Mumbleberry ago

Did you think this would work better today than yesterday?

FederalShill ago

Did you think youre any less of a cumbrain today than you were yesterday?

FreeinTX ago

It is absolutely protected expression. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

FederalShill ago

How the fuck is the production distribution and consumption of porn expression. Thats the stupidest most jewish argument ever. Under your umbrella ANYTHING can be expression and thus protected. Ive decided that i cant express myself unless i can film and distribute videos of niggers raping and killing small children. Does that in anyway make it protected?

FreeinTX ago

Hey dumbass, it is perfectly legal to film niggers raping and murdering people, and it is perfectly legal to sell those videos. That shit happens daily, ya fucking idiot. Rape and murder are illegal and those that do it and are caught get charged with crimes and those films are used as evidence in many cases. If the guy making the video is an accomplice to those crimes, that video maker would be charged as well. Again, how fucking stupid are you?

tokui ago

Don't like it, dont view it. Move on.

FederalShill ago

Thats not an argument, its a command and i wont accept it. Heres a better line: Dont like, destroy it. Move on.

Dont like niggers raping white women? Dont view it. Move on

Dont like abortion? Dont get one. Move on

Dont like cannibalism? Dont eat people. Move on

I absolutely WILL NOT move on when i see something shitty you parasite infested kikelover

tokui ago

Settle down, jew.

It's free.

FederalShill ago

Again, not at all an argument. All you cumbrains are like meth addicts shreiking that someone wants to take away your drug.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Fucking children.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you get to ban it. You're just another flavor of the same bullshit thats devouring humanity. You can't even go fuck yourself properly.

I don't even watch porn. Because I don't like it. You are a drooling retard.

FederalShill ago

Just because you dont like it doesn't mean you get to ban it

If something is bad, why not ban it? Do you have the same stance on unchecked illegal immigration? How about rape? Whos the drooling fucktard now shithead?

jesuisgoy ago

Legal or not, pornography will always exist. We have to fight our inner jew by refusing degeneracy and teach our children to refuse it also.

FederalShill ago

Your lamentation is useless. Pornography is easily banned and easily suppressed. Just because you cant completely stamp it out doesnt mean you should let it flow freely. Whos fucking side are you on faggot?

jesuisgoy ago

I believe more in harsh popular punishment than state-controlled prevention.

FederalShill ago

Something is better than nothing. Thank you for not caving in to the pornshills

FreeinTX ago

Like drugs?

FederalShill ago

YES. The war on drugs being a failure is an easily debunked false narrative because (and everybody knows) the government has been the supplier for all the drugs all along.

FreeinTX ago

The war on drugs being a failure hasn't been "debunked" just because everyone knows that the government is responsible for the flood of drugs into this country. That's fucking retarded. The greatest reason the war on drugs is a failure is because the governnent is responsible for the flood of drugs into this country. The government benefits from several angles by having drugs illegal. What is almost out loud laughable is that you want this very same government to also ban porn, yet you're too fucking dense to understand that they will also be responsible for the massive flood of illegal porn into this country and will benefit in many of the exact same ways as they do for drugs. How fucking dumb are you?

Mumbleberry ago

Yeah bud. Prohibition worked out so well. So well it has been the only amendment to get rescinded.

FederalShill ago

Your argument justifies the legalization of distributing child pornography. You should pick a different angle.

Mumbleberry ago

How so? And why did you bring up CP? Is it something you think about a lot? Get help you fucking pedo slime.

FederalShill ago

Put the projector away shlomo

Talc ago

indeed, businesses don't have free speech, only humans get that.

FederalShill ago

Another one of these extremely vague non sensical statements to defend the free flow of something so worthless and stupid as porn

Talc ago

you lost dude, you're lashing out at everyone around you. I wasn't defending porn. Idiot.

FederalShill ago

You lost dude

More evidence youre just a cumbrain pornshill. I will not give up just because voat is being infested with the israeli psyop, otherwise known as "Pornography"

Talc ago

more evidence you're hard-of-thinking. You come on here pretending to attack the porn industry and end up attacking those who agree with you, and when it's pointed out you attack more. Drooling fuckwit.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

If money is free speech, porn is free speech

Talc ago

money isn't free speech. Only humans have free speech. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Money is protected under free speech

Talc ago

money is not speech.

