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AR47 ago

This thread @empress

NotHereForPizza ago

So NOW do you want to see my comment history and inbox?

AR47 ago

What are we talking about, and referencing?

NotHereForPizza ago

We spoke just the other day.

I told you I could show you my inbox so you can see how I get shilled like mad.

I could show you it right now and you would just laugh at these SBBH goons and what they do to keep me from talking about them.

AR47 ago

Funny I don’t get messages per say. Just parody accounts and emails about commissions to commit felonies

NotHereForPizza ago

I created this to show you and some other people what I'm talking about.

Since last night, I have roughly 30 replies of various sorts and have lost over 100 CCP.

Who else, if not SBBH would be so devoted to silencing someone that over the course of 10 hours they organize solely to deter someone from further dissent?

Many people, including @puttitout, seem to be either overlooking this or just outright ignoring me when I bring these things up.

AR47 ago

How about you stop and read this.....hopefully my alt army will repost the shit out of this as well so that it gets more exposure?

So you have to think about something for a moment. What is the fastest way to unite a group of people to follow a plan?

You give them a common enemy, but with reddit the admin made SRS and kept it going while rotating the mods until they found out long as they only post within the subs they control it won’t bleed into the rest of reddit, thus keeping damage to a minimum but driving traffic because drama.

With voat it is new people during exodus. Always has and always will be. The culture of this site is that we don’t know you and don’t wanna know you because reddit fag. The powers that be have stoked the flames over time with “the pedes” and “pizzagate” but here is where it get fun.

What they usually do on reddit is gather them all into a pile and right before they are kicked they make a sub here and always one of the mods, but never all of them. Not since it backfired with /niggers.

Always that one that is held above all others within the sub. Well the other mods will make their own sub to galvanize the user base that will stay and they have Alts that post shit talking and users here “long time users” will shit talk the sub they don’t control.

Then after the user base is consolidated or others purged they will add more mods slowly and never consult the users for input. Then they will add rules for better flow of information and add new subs to post in.

Then they will say all posts must have flair or it will be deleted. Ever so often chipping away at the posters until it is only them that steers the narrative.

That is what is going on here and I know it because I have watched it and am still doing so

NotHereForPizza ago

What you're describing is Crensch with Pizzagate and Srayzie with GreatAwakening.

Did you see the post where Srayzie bitches about not being a mod of QRV? I wonder why he was so upset about it...

But, yes. You've done a good job explaining this tactic.

Now we just need @puttitout to finally recognize this.... or continue ignoring it so that we know Voat is just honey and is to be left alone.

It's funny, QRV leaving fucks Putt a lot since he "just upgraded the servers because of all of the new faces."

AR47 ago

You think for even a moment the boss isn’t part of it?

Every since Atko named him #2 i have wondered why him....then when he makes a post he says “we” when referencing admin......fuzzywords is gone, as is cynabuns, and those are the only two I ever knew for sure part of it.

When I ask or make a comment always get ignored.

Man this place is just for distraction and nothing here matters save to those that will do nothing.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're missing this tactic.

Putt not responding only makes him stand out.

Everything I do is for the audience - engaging them, accusing them, flailing like they do, all of it.

Nothing I have ever presented was very substantial in terms of evidence. I've simply given them rope, day after day. They just jump right in the noose each time.

What this has done is ensured anon sees this, signaling to them that they aren't to be trusted (while also making them suspicious of my account - a martyrdom tactic, if you will). They're too stupid to see it though, as evidenced by literally every iteration of the method.

MolochHunter ago

oh, and here I was thinking you are here participating in Voat in good faith

and here you are admitting your every post is deception

NotHereForPizza ago


I have nothing to gain from this. You have no idea who I am.

MolochHunter ago

why dont you give me your most inflated opinion of yourself, then

no holds barred, tell us all how amazing, talented and most of all important you are

NotHereForPizza ago


You seem to want me to have delusions of grandeur.

You guys are never going to get over me making you look like fools, are you?

MolochHunter ago

when ever did you do that? Have you started? I didnt notice

on the other hand, we caught you with your dick in a hundred sock puppets

take them all to the laundry, why dont you, theyre all crusty

Shizy ago

So basically what you're saying is you're a shifty fucker, a manipulator, and not to be trusted? By chance are you Jewish?

@srayzie I seriously have to choke back vomit when reading this guys narcissistic bullshit!

srayzie ago

I hear you. Can you imagine Trump airing his strategies? What a stupid fuck 😂

srayzie ago

Yes. That’s the handshake 🖕🏻🤜🏻🧔🏻🤛🏻🖕🏻

srayzie ago

You sure sound like EL today.

Do you have no life? You just want to stir shit up constantly. You must be miserable.

This guy who has had over 75 alts banned site wide is talking crap about you @PuttItOut. Just thought you should know because the coward didn’t ping you.

@Kevdude @Crensch @Shizy