AR47 ago

Let's just be honest. Srayzie looks like that chick in the bar that wants to appear shy and refined, but will drug you and steal a kidney. Her house would smell of cheap Walmart perfume, and cat litter.

Nothing in the fridge except condiments and TV dinners.

Gothamgirl however looks like a bartender that says she is doing it part time because she is bored, but really she is so lonely, and knows that at least one drunk guy will holster her self esteem just enough to show up again the next day.

If this is the caliber of women voat has to offer it's pretty sad.

Neither of them are attractive because of the mental instability appearing within them. A Qtard and the other an instigator for attention........

xenoPsychologist ago

women really dont belong in any sort of movement. it always turns into exactly that. backbiting each other over male attention. then they throw everyone else under the bus as soon as it presents its self as a way to release them from responsibility or repercussions for/of their actions.

Crensch ago

In this case, all that happened is a bunch of people started attacking a woman that had done nothing wrong. The only thing they found that she did wrong was own a Q sub.

In general, I think you're right. But this situation is not a good example of that.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats plausible. but man, the drama just went through the roof. its not good for the cause, man. and it coulda been avoided if there werent women in positions of influence in the sub and the situation.

i guess everyone was doing what they thought was right, even though most of them were wrong. thats the problem when we have infiltrators. we cant have the trust required to sort things out without escalation. much less, can we have effective communication.

Crensch ago

After my post on zyklon, nothing happened. None of the meta faggots that are super active did anything at all about it.

This has nothing to do with women, and everything to do with a bunch of people that are in support of a literal pedophile. Nothing was ever going to be the same after that.

ESOTERICshade ago

After my post on zyklon, nothing happened. None of the meta faggots that are super active did anything at all about it.

What exactly do you think anybody can do about one lone sperg like Zyklon? What are you expecting? What do you want out of this? Its over. Its done. The only thing left is you sperging out of your mind every day.

You seem to believe that this will come to some grand conclusion in which you and srayzie will be crowned King and Queen of Voat. That shit will never happen.

This has nothing to do with women, and everything to do with a bunch of people that are in support of a literal pedophile.

You keep saying that a million times. Yet your twisted words provide no proof. Ya got trolled. Its that simple. What is it that you want? Do you think somehow you will turn back the hands of time and people will say "by golly crensch was right, we like crensch, and srayzie did nothing wrong."

If your life is that pathetic then keep going. Otherwise keep making a complete ass of yourself and wrecking Voat. Somehow either this incident broke your sanity, or something is going on in real life that has broken you down.

Either way, you are no longer a Voat asset and only a liability. You are seriously losing your mind. I mean that.

ESOTERICshade ago

We all knew that was coming. I kept yall bumble heads from ruining v/pizzagate by mixing it with Qanon. I guess you are so butthurt over that you will never get past that either. Pizzagate survives because because I protected it. I won't do it again. If @vindicator kills v/pizzagate with Qanon then Pizzagate will just have to die. I won't save it again.

However, it does not answer the main question. What exactly do you expect to happen or gain from getting on the internet every day and screaming like a wounded bird? What do you want? What do you expect?

Whatever it is you expect to happen from all your drama, the Voat Goats have obviously given you a clear signal that it won't happen. Never. Might be time for you to grow up and move on and do something productive with your life.

Or, maybe something productive for Voat. Because, I can tell you that right now all you are doing is screaming through the kitchen breaking the houseware in a tantrum.

Crensch ago

ESOTERICshade ago

Jew is Jew.

You win!

ESOTERICshade ago

Can't answer my question can you? I didn't think so.

I will make it more simple.

What do you expect to gain from these daily tantrums? What is your idea of a successful outcome?

xenoPsychologist ago

i have no idea about all that. but people can lie on the internet. without something other than ephemeral letters on a screen to go on, like physical evidence or something, its all just talk.

the only things anyone ever post as evidence are screenshots of talk. all it proves is that theyre definitely douchebags of the absolute highest order for making the admission, whether true or not.

i often wonder if all my interactions here are just with people putting on a show for the unwitting, of whom i am just another random one. perhaps, nothing is real. no one is going to do anything. its all just empty promises, lies and jokes on a screen.

everyone is a cartoon character and clown world is here, too.

auto_turret ago


Grabs popcorn, again..

