ShareBlew ago

fuck you you fucking faggot nigger fucked

ShareBlew ago

sub> nigger

Artofchoke ago

We're a bunch of ignorant cunts in their estimation. We haven't been subject to a GREAT AWAKENING.

There's nothing worse than people who think they are in on a big secret. :/

digitalentity1497 ago

I wonder if the "Invite Only" account creation option would have been helpful...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@puttitout the above suggestion is worth considering, along with the idea of adding restrictions to upvoating similar to those on downvoating, I'm altogether not completely against new people coming here but if too many people come here in to big of a group with too much ideological conformity among them all at once the balance of culture here will be thrown off and they'll subvert the existing userbase instead of integrating with it.

digitalentity1497 ago

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for this suggestion. The subversion is what worries and large migrations, We need to be able to hold back the large number of influx and maintain the core ideology without being stifled by the new arrivals. If invite only was enabled, I wonder if the new arrivals would have entered gradually and had a chance to get acclimated to Voat.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it would control the flood a bit

ExpertShitposter ago

Seems to me its dying down a bit. At the beginning it was 1000 users at any given time, now its 250. Sure its the weekend, and US is a sleep, but i think a lot of them got BTFO'd to 8ch.

I can imagine the ones that stayed have potentially high quality users among all the boomers.

GoBackToReddit ago

Again, watch new sub creation as well.

Ina_Pickle ago

They are already acting like the v/theawakening faggots - mocking the "natives" and laughing at how we are paying the server costs so they don't have to and there's we can do about it.

My suggestion: Downvoat them all to hell if they ever step outside their new safe space. I was patient last week with the last wave. My patience is at an end.

ESOTERICshade ago

Server costs will go up. I would send putt 50 bucks a months if I had a way to do it other than crypto. I don't have any crypto accounts. I"m more of a buy a money order and send it in the mail type guy.

Sasquatch ago

Holy shit, we've been hit. Fucking refugees swimming in, dead ones washing ashore. It's like D-Day. All their little boats coming in.

pandnh4 ago

Seems like these big waves make voat more pain in the ass to go through (probably contrary to my comment history views). I like new/more ideas, I'm just really sick of the Q cult.

EyeOfHorus ago

SensibleStoner (3 years 191CCP) farms on v/theawakening and then creates new v/QRV and then uses the moderators from theawakening.

Some kikery afoot.

draaaak ago

I seriously think there need to be upvoat restrictions, just like how there are downvoat restrictions. Something along the lines of: a user can't upvoat anything unless they have 100CCP. I believe this would help shut down voatfarming.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I'm not here to bash skulls, but lots of fuckers on that new board telling people to watch their language. Shit did I just comment on V/PV ?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're a bunch of retarded boomers, they'll have to learn feel free to educate them

Diggernicks ago

Agreed except for the liberal newfag nigger concept of "assimilate". If I wanted to browse an echo chamber website of hive mind sheeple id go to reddit. Ill make up my own mind, feel free to go fuck yourself.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

only thing they gotta agree with is free speech really, what they use it for is up to them, I'd put up with leftists or anyone else here as long as I can say niggerfaggot and discuss the inevitable and justifiable gassing of the kikes

HST ago

Look at the new sub verses being created for all q farm threads

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

feel free to list them out or post about them here

HST ago

I edited a link into the comment I already made (top comment) Jumped the gun on making this a separate comment

Artofchoke ago

I'm sad. Change is coming.

ExpertShitposter ago

The worst of it will come when they re-ban the_Donald when the campaigns for 2020 start.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I already blocked all three subs, I used to not mind v/greatawakening but it's too much Q spam at this point. most of them will leave eventually

matthew-- ago

I was subscribed to it, but yeah, it was all over my front page, un subscribed, but check in manually every now and then.

Haven't blocked though.

Samsquamch ago

Our quiet community won't be so quiet. We can block their subverses, but from the last hour I've spent in their anon /v/QRV, these people are absolutely idiots. Luckily, idiots run when confronted, just like they did on Reddit and the chans.

IrbyTremors ago

Until they powermod the entire site and enforce "hate speech" rules.

Artofchoke ago

Please be right. :(

idk ago

Ugh, I hate the way they talk.

