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hamman365 ago

just gearing up for the 2020 election cycle. One Narrative to rule them all, One Narrative to find them, One Narrative to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor where shadows lie.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow I got down voted for just saying I loved the refernce! Sore Ass troll shill still having his little meltdown!

MAGAroniNCheese ago

Just upvoted you, thereby undoing that asshat's downvote. I gotchu

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I upvoted you too! And someone sure has a sore ass with their down votes on our posts! Sorass Soros bots are so pathetic, a certain asshole I know must be stalking me!

draaaak ago

You faggots voat farming? Ya know, we don't take kindly to such shenanigans 'round these parts. Best watch yourselves.

Astonisher667 ago

Do you own this board? No. So get out! We don't take kindly to fucking pieces of shit like you. Now you've exposed yourself as the tool that just goes around and down votes anyone who blocks your ass. How infant of you to go and down vote someone over saying the most benign thing because you are a mentally deranged troll with no life. You're still buttsore over the mods banning your other aliases from here.

draaaak ago

lol, do you own this board? No? Oh, well then I think I will stay :)

What other aliases do you think I have that were banned? Seriously, what other accounts do you retards think I control? I would love to know, because as far as I can tell, this is my only account.

Also, while I'm here, have a downvoat, for being a faggot.

Astonisher667 ago

You're only here to silence and ruin free speech for others because you are the very faggot jew nigger shill. Your other accounts also go out and attack people for talking because you think you own voat. Not just this board, but the whole site. Your day of reckoning is coming.

draaaak ago

Name one other account. You sound so certain, so name one, just one.

Astonisher667 ago

I got a whole list of them, thanks to another anon. And checking them, yeah you basically repeat yourself one trick pony.

draaaak ago

OMG you're so stupid. Seriously, try it, don't dick me around, just name one other account you think is mine. Or are you too chicken?

Astonisher667 ago

I can post the whole list. It was sent to me and several other members here.

I'll let others have the chance first though. I was asked to keep it for a while. I'm not going anywhere. It's in my inbox now and I'm not deleting it. There's a lot of other info I was given as well. You are being monitored by some group of people so, I'll just let it stand the way it is now. I have no desire to play with you and incur the wrath of all your accounts to do their worst to me. Once I'd name them, that's exactly what you'd do and that was one of the reasons I was warned about this, gramps.

heygeorge ago

A source has alerted me about this thread. Please PM copy of list to help fellow investigators. @MadWorld

Astonisher667 ago

It started when someone I generally chat with made a comment to this dickhead who then went ballistic and started going off the rail. I replied to some other comment and he just kept on and on assailing both of us. Then this total psychotroll draaaak popped up and started to blast about "being talked about behind his back" which of course was the original dick's problem so he just used his draaaak account to bully my contact here AA.

This draaaak was also the same cyberbully who attacked AA when she first joined voat. He kept attacking her for basically doing what kneo24 kept pounding his fists over, the fact she stuck up for some OP of a topic. In draaaak's case she merely agreed with a James Wood topic of some kind. IN knucklehead kneo's case she merely defended another user for the updated links in a post.

This all got him so angry that he continued on and on for over a week just running his mouth. We know that he has alternate accounts and this list both of us and several other users received was showing the proof of his tactics which I can also attest to. He uses accounts to massively downvote a user's posts and goes back a week and starts from there, then uses those same accounts to come and upvote all his vile posts.

I was invited to join here by AA and when she made her own board, she invited me to be a moderator although I really don't know the ropes. I don't know who the other subscribers are. But we were all accused of doing what he is actually doing. His whole drama is based on his mental incapacity to deal with anyone who just simply disagrees with his oppressive views and liberal tactics. His main goal is to censor anyone he targets with his abuse of the voting system.

I don't participate much, I don't come here everyday. I don't even pay much attention to trolls but when this particular one got so loud and so angry and destructive, I stepped in. I had a good vote count until he decided I was to be his next target. IMO voat should ban that user and all his accounts.

The user that sent me a list was genuinely trying to help. And it wasn't just a list. There was a whole backstory of what they experienced. And links to show how the same thing happened to them. With him using the very same tactics he's been using against me, AA and the other user she generally talks to.

I hope that helps.

MadWorld ago

The list that I am aware of is @draaaak's NPC list he made. At the time there was at least one troll who kept making alt accounts just to piss him off. If there is another list, it is more likely belonging to the NPC troll than @draaaak. But we could compare them, if available.

draaaak ago

I can't wait to see who's on this list XD

draaaak ago

Post it bitch. Or are you bluffing? I think you're full of shit. You sure sound like you're full of shit.

You are being monitored by some group of people.

LOL oh jeez that's rich. You having a fun LARPing tonight?

I have no desire to play with you and incur the wrath of all your accounts

So just name one, faggot. Or do you not even have a list? Yeah, you don't have alist. I know you don't, because there is just me, so there is no list. Unless, of course, it's just a list of other users' accounts lol

I was warned about this

You're so gay.

Astonisher667 ago

Obvious sock is obvious.

draaaak ago

Speak for yourself, @AlphabeticalAnon :)

Astonisher667 ago

You downvoting like mad, huh kneo24?

draaaak ago

Got the wrong guy. Nice try though. What's funny though, is you're the one with the alts.

Astonisher667 ago

Well now kneo24, why not prove it then. I'll wait while you go through all my posts and down vote as many as you can and then you can act like the obvious batshit that you are.

I got the right guy, you sure came into this thread to reply to me here, gramps.

draaaak ago

I'm not kneo24, but you can think whatever you want.

I know you're @AlphabeticalAnon's alt because you are both mods for a subverse with only 4 subscribers (the other 2 are almost certainly other alts of yours), and you have the same attitude, vocabulary, comment structure, and apparent low level of intelligence. You also tag team and talk to eachother too much.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Astonisher667 ago

You're absolutely laughable! I don't know who the other subs are, and AA invited me to be a mod and I accepted. But your wild and delusional shitshow is now public and I will be saving to show around. Since you have obviously outed yourself, you elected to start posting with your alts in some insane effort to go after anyone who sees through you, and by doing so you have exposed yourself freely. You talk and sound just like all the other alts you have been using to censor and harass the people. You pull all that accusation about me out of your ass. Low intelligent troll, go bother someone else and know that you are exposed.

You've been downvoting everything on my page you can target. That is a jew, shill and nigger tactic. I see you.

draaaak ago

You're so retarded. Tits or gtfo.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Empty threats you piece of shit! Your projection is massive in scale but your army is small.

draaaak ago

Please, tell me more about my army.