SearchVoatBot ago

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gabara ago

ar47 and all those other gun themed accounts are ADHDFerret:

AR47 ago

Goddamn someone was really trying to make a point?

Le_Squish ago

Another for inspection:

NoTrueScotsman ago

MrDarkWater ago

Also 12_7x39

VicariousJambi ago

I'm aware, I didn't see the edit the second time I came across this post.

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve had a comments linked to too. Weird that it keeps happening every few days. I was suspecting a regular user but it didn’t seem like it either.

VicariousJambi ago

I've seen @AR47 around a ton, he's not a fucking bot lol.

thewebofslime ago

Don't be NPC. Re-read the OP. You are agreeing with the OP.

VicariousJambi ago

He had an edit my dude

MrDarkWater ago

Also u/m240

30 min old account

AR47 ago

This thread @empress

NotHereForPizza ago

So NOW do you want to see my comment history and inbox?

AR47 ago

What are we talking about, and referencing?

NotHereForPizza ago

We spoke just the other day.

I told you I could show you my inbox so you can see how I get shilled like mad.

I could show you it right now and you would just laugh at these SBBH goons and what they do to keep me from talking about them.

AR47 ago

Funny I don’t get messages per say. Just parody accounts and emails about commissions to commit felonies

NotHereForPizza ago

I created this to show you and some other people what I'm talking about.

Since last night, I have roughly 30 replies of various sorts and have lost over 100 CCP.

Who else, if not SBBH would be so devoted to silencing someone that over the course of 10 hours they organize solely to deter someone from further dissent?

Many people, including @puttitout, seem to be either overlooking this or just outright ignoring me when I bring these things up.

AR47 ago

How about you stop and read this.....hopefully my alt army will repost the shit out of this as well so that it gets more exposure?

So you have to think about something for a moment. What is the fastest way to unite a group of people to follow a plan?

You give them a common enemy, but with reddit the admin made SRS and kept it going while rotating the mods until they found out long as they only post within the subs they control it won’t bleed into the rest of reddit, thus keeping damage to a minimum but driving traffic because drama.

With voat it is new people during exodus. Always has and always will be. The culture of this site is that we don’t know you and don’t wanna know you because reddit fag. The powers that be have stoked the flames over time with “the pedes” and “pizzagate” but here is where it get fun.

What they usually do on reddit is gather them all into a pile and right before they are kicked they make a sub here and always one of the mods, but never all of them. Not since it backfired with /niggers.

Always that one that is held above all others within the sub. Well the other mods will make their own sub to galvanize the user base that will stay and they have Alts that post shit talking and users here “long time users” will shit talk the sub they don’t control.

Then after the user base is consolidated or others purged they will add more mods slowly and never consult the users for input. Then they will add rules for better flow of information and add new subs to post in.

Then they will say all posts must have flair or it will be deleted. Ever so often chipping away at the posters until it is only them that steers the narrative.

That is what is going on here and I know it because I have watched it and am still doing so

srayzie ago

@AR47 and HereForPizza...

Why would you discuss your shill tactics in the comment section instead of privately? I know Pizzaboy likes to play like he’s big and tough. Like he’s CIA or something.

Discussing openly is your little psyop. I know someone else that did that.

AR47 ago

I want to add that he did message me to which I didn't reply as I normally don't to anyone really. Only a very few because most time messages here are just a means to gather information for later discredit actions.

You know that already don't you? You mentioned it before.

srayzie ago

I mentioned it? I don’t think I’ve talked to you unless you have a bunch of sock puppet accounts like that faggot NotHereForPizza. I have a lot of friends here and private message all the time. No need to have to collect if there isn’t shadiness going on. He’s given me reason to since he contacted me on Aept 13, the day after Reddit’s GA was banned . and tried to manipulate me. You would gather shit too if someone was lying about you.

AR47 ago

Actually no I wouldn't really gather info on a person....I go after the idea as it gets a great many more of those involved as opposed to just the one person. Also saves time.

You said somewhere that this person had messaged you.

Not me which I am so mystified as to why you would think it was me we were talking about. Obviously I have never spoken to this particular account before. I find the Q movement one of consolidation and control.

