Jess-E ago


Creeksidewilly ago

An old vet here trying to do my part to reclaim our Country from the left. Our local Tea Party received "special attention" when I was on the committee. I put up with the Kenyan usurper for eight years along with his dismantling of America as freedom's light. I thought the left would eventually settle down, but they've completely gone insane. I pray we can crush them next Tuesday and relegate them to the dumpster of history. Failing that, if they double down on their insanity I'm ready for that too. They are now Domestic Enemies and my oath doesn't expire. I will stand.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this comment by @PieceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#2755) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Susie_Q ago

Greetings Patriot Warriors!

Susie Q Reporting For Duty!

Remember... President Trump Rally 10/1/18 - 7:00p eastern Johnson City, TN


Geranium_Lily ago

I am here.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

Lots of faggotry took place here...

GratefulGrandmother ago

Somehow, this all reminds me of trying to get different-colored stars on a chart in grade school, in order to validate my existence (and pacify the 'rents). That's it! Existential angst! No worries. God wins.

GratefulGrandmother ago

Smoke signalling, coconut wireless,and the like, actually work. I think we're living the Hundredth Monkey Effect!

GratefulGrandmother ago

Being an ex-libtard, but still a boomer-faggot granny (can't avoid that label, it seems), I applaud. Make that tapestry, sow those seeds...go back to nature, avoid the personality-cult waste-wits, and shine your Lights, ex-Mother-fuckers!

Massalian ago

Hello! I was introduced to Q a few months ago and am completely engaged with your excellent comments! I want to share some great news from an ancient book! There is a code inside this ancient book and revealed in 2016 that: Trump would be president; HRC will go to prison; Huma Abedin is a mole; and that James Comey was paid off! I saved several of the URLS and here is one that will knock your socks off! This is truly worth watching!! Follow the letters carefully as you might want to pause to see them before the next frame! Enjoy!

Zurenarrh ago

Big Words like Symposium ... Zurenarrh BoNeZ in Position
Indubitably We return and Stay the Course ... TRUTH is the Inevitable Force

ThreeRedKids ago

Thanks for creating this site and glad to find a new home.

MissPatriot ago

MissPatriot reporting. What do I need to do?

FoxySten ago

I’m confused. I started my account. Upvoted/commented. Got distracted came back on logged on and my avatar was gone, everything was gone??

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'literally 10,000 Q niggers have decended on voat, keep an eye out for newnigger behavior like begging for upvoats or farming them' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @EyeOfHorus:

SensibleStoner (3 years 191CCP) farms on v/theawakening and then creates new v/QRV and then uses the moderators from theawakening.

Some kikery afoot.

This notification (#451) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot( More information here, including how to suppress this notification.

AmericanRebel ago

REPORTING FOR DUTY, PATRIOTS! Help me got upvotes!

Qzero ago

Pro- another place to indulge my Q addiction. Con- another place to indulge my Q addiction.

Sykotic ago

Hello, new on VOAT, so excited about this movement !! WWG1WGA!!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Voat News (9 September 2018 - 15 September 2018)' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and permalinks this submission.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

(Ref #112)

Banister ago

Help with up votes. Thank you!

Notsosubliminal ago

Thank you Neon for the pathway here, and I enjoy reading your posts. Hello to all the patriots.

Deplorable18 ago


Do you see what's happening. The military is testing our "broadcast system" to determine if there are any "roadblocks". Roadblocks may equal censoring!

Test of Emergency Broadcast System on Thursday? 2186 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Sep 2018 - 2:13:12 PM TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms. POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football']. NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access. CENTRAL Command. Q

HotTuna ago

Thank you to all had the insight for backup to GA. WWG1WGA

pat1776deplorable ago

I just love a covert operation! #WWG1WGA

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

Ready for duty.. thumbs up required 🙏

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Q 2172 - CARPET BOMBS >>> MOAB' was posted in v/theawakening by @R3VO1utionary and includes this reply, which permalinks to this submission:

I went here and asked for votes as others did to get started. Good luck patriot.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. More info here.

Anouk ago


Anouk ago


ijedi2 ago

I'm baaack. Just up voted everyone on the page, maybe 100 or so. You're welcome. I only read some of the comments. Ditto on F%&k Reddit and I'm so glad to get my Q fix back.

Deplorable18 ago

Hussein is unhinged. He talks about demigods who speak of simple solutions to complicated problems. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a jackaz. Complete projection on his part. There is a simple solution to illegals, eliminate them and build the wall. They have no right here. Fuck Hussein.

Thanks Neon. "Obama Unhinged" by @NeonRevolt

MommaG ago

Getting really concerned. Haven’t heard anything since #2170. Also why observatories being shut down. Is this true? Any feedback welcome. TYIA

Deplorable18 ago

This is funny. HiLIARy said that the Republicans want to turn the clock back to 1850. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! Sounds like the demonrats forget that the slaves were theirs. They have selective memories.

1IrishPatriot ago

Way out of my depth here. Never used reddit,or 8chan, . No clue how to navigate. Don't know anyone. All I know is I'm Irish and I love Q.

FromNowOn ago

We will prevail

Fatboy1537 ago

Thanks very much!

singlebrain1 ago

singlebrain1 I need your upvotes!

kwelity ago

Welcome all you syringes with detachable nozzles. I'm getting the feel for the native language.

rkenishere ago

Who is responsible for the Reddit ban

Current director of policy at Reddit, Jessica Ashooh, is coming under heavy criticism as Reddit bans pro-President Donald Trump voices.

Ashooh started working for Reddit after an executive stint at the George Soros-funded Atlantic Council, which is also reportedly funded by the Chinese. Reddit is run by Steve Huffman, aka “Spez,” following the suicide of free speech-minded Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz, who faced 35 years in prison in a hotly contested computer fraud case.

Jessica Ashooh is believed by some to be responsible for the account “arabscarab,” which has been leading the charge to shut down the Q Anon movement on the Reddit platform. The Great Awakening, the second-largest pro-Trump subreddit, was banned Tuesday night in a move that has rocked the online community.

More than 30 covert left-wing actors have been identified in the censorship Plot, which includes posing as Trump supporters to post intentionally offensive content and flagging it. Some of these activists are linked to Media Matters and the ACLU. An employee of CBS has been identified as a member of the plot but denies involvement. Top Reddit moderators continue to investigate the network of activists who are executing “Ban Out 2018,” an assault on Trump supporters.

Deplorable18 ago

Just wanted to share this in case you haven't seen it already. The Tenth Amendment Center is an excellent read pertaining to our Constitution. Enjoy. (May I please have some upvotes? TY)

rkenishere ago

Just hit the New comment button and then upvote those who have less then 10, keep scrolling WWG1 WGA

sheepnomore ago

Glad to be here. WWG1WGA!!

Vibratron ago

Up voted...... up voting everything

alpike ago


Maccabee ago

Can we give some love to Voat please?

StormChaser126 ago

StormChaser126 reporting for duty. Locked out by Tw&tter four times—now taking the fight to a new theater.

They can’t stop Truth. THEY CAN’T STOP US!


punkyleslie ago

Punkyleslie is here and happy!

Ohbutwhatiknow ago

Patriots!!! It’s been like trying to find family in a crowded theme park! I’m glad to have found my people!! #wwg1wga

gr8daze ago

Upvotes please !

Andweknow ago

Refugees! Love it! Love this new (B)VOAT.

Andweknow ago

This game they play increases our resolve to continue this fight for truth.

Ovrcmr ago

So are we needing to check the three subs or is there any overlap?

Cabman ago


TinaQ17 ago

I'm just jumping on now , any highlights from Q today?

Puffin9999 ago

What do downvotes mean?

Puffin9999 ago

Commenting here! New to Voat...won’t be silenced.

YouWho ago

Glad to see everyone!

trich1972 ago

Just came over. Thanks SB2

Justagirl1 ago

Need up votes plz

Fireking151 ago

I am confused..I upvote everything..where are the blogs I can open and read like Reddit? This sucks. Maybe some of you smarter young folks can teach us old farts. WWG1WGA!

PatriotOK ago

Hey there! Getting situated with this new layout and format. Hang in there everyone! WWG1WGA

Fireking151 ago

I am dumb. I CAME from Reddit. Where are all the links from my fellow Patriots? Like Reddit? This platform confuses me. Upvote me and teach us old timers how to use this Goat. WWG1WGA!

Deplorable18 ago

This site requires us to be upvoted at least 10 times before we can do some serious posting. Until then, we're limited to 10 comments per 24hrs. I guess it's to stop bots. It's a pain in the az but we need to start again, so jump in and don't let the bad guys stop you.

PatriotOK ago

Right there with ya!

KeyomeDT ago

I have 0 clue. Trying to figure it out too! Good luck

MommaG ago

In the same VOAT (time out for humor) granny is lost.

Quickdraw08 ago

Thank Q for helping me get enough points to be able to post. I'm still trying to figure out this new site so thanks for the patients in advance. WWG1WGA

Theyalldidit ago

Hi just made the decision to join. Been a loooooooongg time lurker on Reddit and other platforms. Stopped using facebook years ago b/c I really didn't like talking about myself all that much. Never cared to sit for hours putting all my shit out there for the world to see. Anyway, I LOVE my country, g-grandfather fought in WW1, grandfather WW2, my dad was in the Army (peace time) lost a brother in Viet Nam, my other brother got sent to Korea (during Viet nam). I guess u could say my family is PATRIOTIC. I LOVE our President and i am totally committed to this movement &Q. What's happening is exciting. Love each and every patriot on this board! Thank you for breaking Q down and all that very hard work you guys do. It is MUCH appreciated. I'm with you all the way.

Athenaethana ago

Cool! I was looking how to post, but now I know I won't be able to unless I comment 9 more times adter this one.

PatriotOK ago

In the same boat here...

BettyLiberty ago

Reddit sucks!

YXDOUX3X515t ago

Checkin in!

OilofMercyGal ago

Glad to make it over here. Stay Strong!

Throwaway13121111 ago


joanninna ago

Hello Everyone! Was not big on Reddit because it was a bit confusing and I've been learning so much these past 20 mos. or so. Many of the so called conspiracies I've been awaken to for over 2 decades. Nice to see there finally others 'in the know'. I am so grateful and thankful for this wonderful man, President Trump and the Military for all they're.** Peace, Love'n Light to all!**

Boksmom1 ago

Thanks Neon for making the move more comfy.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Well this sub is shit. Blocked.

pelayor123 ago

great awakening refugee here.we must stand together for if America falls so does the world.

AbjectDynamite ago

Hello Patriots! AbjectDynamite here. Thanks for the thread space NeonRevolt! I hope Trump, Q & Co., are able to do something about the attacks on us soon. (And I hope those who seem to love censorship so much, get a taste of their own medicine.) #WWG1WGA! #MAGA!

MommaG ago

It will be great when that happens.

Luvlite ago

Hi. Am I in the right place?

MommaG ago

Yes we are but figuring all out is the hard part. How about some upvoats so momma can have a voice. TYIA

ProudtobeAmerican ago

yes please upvote so we can share

Luvlite ago

Upvoating like crazy!

ProudtobeAmerican ago

I am not getting any points and its driving me crazy

braddoubleu ago

ThankQ for the link Neon and leading me here. #WWG1WGA

ProudtobeAmerican ago

Please up vote - here's a one for you.

ProudtobeAmerican ago

Fellow Patriot need Karma to share memes/news

SemperFortis99 ago

Standing by for further instructions!

QuietJet17 ago

Lurker participating after the blatant censorship of this movement. We need to stand together. We can’t be shaken.

Thank you Anons, for working so hard to save our country.

Thank you Q, for risking everything for this county, for us, for freedom.

Thank you POTUS, for risking everything to fight the good fight, for not taking the easy way despite having billions of dollars and being in need of almost nothing. One day, we will name a Day after you.

And most of all, thank You Jesus, for Your grace and mercy and boundless patience towards us and this county. For putting it in the hearts of these men and women to stand for good, and against evil. Please be with POTUS, and please be with Q. Give wisdom to them, and protect them. And give them success, and us success, for Your glory and for Your Name.


