blumen4alles ago

test 27

larryhuston ago

All alts of @federalshill

FederalShill ago

I wont get my bonus check (courtesy of your tax dollars btw) if you say that stuff. Im a more elegant and experienced shill i dont need to use crude methods like upvote farms. Also anybody reading this should check out my anti-porn posts and ask these users why theyre so pro porn

blumen4alles ago

OP, how were you able to archive that submission when you have to be logged in to view Voat?

Thanks for looking out for the site, this whole situation is very fishy.

not_saying_a_thing ago

That's an excellent question. I did it the normal way.

blumen4alles ago

That is crazy, I checked this morning if you can browse Voat w/o being logged in. No go. So how in the world did the archive get passed the login? Oh I see the archive site has a login-

There is a user logged in for the archive. I wonder if a bot created that account or whoever runs Account is only 11 days old. Weird.

21854975? ago

I just spotted this, very strange. @madworld @failure @germ22 any ideas what this is?

MadWorld ago

Likely someone at opened up to Voat. It would be nice if could do the same.

21860477? ago

Thanks for this, you too @blumen4alles

Have a wonderful day you two!

blumen4alles ago

Cheers, Goat :)

21877613? ago

Thanks for your vigilance...

blumen4alles ago

@Nadesh I sent that user a DM yesterday. We shall see if they respond. I doubt they will actively use Voat, and it is nice they created an account so we can archive things. But you have to wonder if there are nefarious intentions behind this.

m_1 ago

SBBH is an international crime organization that deals exclusively in bootleg cat litter and cute animal gifs. @Reverse_Flash is the ringleader and uses his GIFs to communicate his orders to the SBBH minions. I have heard rumors that they are also involved in bootleg yogurt but have not personally seen any real evidence of this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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muffalettadiver ago

They are all shit pieces.

LostandFound ago

The replies are alts of the original 2 month old comment being used in other upvoat farms. See /v/pr0n at the moment its all @traviscraptree and @antliberalsociety whos comments are being replied to here, are now running a bot voat farm in pr0n.

We need to purge the heretics

YouAreASlave ago

Literal kikes.

tokui ago

Someone usually active, who threatened with bots is notably silent.

m_1 ago


SubspaceDistortion ago

Fucking hell, disable custom css.

SearchVoatBot ago

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YamaMaya ago

People care that much about upvotes?

Ina_Pickle ago

they care that much about flooding the front of v/all and creating an alt army with the ability to downvoat brigade.

HateCumbuckets ago

@Atko @PuttitOut @cynabuns these accounts are slight variations of real accounts. This is not the first time they have been caught with an unnatural amount of upvotes in a short amount of time.

@heygeorge heads up, this was in your sub.

@clamhurt_legbeard we need to watch ours.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Let's take a page from reddit and just ban all their accounts and shut down their subverse. It would take them a year to rebuild and they would likely fade away. Free speech doesn't mean letting a bunch of anti-voaters attempt to damage voat with child pornography.

heygeorge ago

Most of the comments are brand new. But thanks, I’m looking into it. @rotteuxx @expert_shitposter check out this thread.

@seanbox, wtf is sucking their own dick, wtf I’d liek to know

SeanBox ago

I say we just delete those comments and they lose the ccp they just farmed. It’s a simple solution before things get out of hand. With puttiout being MIA due to constant bigraging its up to us to defend. It’s in our sub too. Pull the trigger.

heygeorge ago

Does it work like that? I don’t think it works like that. Although good point they should be deleted. I didn’t have time earlier to do anything but respond.

21855000? ago

So what did you guys decide on?

heygeorge ago

Oh umm well I pretty much went back to IRL concerns before getting all deletey. I am 99.9% sure moderator deletion doesn’t effect CCP. So Sean and I didn’t decide on anything! And deleting may effect the forensic evidence. So should just ban the lot of them and be done with it.

I also had a short private conversation with someone else about the manipulation. It wasn’t particularly fruitful, unfortunately. It seems to me there are easier ways to get puttsy’s attention.

21855373? ago

So should just ban the lot of them and be done with it.

Right for Voat manipulation as a reason?

easier ways to get puttsy’s attention


heygeorge ago

easier ways to get puttsy’s attention


Easier than vote manipulation? I can think of many ways! Someone visited the ahem backend of Voat within the last day. I notice these things. ;D

21855639? ago

He’ll be checking bits again or has Atko come in the backdoor perhaps to check if putts is still alive?

heygeorge ago

I don’t believe it was Atko as there was not an emergency situation. I don’t see bit checking happening for this offense. There doesn’t appear to be DDOSing

21855700? ago

I was making a joke about the bits but even Atko admitted he hadn’t really heard much from Putts as life got busy so thought that a possibility. I hope you are right George.

Anyway my brain is fried or I would offer to help you ban those upvote farmers but too tired. Nighty night maybe tomorrow I can help just say...

heygeorge ago

Night, desh! Only 24 hours until the big day!

