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Crensch ago

The most shriveled penises are registered right around where @gothamgirl's picture is shown. Also where most vomit cleanup announcements are made over the loudspeaker.

Gothamgirl ago

Boy you're broken. I love it 🤣😂👍 ❤️ keep making an ass out of yourself!

Crensch ago

Again, you're hideous. Put that mug on HotOrNot and see how you do. That poor algorithm will be working overtime to keep your score above the absolute lowest it can be. You MIGHT register above the niggers, but I'd bet most would rate you uglier than a lot of them.

AnmanIndustries ago

I remember when you used to be cool. It was for about 2 minutes and I used it to get the best recordings of saba. Thanks.

Crensch ago

I don't remember when you were cool. Your song about dial was pretty good, though.

AnmanIndustries ago

I was also implying you werent cool, as the only purpose you held was to make him say shit for my own amusement.

HoIomonic ago

Hey i stumbled upon that clip, it's fucking hilarious. Is it really dial the insufferable drunk?

AnmanIndustries ago

Even when hes not drunk, his brain is incapable of functioning in a straight line for more than 5 seconds.

HoIomonic ago

Living proof that alcohol addiction causes brain damage

AnmanIndustries ago

I think there is more than just alcohol here. It is clear social norms were not even present before any damage occurred. In the old days of the internet he would have been part of the man nerd furniture.

But after months of verbally talking to him, you know what really stood out? The number of other internet retards that WANTED to talk to him and said he was alright to be around.

Now you've tricked me into gossiping enough for now. Make sure you dont get stab-stab-stab you in the necked for internet tards.

HoIomonic ago

Wernicke Korsakoff is my guess. Yeah I've noticed him and pedo pal zyklon have a little group of fans. It's beyond me. These misfits would be social outcasts without the internet which unfortunately gives every degenerate loser a platform.

AnmanIndustries ago

The internet is a two edged sword if there ever was one.

Crensch ago

Looks like you got run off of the other site. I wonder why that is

AnmanIndustries ago

No? But even so, why would I care? I'm not an internet retard like you.

Crensch ago

Tell yourself whatever you need to: you fled boat for poal, now you're here again.

Going where the funding is, or are you an internet retard desperate for a place to internet no matter how bad it gets?

AnmanIndustries ago

Ive alwats been here and ive always hated poal because it doesnt work on my devices. Keep sucking the dicks of your assimptions retard.

Crensch ago

So you're saying Poal is a piece of shit website?

AnmanIndustries ago

Ive always said the site was shit. This site works, however, the bulk of people here are shit, and poal tends to have a better group of people. But in the end, theyre both shit, because Internet tards like you exist on both of them, so I rarely interact ln either.

Crensch ago

AnmanIndustries ago

I think you failed to understand what I was saying. Poal doesnt work on older browsers, but voat does. Voat is ONLY good for news articles, 90% of its user base is retarded. Poal is good for hanging out with people, but since I can't use the site properly, I don't know if its good for anything so I just hang out on mumble.

Your mission, whatever it is, is obviously a feverish dream you had during your lobotomy.

Crensch ago

I think you failed to understand what I was saying. But that's okay, I'll let you try and figure it out all on your own.