MommaG ago

If it wasn’t for our great anons grandma would have been hopelessly lost in a world of confusion. MAGA N KAG TRUMP 2020. Geterdun!!!!

CarlaJones ago

Bitbucket is down

BettyLiberty ago

Hi Neon! Love your blog!

Rebelghirl ago

RebelGhirl here. :)

FanofQ ago

I too need upvoates please sp glad everyone is finding their way here.

Amyamy ago

NICE! Been a while since I've been perusing Voat. Good to be back on here. This was the best resource when PizzaGate was first exposed. Hoping it will prove to be effective for the WWG1WGA Q movement as well.

Ambassador4Christ ago

God Bless every single one of you. Keep up the good fight, I'm proud to be rubbing shoulders with some of the most intelligent and tough Patriots out there.

Smo-Guiver ago

Only 4 more comment contribution points until I can get back on track posting for the Great Awakening. Was posting about the new Executive Orders on reddit when we were rudely interrupted.

mycat_mako ago

All aboard!

SherryOkie1 ago

God, Country, POTUS & Q, Our blood runs red, white & blue, Patriot hearts tried & true, All aboard Choo Choo “Q”!

Aleoph7 ago

Good job to you all! WWG1WGA

Joeker4Trump ago

I upvoted as many as I could in 30 min. Gotta go back to work. Upvotes appreciated..

God Bless WWG1WGA

QueenJanky ago

Here I am, from reddit. Help me

Togr82b4gotn ago

It is going to take some getting used to this...But, its better than nothing.

Pvb15 ago

So glad to be here!! Deactivated and Deleted Reddit as soon as GA was banned. So grateful for the Q Team and our President... They were the last hope for our Republic!! Please help upvote so I can do my part #WWG1WGA

Sakii201 ago

I finally got in. Thank you for your tenacity in helping us relocate. Since I just got in, I would love some upvotes. Hopefully this comment will go through. Thank you to everyone who have found this new home. Hopefully we won’t be getting any horrible people in here for a long time.

KeyomeDT ago

Gotcha back ;)

UnderRadarWildCamper ago

Whaaat? An old guy here, followed Neon's instructions, and now I've reassembled here, ready to continue the Great Awakening! (And the DS is still blind,-go Q.) Life is GOOD!!! WWG1WGA. So now we've gone to VOAT. Bwaaaaaaaaaa!!!

neisyjane ago

Will anyone please give me some upvotes? Been here for 2 days with none. I upvote back! MAGA WWG1WGA

KeyomeDT ago


QueenJanky ago


Deplorable18 ago

I just gave you an upvote, but strangely, when I refresh it shows no upvote. I don't get it.

neisyjane ago

I thought something was going on. ThanQ. I will see what I can do.

Tryonisdoomed ago

How many of us have deleated the Reddit app? Those rat bastards!

Pvb15 ago

Deactivated and deleted immediately. Hoping Voat GA ramps right to 71k subs with all the refugees from Reddit.

Papa_tum ago

Registered first thing this morning thru duckduck go.had to re registrr when i went thru goofle,now im here

nic1298 ago

WWG1WGA! upvotes thanks.

AnotherGuccifer ago

During the last couple of weeks I had tried several times to login into my reddit account in order to post something on r/greatawakening but I kept getting logged out and my username and password were not being recognized. That's when I knew that they are doing some sort of shadow banning to prevent users from contributing to the discussions. I guess it was only a matter of time before they gave up on hiding behind dirty tricks and come out into the open as fully against us and outright censor us. This means that they know that the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan and in their desperation they're doing everything they can to keep us down and impede our ability to fight them and/or redpill the masses. However, like Q says, these people are really stupid because they did not study their own history and didn't learn that never in the past, wherever it was tried, censorship not only did not work, but it backfired. I guess the waiting is almost over and we're about to see some major events pretty soon. Get your raincoats on patriots, the storm is here and getting stronger each day.

KeyomeDT ago

Raincoat on

Lady-Glory442 ago

Made it! Upvote please!

bornfree2 ago

Thanks for the welcome, I couldn't believe they banned r/greatawakening, I felt homeless until I saw on had a link that this is where everyone is going. Glad to be here, I guess I'll need uprvoats to I can post. Different, but we'll get used to it.

Zuzupetal123 ago

Yay!! Thank you for creating this !!!!

ThatOneDuck ago

Awww, did Reddit make you sad? Grow a pair.

Deplorable18 ago

Who you talking to?

QueenJanky ago


croberts ago

Thank you for putting this together!! WWG1WGA

Messaboogie17 ago

Good were In!

TXFreedom ago

Always a way around the socialist scum deleting and censorship!

MrsMeeah ago

Hi! New to ALL this... Just started down this "rabbit hole"... What a true Awakening and Wild Ride! Better than an ( old school ) 'E' ticket at Disneyland! Yet creepier than any of my previous nightmares! Thanks Neon for helping us Newbies!

Mercy-Upon-Our-Earth ago

It's good to find you again. Any crumbs or drops today, that you've heard of?

StarFire22 ago

Thank you Neon! Love you, love my fellow patriots, love you Q, love my POTUS!
One thing these censoring Reddit yanks have done positive is to prove and demonstrate WWG1WGA! See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya! I upvoted fellow patriots to my 1000 limit for today. Fingers numb!
Care to send a few upvotes my way please? So happy to be here. Let's do this!

omnipresenthuman ago

Omnipresnthuman here

PhillySteve ago

Enjoying the show!!!

open_tip_maga ago

This is fun and exciting tbh. Fucking reddit lmao, like I give a shit about that place.

CavemanQ ago

Are we only allowed so many up votes? Some aren't sticking


i feel lonely would someone please upvoat me???

British-Patriot-Uk ago

Just managed to find the app and get it up and running!

Glad we have somewhere to go. WWG1WGA


ok just upvoted i see how this community works!!


not sure what to do... looking for q friends..

Deplorable18 ago

It would be great if we could sign up here with the same names as we had on that other rat-bastard site.

Djitaldawg ago

Q sent me

ScreamingNickel ago

So happy to have found a link! I was none to happy about the ban!

KnownBand0 ago

Great Awakening had 70,000 members. When Nixon & Kissinger saw 100,000 Americans march into Wash DC to protest the Viet Nam war they knew it was over. Internet forums are one thing. Protesting in the streets gets everybodys attention. soon enough

Deplorable18 ago

Somehow I doubt there were only 70k. Suppression?

Nibot ago

Glad to be here.


ideasarebulletprooff ago

Reporting for Duty!

Grandmavickie ago

Im here, let's get back to work!! WWG1WGA

FSFKelby ago

New here. Not new to Q. Figuring out this format and site. Thank you Patriots!


Thanks lost without news!

HazelAnon2018 ago

Had a bit of a hard time yesterday with all the traffic and glitches but seems to be okay today. WWG1WGA!!

felixthecat_17 ago

reporting for duty!!!!!!!!!!!!

GoneKurtz ago

Over the target and taking flak. They are truly in a panic.

Glad to be here wide awake for the rest of the movie. Have plenty of popcorn ready. WWG!WGA

Eallen1775 ago

Welcome aboard!

Eurelines ago

Got directed here from SerialBrain2

Honeybee60 ago

Thank God there’s a place now for “Great Awakening” patriots to go to for memes and info!

iminme ago


teriyakuza ago

And you get an upvote, and you...

MayorAnon ago

Q[reddit] sent me

Nfn8wzdm ago

I red-pilled my 67 year old mom.... this morning she sent me a picture of her car! Now I gotta get her on Gab.

Net26 ago

WWG1WGA. I am here!

Eawapatroit ago

Lets do it!

Solookup ago

Make it happen. Q!

Kamagawa ago

Thanks for the shelter. I'll sit here by the fireplace while I thaw out.

fglaus ago

Reddit refugee, thank you VOAT, thank you Patriots, thank you Q and R, you are Masters of the Game of Life.

nhbctpti ago

Came here from r/GA.

Glad to be done with the Nazi-fascists running that site. Wish I'd known about this place sooner.

Acemagedon ago

Great to be here, thanks for having us!

Sashnluc ago

Newbie - and very glad to be reconnecting with QArmy!! :)

RosieQ ago

RosieQ +++ aka, refugee form Reddit, is here! Thank you VOAT for your hospitality!


Puud ago

Patriot reporting for duty! Only need comment points, and I'll go to the front lines.

Ok_Top ago

Happy to be onboard!

Boscovius ago

Boscovius reporting for duty!

AustinPatriot ago

Well, that didn't take long, did it? Information wants to be free and the only effect of such a clumsy censorship attempt was to pour water on a grease fire. Ironically, they've just red-pilled more normies than a hundred "proof point" posts could have.

KimS-1954 ago

Glad to see we landed somewhere. Damn Reddit!

DasWood ago

Thank God that free speech still exists! The thought police technocrats will ultimately fail. By trying to shackle independent thinking they are only bringing more patriots into the light.

Boscovius ago

Boscovius reporting for duty.

Mister_Anderson ago

we are just too damn resourceful for them to win. ban reddit, ban, this, ban that, they know they will lose. theyre running scared. WWG1WGA.

KingLudwigOfBavaria ago

The fuck I wake up too?

wwg1wga-legion ago


chibirobodrogo ago

Hello All! I'm so happy to be here with you all again!

Mltolman ago

Hi. Glad to be here.

aWWBII ago

aWWBII reporting in for duty.

Help me get ten (10) cc please !!

Quickdraw08 ago

How do i get up-votes. Sorry but I'm about as confused as I've ever been. Too old for this shit.

Bendecko ago

Bendecko here....need some upvotes Patriots!

CrackedMascara ago

Thank you!!

Quickdraw08 ago

where can I find Q posts

savethenation ago

Thanks Neon! Upvotes please?

AwakenJustice323 ago


k1ace ago

k1ace glad to be here

Deplorable18 ago

This is a bit confusing. I upvoted people and then refreshed the page only to see that they have 0 points again.

Anon_MM ago

If there any sort of mobile app for this site?!

Vofar ago


s_l420 ago

NeonRevolt sent me and I just finished upvoting everyone with 10 or less votes.

What a dick move from reddit, that was the nicest community I witnessed for a long time.

All for a LARP, right?

The banning was the final prove I needed that this is real.

Now I will watch reddit going downhill when they finally ban The_Donald.

Fuck that site!

Vofar ago

+1 Yeah reading the other subs was nothing but a bunch of libs shredding on anything conservative or pro Trump. Even the anti-hate sub was nothing but hateful ass hats.

Deplorable18 ago

Now you have one too.

Vofar ago

You have one too

s_l420 ago

Thanks, shipm8, though I usually just lurk anyway. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Just realized i upvoted 271 times by now, lol, will continue.

OsoCovfefe ago


Thanks to all the Patriots who made this refuge possible...God Bless you all. Haven't looked around yet, never heard of this place until yesterday, thanks again to ALL you Patriots for making room for us.

Is this similar to the last place, will there be research areas and learning areas for people trying to keep up and maps...?

Vofar ago

Good Point and well said! Thank you all!

OsoCovfefe ago

No thank you and have an upvoat. WWG1WGA

Malakyzek ago

Just found my way here....thank q neonrevolt for the blog post.

kornholio ago


Qodles ago

Thank you for keeping it going.

socomtom ago

Good morning. I'm NOT from Reddit, but I'm following on another forum and thought I'd join here too.

srb1110 ago

Freedom Lover reporting in!

Deplorable18 ago

I just gave the last few hundred posts upvotes. Can someone please give me a few, please?

daBrown75 ago

"Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger
He's half man and half machine

Rides the Metal Monster
Breathing smoke and fire
Closing in with vengeance soaring high"

Mdking73 ago

Fellow Patriots, I need some help with Upvotes!

Joeker4Trump ago

I made it over here. Thank you for finding this. WWG1WGA

Deplorable18 ago

Here you guys are! Good morning.

daBrown75 ago

You get an upvote!
And you get an upvote!
Everybody gets an upvote!

