Fullmetal ago

I will say this, youre fucking lucky @fullmetal that @empress is backing me down from you

No, you're just a pussy.

SuperDouche ago

i can also call on more trustested users to attact you.... WTF are you thinking, I'll tell you what you you fucking shit head


SuperDouche ago

you cunt face im simply trolling you to make more comments


SuperDouche ago

fotr this comment i will squash you lik a a bug @empress

16530641? ago

Let @Fullmetal live.

He stopped removing people's comments and submissions.

Fullmetal ago

No, I haven't, but I've gotten more selective about it.

I'm not going to apologize to a bunch of lunatics on the Internet for doing what I feel is right for the community.

Fullmetal ago

Aaaand now I'm just going to block you.

What an Internet tough guy you are.

Fullmetal ago

Do it.

Fullmetal ago

ooooooo I's skerrd.

16526392? ago

You're a sweetie. I think I'm okay, thanks though. <3

Fullmetal ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

argosciv ago

Bloody hell.

Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb here, @Fullmetal, and assume for the moment that you are the original owner of your account(ie, account has not been sold and bought). Here's a few tips:

Word your submission rules carefully and don't go overboard in terms of dictating what is and isn't acceptable. Obviously the sub you now have ownership of, has a specific theme/topic and it's natural that submissions should stick to said topic.

However, you need to understand(if you're somehow not already aware) the many people on Voat will have a problem with Wicca and many won't be happy with its presence. You will be hazed on account of this and per general Voat protocol. Technically, many of these posts will be 'on-topic', shit-eating though they may be.

If you react in a way that comes across as censoring dissenting opinions, the treatment will only get worse. If you want more leniency in terms of removing submissions which are deliberately inflammatory, your best options are to disable anon posting and make the subverse private.

Never touch comments that don't break the sitewide rules. Which is to say, if it isn't spam, doxxing or otherwise illegal content, your best move is to engage with a counter argument and/or downvote and/or ignore. Let people have their say.

Yes, you are going to get people accusing you of worshipping Satan. It's garbage, yes, but removing comments because they're garbage, will be seen as censoring dissenting opinions. Just don't do it, for your own sake and for the sake of the sub's longevity.

If you show that you can take criticism and ignorance in good stride, those who are just hazing you will eventually leave you alone.

Heed this tip especially.

Ignore this prick:

https://voat.co/v/wiccan/2983915/16244764/2/ | https://archive.is/KPwiU

He is an alt-reliant, subversive manipulator and spammer who is just trying to get in your good books.

See this thread by @kevdude for more: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125

Edit: Grammar; it's presence fixed to its presence

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/bestof submission by @Fullmetal.

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andrew_jackson ago

Naw, don't bother helping the witch. Burn with fire!

Fullmetal ago

Yes, I'm the original owner of my account. I lurked for a long time.

From what I've seen so far, Voat is actually being rather welcoming to /v/wiccan.

ConquistadorCoronado ago

It looks like this is a sold account. No posts for over 2 years the starts up posting 3 months ago out of the blue.

Fullmetal ago

I joined voat in the early days, but the user base wasn't large enough for my tastes at the time. Voat has grown, and reddit now sucks so much shit that it's not worth it any more.

16234197? ago

Good catch. Thank you.

Fullmetal ago


This is hilarious. People, moderation is a requirement for any community.

kneo24 ago

If you want Reddit level moderation, you can fuck off back to Reddit.

16234031? ago

Moderation on Voat means removing spam and content which is against global rules.

Removing users comments is censorship. It's reddit cancer mod behavior and if you want your sub to succeed, you won't do it.

TimBrookeTaylor ago

Time for a literal witchhunt honey?

16233672? ago

LOL- funny comment.

When I started TWs, I too deleted a couple of rude comments and someone posted about it here in v/ProtectVoat. See, I didn't realize that what I was doing was completely wrong and against the principles of Voat. Am really glad someone called me out on it.

middle_path ago

I've tried to explain it to fullmetal, they are still in a Reddit mindset.

Due time, due time.

16242651? ago

He double downed and started removing submissions.

middle_path ago

Yeah, I talked to him. He said he made his account a while ago, but is only recently using Voat. So he's effectively still new.

I told him from experience, the only content worth removing is off topic submissions (aside from spam and illegal content). O think this is true for niche communities like v/JustGrowIt. I've probably only had to delete like 9 submissions since its inception, but they were all porn or literal pictures of shit. So in that context - censorship is needed to keep the sub SFW and on topic.

He'll learn one way or another, but I've tried to tell him how Voat works. If he keeps up this style, the hammer comes down hard. Without a reputation (like you or me), no one's going to want to defend him.

Side note, planning a garden this year or are the kiddos still a handful? I'm giving away seeds if you need any. I'm sure I have a few things that could work in your climate.

16250083? ago

Thanks for trying to talk to him. I tried too but he seems intent on doing things his way. We'll see- maybe he'll figure it out.

Not planting this year. Kids are definitely a handful but soon. Definitely by the fall. Thank you! Will take you up on it! <3

middle_path ago

Please do. Wait until I post the full seed list on JustGrowIt, it'll blow your mind.

If you're planning on the fall, I'm guessing you can grow brassicas (kale, cabbage, etc) all winter as well as lettuce. And if that's the case, I'll have all kinds of goodies you can direct sow.

16254503? ago

Yes! Thank you! I'll return the favor and send you some canned pickles. <3

TimBrookeTaylor ago

Its nice of you to gently inform this user of Voat etiquette but then you are the rules lady.

Themooninthesky ago

I posted in trad wives there is a Wiccan sub now. I’ve been downvoted. Trad wives is infiltrated with Wiccan whores. Who knew?

16233702? ago

I don't think that's it. It's more likely that you were downvoted because people considered it off topic. No biggie.

Themooninthesky ago

Point taken. But then I see a battle between the two groups vying for the front page and I don’t want to see that. Variety is good on the front, not a lopsided view.

16233814? ago

As long as front page content is organic, I'm good with it.

Themooninthesky ago

Heard that.

Le_Squish ago

Lol, already.