MadWorld ago

You forgot to switch your account /s

XD Archived:

theoldones ago

why are indigos posts all staying at 0 as an average?

Le_Squish ago

I dunno. Might be using alts to keep from going negative.

boredTech ago

I've seen this pattern with accounts like WinterWatch.

A discussion without a link will be put up (by a different account). An account will then drop in a comment bellow, and bots will upvoat it to the top (when it's just a link).

Thereby insuring that the poster is not taken as a spammer, the subbordinate account can be recycled easily, and you can't just filter them out by domain. Kind of a cool / annoying workaround to the current setup.

Diggernicks ago

E stalking is for gay niggers

Le_Squish ago

Your trolling game is so weak lately. You doing all right, brah?

draaaak ago

When has it ever not been weak?

sguevar ago

Couldn't agree more... is like he is mentally disabled... you know like Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy. Unable to say anything else...

sinclair ago

sauce please?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Source, unless you're actually asking for tomato sauce

King_Leopold_II ago


Is nearly identical to u/Dillinger22 as far as age, and subs they post in. Difference in submission count, and I didn't look at the actual submissions.

BlueDrache ago

/v/Conspiracy is full of retards anyway ... might as well be another voat farm like SBBH or MDE ... though, MDE is infinitely more tolerable.

offender ago

MDE is not a voat farm. It's a huge, fragmented community

sinclair ago

and a voat farm.

offender ago

/v/funny is also a voat farm

kneo24 ago

@Puttiout - we no longer have subverses. We have farms - Voatfarms! It's what Goats use!

heygeorge ago

WinterWatch spams his own stuff.

Edenz is a million dollar extreme faggot who tries to promote their sub by attacking sbbh

Talpiot Bot was just mentioned elsewhere but I forget.

Dillinger22 is a rebbitor.

I think you’re right about indigo.

draaaak ago

u/SandHog brought up suspicions of Talpiot_Bot here, when GishKnots was being scrutinized.

heygeorge ago

Thanks, mang. PS you really fucking triggered @astonisher667, holy shit. Or they are the most boring troll I’ve ever engaged.

kneo24 ago

Did they ever share this "list" with you that they claimed was sent to them?

heygeorge ago

They shared the alleged contents, but did not copy/paste the list.

The account names do not and never have existed.

kneo24 ago

You mean they're full of shit after all this time that I've been telling them full of shit publicly and privately?

heygeorge ago

Why are you talking to yourself?

kneo24 ago

Because we're all @kevdude. I can't help it.

Astonisher667 ago

Ok now that I know you were only messaging me so you could attack me, now I know you are NOT credible at all! You are the troll! And I wouldn't doubt that you and your "gang" have been targeting several users for a long time now!

heygeorge ago

Yeah, nah bro.

I genuinely hoped to help alleviate your confusion and assuage my curiosity. But the Lord can only help those who can help themselves.

Astonisher667 ago

No you didn't. You wanted me to send you a list. I did. You didn't like it. Then you created accounts to look like me and AA and then went in and attacked us.

We know what your end goal is here, as it's been done to her as well. It's about running us off of this site with all the downvotes as that will censor someone.

I hope it's worth it. One when you aka draaak and all your accounts get into another fight with someone who can fight back, I hope to be there and add my two cents. All you've done was make more enemies.

You could have just accepted that some people didn't care that some user on GA edited a damned post to include links! Now look at the shit you put out. All of this is the mark of a very unstable and psychotic individual that can't take anyone having any opinion that differs from your own.

I expect that I too will be silenced eventually. I'm sure you have all worked out to create as many more accounts to keep down voting until I have nothing. After all, I'm an easy target right?


heygeorge ago

Yeah, nah bro

Astonisher667 ago

You mean the list that was sent to me is allegedly fictional, and since I didn't send it, do you honestly think I gave a rat's ass until all this hysterical shitshow you put on?

Like I said before, we were already updated about the tactics used by you and your "friends" used. This was a case of a total asshole who just couldn't take a stranger on the internet disagreeing with him. You know it, and I know it. This whole thing is over a totally triggered nigger and butthurt moronic brat who can not get over himself and is a liar. If his lips are mowin' the lies are flowin'

And whether or not you think contacting the owner will do nothing, we'll see about that.

heygeorge ago

I highly recommend you contact the admin @zyklon_b over these concerns, and that if you haven’t yet heard back from the owner feel free to contact his mother @PuttsMum

PuttsMum ago

Fill me in, George, I can't keep up :)

heygeorge ago

That’s what your girlfriend told me on Saturday night; that foul-mouthed whore. I loved every second.

PuttsMum ago

Wait, she told me she was visiting putts grandmother on Saturday. The lying bitch!

heygeorge ago

It was worth it as she’ll probably shit on you now!

PuttsMum ago

Hahaha, that's so disturbing.

heygeorge ago

I thought so as well. But she’s quite a looker so I just went with it.

PuttsMum ago

"she's quite a looker"

That will be her lazy eye.

heygeorge ago

And here I thought she was staring at a piece of fuzz on my shoulder

Astonisher667 ago

I sent an email to the owner. As the footer in the messages are always included when getting notifications for messages. So I'll just stick with that.

PuttsMum ago

Puttiout (the owner) isn't great at answering emails, try to PM him instead.