SeanBox ago

SCP doesn’t matter for rate limiting an account only CCP matters. Delete the comments and they lose all the effort they put in with those 40+ accounts.

heygeorge ago

I am pretty sure that’s only for self-deleting, not mod deleting.

SeanBox ago

We could test that theory I’m at 13735ccp. Delete an old comment of mine with a few upvotes and let’s see if it changes.

HateCumbuckets ago

Let me know if it works. I had the same thought, does ccp disappear when a mod deletes a comment.

GhostCow ago

Deleting doesn't even change CCP if the user does it. That was changed a long time ago to stop people from deleting comments after getting downvotes

HateCumbuckets ago

Yeah I could see this being used maliciously

BrennKommando ago

Did a little bit of the foot work already. It seems to have been a little Op aimed at flooding a bit of porn into Voat and watch the spergout from what I can tell. Look at v/pr0n and the 2 newly added mods.

Gopherurself ago

@heygeorge you goddamn child lover, I swear to God if fuckin kill you with a broken piece of glass

heygeorge ago

@Gopherurself 1 point (+2|-1) 1.1 hours ago

heygeorge you goddamn child lover, I swear to God if fuckin kill you with a broken piece of glass

I am sorry for the very real pain you must feel by being excluded from the family at Christmas. Due to the recent way you’ve been commenting, I should add that I am glad he children and their parents will feel safe away from you and suggest maybe that is a silver lining you can hope to find peace in.

ESOTERICshade ago

a silver lining

I have been looking for one of those for a long time. Can I borrow yours?

heygeorge ago

From what I’ve been reading, didn’t srayzie send you pictures of hers?

ESOTERICshade ago

Was that my silver lining? Damn.....God must be a jokester.

heygeorge ago

Isn’t that what the kids are calling it these days? I think we know that God can be a bit of a prankster.

Gopherurself ago

Hey George I would put your head in vise. I would slowly crush your skull and shit right in your mouth. To muffle your lispy screams

heygeorge ago

@Gopherurself 40 minutes ago

Hey George I would put your head in vise. I would slowly crush your skull and shit right in your mouth. To muffle your lispy screams

Dear @Nadesh, gopherman is having trouble understanding why his family doesn’t want him around for Christmas. Please join me to pray for this lost soul.

This is illegal. I have it screenshotted and am reporting it to the police. Enjoy your lawsuit

Gopherurself ago

Hey pussy I would tie you up in the top of a tree then cut it down right over a hard cement parking lot. Enjoy the embarrassing christmas this year, your family will find out about all your child porn

heygeorge ago

@Gopherurself 20 minutes ago

Hey pussy I would tie you up in the top of a tree then cut it down right over a hard cement parking lot. Enjoy the embarrassing christmas this year, your family will find out about all your child porn


Hey pussy I would tie you up in the top of a tree then cut it down right over a hard cement parking lot.

while the first threat is definitely actionable. This sounds like Home Alone 4

Gopherurself ago

No one's gonna do shit to me, go kill yourself faggot.

heygeorge ago

@ opherurself 42 minutes ago

No one's gonna do shit to me, go kill yourself faggot.

At the very least, they are not letting you around their children. We will continue to pray.

Gopherurself ago

Hey bitch! Is your asshole still sore from the shitty Christmas you just had with the family?

Jaegerjaques ago

I still don't get what that sub is. Am I too old?

Ina_Pickle ago

When the original owner first created it, the site was debating the direction we wanted to take with censorship. What should be deleted, who should be doing any deleting, what should be a banable offense, the difference between mod powers in a public versus private sub, etc.

We settled on nothing was prohibited beyond illegal content (under US law), nothing should be removed by mods beyond Asian spam, and no one should be banned from public subs for any reason. Private subs could do so, but it was frowned upon as assholish.

So soapboxbanhammer was born because this site is full of contrarian niggerfaggots. Literally the only point if the sub is to ban people.

Deceneu ago

Thanks for the background story Ina_Pickle.

Ina_Pickle ago


it's the job of old goats to share voat history and lore with new goats

OutragedForNoReason ago

It's fucking hilarious when people get pissed off at SBBH. I've seen people get their panties in a wad because they got banned. It's in the name of the sub fucking morons.

BrennKommando ago

Might be to young. We have been accused of being a retirement home for shitposters.

Feel free to stop by some day.

HateCumbuckets ago

Oh no. I got my plug in first, you stay out of this

BrennKommando ago

Alright.. We didn't really want this one anyway.

Looking at this thing now though. Two of the accounts were added to the v/pr0n modteam 18 hours ago. It really leaves just one culprit behind it then.

HateCumbuckets ago

It's a shitposting sub. We are more fun at v/SoapDoxBanhammer though. Tired of the serious side of things? We just try and make each other laugh mostly.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Awesome work!


omg what's wrong with those guys???