fightknightHERO ago

The Qtards sub should come with a warning

"severe brain damage and Jewish tricks ahead, do you want to enter the sub?"

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Memorexem ago

The poster we're speaking of? Nah, just some rando who came in from the wild and started using the site as a platform to spread his dox.

If you're talking about another one, the most recent in memory was dude faurk or something. I dunno if he's been replaced yet.

Who was pretty emotional? You or me? I admit it, I was fairly perturbed. One thing that gets my goat is when people pick and choose which rules they're going to follow/enforce, I wanna say it's Reddit tier bullshit, but sadly it goes way beyond that and I see it everyday.

That and when people are mean to animals. No reason for that.

theoldones ago

Would setting the precedent for preemptive bans have prevented the doxxing?

that would maybe done something, yes.

Are you suggesting that anything the mods of GA could do would have stopped this?

yes. they're a private sub, that can kick out whosoever they want to.

But now that Putt has neutralized the trolls those "emergency powers" in GA are still in place.

"neutralized my ass". srazyies got doxxed AGAIN afterwards, and pictures of her kids leaked, the troll gang still aims to destroy GA

RedditOMeter ago

Is anyone surprised this is coming out of the Qtard gaggle of tards? I seem to recall that /u/PuttItOut made a post shortly after they got here addressing the Qfag migration and how he thought they were pretty cool. He's been in bed with them from the beginning. In other words he's been in bed with a subversive faction since the beginning.

Memorexem ago

Since you're still picking and choosing:

It doesn't matter who the fuck they are. There's no evidence they're doing a goddamn thing, except some sperg online who posts it 'so people will kill them' and you had no fucking qualms about it. No evidence, no jury, yeah, post their names and addresses. Go for it, all on this guy's word.

But as soon as the shit you spread splatters on you, it's 'Oh no, the dox! The threats! Poor woe is me!' you hypocritical faggot.

...Nothing to do with it...

Yeah, right, that's why you're right in the middle fanning the flames as hard as you can. You surely didn't have anything to do with the situation, no sir of course not.

You're nothing but a bully with no actual ability to do anything beyond harass users to leave the site with your army of alts you've set here and cultivated for 3+ years. I realized what you were as soon as you replied to that post, and washed my hands.

If you're going to claim to protect Voat, enforce the rules squarely down the board or GTFO. You can't pick and choose your situations, or you're just an emotional bitch.

Memorexem ago

Nope, not confused at all. She may have doxxed herself, but the rules that you like to pick and choose from say keep all personal info off the site and don't spread it around. You all spread this shit as far and fast as you could, and now you're getting shit for it.

If you'd just done what you were supposed to do, and y'know, Protect Voat then you would have tried to nip all this in the bud. Just like when I went to PV because people were actively doxxing and you said fuck em, don't care.

Soo in this case, fuck you, don't care.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm starting to think that an office party orgy went down!! Brown chicken brown cow

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The taco jew banned me a while back. These fuckers are a threat to Voat.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

VOAT does with a whimper of smug arrogance and purchased deference.

It was a good site while it lasted.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I was banned for knowing Beatle. That is bullshit and I hope @crensch chokes on @puttitout’s dik.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

show me the Benjamins

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Benjamin, Benjamin, is that you Benjamin?

thewebofslime ago

I subscribe to facial recognition services for things that have nothing to do with what I post on Voat. There are many such services.

Using this service, I identified who @srayzie was when the similarly looking Helen K's pictures were posted in /v/confessions.

I was not the only one who did this because someone anonymously posted that facial recognition guessed @srayzie's age.

Mystery solved. It was not @kevdude.

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WolfFangs ago

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Memorexem ago

Meh. You've got a proven track record of not caring of people on the site were getting doxxed, I've brought it to PV myself and your basically told me you didn't care people were getting doxxed.

Now that it affects you, it's a big problem isn't it? Fuck off and take your ban.

thewebofslime ago

Those people doxxed themselves.

Memorexem ago

Whom did? Srayzie? Gotham?

IDGAF about them, my reply was pertaining to a post I made in PV... Probably 2 years ago now, about people on the site doxxing people they deemed pedos, with no evidence whatsoever mind you beyond that meth addled PG "logic" I've seen floating around there, and he stated that he did not care doxxing was being done.

Now that some form of doxxing affects him, though, it's suddenly a huge problem. Fuck him.

swinston79 ago

I'm 80% sure he is @antiracist alt @WhiteSoIMustBeRacist The shit going on the past few weeks looks a lot like the shit we talked about a few days ago.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

LOL thinki give a shit about this place? @kevdude is a faggot who thibks he is cool cuz obody is allowed to tel him what a faggot he is, thats why he hides on this site and kid himself into thinnking its all about free speech. LOL. This site is just an echochaber for disaffected angry young white boys who are less capable of doing anything about their lot in life than the niggerfaggots out in the real world actually making something of thier lives.

butyouall keepcoming here to tellurselves how the niggerfaggots are ruining urlives. lolololol

fyi i give so llittle fucks about this plave im notbothering to correct my typos

antiracist ago


@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

do any of you faggots know what this faggot is on about, because i sure as fucking don't.

@Crensch is pro child rape dolls. Unless @Crensch believes that child sex dolls can consent.

@Crensch should be catapulted into the sun to death until he dies.

Bojangles ago

What's with voattards and their tendency to believe that everyone is actually an alt of someone else?

virge ago

"She doxxed herself and you want to blame me for it."

Evidence would currently suggest this is the case.

auto_turret ago

I'm still banned from there because @srayzie banned me on an emotional whim. Check out that reason for ban..

