I just thought we would make an interesting "head count".
Zyklon has been sperging out with pings and threats against kids. Everyone called him out on his shit. However, anyone can block him.
Crensch has engaged in reddit style moderation with pre-emptive bans based on association. No one can stop his bans.
Not gonna make a page worth of drama links, you can see accusations and drama regarding both in posts made to this sub in the past days.
Most people agree that both of them are wrong, but who is a bigger threat to voat? Who is more likely to turn this website into something not worth visiting in some near or far future. Weather its because zyklon behavior becomes accepted as normal, so him and others make it to "toxic" for serious political and otherwise discussion. Or crensch heavy handed banning behavior makes it normal for everyone to ban anyone in defense against "shills". Keep in mind, when 2020 comes around, r/the_donald will probably finally get banned from reddit for real this time, and we will potentially become minorities compared to fresh reddit refugees. And this time they won't have a home to run back to, and won't be BTFO'd as easily as last time.
If one of them HAD to be banned of the website, and you HAD to chose which one, who would you pick?
Note the wording there. Its not about weather anyone SHOULD be banned, but a question of making a better choice if one HAD to be gotten rid of, by fucking magic if you will, and you had no say in it. Just a choice between the two. Basically, who is the more dangerous goat? Have a vote in the poll:
Edit: some of you lack reading comprehension and imagination. Re-read the last paragraph 10 times. Then have a mix of vodka and red bull, then read 10 more times, before you comment. maybe that way we can avoid the "why are you calling for bans" conversations.
mimes4peace ago
thispersonknows 002
mimes4peace ago
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heygeorge ago
He’s a tendies chomping neet
thelma ago
Wrong on both counts.
@crensch and @Zyklon_b are both fine.
Got nothing against any goat really. I did choose one at random an attack the voodoo doll I made of the goat.
That goat is likely wondering why his urine burns all the time. LOLOLOL - I'm evil
mimes4peace ago
And they thought it was just UTIs
zyklon_b ago
we cool and saf3
thelma ago
I don't hold grudges. I just figure that the subject matter is near and dear to the person if there is a disagreement.
zyklon_b ago
nope not here just laughs for me and my army
THOTshot ago
Just threw up in my mouth
Voat is my canvas.
Landwhaleonline ago
Offending people is fun. If these weak-minded people weren't around, it wouldn't be as fun.
Goys-R-Us ago
Cut the baby in half and ban both.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
theoldones ago
what even the fuck are you on about now, woman?
AndrewBlazeIt ago
Well z_b doesn't go on faggy ban sprees, so..
zyklon_b ago
cause i aint gay
THOTshot ago
Not always at least
theoldones ago
you don't deserve dick.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
After I voted my pee started burning wtf
zyklon_b ago
THANKS 1990...
theoldones ago
fuck off and take pills you piece of shit
sguevar ago
To me the biggest threat to Voat is users falling into convenience to compromise their Freedom of Speech by trying to censor someone they don't like for alleged actions.
Basically applying the same programmed behavior they got from the MSM by following a guilty until proving innocent doctrine that instead of cleaning the house renders it's population more easily corrupted.
@Crensch broke as simple as that. He broke his own principles and his own ideals to apply a ban hammer out of convenience. @Zyklon_B is a faggot and couldn't care what happens to him IRL. But I am not about to compromise Voat's main core principle just because people can't understand the limitations that we have here when talking about banning him.
And when they are unable to argue that they result into tantrums, ad hominems, virtue signalling and character assassination to put themselves above those of us that defend still the principle of Freedom of Speech.
I hope Crensch can comeback. I hope that Zyklon gets all the flairs from the population here at Voat to show he is not a trust worthy user and people should restraint of engaging with him. But I am not about applying a ban on them both even if I could because right now one is just using a way to vent his frustration and the other hasn't broke any global rules.
The situation is too complexe to just look at it from a black and white point of view, but to me the greatest danger to Voat right now is that, the users compromising due to convenience and then engaging in an internal thought war that takes our focus of the important things, like how to avoid the shit show from happening again.
ExpertShitposter ago
european ago
Let them both stay. Any of that behaviour in excess is toxic but moderately applied is ok. If this site grows it will become impossible to manage using the original ideals of voat. All successsful internet communities start as places with lots of free speech with anything tolerated but this becones unmaintainable as trolls, corporate shills and shitposters have a bigger audience so the incentives increase £€¥$, leading to necessary admin and moderator interventions. That's why we cannot have nice things.