ExpertShitposter ago

@puttitout , is it ok for krenschy boi to post peoples pics like this. Is this doxxing still or not anymore? Personally i don't think its doxxing, but krenschy boi thinks it is, yet he does it?! Have a look.

Crensch ago

If he has a problem with me posting it, he has almost every one of you faggots dead to rights, including Gothamgirl.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Putt sided with Crensch publicly and called he & Srayzie "builders". You are speaking to someone who has fingers for ears. Crensch just posted a pic of Srayzie and claimed that she is hot when in reality she is a 4/10 at best. and that nose...

heygeorge ago

Putt sided with Crensch publicly and called he & Srayzie "builders"

I don’t recall crunch getting the builder nod

ExpertShitposter ago

also a race mixer, married to a mexican

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yes. He like refried vegene and saggy bob suprema. We are just peasants and Crensch and Srayzie are king & queen of Voat. We shouldn't even be allowed to utter their names unless we are bowing first. Crensch is so intelligent that us trying to understand him is like ants trying to understand black science guy. We must accept his claims and never question he for we are lowly, dumb and worthless peasant destroyers.

Srayziestittys ago

@crensch don’t be a faggot. Take your meds schizo. Seriously. Nobody’s wants to hear your pussy talk anymore. Leave voat now.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Srayzie's titties are as ugly as her Mexican/Jewish face

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I can look at the drama stuff for about 3 minutes before I start yawning.

not_saying_a_thing ago

This appears to be a real shit show I've stumbled into.

NotHereForPizza ago

>tfw you totally started it

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Crensch is only talking to whoever might read it, and that is why he uses the "appeal to authority" gambit so often. He is trying to salvage his sorry image because it is very important to him but doesn't realize it only makes him look worse. His lack of self awareness is so acute that he has no clue that we control his behavior by trolling him. Funny as hell.

"is plenty to present to the court of public opinion on it."

"nobody believes you"

"Everybody knows"

"That's what happens when you lie over and over and over again. People stop believing you."

"All they can trust"

"you showed everyone"

"Nobody genuinely thinks that"

Whats wrong baby puppy? Can't stand on your own too feet without pretending that "everybody" agrees with you?

Your mind is sick crensch. You are a sick puppy. To use your "appeal to authority" gambit...If you died in a fire NOBODY would care.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

His lack of self awareness is so acute that he has no clue that we control his behavior by trolling him. Funny as hell.


Crensch ago

From a username created specifically to attack me.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Even if that were true it wouldn't make you right. You are your own worst enemy. And to quote you, "everybody" knows it. You are insane, you really are.

Cameraman ago

What's up with the "...or is it?" part?

Crensch ago

Well, if it's doxxing, all of SBBH and gothamgirl should have been banned.

If not, well, it's not doxxing.

If I didn't mention this, SBBH would be wailing about how I'm doxxing her. Just pre-empting that because I'm sick of listening to it.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Do you s'pose someone went off of their medication?

m_1 ago

I have a link too.

HateCumbuckets ago

My fucking god. These are the two fuglies that have caused all this drama.

You all are a sad bunch.

ExpertShitposter ago

Left one is a cum bucket tho.

Crensch ago

Nobody's buying that horseshit.


HateCumbuckets ago

Eye of the beholder I guess.

Crensch ago


HateCumbuckets ago

It's not like there is a right or wrong here. I find syrazies eyes cold and cruel looking, and gg looks like a troll doll with no visible collarbone.

Personal taste mate, what I find attractive in women, you probably don't.

Crensch ago

I find syrazies eyes cold and cruel looking,

So... she looks like a bitch.

and gg looks like a troll doll with no visible collarbone.

Yeah, pretty fat and disgusting. Myspace angle on that troll, too.

HateCumbuckets ago

That's just my personal take on it yes.

Crensch ago


Keep in mind the person srayzie was taking that pic for was instrumental in her doxxing. I'm not sure my eyes would look friendly there, either.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Keep in mind the person srayzie was taking that pic for was instrumental in her doxxing.

