AR47 ago

Don’t you lie and say you don’t enjoy it.

Nosferatjew ago

Nailed it.

Octocopter ago

The line was crossed and they are going to keep pushing it until either action is taken against Voat or Voat is forced to take action against the clearly malicious accounts.

So what do you think or want to happen first? LEA get a reason to visit Voat's servers and have their way with it, or have Voat step in on the malicious accounts that crossed clear lines? At what point are you no longer willing to protect children?

AR47 ago

Na this ain’t my fight this time. I did my part before and he disappeared for over a month before he came back with that all is satire bullshit.

This site is in the shitter as far as coonmunity goes.

Besides I always enjoyed watching everyone shit on you.

AR47 ago

Would be very interested to investigate possible pedos. Just saying.

Octocopter ago

More deflection, I should not have even bothered with you.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Why have the owners of this site (whoever they are) allowed a little clique of addicts and criminals to destroy this platform?

Glory_Beckons ago

I was really shocked by @puttitout's reversal on this.

Not the manipulation bans; that made sense or could be appreciated at least. They were messy and had false positives. But lumping in the dox bans and undoing them at the same time? And not even mentioning it in the sticky? He addressed every other piece of drama going on with a little heading and a blurb.

But not a word on the doxxers. Not why he unbanned them. Not even acknowledging that he did. I didn't find out until I scrolled down to see trigglypuff being welcomed back by @peaceseeker. What a surreal moment that was.

And not a peep from him since. The Wild West announcement, and then silence.

Doing what he did like that, undoing the bans, not mentioning it, no indication of clearer dox rules coming, declaring us the Wild West... It sent a very clear message to the perpetrators: You are free to do as you please, with @puttitout's blessing and apologies for interfering!

I immediately told him what would happen next, in private. No response, so I said as much in public. Only for @peaceseeker to insist: "You're wrong in your judgment that the ban reversals were signs of toleration of misbehaviour."

Well, here we are.

And, still, not a word from @puttitout. Still, nothing but silence. Still, the likes of @peaceseeker and @sguevar, self-professed do-gooder Christian, will write paragraphs upon paragraphs bending over backwards to find excuses and loopholes to justify doing nothing about the above behavior (but insisting they're totally not defending it) while simultaneously condemning people like @crench, for having the audacity to fight back.

Where are their long paragraphs condemning the direct and credible threats of violence against users and their children? Nowhere to be found. Too busy finding ways to rationalize doing nothing in the face of evil, and condemning those who won't submit.

Where have we seen this pattern before?

Same old jealous cowards that have ruined everything throughout history. Hiding behind rules they're always willing to bend for the wicked, afraid to ever make a judgment call themselves, furiously envying those who have the fortitude to take a stand and the conviction to make those calls and own them.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Agree 100 Percent

sguevar ago

So you decided to dodge the request I made to you here:

Let's do one thing, please go ahead and report User zyklon B to the Authorities with all that you have from Voat. Go ahead and place the report and then tell me what comes out of it?

Please do it and take a screencap of the report also without doxxing yourself of course and then please make a post with an update to let us know what happened in the end.

I will be more than happy to wait for your update.

Why don't you go ahead and consult with a criminal lawyer while you are at it. Let me know what happens also. Because if you don't do that, according to your stupid logic, that also makes you an accomplice and hence that also makes you a vermin and scum.

Let's see if you are not full of shit.

And continue with your moral indignation without any real knowledge of what was at risk. Your pride doesn't let you see that the ban on Trigglypuff was unjust and that there wasn't any justification to uphold it. And since you want to continue on your virtue signalling campaign you still haven't really done nothing. You never engaged the users that we did and condemning their behavior you stayed in the shadows and now you come here and tell us that we did and are doing nothing?

How big of you to show much full of shit you are but well I guess we will have to leave you be wont we? Because you are entitled to have your opinion for as foolish it can be.

Well done, you've shown your true colors.

Glory_Beckons ago

"You won't play along with my absurd and arbitrary demands, therefore you're full of shit. Hah!"

I've no intention of playing your games or engaging further with you. I've said all I need to say to you. And clearly I've struck a nerve, based on your hysterical response.

Burn in hell. You certainly deserve it.

sguevar ago

Sure son whatever makes you feel better.

Cynabuns ago

I am a Builder and so are you

SandHog ago

Good question. I think maybe he thought they were his friends.

Octocopter ago

In Voat's rules the line was crossed.

User agreement Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people. Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

In USA law which Voat is under a line was crossed. - The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Ohio. The court ruled that incitement of events in the indefinite future was protected, but encouragement of "imminent" illegal acts was not protected. This "view reflects longstanding law and is shared by the Federalist Society, the ACLU, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and the vast majority of Americans, including most staunch free-speech advocates."

Finally Puttitout confirming Voat has in the past been contacted about 'threats' - Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action.

There is ZERO defense for this type of action, even more so when the target is children. There is no legal or moral justification anyone can pull out of their ass to deflect or protect anyone involved in these actions.

The line was crossed and they are going to keep pushing it until either action is taken against Voat or Voat is forced to take action against the clearly malicious accounts.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Hear hear!

Octocopter ago

Anyone calling for violence against children in in the wrong. I dont give a single flying fuck which side anyone is on.