Volfram ago

I'm In like Flynn, GA refugee checking in

packman ago

Found my way over.

DeeCree ago

Peeps are blasting POTUS for his tweet about the strong storm incoming - correcting him that it was downgraded - what a bunch of libtard idiots who cannot see that ITS A MESSAGE FOR THE PATRIOTS right here on the boards!

patriotwomen ago

So glad to have found this site. I was having withdrawals when GA shut down. May truth be the winner.

Exomnis45 ago

The only way I can get this to neon. Please check this out!! Nervous that I have it.

Jwerty1 ago

Subscribed, another reddit refugee here. Now on gab and voat as of last night

phoenix883 ago

The other refugees got a line of blonde college girls waiting for them. What do we get?!

eli_val ago

Hello all

wikipiques ago

thank you voat

TalkingDixon ago

Rested, prepped, and ready for battle! Let's get this party started! WWG1WGA! Upvoats on the house!

Jillb32926 ago

Migrated since all my subreddits are gone ! I hate change ! But anything to follow Q! Help me get my votes

WeThePeopleUnite ago

Thank you for taking us in!!! I read another post the VPN’s really offer zero protection 😢 - the only thing the MSMCensors are doing is proving Q RIGHT!!!!! Flurk Them!

JSlautt ago

Iput link on Twitter to get word out...

Shannonjyl ago

This is not the internet we were promised!

EvilWulf ago

I've made my way this direction.

Dredawg ago

Please do us a favor and dont make the reddit MODs , mods in this sub. They are a bunch or traitors and hypocrites. And if any of you reddit MODs read this, the irony is palatable aint it?

I got banned for 'inciting violence' on /r/greatawakening for posting lyrics to an 80s video.

michaelt9852 ago

new refugee here, thank you Voat !!

SukiQ ago

Do I have my ten yet? Let’s see 😳

Joeymary ago

Was just getting used to Reddit--thanks to Neon directing us here... WWG1WGA! Glad to know we are strong and can't be silenced!

LibertyCampaign ago

Just wondered in from Australia (wandered? both I think), I will sit out of the way. I'm just waiting to see who in [AUS] was helping the bad guys trying to overthrow the democratically elected head of state of our strongest ally. It's can't be Alexander Downer working alone, he couldn't have access after all these years, someone in the Government had to be helping him. Please please please let it be Julie Bishop.

Rhetorix ago

Join the Australia group on Gab.Ai. Theres not heaps of ppl but it's the biggest group I know. Lots of news and stuff always happening there. A few aussies out here on Voat but no dedicated subs.

LibertyCampaign ago

done thanks

USCG_Vet ago

These people are stupid.

God Bless Q+

Fishvillan ago

I up voated you, return the favor please.


EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

EyesWideOpen reporting for Duty... WWG1WGA

Fishvillan ago

Up voated, please do the same for me.


EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

thank you my patriot friend....consider it done WWG1WGA

jaredthirsk ago

How can censorship succeed in a nascent information age? I fear all they have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.

Puitruq ago

Thanks, Voat-ers! Could I get some of those ‘voat-points’, too?

Fishvillan ago

Same here Patriot, I've up voated 200+ and gotten 6 in return.


Puitruq ago

Have one back from me!

RABID666 ago

I hope everyone makes it over

LostWeaver ago

I have been a lurker on the subreddit and have followed NeonRevolt over here. Voat may be sorry for requesting 10 comments, because once started, I don't stop!

Fishvillan ago

I gave you your first up voat, return the favor.


LostWeaver ago

Thank you! Upvote incoming :)

span ago


Fishvillan ago

Your first up voat as well


larryhuston ago

Counts for nothing.

Hubris-Nemesis ago

Where ever "We" may go...I will follow. Hubris will meet Nemesis

I trust Q

Fried_Pi ago

I made the jump from Reddit. I’m not surprised our sub was purged. It was just a matter of time.

HereComesTheSunny ago

UpVoats, plz!

USCG_Vet ago


Brownslover01us ago

I think I survived the jump. 🍿

LeigM ago

Can I get a link to the discord please?

Tbrennan ago

Wwg1wga! Upvoats please! Thanks!!

DameDeplorable ago

How safe are we here? I knew it was coming with the Great Awakening board when the moderators turned shill. Is that going to happen here, too? No matter, we will still get the truth. WWG1WGA!

jcrna ago

Lurked since 10/16. All this for a LARP? I'm aboard;vote me in!

Midflight ago

Exploring the Q anon thing, then poof, must be worth further investigation if people want it hidden from the regular folks

Qnited ago

Checking in. I guess I need upvotes?

kushtiannn ago

Thank God for this life raft. Yesterday was tough opening reddit and finding that something I truly held dear was ripped from my hands. WWG1WGA!

SeekingUltimatums ago

Was hoping we'd find a new board!!!

FlyoverCountry ago

Known as WokeInEarly90s on previous board. All of my other monikers were gone. Glad to have this place.

MaryKrazy ago

Glad I found you! Took a while what with everybody moving over from Reddit, and the fact that I don’t know what I’m doing. 🤪

InspiredPatriot ago

It's amazing how prescient Q is. Getting banned Reddud is strong evidence we're winning

ironmaiden442 ago

Making the leap glad to be here

Wwwoodchuck ago

Word is spreading fast, lots of links around to here. TPTB can chase us but they cannot silence the Majority.

anxin11 ago

Just jumped in over here.

I agree with others statements that the opposition made a big mistake that validates us, and will make more people curious about the suppression.

I do miss all the interesting research topics and digs. Hope that will get going again here soon!

aQzd ago

Count me in. More determined than ever to spreading the truth about Q far and wide. If they think they can silence us, they have failed.

Ronin_Deplorable ago

Good morning Patriots. Did anyone else get a long nonsensical reply to any of their posts yesterday before TGA (and everything else went down)? I didn’t manager to get a screen grab but it was a jumbled and garbled response to one of my bigger posts. I do t believe in coincidence, so there may be a correlation. Any thoughts?

537Mel ago

Thanks Neon

537Mel ago

Mel here!

11Barbieh11 ago

Kicked out of town square and forced to go underground. I’ll wear it like a badge of honor!

xxl ago

so glad to be rid of awful reddit!! I knew voat would come of age eventually

WanderingCatalyst ago

I’ll wear the badge of honor for being:

Banned for telling the truth...and for promoting patriotism.

Banned for fact-based discussions on vast Obama-era corruptions at CIA, FBI & DOJ.

Banned for fact-based discussions on the fight against human trafficking.

Banned for fact-based discussions on organized international child abuse and trafficking.

Banned for fact-based discussions on treasonous and seditious behavior against American citizens in exchange for $$$ by Obama, Clinton Foundation, Bill & Hillary Clinton, McCain, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, McCain Foundation, Jarrett, Comey, +dozens more.

Banned for fact-based discussions on Satanic worshipping practices of the global Cabal.

Banned for fact-based discussions on the attempted coup d'etat of the duly elected 45th American President by the DNC and top officials at DOJ, FBI and CIA.

Banned for fact-based discussions about the sale of classified American military secrets by H Clinton.

Banned for fact-based discussions about hundreds of millions in kickbacks to both Clinton and McCain Foundations by foreign governments.

Banned for fact-based discussions about the intelligence gathering abuses on American citizens by FVEY “allies.”

Banned for discussing our general disgust at the level of corruption in the American government by both Republican and Democrats.

Banned for fact-based discussions on the 10k+ pedophile arrests during the Trump Administration (more than the combined totals from the previous 4 years combined under Obama).

Banned for fact-based discussions of Bush-era lapses in national security and intelligence failures in the time leading up to and the day of 9/11/01.

Banned for fact-based discussions of the record number of political and corporate executive resignations in a single year.

...just to name a few topics.

Now, I’m sure some of you are saying “Aaaah, that’s just a bunch of conspiracy theories.” Kinda like the one about Trump’s claim he was being spied on? Or the one about Hillary allowing her server to be hacked? Or the one about there weren’t any classified emails on Hillary’s unauthorized server?

There are now over 51,000 sealed indictments awaiting release. I, for one, am really looking forward to the disclosure and prosecution of these sealed indictments. Rooting out the pervasive corruption and treason will mark a decidedly positive change for our great country.

Dark to light.


StarFire22 ago

Worthy! Well put! Bravo!

WanderingCatalyst ago

Sheep no more

CovfefeCup ago

Yes! Upvoat, please! :0)

InspiredPatriot ago

You can't keep good patriots down!

Apollonious ago

I think I like it here. Upvote please!

Hsnbrg501 ago

The DS is getting scared as hell. r/GA was starting to reach thousands by the day, and as a result, was brigaded by shills.

nebim123 ago

Thans Q for leading us here and open our eyes...

nebim123 ago

great even Q has recommend this site.

lightmeup77 ago

Folks we took a hit this morning. I was absolutely taken aback when I attempted to log into GA for my morning Q hit - and bang - just like that a community of 70K people wiped away while the media crowed about it. We have since learned that redit was screwing with the numbers and that the community was actually closer to 300K not 70K.

First I was devastated - felt like I had lost something that has become very important. But worse than that felt like I had lost a lot of people that had indeed become a community to me. But then came anger - pure Cold Anger. I don't know how many here have read Sundance's essay on Cold Anger - do yourself a favor, read it if you haven't. Link here:

Then began a frantic check of all of my bookmarks to see if any other Q based boards were still up. There were some but not highly populated. Then within 6 or 8 hours this board and the new 8chan board came online -

Not only was I relieved but I was so proud of all the patriots, anons, board mods - that had managed, in a few short hours to take what looked to be a devastating blow, and turn it into a resounding comeback. I am betting that today was for the DeepStaters much like election night 2016. Started out so sure of themselves and then as 9 or 10 O'clock came - their awareness and anquish at what they saw was coming. For me today gave me the exact same feeling as that night. It was glorious.

I am so damn proud of every last one of us.


Qnited ago

Too much truth about them exposed on that board! They had to take it down, just like the Towers!

lightmeup77 ago

That and the fact it was so much bigger than they led us to believe. If 300K subscribers then another 500K lurkers? Thats a lot of people reaching a lot of people.

I think this was pure desparation on their part. Hail Mary pass kind of thing. One big thing left for them - some type of major FF op. It will have to be frigging big - and that scares me - WTC level.


homer_runner ago

Neon Revolt you're the people's General. When the book gets written about this you and SB2 deserve your own chapter for the work and effort you guys put in. THANKS

Cfatman13 ago

Thanks for having me

Petersonclaushenry ago

It will take time to get used to it here. But thanks to NEON, this will be a welcome pursuit.

Beanandginger ago

This was a setback but only a temporary setback. Our voices where once a murmur of crickets but are growing into a cacophony that was beginning to drown out the propaganda and lies of the evil ones. Their attempts to silent us will fail. Soon our voices and our message will coalesce into a deafening roar the like of which the world has no seen since the Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt. Conspiracy no more. It's time to roar!

reservedreader ago

Will be interesting to see how long it takes to get to 70k over here.

reservedreader ago

Need some help please getting on board.

TheComingSwarm ago


Backlot ago

Just landed! Hello Patriots!

Wakey_wakey ago

Dustin Nemos recommending VOAT also. He’s a true patriot, do support his work if you can...

FractalizingIron ago

On refugee sabbatical. Here from reddit. Upvote please!!!

FractalizingIron ago

Fractal signing in. Thank you patriots!

Cryptotee_ ago

Upvoted all of you here on the first load of comments and a fellow patriot here can as well use some to help gain some traction here. Reddit has tried to silence us but we’ve just gotten even stronger. Thank you!

Weareworthy ago

Thanks for the handover #WWG1WGA

Syntax3rr0r ago


Ladybug3024 ago

Ladybug reporting for duty 🐞

Tatermonkey ago

I made it here finally

Cryptotee_ ago

Great to be here back with you all Fellow Patriots!

Jiggy175 ago

Hey fellow anons, whilst it's a pain to move platforms, this looks like a great place to claim asylum lol

On the plus side, I see the bannings as a sign that we're a. Winning b. Right about Q and c. Possibly about to deal the killer blow to deep state.