New sub? Immigration. Only faggots know the way. Trust WIGGYUG

GasRite ago

WIGGA WIGGA to you as well, fellow goyi- er, patriot

Samsquamch ago

On my (admittedly dead) subverse /v/CNNFakeNews, I can change it at any time, so I assume it's the same for all others.

Germ22 ago

pretty sure there is a timelimit, like only once every 48 hours or so.

Samsquamch ago

It seems no one looked into the subverse settings or Voat in general...They're all extremely confused about their anon numbers. Plenty are also upvoat farming, so make sure to call out those idiots once they figure out how to turn off the anon setting.

idk ago

They seem to like the anon setting, maybe they'll quarantine themselves.

Le_Squish ago

The sub seems to have been made private..

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the points don't count on anon, but they're still trying to farm. Proving both malicious intentions and retardation

HST ago

They set the sub to anon. They can't get upvoats anyway

Edit: new subs for potential farms

ExpertShitposter ago

Its no longer anon. They have real upvotes now.

HST ago

They're anon again so whatever

ExpertShitposter ago

created by girlwonder a community for 10 days


Authorized: No

Anon: No

Private: No

Type: Default

HST ago

We were talking about /v/QRV bro

ExpertShitposter ago


what kind of idiot expects that to be anything other than a shit show...

thanks for the heads up, as well as @Rainy-Day-Dream

guess i got work to do..... :D

draaaak ago

How many gay Q subs do these dorks think they need? Jeez..

HST ago

Too many. As soon as I remembered that "discover new subs" function on here I knew it would be a goldmine during today and tomorrow

draaaak ago

If by "goldmine" you mean "ocean of psyop worshiping retards", then yeah, no shortage.

HST ago

This is what I meant. So like a fools-gold mine

Rotteuxx ago

One of them just commented a 2 month old post of mine, let's keep an eye on it :

@Rainy-day-dreams @Kevdude @mumbleberry

Rotteuxx ago

@mumbleberry, you must suck at fishing ! All we had was a nible on a worm & you yanked the line right out of the water.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

someone once told me "you'll catch more flies with honey than smashing them with a fucking hammer"

HST ago

Ha I didn't even downvoat because I wanted to see what would happen. Ruined.

He's the type to bring dynamite to get the fish dead

Rotteuxx ago

I guess that's one way to make fish tartar.

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck 'em. Look how many fell for this one (Mine) ;

Samsquamch ago


Mumbleberry ago

I do good work sometimes.

Mumbleberry ago

I do good work sometimes. Can't believe so many fell for it.

HST ago

Ahahaha I can't believe that got upvoated. They don't know what they started with the anon subverse thing..

Mumbleberry ago

Backfired, but in a much funnier way than the ccp req on that other one.

HST ago

Yep, this is just a huge clusterfuck. Definitely more entertaining.

It's like they don't have a foothold, but they're trying to take the castle.

Mumbleberry ago

Cows on ice.

Vindicator ago


HST ago

Ugh nice catch. Fucking newbs not wanting to just make comments in normal subs on active posts

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're begging for points anyway confirming that they're retarded, but keep an eye for new accounts farming elsewhere on voat. I might keep an eye on /Qresearch/

HST ago

I browse /new often, I'll report any I come across.

The last wave went to months old posts to farm, so it's really tough to follow

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they needed to coordinate that offsite though so it'll probably be on /Qresearch/

HST ago

Some I think naturally looked at old serialbrain2 posts. Could've been coordinated.

I see what you mean though, I'm not on 8ch too often.

Le_Squish ago

The sub is set anon. They can't farm there.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

doesn't mean they won't do so elsewhere, there's a ton of new accounts on voat

Le_Squish ago

I shall be vigilant. Might be time to ask Putt to tweak some stuff.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's told me he keeps on eye on upfarming but we should still keep an eye on these newfags

Le_Squish ago

Our 8chan bros are driving the bus this time. I trust them since they do let us keep a back up board in their home and they don't even spam us with traps and gore.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

better than reddit niggers to be sure, but it's never a bad idea to pay attention

HST ago

Yeah I can only imagine his patience will wear thin.. Especially if it's the mods doing it again.