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Crensch ago

If I had any idea who he was I would not have lifted that. FFS no one recognized the name.

Your mods knew. Apparently, you did, too.

You know you aren't a particularly good debater. You're like the neighbor dog that just keeps barking. And barking. And barking.

You know that nobody buys that, right?

"Dude you made a mistake 2 years ago. DAE PV needs to go?"

"Dude, I've been doing this so long the statute of limitations must've hit?"

I keep forgetting that you're not here in good faith. You're just here to rip it all down, right?

I am always here for Voat.

Just because I disagree with your PV principles doesn't make me some supervillain.

Crensch ago

@PeaceSeeker [O] @Dismember [O] @cynoclast [M] @Rainy-Day-Dream [M] @SandHog [M]

I don't know if you noticed, but your lead mod is being exposed as a pathological liar, and someone incapable of taking responsibility for what he has done.

Any takers?

Dismember ago

kevdude is far from perfect i know it more than anyone I guess. BUt his heart is in the right place and his ideals have helped keep this place from being reddit 2.0. Many forget the amount of mods that we helped remove here but surely you don't. Would you really wan't those mods back and do you really think that banning people like @zyklonb would stop them doing what they did?

Crensch ago

kevdude is far from perfect i know it more than anyone I guess.

I kinda doubt it. No offense or anything. I want to like the guy, but he keeps digging his heels in when he's clearly wrong, and lying/gaslighting any chance he gets.

It just keeps getting worse for him. Not because we're wrong, but because he motivates us to find the next instance of him being not only wrong, but dishonest about it.

BUt his heart is in the right place and his ideals have helped keep this place from being reddit 2.0.

I'm not so sure.

Many forget the amount of mods that we helped remove here but surely you don't.

An impressive number. And it makes me sick that I want to revisit those and see if I still agree or not.

Would you really wan't those mods back

I don't know. I'm not sure the question is valid at this point.

and do you really think that banning people like @zyklonb would stop them doing what they did?

The zyklon/srayzie thing was going to happen. It makes me chuckle at how stuck on that everyone is.

I'm not sure I care if it would stop them, so much as I care that the current PV guidelines do nothing but fetter mods that would like to keep them from shitting on the carpet. The shitposters will keep pushing the envelope and testing the lines until they can find something to whine to kevdude about.

Dismember ago

So you think the answer is to copy the unsuccessful smear campaigns by trolls of the past instead of initiating an adult conversation about those guidelines? I will tell you right now which one I think would be more successful and its not some hit piece of an OP like this. This turns me off more than anything. It's petty drama. People on Voat are not stupid. If you can convince them of your position and why you think it is a better idea than what is the current one, then they will take your side on it.

Vindicator ago

You seriously believe that the insane retaliation documented here for my legitimate criticism of Kev to Kev in a conversation about his lying and fomenting drama is "petty drama" and a "hit piece".

That is amazing.

Dismember ago

That is what it comes across as yes. I think both you and @crensch may have some valid points to make about PV policies and the way Voat as a whole handles trolls and neuters mods and I'd like to hear it and I'd also like to hear the other goats and listen to what they say about it. I don't really care for the back and forwards drama which is why I usually flair any shit like this from ANY source meta-drama.

You obviously write well, so I'm asking you if you would make something that tells me exactly what you think is wrong and how you think it might be fixed, then we can all weigh in on it.

Vindicator ago

You obviously write well, so I'm asking you if you would make something that tells me exactly what you think is wrong and how you think it might be fixed, then we can all weigh in on it.

I am willing to do that to the best of my ability, yes.

I am not sure what exactly is wrong or why, which makes it very difficult to propose solutions. I keep looking at the effects or symptoms and talking about those and getting attacked for it -- to the tune today of a full-on disinfo campaign directed against me personally, which I was then blamed for.

I'm honestly at a loss as to where to start at this point.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I am not sure what exactly is wrong or why, which makes it very difficult to propose solutions

/thread tbh

come back after you sleep on it fren

Dismember ago

I am not sure what exactly is wrong or why

That's about where I am right now. I'd love to hear what the dangers are of continuing as we are now and how that might affect Voat going forward. Up until now ignoring the retards and making sure your personal info is safe has been enough to mitigate any threat the shitposters pose. I just don't think they matter much but I'm happy to hear any thoughts otherwise.

Also if I inadvertently piled onto some sort of attack against you that wasn't my intention. I've only seen you post here today and commented on this in isolation from anything else that has been going on. I remember you from the v/pizzagate issues a year or so back and you seemed pretty fair and level-headed back then.