You think if you repeat the lie that she got doxxed enough times it will magically become true? Voat is small community and the overwhelming majority of people that watched it know she doxxed herself.

A lot of people told her that the way she had her social media structured would make her easily identifiable. She didn't do anything about it because she was so enamored with her own face. That was dumb as hell.

You should blame her for being stupid instead of sitting on the internet all day twisting other people's words to fit your narrative. Makes you look like an insane person.

Crensch ago

You think if you repeat the lie that she got doxxed enough times it will magically become true? Voat is small community and the overwhelming majority of people that watched it know she doxxed herself.

No, your other paid Buddies claim that over and over again. We have users admitting to doxxing her, and the lot of you still want to push that narrative.

The rest of your comment is laughable in light of these facts.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The rest of your comment is laughable in light of these facts.

There is a lot of us laughing our ass off at you thats for sure.

Crensch ago

You mean you and the other user name specifically created to attack me? You mean the guys that aligned themselves with a literal pedophile? I'm so hurt.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You mean the guys that aligned themselves with a literal pedophile?

Don't forget you need to "prove your claims" as you always say. I don't condone Zyklon talking about kids like he did. I'm not aligned with Zyklon and disagreeing with your commie kike actions does not mean that I am.

Is acting like a freak what you have to do to keep the ball rolling? Is this the price you have to pay to keep the internet sex webcam sessions going? Doesn't that make you feel like a loser?

Every day you get on the internet you put a sign on your forehead that says "make an ass out of me." So we do.

Crensch ago

What do you call someone that creates a username to attack the guy that is attacking a pedophile?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

What do you call someone that creates a username to attack the guy that is attacking a pedophile?

There you go again. No proof. Come on now little baby puppy. At least live up to the standards you set for everybody else. Posting other people's words and twisting them to fit your narrative is not proof. Its just the act of a desperate psychotic mind. Does your mom know what you do on her internet connection? I bet she would be disgusted.

Crensch ago

As opposed to the non-stop claim after claim that you all make that isn't supported even by my own words?

Also, unlike you and your ilk, I have no reason to twist anything. The context is right there.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The context is right there.

Only in that terribly distorted mind of yours. How does srayzie feel about you keeping her name drug through the mud everyday. Isn't she getting tired of your rants by now?

Crensch ago

The context is literally right there when I respond. Every sentence is a point and I respond to it directly. I know Jews really don't like that, because they like to sneak in all kinds of fine print details, and my dissecting of their words prevents them from doing that.

Crensch ago

I wouldn't know. I haven't had contact with her since shortly after y'all ran her off the second time. What I do know is that y'all haven't let up whatsoever. You're the ones that keep bringing this narrative to the Forefront, so I'm more than happy to make you all look like the sick fucks you are.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I haven't had contact with her since shortly after y'all ran her off the second time.

You need some new jokes. Yours are stale. You will never be able to make a living as a comedian at this rate.

You're the ones that keep bringing this narrative to the Forefront, so I'm more than happy to make you all look like the sick fucks you are.

You're making somebody look like a sick fuck. Thats fo sho.

Nope. You are the one that keeps winding the clock by getting on the internet and making these nonsense threads. Every time you wind it up you get what you wanted. Trolled. You ain't real bright little feller.

Crensch ago

The company you are keeping is a bunch of leftist losers. And a lot of them are disappearing.

But I'm really glad you're around, because you're going to unwittingly help me with something.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

because you're going to unwittingly help me with something.

I'm already helping you show your ass. What else do you demand of thee Sire?

HateCumbuckets ago

Honestly I've watched it all unfold, but stayed the hell out of it. I shouldn't have even chimed in here, curiosity got me with seeing what gg looked like.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart. Its going to destroy you. Link to where someone doxxed you?

Crensch ago

GG seems pretty to me. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Maybe to a literal nigger.

You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart. Its going to destroy you.

You seem to have a lot of stupid in your brain. You'll probably live a long time thanks to warning labels.

Link to where someone doxxed you?

Yeah, not falling for that one. Every one of you knows what's been posted on me.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yeah, not falling for that one. Every one of you knows what's been posted on me.

I've not seen anything. I'll need a source before I'll believe you.