Thanks for the welcome, WWG1WGA

LSassy54 ago

Happy to be here. Trying to figure out this new format. Please help me with some upvotes.

GodBlessUsAll_Uk ago

God bless you all from the UK!

Sepjr ago

Thank you, working on spreading the word. Thank you Neon for posting the link.

concentric0 ago

Wondering what percent of ga refugees kept same usernames? I changed mine, ahem faggots 😎

Fried_Pi ago

Kept mine, though I didn’t post much in GA.

gerberlyfe ago

So happy everything is back on track :)

Major_Tom69 ago

Major_Tom reporting for duty!

NiaStorm ago

Much appreciated, Neon! ThanQ, Patriots! WWG1WGA

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Hey new folks, welcome and prepare your buttholes. Also, various jewkikes like to post various pedo links and anti trump trolls from time to time. You can do everyone here a favor by sorting for new and downvoating them into oblivion so they never reach the front page.

Sparkles26 ago

Each time I come back here I will be voting all of you UP!

Sparkles26 ago

I came here when Pam told us about Voat on his show. So many came here we had to wait for the site to come back up. WWG1WGA

wasupwitdis ago

Hello Patriots WE are back...................WWG1WGA

AU-Truthhomer ago

Thank all for helping a) find the new board b) quickly get us up and going. WWG1WGA

rachaelreads ago

Thank you!! The Reddit sub was a treasure trove of info for people like me who are fairly new to Q. Deleted app, deleted account and left a 1 star rating on App Store. These people are stupid. The ban has just confirmed to me even more that Q is REAL. WWG1WGA x

AmericanTemplar ago

Sorry this keyboard sucks! I need votes!

Sparkles26 ago

Glad I found you all here! On YT you may have seen me in chat there as bigskydreamer26 - I thank God daily and Trump too for having Q.

AmericanTemplar ago

I need updates please. Kick was Neon!

Bamanon ago

Thank you for welcoming all of us political refugees. So grateful we have a new home. It is so inspiring to see how quickly the patriots acted. WWG1WGA

qanonisrealz ago

I just had my great awakening! Was driving home home the other night having a beer, when out of nowhere I swerved into oncoming traffic. Doctor said he he has never seen somebody with such horrible head injuries make such a complete recovery. Doctor said I made a miraculous recovery, praise god! Now before the accident, I'll admit it, none of this stuff made a lick of sense, but after, wow, I totally get it. I was in a car accident, doctor said I made recovery!

Wally45 ago

First - thanQ for the PUT recommendation! Can't wait for the markets to open. Second - 10 up votes would be much appreciated.

PacePatriot ago

Heard about this from glad to be with you all. WWG1WGA

lassehr ago

everytime they bump us , tens of thousands will join the great awakening . trust the plan .

FredyLourenzo ago

I came here also because of Neon Revolt. Thank you patriots

larkmoor ago

Thanks for the tip. Glad to see we are regrouping quick.

Goldiejames ago

Rotten Reddit. #WWG1WGA

clayrab ago

Funny, last time I was on voat was when they banned /r/pizzagate... Flak much?

zimmy21 ago

Operation "Drawing Their Fire" working like a treat. WWG1WGA. God be with you Carolinas.

Kahlypso79 ago

Ah.. need to start up a new Karma to post things in pizagate then ...

Wardermelon ago


Hugh_Mann ago

Hello all, I'm a previous member of CBTS and the Great Awakening. Good Riddance to Reddit! Hopefully it won't take long for others to find us. Peace and blessings to our patriots.

Bbhoyer64 ago

Made it thanks to Neon posting.

Jwal1983 ago


Q-ality1776 ago

I'm in!! Hello patriots.

Fatboy1537 ago

Fatboy1537 has jumped! Upvote please! 😎

Fatboy1537 ago


Fatboy1537 ago

So I need 8

Fatboy1537 ago

That. Was a pussy move by Reddit

Mojo_666 ago

Hey mates, gimme 5, twice if you don't mind

MemeLord96 ago

United We Stand boyss!

UncleWormie ago

Uncle Wormie reporting to do battle! They really think they can stop this. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID

PirateKing ago

The ranks are swelling 😎 Thank to voat for welcoming us. WRWY

Ronson ago

I'm new to this. No idea how to use it. Why is everyone needing upvotes plz

larkmoor ago

Seems like if you want to create a new topic, you must have at least 10 karma points. So I'm assuming it equates to 10 upvotes.

Ronson ago

Thanks for your help patriot.i am more of a commenter than a thread creator so no biggie!

MemeLord96 ago

Memelord checking in can upvotes for upvotes

Ronson ago

Dissent must never be stifled. Wwg1wga!

Joining_The_Q ago

So, now that we're all refugees, will the left pull a 180 and start fighting for our rights? KEK But ... muh refugees. The moar you push, the moar we push back! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Kasha_I ago sent me here. Happy to be with you again!! WWG1WGA

LoveCompassionLight ago

Another refugee here. Thanks for having us ❤️ WWG1WGA

SRVblue1 ago

Heheheheh, feels good, man.

woodjacks ago

woodjacks reporting in

anotherukanon ago

Was it something we said?

Maiden_America4U ago


CarlaJones ago

They are not going to win by silencing us. What does not kill us makes us stronger! WWG1WGA

littlemissgratitude4 ago

Hello everyone! Glad to be here.

tanon93 ago

I've just made the long, treacherous trek here from reddit. Glad to have a new home...

JThreeSixteen ago

Tfw you send deepstate running scared only with memes! Thanks for the warm welcome fellow refugees! I'm not from the U.S but if the U.S and POTUS fall, the whole world will follow. God bless

Hush81 ago


KLCJR77Productions ago

Need to get Serial Brain over here.

higherdiscernment-Q ago

Welcome all, we will not be silenced!


NoraPandora ago

Please upvote as much as you can! Thank you.

FoxySten ago

Thanks for the new home! And the warm welcome

NoraPandora ago

Hello and thank you! :)

YourAuntieGrizelda ago

First ever post after reading and researching daily for the last 10 months.

ArGangel ago


FeCpig ago

I like the separating of voting types, some upvotes would be nice as well, Thank You Patriots!!! WWG1WGA

Onetruthafteranother ago

Silphonica here.

Just a random dreamer.

TruthSoldier17 ago

I have been a member for 17 minutes WWG1WGA Hello patriots

Mom_o_pede ago

Room for another GA refugee? Glad to make it here. Will get to work upvoting right away.

rebelfofoz ago

In a way, this is asymmetrical warfare. Study the "Art of War".

QnutAnon ago

Been a perma lurker of greatawakening absolutely pissed of that we were removed there. but thanks for the support for having us here

mistahbang ago

Hey!! Feels like we are in a movie. Glad to be here!

NoraPandora ago

I upvote as much as I can! Please do so with me! Thank you! :)

Michellesf ago

Glad to be informed on voat

Mistears_Mom ago

Patriots needing up votes sort by new and the you get new posts needing upvotes. Start liking those with less than 10! WWG1WGA

Fried_Pi ago

Hell, I’m upvoting everyone. I might need a sport drink in a bit though. My index finger is cramping!!!!!! play through the pain!

wooqy ago

2420+ checking in, whew long day

XMX-Patriot ago

Now I need upVoats. Please assist.

Fireking151 ago

Reddit Deplorable reporting in o7

XMX-Patriot ago

Glad to be here. Thanks for the notification Neon.

I have your back as always. Lets stay on point.

DorkapotomusRex ago

My upvote thumb worked overtime

IChooseLight ago

WWG1WGA! upvote :)

Stuart20188 ago

Long time Reddit lurker here and happy to be part of this board now. WWG1WGA!

Kopykatter ago


free_spirit_11 ago

I just realized GA was gone!! That is upsetting. Help me out. What do I gotta do here?

Edit: went through and upvoted everyone's.

wooqy ago

2420+ checking in, whew long day

Mistears_Mom ago

Hi I need upvotes i guess???

Swigginz ago


Patriotauthor ago

We are fighting for the very soul of America. God bless Q+, POTUS, the ANONS, and AUTISTS! WWG1WGA Pray that the people of our nation WAKE UP!

lamplight ago


Awokenhalo ago

Refugee just made it. Thank you Patriots for the Direction Guide.

msmoneypenny ago

hello patriots ❤️❤️❤️

TLSpud ago

Never had a reddit account, never will. Did do some fairly regular lurking--recently mostly for SerialBrain2 because he amuses me when I'm sad and feeling niggardly. You seem like a pretty okay bunch of faggots so I'll try to make some comments as time allows. WWG1WGA.

Mistears_Mom ago

Just joined!

Q_Sent_Me ago

Checking in for up votes.

ThomasAquinas ago

Brought here by neonrevolt - ThankQ!

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Keep Fighting Patriots! The threats that have been thwarted by Trump, our NATO Allies, The Military, Qanon and its Patriots have single handedly preserved our Free World, the American Constitutional Rights and the Liberty and Freedom in this country. The DNC has long lost its legitimacy as a political party of true merit, and has, instead, gotten in bed with pretty fucked up Leftists who are hell bent on the destruction of the West. Moderates and Liberals are left with no choice but to join their Patriotic Brothers and Sisters on the Conservative Right and push back the evil agenda that The Left (Soros, ANTIFA, BLM, MARXISM ETC) are trying to conceal in the DNC party platform. #Walkaway, #TheLeftisWrong, #DNCisEvil

gadget820 ago

so let me get this straight, I need 9 more of these???

Jslim ago


Eallen1775 ago

On Board!!

Adarcer ago

Hooah !

SuperiorPotassium ago

It's important to keep info accurate in this turmoil. I believe the 297k number was in reference to the war games involving Russia, not the 70k subs of GA. Remember, Q has a job to do as a MILINT officer, 8chan is secondary (primary for outreach) and anything else (here, formerly reddit) is tertiary. Something big is happening with the war games that needs his and our attention. Also, thankQ having us VOAT! Hopefully we can grow this place and get the less tech-savvy followers of Q to here and get that 70k (or however many werent bots/shills) back.

One_out_of_many ago

1800+ comments? Go goats go.

TassieTiger ago

I found it hard to believe that Reddit would be sooo stupid to get rid of its readers and subscribers....just like that and for what? to demonstrate it is part of the Swamp that prevents free discussion and only allows Propaganda and images of cats.....Hahaha....their loss What they have done is actually Confirm that Q is legitimate and a threat to those that want War and Moar war......

GeneHackmansBFF ago

GeneHackmansBFF reporting for upvotes!! WWG1WGA #MAGAFOREVER

SnapAwake ago

Big ups ladies and gents. Thank you Voat team. Let's keep this ball rolling.


Glad you beamed me up, Scotty!

MisterSpock ago

Me. Spock reporting in, trading upvoats for upvoats!! WWG1WGA!!! Trust the plan!

dp007since09 ago

The 8chans have put up a sub for us there if we want to also use help spread the load to voat.

Patriotwriter ago

Thank you for taking us in. We are in a war for the very soul of America. Pray that the patriots of this nation wake up. Sheep no more.


ShiftyCoyote ago

I feel like a cyber-refugee. Voat is the way to go, now. Voat & 8Chan.

lightmeup77 ago

Welcome All. Let's show the DS and Reddit pukes their actions are futile. Heading over to Twatless to post this board. WWG1WGA

Alice89 ago

The Anons on Reddit and Neon brought me here.

I was sad but now I think this is only the beggining for more exciting things!


IBHappy8 ago

I've never done anything on this platform yet so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Following The Great Awakening!!

cestboncestpas ago

Cheers fellow patriots. Never been in a real war but t imagine this is what it must feel like to regroup after an assault and plan a counterattack. WWG1WGA

Ihopethisworks ago

Hello everybody! I love you all!

Chiariawakening ago

I’m doing my part for comment threads. This is bs that rabbit would censor q boards. As long as we all have a place to end up is all the matters!

GrumpyDUB ago

Super glad to have a new place to be. WWG1WGA

the_proud_right ago

Let's recoup here and make a stance. This is an organized attack against us folks. Means we're doing something right.