ExpertShitposter ago
That's a bad answer because the premise is not "should you ban them", but who you would IF YOU HAD TO".
Dismember ago
People forget but Voat is actually following the trajectory of Reddit almost like clockwork. The sponsors come in and although they have no demands initially, things eventually change. I'm sure we've all seen the PIA ads by now.
heygeorge ago
Some fag will attempt to damage the place or PIA enough that even they don’t want to be associated. Either way, I think it’s only fair that @PuttItOut drop in the old Voater ads at least every now and again. Because we miss them.
Dismember ago
Well of course they will and in the meantime they will direct their goons to continue to shit the place up. The best thing we can do is try to calm everyone down and pull everyone back together. Sure, some of us have different ideals as far as modding(and other things) goes but that is semantics compared to all of us having nowhere to go.
ExpertShitposter ago
He should lower the price to 5$ so i can use them to shitpost.
GreenSlug ago
Crensch and his fag squad harrassed my first comment and i received, and still do often, mystery downvotes immediately following on absolutely everything. Crensch will regularly post comment after comment after comment after comment after comment to himself pinging his fag squad, with each comment getting dozens of upvotes.
He is a brigadier and a vote farmer and brings nothing of value to voat, just harrassment of new users and manipulation.
Zyklon has never interacted with me, and has been absolutely correct everytime i saw a post of theirs durring all the drama. As far as i can tell, zyklon is just another user that doesnt suck dicks.
Crensch is a poweruser with cabal of dicksuckers that defend his bullshit
mimes4peace ago
thispersonknows 003
zyklon_b ago
JeffreyMcMillinface ago
I downvoted you because I get a faggot vibe from you.
Broc_Lia ago
Option 3: Who cares? Neither of them are a threat.
european ago
They are not the same actor?
ExpertShitposter ago
mimes4peace ago
Is that a fact?
C_Corax ago
There are way to many people way to busy trying to controlling the narrative on Voat. As long as that is, I will support anyone that refuses to be controlled. Besides, if things were really so good how come they break so easily?
AR47 ago
Why not ban the people feeding into this like you?
Seriously it’s because of people such as yourself that make this a never ending cycle of endless drama. Isn’t it easier to just wash your hands of it and call it a day?
Community is fractured and we have a large majority that refuse to go outside of their bubble. They will stay in great awakening because they want to be part of something they are invested in, and now they are only here for that place. Fuck the rest of the site.
Just my two cents.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
higher ups taking sides with controversial assholes is what fractured it, IMO. Maybe I misunderstood iit but it seems that anyone outside of Q traffic is now viewed as dead weight.
ExpertShitposter ago
I'm discussing this, because there has been lots of people throwing around suggestions of bans and mass downvoting. I'm speaking for what i believe in. And that is always in the direction of not banning.
Its always been like that with leftist faggot redditors. Starting with FPH, who always and still do yell "racist" at anyone who says naught words. Now, its the "right wingers" of the donald, pizza gate and q, who cry when you name the jew.
AR47 ago
Hahaha never stop being anything more that what others expect.
heygeorge ago
If the pedes come, who would Voat prefer? I have to think of Voat in general. Prefer is a strong word. Separating the users from their actions? Ok. It depends where you are.
Instead of spouting less cryptic bullshit, I’m gonna tell a story about @Crensch. This is true, and maybe it’s two years old and at minimum a year and a half. We were (and Voat was) talking about how we can’t get any investors, hard to even accept donations, etc. basically because of zero-moderation. One of the considered ideas was to essentially lose the default subs, frankly the majority of subs, to freezepeach. And to take RR, the JQ, and other vulgarities (considered hate by a vast number of world citizens) to a backwater section of the site, maybe a trueNews truePolitics, etc. Label it all NSFW. The thinking was that it would be better to have a section of a site dedicated to the free exchange of ideas rather than no site at all.
So anyone saying that Crensch is a ‘new user’ or ‘snapped’ or blah blah is probably guilty of viewing people in 2D.
Easier? Sure. Better? No. That would be a waste of time.
It would be easier to migrate elsewhere and let the remaining Voaters figure it out themselves.
You sound a bit whingey and dramatic here, mein fren
PS @expertshitposter I am pretty sure I didn’t answer the question.
ExpertShitposter ago
What a shit idea with no foresight that was. It would take an army of moderators, reddit style, to actually police all of that. You cant write laws unless you have the force to uphold them. And when you have that, suddenly there is.....human bias. Which one of these pairs is worthy of a ban in crenches vanilla v/whatever.
basketball American
Did you know that i was once permabanned form an entire forum due to a "0 tolerance for homophobia", because i made a comment on a trailer with effeminate actors that read "haha, fegs" ?