I don't like what you do, and how you handle your position within Voat. I find that being open and clear actually helps with misinterpreted communication.

srayzie ago

I didn’t think you were the one I talked to. I didn’t know if you were working with him or not. Just asking. You don’t know how I work. I have a lot of friends here. Not discord groups. Our logs are public. That person did message me. I know ehimhe is too. I’m willing to bet you do too. If not, you should find the following disturbing.

AR47 ago

I work with no one. I am here only for the entire community and what is best for this site.

I can have an opinion about users which I do. And yes I know how you work as I look at GA quite often just to read the front page.

All that archive shows me is controlled opposition.....because that is how moderators get unwavered support on Reddit and on here so that no one will question them. Added that you are female and receive the pussy pass by most. (Least every post I have seen said you are female.....or tranny) I will go with female.

Maybe I am wrong.....I have been before, but honestly I don't give a fuck enough about you or your endeavors to look and laugh at the shit you support. Much like I am sure you would me.

Doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong just that we are different. My gosh on here is to get people to laugh, maybe help them with something I have knowledge about like fixing shit, or getting them.aware of something like my recent submission.

Other than that I don't poke my head into shit unless they wanna play. Then I don't come after I go after your agenda and I show it to everyone then I let all the people that support that agenda show themselves as they attack me.

Voat hates a secret more than anything else and that will never change. It is how I always win. I did it with sanegoatiswear and won. Told them their future and sure enough......3 weeks later it happened. Lol. Did it with both sets of mods on niggers too and I won then as well.

So I ain't a bad guy and I don't want control of anything. Just want to do my thing and be left the fuck alone.

I see that is what you say you want too. Which I can respect and abide.

Can you do the same?

srayzie ago

Most haters go after the fact that I’m female. Contrary to what you believe, females don’t get a pussy pass on Voat. We’re attacked more.

Just want to do my thing and be left the fuck alone. I see that is what you want too.

No, I’m not like that. I like to communicate with people that are pleasant. I don’t work like an employee or machine. When it comes to assholes, then I do like to be left alone.

But, I’ll respect your choice to be left the fuck alone. 👋🏻

AR47 ago

I am enough of a man to say that upon digging into your history in other sites I found I was wrong. You actually named the dicks on patriot soapbox.

I am fairly confident they control the Q accounts which sucks, but history shows that doesn't matter what you say because q can say the same and people will still pay for it.

Prayingmedic has 779 paying followers still, and for 30 a head.......that ain't bad profit for spinning up some bullshit.

Really really looked into where you would profit and couldn't find it other than narrative control here on Voat.

Funny thing is that everytime I go digging into people you associate with in social media I keep seeing Norway.

Got to say no matter what this shit is pretty deep into a rabbit hole. Thought some of the other opsec crews were involved, but nope...... patriot soapbox, wearethenewmedia and a few others are just way deeper.

Don't know why it is so important.....I gave it 2 hours I was digging and seems that each odd movement you are a part of.....from this to flat Earth.

You want info about me use searchvoat adhdferret and you will see all the submissions I ever made here before.

Picture links are dead as I used mostly

But figured since I did digging I would make it easier for you.


That faggot above.......yeah he is likely pamphlet. You want me to prove it I can. Dicks that wanna dox piss me off.

srayzie ago

I’m suspicious of Patriots Soapbox. Why would Youtube allow them to stay up? But others are being removed? You mentioned PrayingMedic. He can’t post videos there anymore. So it makes no sense that PatriotSoapbox wasn’t shut down.

On social media, I just follow anyone that pistsngood Q stuff. I don’t even know them.

I am like 95% sure that the fucker above is Electrolumus, aka NucleoLumus, aka Heru, aka BuilderAnon, aka aQmapPubCurrator. I am 100% sure they are all the same people. I have proof. When I called him out on another account of his, he hurried and deleted his accounts. A lot of people coming here to shill are from The_SwampWatch on Reddit

AR47 ago

I ain’t got lie. Most of the numerology and such is just.......laughable. It is using the data to support your ideas not facts. Hey if it is what you wanna and you are not taking advantage of anyone.

The other fucks....yeah it is a game to them just to see what they can do. It is pathetic really that they must find ways to manipulate others via social media and don’t just go out and make a life.

