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YoikesandAway ago

My guess was the feuding. He is trying not to have us separate.

I like Neon, you don't have to. Voat was a new platform for him, he didn't know v/GA is a good sub and he was worried about walking into a trap. In order to Stay Together, we have to cut each other some slack and allow people to make mistakes. Jus sayin

Crensch ago

Yeah, NR got destroyed here with facts and evidence from his own words being shown to everyone. NR is NOT good people.

Kirka ago

Wow, that's news to me. I've heard only positive things about him.. I guess . " The more you know" .

Crensch ago

I started the ball rolling but the comments were just savage. He lost all kinds of respect in that submission.

Kirka ago

That's too bad,, I got a lot out of some of his articles... Popularity go to his head? Or did I it seem more devious than that?

Crensch ago

More devious, IMO.

If you want to dig deeper, every time he tried to respond or say something it would be divisive, backhanded, gaslighting nonsense. The old goats here kept tearing him a new ass until he and the reddit mods decided to move to 8ch.

The continued doubling down suggests he had a motive - possibly more than selling merch - that forced him to try and salvage the remains of his dignity and celebrity.

A LOT of people were disappointed in his actions and words; he was a favourite to many; you're not alone there.

Kirka ago

Well thank you for the enlightenment. "The more you know"

Crensch ago

Anytime. Welcome to Voat, and if you have any issues, feel free to ask me.