For every single political post, you would have 3 protect voat posts about someones comment being deleted by crensch-like mods.
AR47 ago
You didn’t give the option I suggested.
Just saying
ExpertShitposter ago
Its a shit option. Besides, i made is super simple, and even so people have a hard time reading and understanding it. If i added option 3, the thread would fail. See the eddit i made in the OP.
AR47 ago
Yes you write your version of the nigger-nomicon
AR47 ago
Ignoring all this is indeed the best thing.
The consistent bitching, polls, concern fagging, and just generalized horse shit is what keeps this alive.
I get that perhaps you and many others here have zero concern for anything but your own amusement, but you do realize that you are alienating a portion of the user base with this right?
Does that not concern you?
The growth of this site needs to be continuous for it to be viable. This drama while it may increase the page views for its short duration won’t last much longer.
That is until you help fuel another dumpster fire.
By the way you are completely wrong. While I may not be as active here as I used to be I stil give a fuck, and that is only because I have invested quite a long time within it. That is the difference here.
I don’t just see this as a place to vomit word salad for a few kicks. I see it as a possibility to be something that is better than the others like it or at least what it was meant to be when atko made forbidme.
I get that a large majority here won’t know what I am talking about and you will undoubtedly get most the exposure and praise for what you said, but just because your small bit of aquatinted fellows here agree doesn’t mean your right.
I know that you will get your way, and that is because I refuse to actively participate within the flame war between people here. It’s pointless in the grand scheme of things. All sites like this eventually fail. They just do, and it will happen.
In the meantime I will instead find a place that I don’t always have to view such utter hatred and self loathing as I do here. Doesn’t mean I won’t come back to help me realize that no matter how shitty I think my circumstances are......at least I am not like some of those within this place.
european ago
Continuous growth mindset is the factor that will ensure voat changing and likely not really in a way most here now would like
mimes4peace ago
heygeorge ago
If we don’t have a discussion about the mess, we waste the opportunity to grow. Obviously I like this place, and I don’t think it’s wrong for the site to also be amusing.
As for getting my way, and looking for lauds, I don’t know how to meaningfully address that because it’s so far off the mark I cbf’d right now.
AR47 ago
Ok you want to grow?
Analysis of each persons typing structure within the raw format that voat provides would give you a general idea of how much this is controlled opposition.
I did it with sanegoatiswear and showed how it was 5 people using that account 3 years ago. You however don’t want to grow, no you want drama to feed this fucked up parade of bullshit.
That is all the entire fucking crew wants.
heygeorge ago
I definitely want to see that.
AR47 ago
Was on my old account that I scrubbed the history.
However I did do it, and what I did was account for spacing between characters, the page breaks and lines to separate each body of text.
Here is what you should think of. People are lazy and creatures of habit. That means they have a notepad document with what they will say so all that is needed is to copy and paste.
Also means that usually (for each shift of sanegoatiswear it was) they typed their own opinion out within the document.
What is to say that they don’t do the same with multiple accounts? I am betting they do because of how quickly responses are. It is a tiresome endeavor, but it does work. Same with language useage that is region specific.
Sometimes sanegoatiswear would spell “colur” or “tyre” within texts before and edit was done.
I called him on that multiple times which is why there were always edits on the fuckers comments.
Another thing you can do is view page visit counters on the side of each submission to gauge the authenticity of the user. A good upvote count for any post within voat is maybe 300 with say 1700 visited.
Check for abnormally high counts to ratio.
This place is more controlled than you would think once you actually start looking into this shit.
mimes4peace ago
thispersonknows 001
AR47 ago
You are just obsessed with my participation within all this drama aren’t you?
Do you think it is a valuable use of my time? Of yours?
mimes4peace ago
Just taking notes. Honestly. Im learning. Putting my finger on the pulse. I am agreeing with you if it helps.
AR47 ago
If indeed you do agree make a comment off those other people in your own words.
I can assure you this site doesn’t want honesty or morals. They want confirmation upon what they think is their ideas of reality.
mimes4peace ago
Massaging the confirmation bias. Yes. They want influencers tho. Problem with normal people is they dont want to be influencers. Guess which type of people do?