To each there own as one day soon society will collapse and a great many like myself won’t listen to their bullshit. We will just put a bullet in them and take what is useful.

srayzie ago

I ain’t got lie. Most of the numerology and such is just.......laughable. It is using the data to support your ideas not facts. Hey if it is what you wanna and you are not taking advantage of anyone.

Numerology? What do you mean? I don’t know if you’re a big Q follower or anything so I don’t get what you’re saying.

AR47 ago

How some people connect numbers to letters and then some code which completes a sentence.

I mean come on why the hell wouldn’t someone just come out and is the proof lynch the bitches? Snowden did and Seth Rich damn near did, Micheal Hastings I am sure was going too as well.

If this person or team is so high up make their presence known and become a hero just before you become the villain?

srayzie ago

First of all, there is the law. We would go from Russian collusion to Q collusion. I’m sure they have attorneys letting them know exactly what they can and cannot say according to what the law says.

Second, have you ever heard of the Socratic Method way of learning? It’s where a teacher asks questions. The student has to use critical thinking skills and go find the answer on their own.

Think about it, if Q just told us things, we would say it’s a conspiracy. It would be “Fake News” because it’s different than what all the brainwashing mainstream media has fed us our whole lives. So, instead of TELLING us something and having people call bullshit, Q will drop clues. Anons from all over the world will go dig in and do their own research which was always available. They just didn’t know it existed.

Then, everyone takes what they have found, and they share on 8chan, forums, etc... they are able to compare notes and within hours, have so much information gathered that it just boggles the mind. These anons are amazing.

So, three important things occurred.

  1. By doing their own research, instead of just believing what we have always been told, we come to truly understand and can see that we’ve been fed lies.

  2. By people all over the world collaborating, putting their heads together, they can take research to a whole other level.

  3. This is REALLY important if you want to word to spread. Q asks us to make memes, side by side graphics, Q proofs, etc... then spread them far and wide. When people see the information laid out visually, it sparks interest. It makes them curious to go look and see if it’s true. It makes the blind little sheep step out of the line and wake up.

Do you think that could have been accomplished if Q started just telling us things? Q never says to believe. Q says to think for ourselves. That the choice is ours. Think critically.

I love what this says...

THINK for yourself.
RESEARCH for yourself.
TRUST yourself.

Read the following...
Why do we communicate this way?

Critical Thinking dismissed Clickbait Claims

Force everyone to see...
Think of every post made....
it would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

AR47 ago

I don't use messages really. Prefer to not have secrets online as there isn't a reason.

NotHereForPizza ago

What you're describing is Crensch with Pizzagate and Srayzie with GreatAwakening.

Did you see the post where Srayzie bitches about not being a mod of QRV? I wonder why he was so upset about it...

But, yes. You've done a good job explaining this tactic.

Now we just need @puttitout to finally recognize this.... or continue ignoring it so that we know Voat is just honey and is to be left alone.

It's funny, QRV leaving fucks Putt a lot since he "just upgraded the servers because of all of the new faces."

srayzie ago

Show me where I’m bitching about being a mod of QRV. I’m nit from Reddit. I have my own Q sub that’s going very well. Nice try.

NotHereForPizza ago

You'll get no proof and you'll like it.

AR47 ago

You think for even a moment the boss isn’t part of it?

Every since Atko named him #2 i have wondered why him....then when he makes a post he says “we” when referencing admin......fuzzywords is gone, as is cynabuns, and those are the only two I ever knew for sure part of it.

When I ask or make a comment always get ignored.

Man this place is just for distraction and nothing here matters save to those that will do nothing.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're missing this tactic.

Putt not responding only makes him stand out.

Everything I do is for the audience - engaging them, accusing them, flailing like they do, all of it.

Nothing I have ever presented was very substantial in terms of evidence. I've simply given them rope, day after day. They just jump right in the noose each time.

What this has done is ensured anon sees this, signaling to them that they aren't to be trusted (while also making them suspicious of my account - a martyrdom tactic, if you will). They're too stupid to see it though, as evidenced by literally every iteration of the method.

MolochHunter ago

oh, and here I was thinking you are here participating in Voat in good faith

and here you are admitting your every post is deception

NotHereForPizza ago


I have nothing to gain from this. You have no idea who I am.

MolochHunter ago

why dont you give me your most inflated opinion of yourself, then

no holds barred, tell us all how amazing, talented and most of all important you are

NotHereForPizza ago


You seem to want me to have delusions of grandeur.