Mischief01 ago

So glad Qmap shared this :) Aussie patriot here, enjoying the show, hoping to see our swamp getting caught up in the draining! WWG1WGA

Sunlight ago

Glad to see all Patriots regrouping here. God bless you.

Reddit_u_suck ago

I've got more than 10 upvotes. Still can't post a new thread. Anyone know where I can check my "karma?"

Sunlight ago

New too. Perhaps clicking on your name?

Rickstarr5 ago

We will not be silenced! Fuck Reddit WWG1WGA

Qriusdog ago

Just came from Qmap. Feels good to be back with fellow Patriots. Trusting the plan. Ty neon for the guidance. Upvotes appreciated.

astro_patriot ago

Glad to have found this per

TheRealStraydog ago

Straydog here , I don't want to live like a Refugee , but I'll do whatever it takes . WWG1WGA

WWG1WGA_crypto ago

Jusy got here Patriots!! WWG1WGA

unbecoming2007 ago

Sort by new. Start upvoting those with less than +10. Thanks.

1Carolina99 ago

So glad I found u. So disgusted with the censorship.

AdrenoBlood ago

Reporting for duty.

Treezburn1 ago

Anyone remember your sub names? Think Mirror here. Great to be here with y'all most def gonna share this wonderful place at the work place tm. Stay safe and God Bless! WWG1WGA

Lifefriend ago

We are welcome here just as

nurturer43 ago

OK. I'm here from the Reddit group. Gotta work out site navigation but I'm here!

CanAnonDeux ago

Thanks Neon for directing us here, thanks VOAT! WWG1WGA

Reddit_u_suck ago

Voat for me please. Stay safe all patriots in Florence's path.

isprobablygigh ago

Please help me with upvotes

WWG1WGA_crypto ago

Just got here... Glad to see all you anons!!

RWB247 ago

I’ll take an upvote! We are in battle together to protect our country. I’ve got your back patriots.

unbecoming2007 ago

Anyone having flashbacks from CBTS? Hook a Patriot up? Thanks.

Patriot-Forever ago

WWG1WGA! All Hands On Deck —Patriot-Forever reporting in!

rkenishere ago

Hit sort by new, upvote all with votes under 10, enjoy

FluffyPup915 ago

Knew of this place but was directed here by QMap. Hello from N Texas!

Reddit_u_suck ago

All this trouble for a larp? WWG1WGA

Rainwater ago


Rainwater ago


Jenngop ago

Thanks Reddit. Your censorship just crushed any tiny Q doubts I had. WWG1WGA!

carbro ago

Glad here! WWG1WGA

DeplorableWokeSceap ago

A BIG thank you to VOAT Admin and Mods for hosting the Plebbit refugees! I need my Brother and Sister Patriots for morning coffee and my mental sanity through out the day!

phdyoda ago

Thanks Neon for the heads up to this refugee camp for us patriots. To hell with Reddit.

rkenishere ago

Wow, what next, their end is in sight, stay strong, stay together, fight, fight, fight, WWG1 WGA

mindcrash ago

Good morning fellow anons,

Finally free (at least -- for now... kek) to say this loud and proud:

Fuck Reddit, fuck Silicon Valley, fuck the regressive left and most of all: fuck the EU and Article 13.


Greetings from quasi-occupied Europe!

Reddit_u_suck ago

Welcome from the socialist republic of Illinois.

Clanfeargus4597 ago

Amazing to see how fast this community can move!

Kissyface13 ago

WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Help me get my upvoats Plz 🙂

ShaowIndy ago

Made it over, upvote for up vote. Thanks

Reddit_u_suck ago

My new home sweet home. Fly_reddit_fly

WindmillFortheLand ago

Good to be here! TY VOAT for giving us a platform.

patriot_wwg1wga ago

Thank you for redirecting me! Glad to be back with the Q fam.

Notgivingup ago

Thank you sensiblestoner! Not sure how this works...

jamesyb0i ago

Good to be back, Patriots!

Notgivingup ago

Hi everyone! WWG1WGA! Just trying to figure this out!

deplorable_podunk ago

Made the jump. CBTS and GA refugee here

QBalance ago

Hey just made it over from reddit. Glad this is here and already see some familiar names....excellent.

WokeBear ago

Hullo there British patriot here. I never posted on the old reddit board but after the stunt they pulled I thought what the heck I'm in too.

When Trump and the Q team have drained the DC swamp can you help us Brits? The Westminster swamp needs draining too!


Leys ago

i'm happy to find here. thank you!!!

Wisetothelies ago

I am soooo glad I listened months ago to those wise anons who said to sign up with Voat--they knew this exact moment would come! Did (((they))) really think they could stop us? They are so stupid! 'Can't touch this!'....Hammer Time! 🔨

missplaced ago


brentg ago


Sapphiremist8 ago

WWG1WGA. We proved it here. Like a hive of bees 🐝

roughr1ders ago

Reporting for duty friends!


Lifefriend ago

Here to help and to show my pride

bscottd ago

So, do I need 10 upvotes or do I just need to make 10 comments (or both)?

Reddit_u_suck ago

I'm not sure. Brand new here. So I'm asking for upvotes, upvoting everyone, and making lots of comments.

Fishernoiter1 ago

Was a newby on Reddit. And started to share it with friends, than “Bam” no more. 🤬 Thanks Neon for the tip👍

Snoozebum ago

Can't remember my v/pizzagate username, got too depressing to keep up with after a while and I stopped using voat altogether

Hopefully the psychotic hatred for Joe Average stays over in reddit

renni ago

Time to delete Reddit!!
If they don't want us... We def don't want them!!!! WWG1WGA!!!

LBQ ago

WWG1WGA! I followed Q's every crumb since last December. I lurked, I upvoted, but haven't commented until now. ThankQ to all the patriots out there.

Bork_ ago

Also fuck reddit.

Mybeloved47 ago

I am do you upvote?

KDL123 ago

Following the Q. I’ve deleted Reddit now.

Firefly10886 ago

I knew we’d figure it out. We are too strong to be suppressed.

xnarrowpathx ago

Saw the notice on qmap. This censorship is getting crazy!

marymouseetc ago

please send me some upvotes. thanks.

mkultraman ago

Upvoat collection point [HERE]

AgentTweety007 ago

Q Sent Me! (Don't have a clue how this voting works)

RedZorp ago

WWG1WGA. Happy to be here with all the peeps.

Sapfromthegap ago

I’m a follower of yours, NeonRevolt reporting for duty. I just came here from MeWe after getting kicked off reddit.

Lemonjello ago

You get a vote, you get a vote, you get a vote - Oprah

Redrumssam ago

Fuck reddit! WWG1WGA!!!

msharpy ago

WWG1WGA I once was lost but now I am found

Fishernoiter1 ago

Behind enemy lines in California, checking in!

Firefly10886 ago

Lol, I mean that’s how I literally feel here in CA.

basedpatriot3434 ago

Please upvote fellow refugee! WWG1WGA!

SkyPilot98 ago

Followed the link on Twatter. Glad to see us back together! WWG1WGA

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Keep Fighting Patriots! The threats that have been thwarted by Trump, our NATO Allies, The Military, Qanon and its Patriots have single handedly preserved our Free World, the American Constitutional Rights and the Liberty and Freedom in this country. The DNC has long lost its legitimacy as a political party of true merit, and has, instead, gotten in bed with pretty fucked up Leftists who are hell bent on the destruction of the West. Moderates and Liberals are left with no choice but to join their Patriotic Brothers and Sisters on the Conservative Right and push back the evil agenda that The Left (Soros, ANTIFA, BLM, MARXISM ETC) are trying to conceal in the DNC party platform. #Walkaway, #TheLeftisWrong, #DNCisEvil

A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

'They never thought she would lose'...for the love of humanity, 10 up votes please. KEK!

qtipsarenotforears ago

Is this what it feels like at a Trump rally? Whoo Hooo! and I'm not even an American!

3dayfreedom ago

Hooah Patriots! Just upvoted bunches trying to figure out how to get up votes.. please help a patriot out

PatriotsAct ago

Q Sent Me!! #ThanQ #Patriots

007forGod ago

Here I am, thanks for having us!

cwisemom ago

Thank you for this sight, I’m new at this, so please be patient! WWG1WGA

shapka ago

Hello Patriots of the world , together we united ! they did the same mistakes , they just show the way ! hello from Russia :)

MotherDee ago

Q warned us that they were panicking. Reddit doing this? They may as well stand in the town square and yell You're right about everything. And we suck

Spirited59 ago

I was new to reddit. Made jump to here and now lost big time. MAGA N KAG.

Wga ago

This is a literal example of WWG1WGA. We are all going to Voat.

Maddie08 ago

Found ya! Thank you

Moxxi42 ago

You get a Upvote, and You get a Upvote, Everyone gets Upvotes! ❤️❤️❤️

Reddit_u_suck ago

My 1st time here.

JL0331 ago

Anyone using the "boats for voat" app. It's ok?

Kcinbocaj ago

Coming from reddit Upvotes needed pls

Zenmaster67 ago

Thanks for taking us in WWG1WGA

Crimsontsunami ago

Thanks Neon. Will follow wherever q allows. please upvote thanks patriots

JL0331 ago

That was a pretty easy move. Back to work assholes. Mid terms are one day closer.

Savior07 ago

Neon sent me. WWG1WGA.

Nptnldy ago

Found you all. Screw Reddit for censoring Patriots.

Shesaseer ago

Upvoted! Luv ur threads!

TheDoctor1968 ago

I was brought to this board by Q. Please help me get the 10 upvotes. WWG1WGA

Private_obvious ago

Any place on reddit left? What threats were made and who made them?

Egre ago

ho do ya give and receive upvotes?

Egre ago

Ga here..needs some upvotes

marymouseetc ago

glad i found ya!

rick8822 ago

Thanks to NeonRevolt for referral to this thread!!! Must be the storm!

EllieB_Lildudemom ago

What a day.

Kathrich123 ago

Thank God we have a new site. Was so worried about not being able to communicate.

RedWhiteandBlue2 ago

Thank you!

cindython ago

X-Reddit user reporting for Duty! Would love some upvote love from the Q Army!

scarlet-letter ago

Google FB Twitter Reddit and MSM will feel the pain.

indeknow ago

We're back!

JustaBot ago

As a non-techie, I’m happy that I found you all. Being banned from Rubbish says we are on traget. Keep up the fight. WWG1WGA

LittleGoat4DJT ago

May I please have some up votes?!?!!!

DankOrganism ago


EDC3 ago

Finally made it back to VOAT. Haven't been here in a long while, since the last ban when they shit canned Neofag.

Aranyani ago

It’s a great thing to see all of you here!

jenna365 ago

Thanks for the invite NeonRevolt!! You're my #1 read after Qanon. ;)

lnsip9reg ago

GA finally got me to jump to VOAT!

Bud432 ago

The Great Awakening is crossing the Delaware.

TirsohCartoons ago

TirsohCartoons reporting in. Nice we have a place to go. This is their big mistake. The slow tearing down of media corruption starts now. Nice to be among such good company here.

ThisTooShallPass ago

Love your work - many thanks!!! WWG1WGA!!

Twotoneblue ago

Anyone under 10 I’m pushing it.

ProudQGirl ago

Finally made it in. Not so good on the navigation yet, but I will learn. WWG1WGA

EDTQ ago

Do you have some spare upvotes left over for me?

InsideOutlaw ago

For crying out loud! The one day, I don't refresh new every 15 minutes on GA, and poof, it's gone! Followed the link here from qmap. Now, can I get some of them upvotes please?( I'm upvoting everyone from the bottom up.)

shadowfax11 ago

Over the target 🎯 WWG1WGA

Behind_Every_Blade ago

They are stupid! This shit just pisses us off and makes us more vigilant

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Neon sent me. Q sent him. I think Trump sent Q. And then there are some good white hats on the other side MAGA too. WWG1WGA!

Patriotinflorida ago

Need upvotes please!

Kofiannan ago

RIP Aaron Swartz - Hero and patriot rolling in his grave right now and routing for us!

