AlphabeticalAnon ago

Draaaak and his sock accounts have made more socks imitating me and Astonisher667. Desperate lowlifes.

I also sent a message to the owner of GA and this is what I wrote to her:

I just read the shit post that he's now posting after viciously attacking Astonisher with the usual retard crap since he's got nothing. But in that monumentally insane post he claims I deleted some posts, and no, I've never deleted anything I've posted on that board or any board. Not where he's been attacking me. Everything is there. Whoever did delete, it wasn't me.

Please contact the owner about all of this because what's happening here is a massive effort to censor and silence me and my moderator. They've already made it to where we can't post without being massively downvoted. Like he does as proof of what he did to me before, but now he's going on this total insane massive attack against both of us. I know you're going through the same thing too, but if you know the owner please give him a heads up. I messaged what I suspect is the owner, is it a guy named Putt?

Well that's who I messaged.

Kneo24 is this draaaak and heygeorge.

So I sent her that note and sent a note to Putt. Hopefullt he will see with his own eyes these repeated and more aggressive attacks on me and anyone associated with me and ban the perpetrators!

Nosferajew ago

How dare you ban my accounts from your sub when I haven't violated the posted rules! You should be ashamed of yourself.

Nosferajew ago

Cute of you to ban me from your gay masturbation sub, but then lie about me in posts and comments you make in your gay masturbation sub.

I never said you deleted posts, I said you deleted some of your comments from our initial exchange from 5 months ago:

Anyone can see that a few of the comments have been deleted, so stop being a faggot retard.

I messaged what I suspect is the owner, is it a guy named Putt?

You don't even know who u/Puttitout is? Are you for fucking reals? This has to be a total LARP.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are a total LYING sleazebag! I deleted NO posts! You are a fucking hysterical LIAR!

Take your fucking wrath against Q or anyone who you HATE and SHOVE OFF! LIAR! I can PROVE I haven't deleted a fucking thing you fucking PIECE OF SHIT! And you're here with sock accounts AGGRESSIVELY ATTACKING me and others here! Namely my moderator, you BITCH!

I will keep banning you and all your accounts! Go jerk off on your RETARD group of one!

Nosferajew ago

I never said you deleted any posts. Stop being a retard.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yes you did YOU LIAR!

Stop it kneo24 aka heygeorge aka draaak aka gabara aka nigger jew motherfucker!





Astonisher667 ago

I sent another message to a higher up. Hopefully they'll investigate this soon. I did take notice on how the sleaze even bragged about censoring people with his statements about shutting up anyone he zeros in on.

AlphabetacalAnom ago

Ooo baby! You're so sexy when you get angry. I think my pants are shrinking ;)

Where did I say that you deleted posts? Link it for me.

AIphabeticaIAnon ago

The nerve of some people. When will the terrible trolls ever stop??!!

Astonisher666 ago

Whoa, that's, like, really crazy! So, you and AlphabeticalAnon are the same user?? That explains everything!

AIphabeticaIAnon ago

OMG, I know right? I bet they thought they would get away with it too. Fucking low skill nubs.