AR47 ago
Those that urge sedition
ExpertShitposter ago
Perhaps i am talking in a more broad sense, beyond the sryz event. More like zyklon-ish people vs crensch-ish people. We have had examples of both in the past. Sanegoat as an example of zyklon, and henrycorp as an example of crensch, just with leftist ideals instead of "right wing" ones.
heygeorge ago
I’d take insanegoat’s reeeeeeeee over henrycorp’s smug silent deletions. And I was a target. Tho it was definitely a bumout to see some good people leave and not come back.
zyklon_b ago
THOTshot ago
I am artisstee
Hey_Sunshine ago
What does zyklon bring to voat?
ExpertShitposter ago
Hey_Sunshine ago
What does voat lose by banning zyklon?
What does voat lose by banning crensh?
I don't see a point in banning either user but if one had to go... A single tear would roll down my cheek as I played the world's smallest violin while I waited for zyklon to make an alt account to continue with his bullshit.
The only folks who want to see people banned are the those would see this site become reddit2.0
Is that what you want?
mimes4peace ago
How does one detect a shill with certainty without admin privileges?
Hey_Sunshine ago
It's the little lies we weave that add up to larger lies that get one caught. They're not sending their best. Most shills are low IQ subhumans, anyway.
mimes4peace ago
Minimum wage to be expected. But doesnt everyone lie on the Internet? How can you know the difference between a rabid Q supporter and a rabid Q hater who is wiling to make multiple accounts just to make their point? Is that any different from a shill?
Hey_Sunshine ago
By paying attention, most shills out themselves if given enough time.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
Crensch Detect shills?? Are you kidding right now? You must be new here
Hey_Sunshine ago
zyklon_b ago
hahha. lol
ExpertShitposter ago
He made a 6 000 000 page essay on how voats gardener, @middle_path, who barely spends any time in political sub-verses, is a MEGA JEW, based on his centrist opinions. Now he hangs out with a group of people who say "Israel is our greatest ally, they want you devided by race! dont let them!"
The premise is that this is a magical permaban.
Let me direct you to crensches work in GA banned users, and deleted posts pages then.
I clearly outlined that this is not a "should we ban people" post, but a "who is worse post".
heygeorge ago
Methinks Crensch yet does have some shitposter blood in him!
Hey_Sunshine ago
Yeah, I said it. Crensch helps keep order when he points users begging for upvoats.
How about when he notices innocuous happenings like thisPNG?
That's just a cursory search.
Let's do the same for zyklon and see if we can find anything of value with his posts, shall we?
What a great guyPNG! Surely brings many conversations to the v/dinnertable.
I'm phone posting right now so you'll have to forgive me for not writing up a full length paper as to why banning people is some reddit tier bullshit.
Just know that you're a faggot of the lowest calibur and your drama post belittles your reputation.
Not that it mattersJPG
ExpertShitposter ago
So then crensch is more dangerous?
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums comment by @Crensch.
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Hey_Sunshine ago
Yes, cause crensch has admin powers now and can ban niggers with impunity.
ExpertShitposter ago
I'd say the power flex he does in GA, and his call for mass downvote against zyklon, is indicative of what he would do if he did have putt's power.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
He will attack anyone who exposes zionism or anyone who will not align with a zionist political movement..
Hey_Sunshine ago
You can be ass mad about it all you like, won't change the fact that crensch isn't the admin.
What's it matter to you how he moderates his subs?
ExpertShitposter ago
Well, yes, it does. Nobody was ever admin. All ban related discussion that we ever had in PV were related to moderation in private subs.
Second, he does not ban in accordance with his own stated rules.
Third, i'd question the validity of the claim that its "his sub". It consists of a large audience. Does the majority of that audience agree with his moderation? The sub was grown under Sryzi, under a certain behavior. Than that behavior suddenly changed, and then the sub was handed over to crensch, by her. And now he acts even more different. Is it really his to play with?
Hey_Sunshine ago
I'm having a think here, a big thinkPNG
Could it be that maybe the concern trolls and thinly veiled threats might've ran srayzie off?
I dunno Scooby... It's almost like there's a motive behind all this concern trolling.
Rotteuxx ago
What about the old way of thinking that if an [o] wasn't the sub creator than he wasn't really its owner, just its curator and therefore had to publicly poll the subs community about any changes ?
That he couldn't unilaterally decide on things that impacted the sub ?
ExpertShitposter ago
You are weird.
Hey_Sunshine ago
european ago
If you want voat to not become reddit it has to stay small.
Hey_Sunshine ago
Nonsense all we need do is allow folks to have their say and not break the rules.
european ago
What are the rules?
Hey_Sunshine ago
european ago
Have the rules changed ever?
Glory_Beckons ago