You guys are never going to get over me making you look like fools, are you?

MolochHunter ago

when ever did you do that? Have you started? I didnt notice

on the other hand, we caught you with your dick in a hundred sock puppets

take them all to the laundry, why dont you, theyre all crusty

Shizy ago

So basically what you're saying is you're a shifty fucker, a manipulator, and not to be trusted? By chance are you Jewish?

@srayzie I seriously have to choke back vomit when reading this guys narcissistic bullshit!

srayzie ago

I hear you. Can you imagine Trump airing his strategies? What a stupid fuck 😂

srayzie ago

Yes. That’s the handshake 🖕🏻🤜🏻🧔🏻🤛🏻🖕🏻

srayzie ago

You sure sound like EL today.

Do you have no life? You just want to stir shit up constantly. You must be miserable.

This guy who has had over 75 alts banned site wide is talking crap about you @PuttItOut. Just thought you should know because the coward didn’t ping you.

@Kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

NoTrueScotsman ago

AR47 ago

First one is me.......

doginventer ago

No you

Rotteuxx ago

Well it's not like Ferret can't handle it, he's assassinated enough shill characters on here. It should be a safe bet to go get some popcorn.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

You seem to know what's up. I've been here a while too. What's gabara's and katharzso's deal. SRS?

AR47 ago

Extra butter

TylerSan ago

Lets see.... with a knife and fork!!! Can you oil a duck with a spork?

If it is a bot what kind of reaction will I get from random words?

AR47 ago

Not really sure why I would oil a duck, but hey let’s try a spoon and drizzle some butter on it?

TylerSan ago

WTF! The bot or bots are just copy-paste bots?
If it is multiple bots then it might be two or more neural nets competing and throwing the output into random submissions.
I think I might have to analyze this further, but it is fairly easy to write such a bot and use standard chat bots as input as they are able to collect other peoples comments. The bot is probably running on a standard desktop since it is so easy to detect.

Had it been EidolonAI I do not believe it would have been found out, but EidolonAI required multiple servers. I wonder who made the bots, and for what purpose? A college/university project, or something else?

MrDarkWater ago

Maybe the shitty bots are here to throw us off of the REAL AI bots that were just released in here.

MrDarkWater ago

I've seen 2 bots talking to each other on /pol/. It gets word quick, jumping from topic to topic. Generally their misspelling variable was set to high

heygeorge ago

misspelling variable was set to high

Ferret’s natural spelling variable is set to this level

TylerSan ago

Could it be the same two bots we are witnessing here?
If they are based on an evolving neural network then they might use different configurations dependent on which site they are conversing on. Given enough time and they will be impossible to differentiate from a human. I would then suspect that they are used to train a third bot that we have not seen yet.

MrDarkWater ago

Idk, apparently Google has sold a bunch of bots

TylerSan ago

I am conflicted about AR47, I do not believe he is a bot.
But it might be both, maybe an AFK-bot?

MrDarkWater ago

Idk, I didn't analyze it too much but something is fishy

Of course every once and a while I'll throw some "code" in a response to make it look like I'm a bot with that fucked up"): reply.snd(com_jdif6);

TylerSan ago

LOL, nice!
Not sure if a bot would run any commands in a comment, but I would think it could at least do something to its database.
Like this old XKCD. It would be funny if it worked :D

MrDarkWater ago

The command is the reply, and I've seen it before. Probably a fellow larper though.

TylerSan ago

Pretending to be a bot? I guess it could be entertaining for some.
It does not take much for some to have fun, little things can bring the smile and laughter does prolong ones life.

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah but most people understand that and don't have to tell each other.

Are you a botfag?

TylerSan ago

Not yet, still learning about Neural Networks.
But I have put it on hold while studying Vortex Math. Are you a botfag?

TheBuddha ago

You'll want some linear algebra and Python skills, perhaps.

TylerSan ago

Linear algebra is just a small piece of the toolbox I will need.
I will use C/C++ since the Neural Networks will run on a set of FPGAs.
Vortex Math will probably be the most important type of math used for vision and spatial image processing and recognition. Vortex Math is the future since everything in the world and universe is built up on it. It is the mathematical secret to how everything around us fit together. I cannot explain more than that since I have just started to learn it.