Xmarduk ago


coucou ago

Just arrived from Great Awakening. Tried to hold on to the door frame but the anti-storm storm managed to expel me unceremoniously. So I decided to... mmm. resign, so to speak, ha ha ha! Live and kicking!

SVOctopus ago

Thanks Neon! I was steaming some. Thanks for putting out the post on Twitter directing me here. WWG1WGA

Egre ago

When dose the magic start

TheGreat_MAGAPatriot ago

It’s makes my little deplorable heart proud to see all of us coming together! They can try their best to snuff us out, but patriots will find patriots. WWG1WGA

ProudQGirl ago

I made it! Now just to figure out how to navigate. WWG1WGA

EDTQ ago

haha i feel your pain Here is an upvote!

ProudQGirl ago

And here's one for you!

Mamarina1328 ago

Pressed downvote by mistake. Apparently one needs 100 points before one is allowed to do that! 🙄

EDTQ ago

thanks for the info! Here is an upvote.

Tiptoper619 ago


thatguytherethatshim ago

Great Awakening shut down? All for a LARP? Glad to find a site that won't censor where patriots can discuss topics without autistic screeching. against Trump. Getting desperate...

cindython ago

Yes they are... But I was on another sub or whatever it's called and I explained that I was a Vet and had attended the Army MI School and that Q was real. He down voted me!... So, haven't been on this site that long and I'm already being downvoted! Wow.... I guess he just couldn't handle the truth.

KB2Col ago

No matter how hard they try, WWG1WGA.

abstractrandom ago

So glad to have found you guys again! Censorship only makes me more determined to WIN!!!! WWG1WGA!!!!!

SparkleMotion ago

Seeing all of us Patriots regrouping is heartwarming. What a movement!

Fedupwit ago

Phew..glad to be here. WWGOWGA

Mamarina1328 ago

Every upvote felt like an arrow shot into the battle 😁

Moxxi42 ago

I found my way here! Whew! I’m almost relived! Need upvotes! WWG1WGA

Egre ago

I must be a retard. How do I vote up people so they will vote up me?

EDTQ ago

Click on the arrow on the left. There is an up and down arrow. When you click the up it will turn blue. Here is an upvote.

Mamarina1328 ago

Been upvoting, until I got a message that according to my ccp I can only make 1000 upvotes per 24h 🤪

thatguytherethatshim ago

Everybody should be doing this! I'm following your lead patriot!

LJAussieanon ago

Much appreciated, thanks for having us. They still don’t understand WWG1WGA.

xFury001 ago

Sent from NeonRevolt. This censorship is disgusting

Tigerlily6 ago

Thank you Neon!! WWG1WGA!!

Tiptoper619 ago Here ya go patriots for those wanting to delete their RIDdit account enjoy and share

buundocks8nt ago

Need them up votes, new bootie here.

thatguytherethatshim ago

You get an upvote, she gets an upvote... look under your chairs... that's right! Everyone is getting an upvote!

Tiptoper619 ago

Here ya go new bootie

Maskerade22 ago


emperorbma ago

I had this account ready just in case something like this came about.

dogscooper ago

reticent dogscooper checking in

NoSilentConsent ago

Hello, Patriots! We are unstoppable! WWGIWGA

Egre ago

How do I get points? Nothing weird right?

Tiptoper619 ago

What your idea of weird...? LOL

NJ_TEE ago

Hope I’m doing this right. Anon for life.

Maskerade22 ago

Upvote for you!

EDTQ ago

Oh and next question while i am figuring out how this board works can i also receive some upvotes?

Maskerade22 ago

Here’s an upvote

Maskerade22 ago

Have an upvote Patriot

EDTQ ago

THANKS! my first

Maskerade22 ago

You’re Welcome. I’m trying to hit as many as I can.

ChronoShaman ago

Time to settle in and unpack a bit.

Egre ago

It was MMMagical

TXpatriotdr76 ago

Thank you for giving us a new home! I have no idea how to use VOAT but I'm glad to be among y'all again!

Egre ago

I saw a white rabbit pulled from a fuckin black hat.

Bzmentor ago

I survived the DEEP Reddit Florence flush !! WWG1WGA

Weare3shop ago

new voat goat. literally two comments 3.5 hours since registration 83 upvotes...returning the love..mouse squeaking

Maskerade22 ago

Upvote for you Patriot!

Weare3shop ago


Egre ago

All right fuckers..what the hell do I do?

Tiptoper619 ago

Start up voting everyone

thatguytherethatshim ago

I want to see a callous on that mouse finger pedes!

Zmv6628 ago

WWG1WGA! help me get my 10 upvotes please

Maskerade22 ago

Upvote 4 you

Zmv6628 ago

Upvote 4 you too

readywillingandable ago

so... how do I nuke my Reddit account? I want it all gone

QAnon17 ago


Tiptoper619 ago

Get those thumbs a up voting Patriots !!!! let’s get this party stated right !!!!! They can’t stop us !

EDTQ ago

Yeah found it! Thanks for making this. One question. Is there a way to get the trolls out of this board?

Egre ago


Pert ago

That was quick! Checking in. WWG1WGA.

NWPatriot_2 ago


Moarann ago

I only need 3 more upvotes patriots!

thatguytherethatshim ago

Glad to help! WWG1WGA

bscottd ago

So, I just gotta do this another 9 times?

ViolentEmpath ago

It's weird over here. Gotta get used to the new surroundings. Try and figure out the lay of the land here.

Awake2Truth ago

Whew! Glad to be with my peeps on this new site. Set this up over 6 months ago just incase--so ready to show the world that censorship only makes us stronger!! WWG1WGA

Commacausi ago

WWG1WGA! help me get my 10 upvotes please

Streezz ago

So happy to see this on After GA went down I was having a conversation on a FB post (I posted) about the ICE facilities (that video with the lady saying how nice they are) and some other Q related stuff. After 28 comments FB banned me from commenting in that thread anymore. They also deleted all of the comments. I can’t even tag the guy I was chatting with in any other post. There was nothing bad in the post, no inciting violence, nothing racist, nothing bad in any way...just a casual conversation with someone half awake.

I just had my wife comment on that post, she was allowed and now I can too. Although, after I found out I was being censored I posted the last Q drop and told FB to ‘Censor this’.

I also told them [FB] to reconcile.

I also told Q to find the post and I made it public.

Anyway, thank you to whomever for hosting this and allowing us to share without censorship.

ViolentEmpath ago

Trading upvotes for upvotes

thatguytherethatshim ago

Done brother.

LiL_Bit ago

Comes stumbling in, plop! bye bye SHred-dIT. Yup this is the Qright place!.

I brought popcorn! Trying to get my upvotes by persuasion. kek


SoCaliConservative ago

Glad we are making our way over here! Thank you Voat! God bless all of my fellow Patriots🇺🇸🇺🇸

ViolentEmpath ago

Need upvotes!

Maskerade22 ago


MammaKrass ago

We should all upvote users here so we can up and running!

Zmv6628 ago


LittleGoat4DJT ago

I made it! WWG1WGA

SmilesTheBear ago

WooHoo! Let's do this.

Toohottobot ago

Hello! Need upvotes thanks.

thatguytherethatshim ago

Just going to upvote all of the people who came here.

Maskerade22 ago

Upvote for you

Count_it_all_joy ago

Hello fellow patriots so glad to find you guys. Thanks Neon!! WWG1WGA upvote please.

thatguytherethatshim ago

You got it patriot!

believe-in-the-moon ago

I survived the jump! :-)

st23 ago

bet Reddit going "Dang that did not make a difference"

Weare3shop ago

Upvoat all Patriots Ten gets You in!

bettylougrits ago

I upvoted you. Pls. return the favor! :)

Weare3shop ago


1955walleye ago

I need upvotes please

thatguytherethatshim ago

Have one of mine patriot. WWG1WGA

Qluelessnomore ago

Here is a upvote for you guy ;)

bettylougrits ago

I upvoted you. Pls. return the favor. Thanks!!

Savannah25 ago

Hi Fellow Deplorables!

thatguytherethatshim ago

Keep your city out of my flyover country.

bettylougrits ago

I upvoted you. Could you return the favor, pls? Thanks!!


Reddit can sukit

AmericanSovereign ago

Upvotes please for upvotes

bettylougrits ago

I upvoted you. Pls. return the favor!

LibertyStorm ago

Saw the note on directing GA refugees here...thx!

Cloudkicka ago

Hello new here been following on reddit, I shared links to get the word out on my LinkedIn account, but never posted or subscribed.

Egre ago

Iam here. What next boss?

davidtheamerican ago

brother can you spare an upvote lol. but really can you? thanq fine patriots

1955walleye ago

Please I need upvotes

apacheguy ago

wwg1wga help me get my upvotes please and thank you.

Tiptoper619 ago

UPVOTES FOR ALL get to it patriots let’s get this party started

darla245 ago

Neon gave info on this

Tigerlily6 ago

Finally wandered in! Please upvote and I'll be voting for ya'll!

Weare3shop ago

made the move..getting aquianted...a directions of use for newbies might be a great thread.. i will start as soon as i`m not..lolol WWG1WGA

YardDog17 ago


Askaed4517 ago


1thoughtfulobserver ago

I hope we might see postings by serialbrain2 here at the awakening

AmericanSovereign ago

QANON and Trump are amazing!

ElvisTrump ago

I’m upvoting pretty much everything, unless you’re obviously a commie plant.

bscottd ago

1st comment. Anyone....anyone...?

Tiptoper619 ago

Yo we are here

TheGreat_MAGAPatriot ago

Greetings! Upvoting all. 🇺🇸

s-eek-er8 ago

Newbie here. Thanks to Neon.

Can {I} at least have the upvotes please good sir :)

Hey all. I've been a lurker from just about the beginning and it's great to see so many awakened people. It's just sickening to see what's going on with all this censorship. Hopefully soon enough all this evil will come to an end.

bettylougrits ago

Great to be here and not at REDDIT! Pls. up vote me --WWG1WGA!!!

watchyourPsandQanon ago

Thank you for sending me here NeonRevolt!

ElvisTrump ago

I’ve never been a beggar, or asked for handouts, but upvotes would be amazing about now. Spare upvotes? WWG1WGA

jayekaye ago

Made the move per SB2. Things are happening! WWG1WGA!!! Please upvote!

7darlen7cherami7 ago

Thank God I made it here! And thanQ Neon! WWG1WGA♡

Toohottobot ago

Hello fellow Americans....the light shines in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it.

3373KitRidge ago


HunHunter ago

Hello Everyone Remember me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I'm a 110% Trump supporter and I never had another candidate in mind in the last election other than Trump. I'm also Red pilled but Gematria freaks me out. I DON'T SEE IT,NO Good Luck to all the Patriots WWG1WGA

GentleRenegade ago

Great to see you again patriots. Had the time to take a walk today without feeling anxious of missing something... lol

ElvisTrump ago

WWG1WGA God Bless you, Patriots. 🇺🇸

AmericanSovereign ago


QdUp ago

Thank you NeonRevolt! Trusting the Plan!

InsideOutlaw ago

Just gave you you're 17th upvote!

Qluelessnomore ago

Here, you need upvotes. Have one!

Ididntaskyou ago

🙋🏼 I was never on Reddit but I'm here now Hello from California

TheblackStrat ago


Tiptoper619 ago

Finally... I made it ... HI patriots the Twatter comments are ripe with lies that r/greatawakening was full of violence and threats ... BS ! I have been on the board for months never seen anything like what those fools are saying that we are mental and tinfoil hatters... sad how blinded to the truth they really are So what did I miss so far ? Upvotes please

TheblackStrat ago

Watch the watchmen! WWG1WGA

Svetlana ago

Hello Friends. Glad to find you all. Actually happy to be off of Reddit!

Beckibug ago

So happy to still be with you all! That other site is now deleted from my phone!

