TheBuddha ago

That's very noble.

TheBuddha ago

I'm now officially to be known as Drunken Monkey.

I've decided! (I'm getting day drunk - and going to a bar later. It's my job! It really is! Except the drinking part...)

heygeorge ago


TheBuddha ago


You said it!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, but you haven't said you're the iron fist yet.

TheBuddha ago

You know I just like riling you up until you say you're the iron fist, right?

TheBuddha ago

Bring it on!

TheBuddha ago

You ain't got the balls to take me on!

Durm ago

To 11

TheBuddha ago

They should know better.

Did you ever go get that crack whore?

TheBuddha ago


TheBuddha ago

You're not new. You haven't caught on yet?

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Fullmetal is knew. They bought the account after it 2ws inactive for 2 years.

TheBuddha ago

Yes, the guy who spells it 'knew' is certainly a reliable source!

Fullmetal ago

I only recently started really getting into voat. I checked it out in the alpha days, and then abandoned my account for a few years. I was warned about him. It's still funny.

TheBuddha ago

Expand the thread. You will see how to deal with the Iron Fist.

If you want, you can get him going on a pretty good tirade. It's kinda fun.

TheBuddha ago

He's the Iron Fist, man of 553 alts, and JIDF.

@dial_indicator is just that awesome.