It's catching on for a reason, Neon.

Because it's the truth.

13967021? ago

He's divisive and considers non-evidence to be mic-drop moments. Nice try, Neon. Anyone can follow the link above and see Voat users RIPPING you to shreds.

13967252? ago

Nope-neon's one of my favorite sources. he puts a lot of effort into his posts instead of just regurgitating Q. I'm sure he gets stuff wrong, but we all do. He's a huge asset to this movement, and I think he was right to be suspicious of what went down on Reddit.

to me, it's water under the bridge - Q made a decision about the board, and time to move on.

13968763? ago

His reason for objecting to this site was that if you asked the mods, they would ping you when Q posted.

Some people he thought had suspicious names were on a voluntary open signup list. That's the reason he claimed it was compromised.

13968991? ago

yeah - I didn't agree with that logic about suspicious names. The fact is/was there were frequent complaint about possibly comped mods on Reddit. Might have been a bad call anyway to create 'TheAwakening' on Voat but I don't have enough info to know.....I was only an infrequent lurker on voat after CBTS got taken down.

Maybe he fucked up - but Q didn't point us back to GreatAwakening either so maybe he didn't.

13967331? ago

and I think he was right to be suspicious of what went down on Reddit.

He wasn't, derpbag. He threw his chips in with the compromised Reddit mods and cast shade on our pre-existing subverse for reasons so insanely stupid, you'll have a difficult time believing in him if you actually look. SO many other users that were here got to see their hero act exactly like an Alex Jones or Corsi.

to me, it's water under the bridge - Q made a decision about the board, and time to move on.

Until NR stops moving, this isn't going away.

13967595? ago

"Until NR stops moving, this isn't going away"

You have issues dude - that sounds psycho. Most people already don't know/don't care - by next week it'll be forgotten.

13967889? ago

You have issues dude - that sounds psycho. Most people already don't know/don't care - by next week it'll be forgotten.

Until he posts again.

Attitudes like yours are what helped the deep state move in comfortably in the first place. I'm more than happy to be considered psycho by a lazy doormat begging to be lied to.

13967952? ago

alright bud - you keep staying vigilant so you can exercise your personal vendetta.

13966918? ago

Well put fellow patriot!