Stand_Up_And_Cheer ago


acmbandit01 ago

I posted this on reddit SerialBrain2 thread 2 hours ago. Glad to see we already have found a home. Thanks for leading us here: My only fear in this is all 70,000 of us scattering to the winds. We had strength in numbers, clarity of purpose, great contributors to the cause and amazing moderators. While I appreciate everyone’s sense of urgency to get back on track, providing a ton of links to possible alternatives plays into the enemy’s hands. It scatters us, disorganizes us and ultimately weakens us. As has been stated, understand what happened and patiently wait to see where the best place to go. I firmly believe, maybe with Q’s guidance, accomplished contributors such as SerialBrain2 or PrayingMedic, and our moderators will help us come back together and point us in the right direction. Please be careful migrating off into the netherworld of the internet, never to be seen/heard from again. We’ll get through this! WWG1WGA

Qluelessnomore ago

I agree. I think we should stand together here ;)

QCD ago

As a big FU to Reddit, let's make this place THE place to be. First, can thou spareth upvotes?

Redpill_Thrill ago

Got you! :-)

QCD ago

Thank you! Got ya back Redpill_thrill!

Anniedanemama ago

So happy to find this. Need upvotes. I am upvoting everyone.

Redpill_Thrill ago

Got you, fellow patriot :-)

QCD ago


allonthesameteam ago

I went back to Red… that other site, and sent themessage below to some in my comments and chat lists just to give a heads up. They may be still lost.

If interested, some moved here.

QCD ago

Thank you Patriot! Upvoted!

Sprtn13 ago

Sprtn13 checking in. Love my cap Neon! Brothers and sisters I could use some up votes.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

They will not silence us! WWG1WGA

WeRunited1776 ago

Followed you on gab neon and came to here to upvote please and thanks

Gimigi2 ago

WWG1WGA! Thanks to all the Anons! I have learned so much from you all. Thank you for upvotes.

Evil_dead1999 ago

Ready to keep digging! Reddit refugee here. They can't stop us!

BelleDJour ago

Well hell yeah.

Redpilleveryone ago

I'm just glad I don't have to check Reddit now.

Banister ago

@prayingmedic Twitter shared this... Comment train

popsiclep3t3 ago

Thanks for the lifeboat, please send some upvotes.

Mosthappy45 ago

WWG1WGA! Glad to be with fellow patriots!

ZachsDad ago

No kiss, no pat on the butt, they just slammed the door in our faces. Happy to be here and PISS OFF REDDIT!!!

exoter60 ago

Help those of us who arrived late get some upvotes please. Filter for 'new' in this thread to bring up the comments that are not seen and therefore ignored for the most part and upvote us please.


high-powered-mutant ago

That's what I've been doing, sort by new. Need upvotes!

exoter60 ago

Have an upvote, friend!

davidtheamerican ago

hey patriots i just upvoted well over 100 folks. please upvote me and i will keep doing the same

Adarcer ago

we got your back ... trust me when i started this there was 800+ ...

adamscoder ago

Thank God we have another Avenue to connect!

DonaldPEDE ago

WWG1WGA need some upvotes! Can you help this patriot?! #QArmy

luanastar ago

trseeker ago

Bittersweet at the loss of Greatawakening. Looking forward to this place.

Peacetrain ago

Yay I Found Y’all! WWG1WGA!!!

high-powered-mutant ago

Upboat please!

Adarcer ago

Upvoat Coming up !

mwTIPPER56 ago

Here I am! WWG1WGA!!!!

Lockemup ago

Hello anons!

bettylougrits ago

Can't live w/o my Neon. Pls. help w/upvotes!

high-powered-mutant ago


ViolentEmpath ago

How do I post and not reply?

Mamarina1328 ago

The new comment box is on top of the page.

DankOrganism ago

Made this account for /v/pizzagate, time to dust it off and go to work here again.

high-powered-mutant ago

Lol i had mine since the pizzagate ban too. Need upvotes.

DankOrganism ago

Have a crisp upvoat, patriot!

high-powered-mutant ago

Back at you!

cherrymafia ago

i need to get votes too please! thanks patriots!

Commerical_Storage ago

Qsent me Neon...

ManyAreGettingAwoken ago

Help other newcomers get posting powers! Click the sort by: Bottom and upvoat anybody with less than 10 points.

bettylougrits ago

Pls. up vote me. Thanks!

Godsflawedsoldier ago

What are the chances that this site is compromized too?

Dulos_of_Christ ago


Corvette111 ago

Sent here by Neon.... reporting for duty!

new_patriot_david ago

Hi there thanks so much for working on this, I just this minute found out through Neo Revolt. I was panicking for a second.

Jrrusso ago

Not for nothing but if these snowflakes, liberal losers were doing so good bluewave. Why the fuck do they always worry about us?

Spartacus2100 ago

Just found you all. What an eventful day! WWG1WGA

scootsylenderson ago

Lets get back to it Anons.

anon1626258525 ago

God bless.

God_Before_Anything ago

Neon sent me. Reddit won't escape whats coming to Google, Facebook, Twitter.

Cursing_Fish ago

Ah, I can feel a change in the air. Nice to see everyone joining in.

PNWLighthouse1 ago

Upvote please!

ElvisTrump ago

Make room for another wandering soul. Thank you, Patriots. This brings new meaning to WWG1WGA. The motto I believe strongly in. We Stick Together, as the motto from my old ship goes.

Upvote me to 10!

RootedWalk ago

Thanks Neon! Hey everyone!



1thoughtfulobserver ago

Have I found the main place now for Qanon posting? after the reddit disgrace?

Mamarina1328 ago

Yes! We are the great awakening. Qanon only posts on 8chan, we are Q followers :)

1thoughtfulobserver ago

thanks. good to be here,from reditt love Neon Revolt and serialbrain 2

PNWLighthouse1 ago

Read Neon's Post which is how I found my way back here! Go Patriots!

MotoshiBoy ago

Good to be here.

And Fuck the deep state and their pussy Ass minions.

BreadTwists ago

GA mod reporting for duty! I need some upvotes to do anything. Help!

QCD ago

QCD reporting in. Neon Revolt said to c'mon over to the party. WWG1WGA!

ElvosTrump ago

Make room for another wandering soul. Thank you, Patriots. This brings new meaning to WWG1WGA. The motto I believe strongly in. We Stick Together, as the motto from my old ship goes.

billbradleybradley ago

I had so many open tabs this morning :(

MadTip ago

Glad I found you guys here!

SenoritaPants ago

What are you guys saying on twitter and facebook?

catbertzkovich ago

Another victim of Big Techs scorched earth assault. They will do whatever they can to destroy all who counter the narrative. This is another action in a public facing cold civil war.

VisKyns ago

hello, am lost refugee

Maskerade22 ago

I will spread the word. Took me quite a while to find the mention of this new site.

Peplfxr ago

Finally got in thanks to neon revolt

KatMac ago

Yes Thank you Neon for the link

Qarmy777 ago

Thanks for the refuge.

JohnQPatriot ago

Nice to see everyone made the jump.

RedHorseMama ago

WWG1WGA Thanks for the head's up NeonRevolt

KatMac ago

Need upvotes. So glad to have a place to go and share with y'all.

SenoritaPants ago

THANK GOD I FOUND MY FAMILY! I cannot believe how much I love you all and how devastated I was to come home and find you gone! Please upvote me........

Astrocatmat ago

Hey boys and girls! Holy fuck what a ride

gypsyann ago

Saw on sb2's post to come here!

Joeness ago

Q says 267k. Reddit showed just over 70k just before the ban. Is this true? If so, HOLY SHIT! No wonder!

DeepSeaDive ago

Refugee reporting for duty. Thankq Neon for standing in the gap for us! WWG1WGA!

jduck51 ago

They made a mistake shutting us out of Reddit

Blais2 ago

I’ve jumped over. “Censorship of one is censorship of all!”

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Yo Team!!!

russian_intelligence ago

Reddit has been going downhill for sometime. I will never use that shameless, fascist, platform again and I hope others follow suit. It's refreshing to see all my fellow patriots regrouping here on a more tolerant, fair, less-compromised platform. Spread the word! Trying to silence us (two months before a critical election) will only make us stronger. As Q says, this is not a game. I have more conviction than ever after this dastardly affair. Go to hell Reddit. Patriots are bound for glory. WWG1WGA!

Txgeezer ago

Another going down soon is r/The_Donald. Total Q housecleaning! But, sometimes it takes a shove from behind to force us out of our comfort zone. Air here is cleaner anyway. MAGA!

SporadicMyrmidon ago

If they banned GA, I suspect that they are likely to ban T_D in several weeks. Some "Q" supporters mock T_D, just like some chan Qers have mocked GA. All of this nonsense is utterly misguided. People come at controversial topics from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, and mocking others for this is pathetic, Of course, banning T_D would be utter desperation, but I really did not think they would ban GA either.

VioletStorms ago

The heavens have broken, we're now officially IN the storm. High winds, thunder and lightening to follow.

Jesusin2033 ago

Need up votes fellow patriots! Please help! God Bless. Joining the good fright!

Flyinby2 ago

Reddit refugee here. Need those upvotes. Let's build this community!

555Th3_s3c0nd_K3K555 ago

I made it!

time_traveller ago

We knew this day would come. Can't stop the signal.

Ochams ago

Also upvote the main thread!!! and me while you are at it patriots!!! WWG1WGA Taking it back One day At A Time!!!!

cerebralpeecock ago

Is there a way to make TW a default page? I know, I'm an idiot for not figuring how, but not as stupid as I was since my last question got answered.

chopchuiey ago

War Drummer sent me they will fear to walk the streets pain coming... Q.

salbida ago

Well to be honest they’re in a tight spot: a) They ignore us, we get stronger; b) They ban us, we get stronger, plus more resilient.

At least by banning us they can get that sweet approval of their peers, and that’s what’s important, right?

Never mind that because of them, each of us refugees is de facto being trained in how to establish our own robust, redundant communications networks…they don't seem to think that far ahead.

SergeAStorms8 ago

So happy to find this link. I already feel I'm among friends.

sweetp ago

Glad I saw this on a post on Facebook!! WWG1WGA!

Digisphere ago

Seems like the most pressing issue after this migration is to figure out how to get Voat to be able to handle the amount of traffic that this community brings. If we can get it to be stable with as much people watching it as r/greatawakening had, we'll probably get even bigger than we were on r*ddit.

Hdgzggjjd ago

I never thought this would happen in my lifetime.

exoter60 ago

Need Upvotes, returning upvotes. Hello again, all.

Lordsendme1019 ago

Omg I survived! What am I doing here? Can someone, like, inbox me directions? I'll be up all night waiting to "get back online".

dokeeffe ago

I made it!! Thank you!

I don't know how long it will take me to upvote everyone but that's my plan. So help me out and send some my way too, please! Thank you! 💖

cceyez ago

Hope we can get our fellow patriots here and our numbers back!

mnshdw818 ago

So glad to find you guys again! I was crushed when I checked and GA was gone. Happy to be back with all of you wonderful patriots!! WWG1WGA!!

NakomaZ ago

Great, I deactivated my account on Reddit, coming here instead. Power to the Anons!

DeepStateNoMore2019 ago

GA refugee checking in. was asleep while ban hammer took place. We will never be silenced

Ochams ago

Thanks Neon WWG1WWGA!!!

BeanCounter221 ago

Hello Neon...thanks for the suggestion on gab. Lets get going!

zuz3L ago

Thank God for y'all - just found GA a week ago, and it blinked out this afternoon... Patience? Crusty ol' Nam vet - I've been waiting for the truth to come out since the bogus JFK - Warren Commission Report - the corruption is massive, and apparently satanic - Praying this FISA reveal happens...its a baby step, but might break the dam. One thing for sure; we the people can not be defeated. God bless you, and many thanks for all your efforts!

LisaBrauer ago

I'm laughing my ass off! Some people around Voat think that calling us names will make us leave! Bahahahaha! I'm a "conspiracy therorist patriot". What names have I not been called? That would make a shorter list! 😀

Doodle_and_me ago

I get a kick out of them calling it a conspiracy theory. Why call it a theory when we have the emails and texts that outlined the deep state's plans?