FederalShill ago

Youre not even making any sense

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Stop pushing your bullshit morality onto others, you are no better than a left wing nutjob

FederalShill ago

Left wing nut jobs want everyone to be degenerate under the guise of morality. Its certainly not bullshit. A state that has no moral values, is that what you want? Next time an article about how mass immigration causes rape and we need to stop it shows up on the front page, i want you to leave a comment saying "stop pushing your bullshit morality on others, people can live and go where they want".

Youre a stupid fucking faggot pornshill and i hope god kills you before you draw one more breath of air away from decent people.

FreeinTX ago

Protected expression isn't required to offer anyone anything positive, moral, righteous, or good. Who the fuck do yoy think you are trying to decide for everyone else what they can and can't do with their bodies, eyes, and cameras.

Fuck off social justice warrior.

FederalShill ago

You are making zero sense bud. You started off by saying protected expression isnt required for anyones good, then go on saying that i cant decide what people do with their bodies and....cameras? I, and the general public, certainly can decide what people do with their bodies and cameras. You cant expose your naked body in public, are you going to argue for that right, at the next gay pride parade? You cant expose your naked body to children, are you going to argue for that right? I and the general public have also decided that you cant film naked children with a camera, are you going to call me a social justice warrior for holding these beliefs? What a stupid fucking thing to say you drooling cumbrain.

FreeinTX ago

It only doesn't make sense to you because you don't want it to make sense to you. The general public has no right to take away the rights of others. Rights are not a product of public approval and rights cannot be withdrawn from people if the majority of the people, or even 99.9% of the people want them taken away. That's the difference between a Republic and a Democracy, and basic civics 101. You can't tell people what they can and can't film, watch, or willingly participate in among consenting adults. Stop pretending like the courts haven't ruled on this numberous times.

The same laws that prohibit public indecency, walking around naked in public, are used to prohibit porn from being sold to children or being sold anywhere but a sexual oriented business, by a SOB license holder. And, while it is perfectly legal to film naked children, parents do it all the fucking time, its against the law to expose children to porn, nakedness, and film them in sexual conduct, because a child cannot consent to sexual situations. There do exist nudist colonies. There are clothing optional beaches. Many cities allow toplessness. Laws are made and lines are drawn to protect children from sexual situations. The very same lines that are drawn for porn. Children may not own, possess, view, or participate in porn.

Did that clear it up for you, or are you going to continue in willful ignorance to violate people's rights with the idiotic belief that once you allow the government to violate people's rights re porn, that they will begin and end with porn and not move into hate speech, and other unpopular forms, of expression?

FederalShill ago

Despite this post being days old and downvoted into oblivion, you have returned to me re-armed with an imitation of my rhetoric. Your devotion to my great personality and dedication to virtue despite having nothing to gain has not been unnoticed by me. Your reward will be but a small peice of knowledge that could very well perhaps elevate you to the plane of enlightenment from which i look down upon all of you. Leave your libertarian ways behind, embrace the path of the kshatriya.

FreeinTX ago

I'm not, and never have been a libertarian, but you sir, are an epic faggot.

FederalShill ago

Even behind your keyboard, i can hear the quiver of your voice, the redness of your face, and the soon to be tears in your eyes as you are unable to defend your position any longer. Please my child, come to the glorious land of right wing authoritarianism, leave behind your degenerate ways. There is no shame in dropping what was false and picking up what is right.

FreeinTX ago

Suck less dick you miserable grids ridden faggot.

FederalShill ago

If youre not a libertarian then why are all of your arguments exactly theirs?

FreeinTX ago

Theirs and every other reasonable thinking human being. Fuck!

FederalShill ago

It is a lack of thinking and awareness that you come to those conclusions.

FreeinTX ago

You're full of shit.

Mumbleberry ago

And a streetshitter.

FederalShill ago

I am a lil bit mo' brown than the typical voat user i will say that

FreeinTX ago

Ya, you a nigger.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Our Jew owned mainstream media is pushing to normalize the degeneracy of homosexuality, pedophilia and transsexuality as an attack against our traditional Christian values.

Jews hate Jesus so much they would crucify Him again if they could.