I wasnt even involved in all the recent zyklon/srayzie drama, plus the ban happened way before the recent drama occurred. It had nothing to do with the ban I got.

I'm sure as hell glad that stupid bitch is gone.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Her & her daughter are still here. Her hubby is possibly here, too, but shego insane if I say his name.

thewebofslime ago

You mean his alias? He doesn't seem to go by his real name.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

She is not gone. That psycho has more alts than I have trees in the woods.

theoldones ago


you let srayzie get doxxed.

fuck you, you're marked in my books.

Nadeshda ago

Hold on, you be implying, kevdude held her hand and forced her to click “enter” everytime she visited a social media platform to upload her profile pics and connect her face to Srayzie? naw mate ultimately she did that herself, it’s her attitude that drove some to actually go see, who the heck is this person out of sheer curiosity.

It’s perfectly normal to want to understand what drives a person but then to going further and rub that information into the noses of others without consent is where it gets horrible and downright nasty. I don’t think I saw kevdude dox her or did I miss this. Have a link?

thewebofslime ago

@srayzie doxxed herself.

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theoldones ago

why did your website track visitor IPs?

why did you have a doxxing role from what ive heard?

followthemoney ago

Voat tracks visitor IPs. I have security logs that track breaches. Other than that, Google is what tracks you from your own device and both Google and Amazon post those stats for anyone with a subscription to peruse.

Sorry if you don't understand how the Internet works. My site has far less tracking than Voat.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Figured you would say that.

go team srayzie

virge ago


you let srayzie get doxxed.

fuck you, you're marked in my books.

How did he do that?

theoldones ago

the trolls GA banned were the same ones that harassed srayzie, and kevdude chastised GA for banning them

i wonder if we had any indication beforehand trouble might appear from that lot of trolls

thewebofslime ago

that's not doxxing, though.

theoldones ago

why did your website track visitor IPs? why did you have a doxxing role from what ive heard?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

A top level troll calling out trolls?


sguevar ago

Well I think this adds up to my post:

swinston79 ago

I have said it before and I will say it again. Him and his Jew buddies did this 2.4 years ago on /v/niggers Where were you guy at then? We asked for help with him and TOLD you they were going after Voat next. We got LOL'ed at and told to fuck off.

Dismember ago

We knew they have been on here from the start but sometimes it's best not to show your hand and really there are bigger threats to free speech on this site than a few goons.

swinston79 ago

What's bigger than Anti-white Jews?

Dismember ago

I dunno maybe someone who could afford to setup and run a company like Private Internet Access. Maybe they are one and the same and just two different heads on the same hydra or beast. At the end of the day asking "who" ends ends up being pointless so you just have to concentrating on swatting the fly thats in front of you and hoping the shit is not too close.

NotaQjackass ago

Being banned from a jackass sub forum is news? WWGWLLJ

Trousersnake1488 ago

Qtards lol

PuttsMum ago

I'm good with powermods banning powermods :p

Levantine_Leveler ago

Q predicted this.

sinclair ago

Okay, then get with willing mods, write the Moderator Code of Conduct, present it to the site owner for sign off, and see what happens. Cause at the moment, there's a stone wall. At least one side has to be attempting to make peace and set standards, so the site owner doesn't have to get dragged into meta drama. The rules will already be set objectively, and the site owner can deal with it according to the rules the mods have set up for themselves. It's self regulating. Your sense of fairness will guide you; and it would go a long way in establishing trust with users, because they would know what to expect from mods. If it's the wild west, and sub verses are cities, be a sheriff. Governors need rules to enforce, so if the sheriffs get together and make rules on how cities should objectively be run, I can't see why that wouldn't work, because mods asked those guidelines to be enforced.

sinclair ago

I'll say here, what I said to Crensch just recently, because the two of you seem to be the leaders of the factionalized mod teams.

"Maybe it's time for the Moderators to sit down at the table and write themselves out an objective Moderator Code of Conduct for this site, and abide by it. That may settle a lot of bad blood between personas. Then, maybe, instead of consuming so much time being at each other's throats, they can focus on building their respective sub-verse communities. To me, that seems like a good way to civilize Voat as a whole. Start at the top. A lot of you are either owners, or moderators on several sub-verses. Who's going to be the Moderator to offer that olive branch, and end this meta-drama that's infecting the whole site?"

Please work it out. If this is the Wild West, and we have Gangs instead of Sheriffs, who's going to trust Moderators? Make some rules for yourselves, post them for Voat to see, and abide by them. Why can't it be that simple?

Redcobra ago

It’s just really gross behaviour by those people is all

CheeseboogerHimself ago

They have always been degenerates. I wonder if she's ever been a stripper?

Redcobra ago

Ya I never really payed attention but ya degenerate although that just makes me think those acts are alts of “others”

Redcobra ago


NotHereForPizza ago

No way... Me too.

BraunF14 ago

Well you're in my boat now too, bud. Welcome to what Voat will be like if they continue to occupy the GA subs.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It isn't fair! The rest of us should be allowed to see her 44 year old gaping taco

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Welcome to what VOAT will be if @puttitout allows this to continue.

Based on recent events and actions/inactions by @puttitout I think the answer is clear.

drj2 ago

is the mod team in those subs from reddit?

sosat_menya_reddit ago


MrPim ago

I did recently see a thread claiming that. Itll take me a minute but I thinknI can find it if you want.

drj2 ago

I just assumed. If mods here act like Reddit mods they usually were Reddit mods. I don’t care that much to have you dig for it.

MrPim ago

I already found it a little bit ago.

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WhiteRonin ago

@crensch played us all! Good job @virge 👏

End of game.

drj2 ago


ExpertShitposter ago

big oof