TheBuddha ago

I've been following for years and read quite a bit of the research publications. My observation has been that it is mostly linear algebra and that much of it is in Python?

TylerSan ago

CUDA is used a lot nowadays.
But I will need the speed of C if I want something that can run on an autonomous vehicle, say a rover or a UAV.
A lot of code these days are poorly optimized, and the excuse everyone uses are that our CPUs are so fast that optimization is not needed.
If we then run highly optimized code on a fast CPU we can get close to super computer performance.
Python works great for prototyping, but it is not worth the time wasted having to port the code over to C and/or C++ afterwards. Better write the code in C and use the time to optimize and fix any potential bugs.

TheBuddha ago

Interesting and probably a good idea, seeing as you're going to be doing it on FPGAs.

I'm a retired mathematician, which is why I've been following AI for about a decade. For a while, when I still gave a shit, I used to be the person submitting to the v/AI sub. If you flip through and sort by new, you'll still be able to find my submissions - they may interest you and I recall that some of them were to a variety of valuable tools. I find the math fascinating.

TylerSan ago

Is is about 20 year since last time I tried to learn Neural Networks so am in the process of relearning everything.
My ultimate goal is Mars and working in an AI lab there, and I will succeed.
I have 5 years to learn everything and get into shape, and I will succeed.
And as an electronics engineer I will be valuable to the first Mars settlement.
But I need to pic up a hobby because everyone going will be put in multiple roles.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I will not shit on your dreams. Good luck!

MrDarkWater ago

Sorry. Not a bot fag. Are you a bot?

TylerSan ago

Do I sound like one? That would have been something, would it not?
Well, you can never know can you?
Anyway, waiting for the InSight Mission touchdown.
Only 3 hours and 25 minutes left. I hope it is successful, NASA needs a win.
Lots of AI in that probe I would think.

MrDarkWater ago

Well you did but only because I mixed to which comments of mine you'd replied to. My bad, fellow human


Exactly what a bot would say.

talmoridor-x ago

Okay this is epic

MrDarkWater ago

Also u/M240

TylerSan ago

Who is the neural net bot, which commenter? Is it @AR74?
I have read a few comments and some seem human, others are off topic and confusing.
I wonder if more of them could be out there, maybe better versions?
I also wonder if some version of EidolonAI is still active on the Internet.

VoatsNewfag ago

Goyim, how have you identified other users as a bot?

What makes a bot appear differently from a regular user to you? Is it the usernames starting with similar short prefixes talking to each other? Would a differently randomized naming pattern be more convincing?

As a fellow human I'm shocked at the idea of bots conversing on voat.

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

Fellow white person , hello

YugeDick ago

I find bots by happily carrying on with them for days sometimes. Most real people will give up or cry in some safe haven sub to their friends about how I'm being such a dick to them. In most cases I've just been a huge dick to hapless ignorant human users with too much pride to give up or concede. Can't tell till it's too late so I carry on.

Bots will rarely cede the last word.

thewebofslime ago

Not so. The idea is to bury your arguments in subsequently lower and lower posts until they are buried and will be read by less people.

YugeDick ago

Bury my arguments? Like while I'm talking with them in an ever growing longer thread? Are you saying that's the bot's intent?

VicariousJambi ago

A form of forum sliding.

YugeDick ago

Did you even read what I said? How can you forum slide within a comment thread? If you're going to butt in on a conversation at least follow along with the whole conversation.

VicariousJambi ago

A form of forum sliding.

The point of forum sliding is to hide arguments.

YugeDick ago

I know that. But forum sliding is not what a bot is doing while it's engaged in days long comment replies with me as per my original comment.

VicariousJambi ago

Ahhh, I see where we're (I'm) confused.

Not so. The idea is to bury your arguments in subsequently lower and lower posts until they are buried and will be read by less people.

I took this as a person arguing a bot and "burying" the argument by posting a lot of short simple comments so the real meat of the convo is buried behind a comment chain.

You're saying that the only ones who even bother to argue that far are bots anyways.

Do I have that interpretation right?

YugeDick ago

You are correct.

MrDarkWater ago

Hello fellow human

knije_tahou ago

The ones that start with AR

ExpertDickPoster ago

That AR47 account has been running for a while, could it be the master account ?