Although I'm normally an SBBH troll, I'm not trolling you about this.

Astonisher667 ago

Ok but I did tag him in a post already detailing what had happened and what was happening.

As far as the emails go, the footer is sometimes there with the contact info. Other times, it isn't.

PuttsMum ago

Our comments keep crossing :)

Good luck, he can be really slow responding at times.

zyklon_b ago

I never recieved an email?

Astonisher667 ago

I sent it to the official email address. Not all notifications show up in my email either, but some do to which takes me to the link. Being the owner you should be able to see my email address anyway. You should get a notification too if it works on your end the way it does on my end.

zyklon_b ago

How can I solve this issue and everyone be ok?

Astonisher667 ago

How about not letting a crazed troll abuse the features to censor people? Also he created all these accounts that look like my account and another user's account.

I did send an email, it's the one that begins with the "hello" in it.

Also like I said, I only get some notifications for messages. The list that was sent out by some random user just simply used the messaging/email feature. I really can't explain it, but it doesn't always work. But sometimes it does. That's why I even had the guy's email address but not that george's email, which I never got an email just the red thing at the top of the site here.

PuttsMum ago

Zyklon isn't admin so you are eating your time there.

@zyklon_b you terrible troll :p

zyklon_b ago

I own voat

PuttsMum ago

Excellent! Can you get the heating fixed, it's broken again :p

zyklon_b ago

The checks in the mail

PuttsMum ago

Cheers mate, also, the gas isn't working?

Astonisher667 ago

I wrote to the admin via email. So I know it went to the real admin.

PuttsMum ago

No worries. His name is @PuttitOut if you want to private message him too.

Astonisher667 ago

Ok. I will wait a little longer though, as I did send an email, so I will give that time first.

Thanks again.

PuttsMum ago

You're welcome.

draaaak ago

lol yeah, I really know how to push her buttons.

u/Astonisher667 appears to be u/AlphabeticalAnon's alt. They are the only 2 mods for a subverse, v/Obscurity, that only has 4 subscribers. These two accounts are the only ones that post in this sub, and appear to use it to agree with and upvoat themselves. As you saw first hand, she also uses this alt as a sort of apparently impartial, third party representative who white-knights for her when she's been slighted by mean men like myself. She also likes banning users from her sub, for "rules violations", despite them never having been there, such as u/Tallest_Skil, u/gabara, and my worthless alt u/NosferatJew. I only went there once, but that was just to troll her for being a deranged cat lady:

This was my initial "attack" (lol) on u/AlphabeticalAnon several months ago. Notice that she has deleted a few of her comments, including the first one, always a good sign...

A couple days ago, u/kneo24 PMed me a sort of alert that u/AlphabeticalAnon was talking about me... I responded :)

After that I accused them of voat farming, because that's what it looked like they were doing:

And then for the next several hours, she used her two account to tag team me, until I called her out, which shut her down:

I've been thinking about making a v/protectvoat post about this user, but I'm not sure how important it really is. She's either a really bad shill, or just a deranged retard boomer. Either way, I'm not convinced she has much influence on the site.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Obscurity submission by @Astonisher667.

Posted automatically (#25046) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Astonisher667 ago

You can stop tagging me, and your whole shitshow is nothing but a retarded conspiracy. It was me and AA that triggered you and your alts so bad that you're now running around trying to slander me. And AA.

I have alerted the owner to your shit, and you openly admitted to using alts and the proof of it was when you started attacking someone that you had previous went out of your way to censor when she first joined. This whole drama of yours is your butthurt and your alt's butthurt that someone defended a poster you've been aiming to attack for whatever reason.

I do implore the owners of voat to look into all your nefarious activities.

And we sure pushed your buttons as to have you and your sock accounts go out of your way to start mad typing replies of utter insanity and downvote every single post that you could and this is showing, this is easily proven. That's your game. You attack and then make it look like you have some big following and then you downvote until you can silence those you attack.

So while you brag about shutting someone down, it's only because we all know if we say anything, you break out all your weapons of your cyber bullying and start the down vote farming (which you openly admitted) while doing exactly what you accuse others of doing.

Also she didn't delete anything so there's another lie right there. It was your account you deleted your own posts.

And there's kneo24, the asshole dickweed who is PMing you? What you talk to your own alts? Or are you that insecure that you need help attacking people?

All your garbage post proves is that you were actively fomenting trouble since AA blocked you months ago, only to have you attack her again because she didn't kowtow to your "friend" kneo24? Yeah right.

I have written to the owner of voat about all of this.

draaaak ago

The Jew cries out in pain as she strikes you.

Astonisher667 ago

Which is exactly what you do.

draaaak ago

No you.

Astonisher667 ago

Classic kneo24 trolling. All you've done is out yourself.

I have alerted the owner and he can prove the board you've been banned from (rightfully so) is legitimate and not some "farm" shit theory your entire delusional rant is wrapped around.

You have no life.

draaaak ago

I have alerted the owner and he can prove the board you've been banned from (rightfully so) is legitimate and not some "farm" shit theory your entire delusional rant is wrapped around.

This will never happen.

NoKnothing ago

InB4 someone posts the irony of this not being posted in /v/conspiracy

King_Leopold_II ago

@dundundunn just because of your name.