Fambida ago

And yet if I post porn in protest of your hamhanded silliness it absolutely would be speech. This shows that you are retarded.

FederalShill ago

Youre speaking nonsense

badboyburch ago

I appreciate your passion personally but dogmatic censorship is not the way. Expose pornography for what it is. Red pill people and let them choose.

Mumbleberry ago

I DV porn all the time, but banning? You who else likes to ban things? The democrats. Are you one?

FederalShill ago

Confirmed kike

Mumbleberry ago

Oh, you're jewish too? Happy hanneka!

FederalShill ago



newtard crying that voat should change to suit his sensibilities


FederalShill ago

Its not just my sensibility, nice talmudic skill of creating the wrong frame there kikey

TimMasson1 ago

Should sugar be banned? It's highly addictive, 100% unhealthy, causes many diseases and ruins lives.

walrusescapades ago

meth is highly addictive, very unhealthy, causes many diseases and ruins lives, should that be legal?

FederalShill ago

Youre a fucking retard

i_am_texas_charlie ago

The point is valid. No answer?

Mumbleberry ago

Yeah, but he's our retard who is making a valid point. @TimMasson1

TimMasson1 ago

I am more in support of people having self-control. Who gets to pick and choose which unhealthy things should be banned? Do we just ban everything that's unhealthy or bad for people or should we teach people to be strong and to stay away from things that are bad for them?

Mumbleberry ago

Glad to see you making sense. The real retard here is that federal (glownigger) shill guy. Dude probably has pornhub open in another tab.

TimMasson1 ago

He's entitled to his opinion. I agree with him in that porn can be very bad for people but it should not be banned simply because some people lack self-control and discipline.. that's not a good way to run a society. If we raise our children right they will stay away from crap like that and it will disappear.

FederalShill ago

Sounds like kike pilpul to me