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fuchs_davis ago

@PuttItOut, do my ccp downvotes earned on his most recent deleted submission also get subtracted?

virge ago

All the points are made up, and the votes don't matter. -Drew Carey Show

fuchs_davis ago

Then why delete if not to mitigate these things that supposedly don't matter?

Besides avoiding accountability for your own words, of course. Because that's another thing that matters to mitigate.

You are trying to manufacture an outrage based split in the userbase. And I am trying to mitigate that by enumerating your tactics.

virge ago

Then why delete if not to mitigate these things that supposedly don't matter? Besides avoiding accountability for your own words, of course. Because that's another thing that matters to mitigate. You are trying to manufacture an outrage based split in the userbase. And I am trying to mitigate that by enumerating your tactics.

This is an example of this jew using strategy #2 here:

fuchs_davis ago

Locks only slow someone down. We still employ them to mitigate burglaries.

If someone really wants to use searchvote, and knows what to dig for, yeah, that's like picking the lock. But anybody just being a regular user of this website, unengaged in this stupid manufactured wedge issue, he or she won't bother.

You are transparent.

virge ago

Your very style of manipulation (shared among many accounts, amusingly enough) relies specifically on the observer believing what you say without question. It's why you're forced to rely so heavily on personal attacks to sway the uninformed listener.

It's subversion. You're against Putt and thus an enemy of Voat and Free Speech. An enemy of Free Speech is an enemy of mine, so here we are.

The difference is I delete my post history, so I do not care what the outside observer thinks of the conversation, I only care about what you and I are saying which makes it extremely easy to identify when you are being evasive and employing jew persuasion, dismissal, and distraction techniques.

Put simply, I am talking to you and you are talking to an audience, which makes it easy to identify when you endlessly repeat debunked lies.

fuchs_davis ago

You absolutely care what the audience thinks. That's why you project your own failings onto your enemies like you're doing right now.

We are both talking to the audience. The difference is I do it openly and you do it like an incel in a dress (ie deceptively).

You absolutely care what the outside observer thinks of the conversation. You care about the contemporary observer. You don't care about the future reader, going over this some time removed from now. But your deletions influence the reader today or tomorrow.

Put simply, you are either overly emotional and not thinking straight, or acting like that on purpose. And suspect someone will come along and "negate" your emotional argumentation, and smuggle in whatever subversive meme you really want spreading here.

virge ago

You are against Putt, against Free Speech, and thus my enemy.

We really have little else to discuss.

fuchs_davis ago

My comment history speaks for itself. I support free speech, Putt, Atko, and this, their project. Which is why I support private votes and why I don't delete my comments.

We can disagree without me being your enemy. Unless you really are a wolf in goat's wool.

virge ago

I support free speech, Putt, Atko, and this, their project.

If that is the case than accept my apologies and all is immediately forgiven, because we are in a fucking war and find ourselves on the same side of the crossfire.

fuchs_davis ago

accept my apologies and all is immediately forgiven

No thanks. Not a fair exchange. I'll accept your apologies, unconditionally, however.

virge ago

You'll get over it in time.