SearchVoatBot ago

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fuchs_davis ago

Your post is attempting to mitigate this earlier post by reaching the front page first.

YoHomie ago

So what? Isn't the message the important thing here?

virge ago

He's delusional enough to think the message is about him.

fuchs_davis ago

Yeah it is. That's why I added the context.

virge ago


fuchs_davis ago

[–] virge -2 points (+0|-2) 28 minutes ago (edited 28 minutes ago)

The difference between us is I am having a conversation with you and you are virtue signaling to an imaginary audience of none.

And you just lost your only participant in your soap box virtue signal commie cry because this is the last reply you get from me.


virge ago

For a damn week I have 2-5 downvotes on every comment I make <2 minutes in, and then a constructive analysis of the behavior and suggestion for voting transparency and.. suddenly the downvote brigades halt!


oftotc ago

I think one of the markers of a subversive on voat is removal of comment history. (Hecho infamously did that too). You re-emerged 11 days ago with cleared history on a 4 year old account and an agenda. That stinks right out of the gate.

Another marker is the insistence for more regulation, something you've been grinding at for 11 days now.

I read fuchs_davis' link and learned a term to describe something else you do: "2 truths and a lie". Eventually you'll reveal enough of your aims and goals to present to the rest of the herd, but

And the best part is I don't care at this point and think the damage is already terminal, I just wanted to see how the subverisves would react to the possibility

really shows you have no regard for voat and are here to amuse yourself with a supposed decline. Keep going, dude. I'll take notes.

virge ago

I think one of the markers of a subversive on voat is removal of comment history. (Hecho infamously did that too). You re-emerged 11 days ago with cleared history on a 4 year old account and an agenda. That stinks right out of the gate.

You're entitled to your opinion but privacy is a right, I can delete my post history any time I want for any reason I wish and it's none of your business, and there are still copies of literally my entire post history archive dating back 4 years if a person wants to not be lazy and use them. All of these things make this argument nothing more than emotional bias, and I simply don't give a shit about your feelings.

Another marker is the insistence for more regulation, something you've been grinding at for 11 days now.

Accusation with no evidence. Kindly illuminate me as to what "regulation" you are referring to.

really shows you have no regard for voat and are here to amuse yourself with a supposed decline. Keep going, dude. I'll take notes.

You may need to look around closely. The parasites won. Voat is spiraling into it's end-state. You're kidding yourself if you think the community is going to grow anytime soon, and you only have yourself to blame for allowing that to happen.

I don't care what you think when you've presented such a biased viewpoint where the only outcome is further destruction to Voat. It just makes you an ally to the subversive element, which means you are my enemy. I don't care what my enemy thinks, because he is my enemy. So go fuck yourself.

MrPim ago

privacy is a right,

Yet you want to remove the privacy of votes. Youre a hypoocrite and a complete bag of shit. Kill yourself.

virge ago

Yet you want to remove the privacy of votes. Youre a hypoocrite and a complete bag of shit. Kill yourself.

You're already on my list of subversive accounts so I'm not going to respond to your lies and simply point out deleting my post history and the ability to see how I upvote and downvote other peoples non-deleted posts have nothing to do with each-other.

You routinely follow me around, downvote brigade, and lie/manipulate. This is just another example of that. I will not be engaging you, your tactics are obvious to anyone. The hypocrite is obvious here - voting transparency and post history have no correlation whatsoever.

MrPim ago

I dont follow you around you cunt. I read threads that cross my feed and there you are spouting bullshit. And no one gives a single fuck about your faggy list.

virge ago

Coming from a pure autistic leftist faggot like you, thanks for the compliment.

MrPim ago

Your subversion of voat has failed. Like the rest of your life.

virge ago

It's extremely satisfying to fail at something that was not my objective.

In non-Jew, we call that winning.

MrPim ago

The only jew here is you. Thanks for playing but you receive no consolation prize.

virge ago

I'm on Putt's side. You're not. It's really that simple. That means you're a fucking Jew.

MrPim ago

lol. Im on the side of a healthy Voat. You are not. Putt isnt capable of running this place and doesnt know what is good for Voat. He cant even make a decision and stick with it. He may be able to code but running Voat is beyond him. You are here to ruin voat and turn it into another reddit. You are the subversive.

The only jew here is you. You are a liar and a hypocrite and you block because youre a faggot.

virge ago

If you think you could run the place better than Putt then we're enemies. Period.

Go make your own Voat, faggot - the code base is available to the public. That way you can be a cancer there, you've already killed this one so you'll just kill that one too.

MrPim ago

You make lists of enemies. You hide your past. You call for open borders for voat. The only cancer here is you. The only one trying to destroy voat is you. Unlike you I believe Putt can probably handle some criticism. Wipe your chin.

virge ago

You make lists of enemies.

No. I make a list of those who are the enemy of Putt, and thus Voat. You are one.

You call for open borders for voat.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. Voat is not a country.

The only one trying to destroy voat is you.

By.. doing what, exactly?

Unlike you I believe Putt can probably handle some criticism.

Oh. I'm all for criticism.

You cannot have a legitimate conversation or take criticisim from your enemy, because your enemy is only looking to destroy you. You are my enemy, so it is my duty to disregard your criticism. I only care about criticism from people I can actually have a conversation with. You cannot have a conversation with your enemy.

Wipe your chin.

You contextualize far too much, it's quite faggy.

MrPim ago

Ill have to add illiterate and retarded to my list of descriptors of you I guess.

oftotc ago

I don't care what my enemy thinks

Yes you do. And to defeat him, you MUST care what he thinks - that's the warzone you're operating in: the human mind. The more you talk, the more I learn. Keep going, dude :-)

virge ago

Yes you do. And to defeat him, you MUST care what he thinks - that's the warzone you're operating in: the human mind.

Ok. This absolute can be applied to various things, but not this situation. I'm not here to change anyones opinion, or change anyones mind. I've made my own conclusions and no longer see a viable positive path for the platform. I think general user apathy and administrative negligence are the root causes of that current end-state.

The more you talk, the more I learn. Keep going, dude :-)

Ask whatever you want. You'll find I know very little.

oftotc ago

I'm not here to change anyones opinion, or change anyones mind.

Why then did you go out of your way to confront crensch? Were you not trying to change folks' minds about him? These are rhetorical of course because I don't expect honesty from you, but goats should be asking themselves questions like this when they run across your posts and comments.

virge ago

Why then did you go out of your way to confront crensch? Were you not trying to change folks' minds about him?

I think you have me confused with someone else. I don't even remember interacting with @Crensch, outside the time WhiteRonin accused me of being him for days. I've pinged him so he can correct me if I'm wrong.

These are rhetorical of course because I don't expect honesty from you

Yeah.. well, if you think I'm someone else then this statement makes sense, because otherwise I don't know what I did to cause you to hold this opinion. Maybe you can illuminate me, here.

but goats should be asking themselves questions like this when they run across your posts and comments.

If Goats asked themselves these questions when they ran across all posts and comments, then the community wouldn't be in a free-fall spiral towards closing down.

I'm now extremely suspicious of your intentions as you've established baselines which are simply not true, and I'm at a loss to understand what motivation you would have outside confusion (on either your part or mine, obviously), or intentional subversion.