Also ENOUGH of the faggotry bullshit saying "hypothetical, just trolling, LUL Dude Bro, and anything else along those lines" It is not a defense of the actions its a pathetic attempt at deflecting from serious offenses and people pushing it will not have their opinions valued by me.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm confused as to why the site owners have allowed it to continue for so long. I don't know if you have vicarious liability in US but where I am, the site owners would have alot to answer for in that respect.

Octocopter ago

I see it as threats from the bad actors, Putt had to toe the fine line between being as legal as possible while bowing to their demands under the threat of them shitting up and attacking both the site and the community. Just look at the shit storm when he tried to clean up some of the mess.

He just needs to put his foot down and remove those acting in clearly illegally malicious ways.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes but he's clearly not going to. It's past the 11th hour. This place is finished, such a shame.

JackHoff ago

Well said

JackHoff ago

This should be reported to LE and it should be taken seriously.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Agreed 100%

zyklon_b ago

@d0c5 look at this psychological type threat to intimindate admins??


Who are you


That's not what I was asking knumbnuts

Glory_Beckons ago

Ask stupid questions, ...


So do you know who this cunt is who's trying to tell voat what to do?

Glory_Beckons ago

Well, he appears to be a guy. With an opinion. That he voiced. As we all do.

That opinion either has merit, or it doesn't. Which each one of us will have to decide for ourselves.

If we wish, we can even exchange our thoughts on the subject. To test the merit of our opinion on the matter against those of others.


User history and familiarity with the site is normally irrelevant when expressing an opinion, but it isnt when in a meta thread. If they don't know voat then they don't know how to make it better.

Glory_Beckons ago

Then it should be easy to debunk their opinion.


Yeah no shit, that's the point that I've been making. Their opinion that voat is going to ruin itself by not getting rid of "scorpions" is worthless because they do not know voat.

T1tus ago

Be more specific then


Why are you so easily confused?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Care to add literally any detail?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So is zyklon a scorpion or what?

SandHog ago

I think most definitely and he isn't the only one. I do not believe srayzie and shizy were the same person at all. Isn't it interesting that the people being targeted are the ones modding pizzagate and the Q sub? Also Crensch because he defends both of those. This is totally not organized That whole thread is pilpul and no evidence of what actually happened until I linked to the previous threads so people could see the truth. Also have you noticed who keeps piling into the conversations and amplifying what zyklon pushes? The obvious alt accounts that participate.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah. Zyklon is crying hard. I blocked him on soapdox because he's useless at this point.

SandHog ago

I think he is a whole lot worse than useless. In case you hadn't noticed he's very effective at what he has been doing.

"Its ALL art" is probably the only time he's ever told the truth about who he is and what he's about.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He's burning all his currency. It's his big finale.

Vindicator ago

We can hope

sguevar ago

Nice virtue signalling there. Try to work on your objectivity next.

Nosferatjew ago

I think he's right about the metaphor, but wrong about who he thinks the scorpion represents.

JackHoff ago

How is this virtue signaling?

Octocopter ago

Nice defending calls to violence against children. Try to work on your zealotry blinding you to basic human decency and law.

CerealBrain ago

His pat answer is virtue signalling.

Because, you know, virtue signalling is such a low road compared to defending a pedo under the pretense of free speech.

sguevar ago

If there is no hard evidence of doxxing and actual evidence of the threats being carried on then we can't act on it.

This is not minority report we don't act on the supposition or the assumption that someone is going to commit a crime. And yes those are the limitations of the law.

We don't push the idea of the SJWs that someone is guilty until proven innocent and we certainly don't follow the path of finding someone guilty if no real threat has been made.

Again if you guys have clear evidence of it then post it. But the comments made by an online persona that is most than likely mocking you all in his attempts to compromise Voat is not evidence. It can't be circumstantial as that doesn't take foot on a court of law. It has to be hard and concrete evidence.

Sorry but until then all I can do is making sure Voat's main core ideal isn't compromised just because you all are offended and outraged.

Octocopter ago

Not to mention calls to violence are against the law. Of course you cant expect any decency from trash that defend pedos.

CerealBrain ago

Yeah, Now Shizy is gone. The original mods there at G/A are now gone.

sguevar ago

Oh look virtue signalling some more!

Nicely going!

CerealBrain ago

"Let not then your good be evil spoken of."

This is where you err, your defense of Voat is to a degree that you are seemingly siding with degenerates.

Call me stupid, but I'll try to explain it one more time.

sguevar ago

No need to call you stupid but I do need to rebuke you for using a passage out of context:

Romans 14:16-19 KJV

Let not then your good be evil spoken of. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

My quest if for peace in Voat, to put to rest this whole conflict ignited by an evil doer. If you can't see that then I am sorry but there is really nothing more to say about it.

SandHog ago

Who do you think the evil doer is?

sguevar ago

Zyklon_b is just a tool. He serves a purpose. Push us to our limits to test when we'll break and compromise our ideals

If we do not remain true to ourselves the him and his (((handlers))) would have already won.

Hate me all you want but I won't compromise my objectivity for how I feel about the faggot.

And we all need to find a common ground to work on avoiding this shit show happening again.

CerealBrain ago

You'd be surprised.