You seem to have a lot of stupid in your brain. You'll probably live a long time thanks to warning labels.

Full of evil & hate. The darkness is creeping out of you. WTF happened, my dude?


I could never take the opinion of a nigger on anything. It would be like asking a Camel for advice.

Crensch ago

I've not seen anything. I'll need a source before I'll believe you.

And what then? Do you attack those that are doxxing/trying to dox me? Nah, you continue to be on their side regardless.

Full of evil & hate. The darkness is creeping out of you. WTF happened, my dude?

7 month old account. You're nobody.

I could never take the opinion of a nigger on anything. It would be like asking a Camel for advice.

You have the tastes of a nigger. GG's face is that of a cave troll - barely looks human.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

And what then? Do you attack those that are doxxing/trying to dox me? Nah, you continue to be on their side regardless.

Nowhere did I ever stand on the side of doxxing. Again, sauce or it didn't happen.

7 month old account. You're nobody.

I don't think it wise to measure a mans worth by account age or how much money they have or do not have.

You have the tastes of a nigger. GG's face is that of a cave troll - barely looks human.

You think Srayzie is hot. I looked at her pic and vehemently disagree and can never take your opinion on women seriously ever again. Have a nice night, niggerfaggot. I'm going to bed soon.

Crensch ago

Nowhere did I ever stand on the side of doxxing. Again, sauce or it didn't happen.

So you won't attack them for it? Your username's first comment was against me during the doxxing situation 7 months ago, so it's not really a stretch to consider you one of them.

I don't think it wise to measure a mans worth by account age or how much money they have or do not have.

You're nothing but a username that is just old enough to have started its commenting attacking me while srayzie was getting doxxed.

You think Srayzie is hot. I looked at her pic and vehemently disagree and can never take your opinion on women seriously ever again. Have a nice night, niggerfaggot. I'm going to bed soon.

You're a clown. Nobody genuinely thinks that, but you're either honor-bound or shekel-bound to say so.

Since you're trying to erase your history, here are some screenshots of your first comments:

And since you deleted these comments:

... that are shown as links in that searchvoat search, it's obvious you're one of them, and you have an agenda to attack me/srayzie and defend your buddies.

Thanks for confirming that GG is hideous.

m_1 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AltOfSomeone.

Posted automatically (#80318) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AltOfSomeone)

70times7 ago

There is a solution to this.

Amicable to all parties.

You both/all leave voat.

Simple as that.

Spare us from your ridiculous daily happenings.

Helbrecht ago

I'd like to point out that I was banned from v/GA not long after I posted this comment.

Helbrecht ago


This shit quickly grew tiresome the first time around. Now we get a sequel?

For fucks sake.

Crensch ago

Posts in "shitqtardssay"


Helbrecht ago

is a qtard

And I used to think you were somewhat intelligent.

Live and learn, I guess.

Oh, and thanks for the ban, powermod. Does it make your dick move?

Crensch ago

I'm not going anywhere.

You're welcome to leave if you don't like it.

AltOfSomeone ago









Crensch ago

17 day old account.

Thanks for confirming that the ones against me need alts to consensus crack.

AltOfSomeone ago

Not an argument

Crensch ago

You're not a legitimate voice.

AltOfSomeone ago

Sorry I'm not a woman in need of defending online against menacing shitposters.

Crensch ago

You're an alt of a soyboy that needs alts to make it look like his arguments are more popular than they are.

AltOfSomeone ago

My post about your dry cock is getting good votes, and I'm not doing any manipulation of votes.

Crensch ago

I bet most of your posts get upvotes, and I bet they're totally organic, too.


AltOfSomeone ago

Some of my posts have gotten downvoted. But that's just 4D chess to make my posting history look more balanced to distract from the fact that I actually am doing Voat manipulation.

Crensch ago

17 day old account. You're irrelevant.

m_1 ago

Am not alt.

Antiracist2 ago

What a beauty.

AltOfSomeone ago

Anything with a hole is attractive to @Crensch. He probably shoves his dick into trees and suffers dick splinters.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#80319) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@AltOfSomeone: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

antiracist ago

I would motorboat her like Worf does Troi.