FreeWil17 ago

Thanks for getting this going.

salsocal ago

I made the jump!

cyberclearfrost ago

Love everyone of you Patriots. Proud to be WWG1WGA!

Raging_Rhino17 ago

SS keep up the good work ... Patriots, elevating "Whack-a-Mole" into an art form ...

HomeSweetHome ago

WWG1WGA! I'm glad to see everyone!

mm_on_the_wall ago

So glad to have found the ew GA. Karma please.

Raging_Rhino17 ago

That didn't take long folks! Biggest mistake EVER! POTUs will bring them to their knees.

Patriot2america ago

So glad to be here!!!

pivot69 ago

Hi all....made the jump thank you Neon Revolt for getting the word out! Please help me get my updates an I will do the same!

Kneadedtherapy ago

This is great news!!

LisaBrauer ago

This place is so strange. I'll get used to it. Can't live without my fellow patriots!

Smb8 ago


Iconoklast ago

NeonRevolt sent me! Could use some voats!

Mamarina1328 ago

Hope voat can handle all of us!

Adarcer ago

who knows they might get a upgrade :P

bmanrob1 ago

I believe in free speech, non violence and I TRUST THE PLAN!

2277cynthiaa ago

2277 reporting in. Took awhile to get through the crowd!!! Great support from Q!!!

therat ago

Just deleted reddit account. Thanks voat!

DoitQ! We are with you.

Upvoting as much as I can!

QBringsJustice ago

Here to show that we cannot be silenced by censorship. Keep up the fight anons, something will break soon and all of this chaos will have been worth it. WWG1WGA

Oly-Wan-Kenobi-1 ago

Oly here! Glad you guys were planning ahead for a time such as this. Or maybe you just reacted fast. Up-votes for up-votes.

nutopian_anon ago

Hey Q Army- can you say CLASS ACTION SUIT?

haywood_jablomey ago

ThanQ all patriots!

Ludogirl420 ago

Sending upvotes!

But_first_covfefe ago

Found you! WWG1WGA

DGreenberg ago

Thank you Neon for letting me know our next move after the purge! WWG1WGA

mgray12 ago

Can anyone define CCP? I am over 10 upvoats but can't post.

WezeBWoke ago

please help me get my 10 upvotes please WWG1WGA!

Megaface ago

Another refugee here. Could use an upvoate or two, sirs/ma'ams

PatriotsUnite ago

Thanks to those who were able to get this up and running quickly.

Xl1200r ago

Tired of this censorship. I’m just a regular middle class guy with a family. I have followed q for about 6 months. And Reddit is bullshit

Atwistedsister ago

I got here as fast as I could. Never posted or been much of a commenter. Still playing catch up to most of you, but I’m hurrying as fast as I can!!!!

Raeyah ago

Hopping on the upvote train!

Jonny_Doe ago

Jonny Doe reporting for duty! Hit me with your best Voat!

Refused ago

Good to go.

JuneSmith888 ago

Refugee here! Another format to learn. WWG1WGA

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Actually Voat seems to be performing better than before we came over. It's popping for me right now. Good work Voat Goats!

IrishMcB ago

Q sent me. Just another NiggerFaggot in another alleyway just trying to make the world safe for the next generation.

LinnyToday ago

Saw your post on Twitter just now, so I rt'd and followed you over here.

489yearoldman ago

Wow! That felt like I went through some sort of worm hole! I was perusing GA on the NEVER AGAIN TO BE NAMED site, went to a meeting, and came home to check back in and the page wouldn't load on my mobile. Had to go to my desk top to find out the subNONAME greatawakenings had been banned. Unbelievable. That was the most carefully moderated place I've ever been. Even some of my own comments were asked to be toned down when quoting information from History Channel site and Wikipedia, which I did after the mod explained the risk of being banned. Thank goodness someone posted a link to here. I guess we need to do that everywhere. Anyway, we only need to lead about 69,000 other Patriots through the desert and through parted seas as Q leads us to the PROMISED LAND of convicted DEEP STATE CRIMINALS.

maganon ago

GA regular checking in. Started a new username though. My Reddit existence is dead and will only be used to troll.

1Goldhorse ago

Hello Patriots

Scullynz ago

Thanks Neon for sending me here. Hello to everyone from down under! Wasn't sure what I'd do without my great awakening fix!!

The3rdKey ago

I can't believe that we lost another sub-reddit!!!! First CBTS & now GA. I'm praying that they can't shut us down here on planet VOAT. I've been lurking here for a while and I'm thankful that you folks are here. #WWG1WGA

wrathfulmomes ago

My CCP disappeared or I'd make a new thread but...

Forgive my directness, but I have some guidelines I'd like to suggest to improve our time here for all of us as well as everyone else. I'm not trying to boss anyone around or feed any ego. I'm offering constructive advice as a mod at other places. We are on someone else's platform. Unlike Reddit, there isn't nearly the support and income to support it. We should be MINDFUL of our impact in terms of storage and bandwidth.

Do we really want more goat error messages like a few hours ago? Limitations? Ads? Unnecessary attention, badmouthing, or any kind of resentment from individuals or groups?

F5-ing should be avoided. Seriously. Go get a cup of coffee or go for a walk, or go do something else productive for a bit. Exercise in particular increases blood flow and stimulates brain function! The posts will (probably) still be here when you get back.

Keep unnecessary comments/posts to a minimum including replies. Leave the shitposting to the shills. Examples:

  • "___ sent me!" Okay. Irrelevant. Of course we're here because of the same few people.
  • "Upvoted" Your upvote says that.
  • "LOL" Upvote might cost less. Doing both is unnecessary.
  • "MAGA", "WWG1WGA", etc. while I understand their value probably shouldn't be spammed. If someone else has already posted it, just upvote that.

You were given 2 ears, 2 eyes, and only one mouth. Chill. Quiet your mind. Try reading and listening more than you speak, and you'll find all of this much easier to do. Maybe if you take the time to scan a thread for INSIGHTFUL information, you'll find that as well as seeing that you don't need to be another to WWG1WGA yet again.

This also has the wonderful upside of making all of this easier to navigate for everyone! Everyone will find the information they are looking for sooner, easier, and with less shitposting garbage to wade through!


SC_Patriot ago

Neon, Thanks for directing me here. WWG1WGA. Can a brother get some upvotes?

rebelfofoz ago

I have never understood why anyone right in his mind would fight with weapons the enemy controls. If your weapons are controlled by the enemy he will use that control to blunt them or deprive you of them altogether, once you start being effective with them. There are no short-cuts, patriots. Get off your lazy arse and forge your own weapons.

K19ves54 ago

Payback, I just deleted Reddit off everything I own.

Awakenednotwoke ago

Greetings, fellow Patriots! Looking forward to being with you once again. The Deep State can't keep us down for long. I'm still gonna vote and get the word out.

Thanks to NEON for the link.

NewOddKitKat ago

Had to change my username because apparently someone else had one "too close" to OddKitKat here. I hereby certify that I am myself. We're clearly over the target, a patriotic free-speech threat to the cabal. BOOM!

bitterwon ago

I am trying to spread the word on Titter and my Facebook page. I hope to see more subscribers here than reddit. WWG1WGA

Jonny_Doe ago

I have carrier pigeons?

Kilo- ago

I must have been naive, but i never thought the Reddit fags would actually ban us.

SparkleMotion ago


SparkleMotion ago

Upvotes please! Thanks Patriots! Glad to be here!

PlainOldRoad ago

I've been censored. Please give me a voice!

davidtheamerican ago

wwg1wga forever. why isnt this working. what is going on? is this in real time?

battleaxe ago

Reporting for duty. Commence Operation [[[NWO]]]. It's DEMO-TIME.

Supertoft ago

If I can find my way here, anyone can! WWG1WGA!

AwareObserver ago

Great to see this up and running so fast.

Lord_of_the_Hundreds ago

Well, that was a bit of a hassle this evening, seeing that "banned" banner on cowardly Reddit. Thankfully Al Gore's Internet allows re-routing around damaged nodes. No problems whatsoever.

Back to the same exposure of the Cabal for the cause of Freedom, here on another platform. Remember, there is only 55 days until the US general election in November.

Keep it up, ladies and gentlemen; leave no rock unturned. We move only forward.

Comassion ago

Hi all!

Deplorable614 ago

Thank you for the start up here; immensely appreciated. WWG1WGA

Savora67 ago

Hi all, glad to be here WWG1WGA

DeplorableMaximus ago

Thanks go out to NeonRevolt for the forward here. Former MoonbatSlayer is here with the rest of the QArmy.

SerialBrain2 ago

10 Comment Karma? Ok, 'starting now. I hope I'll be able to post soon...

Qzenseeker ago

Welcome SB2 !! upvotes all around :)

StarFire22 ago

💖! So happy to see you here. Bring it on Baby!

deplorable_podunk ago

Oh good, I found you. As you know, I love your posts!!!

fractalistic ago

Maybe it's germatria ~ha! I don't need more karma in life or care to post...just here to help! Love your videos, orating skills & grateful to have found you here. Other patriots here are looking for you too.

Qluelessnomore ago

Here's an upvote for you ;)

faithrighteous ago

Great to see ya here SB2! I don't have a clue how it works here.

Where We Go 1 We Go All literally board to board!

Qluelessnomore ago

And an upvote for you too ;)

Raeyah ago

SerialBrain2: Will you be able to post any of your old submissions here?

ModB ago

I hope SB2 does! I had not caught up on the last one.

Keneo77 ago

Hey SB2, fancy meeting you here, one upvote for you, now to figure this thing out.

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you!:) I am still learning the rules of the game here. Why is my upvote count rising while my CCP stays the same? Do you know?

Keneo77 ago

Have you figured out the rules yet? Also the awakening isn't the best sub, its v/greatawakening if you haven't seen that yet. Cheers.

TemetNosce ago

It will take you a day, or 2, or 3, of posting content, before you get out of voat jail. NOT JUST COMMENTS, you have to post content. Within 2-5 days of posting content, you will be free to post as much as you want. It's been a rule now, for a long time. You HAVE to post content, not just comments. Join a voat group. Like I post in 4x4 and trucks. You'll be outta voat jail in no time. CHEERS!!!

Keneo77 ago

I haven't figured it out yet sorry.

SparkleMotion ago

Is this THE SerialBrain2? Glad to see you here!

SerialBrain2 ago

Hello! :)

davidtheamerican ago

i just upvoted at least 100 people. upvote me please and upvote everyone. we had over 71 thousand patriots when they shut down reddit. fuckin assholes. i hope they go down with the rest of the scum

Supertoft ago

I'm upvoting everyone too!

Keneo77 ago

I did the same. 👍

ChironInTheSky ago

I’m finally on! Upvote please, will upvote you! Thanks

Pjcab78 ago

Well of we each go and upvote down the line we should be good to go !

MatticusFinch1820 ago

Thank GOD. I was freaking out. Im so MAD!


Hello fellow patriots!

Thanks in advance for your voats!


Emjoy the show.

MAGAtaur ago

Nice username

Qluelessnomore ago

You can have this upvote!

CorinneBackman ago

Finally found you! Not sure how to use Voat but I’ll work it out. It’s great to find you all! ‘They’ will not silence us!

ModB ago

I was very sad and then I found Q-all again. Now I am very happy. 😊 Love and light y’all!!

Alderwolf ago

Looks like I found the right place for those Neon sent.

ddewar72 ago

I am so lost on here

davidtheamerican ago

help i need votes to say something.

fractalistic ago


CindyLu008 ago

WWG1WGA! They can try to shut us down. We are force to be reckoned with.

NZPatriot ago

Long Time Lurker on Reddit, Trump supporter, Antipodean Patriot and now a refugee! The ban was the last straw for me. We must be Over The Target!

CentipedeRex ago

Can't believe we are back in Voat again. Haven't been here since T_D protested.

Manicmonday ago

Neon Revolt sent me

SpagMeat ago

I could use some upvotes. Please I'm passing tons out. Edit: well maybe not tons, I gave out the 100 upvotes I'm limited to for this 24 hrs.

Dropswakeyou ago

I'll be your 1st

SpagMeat ago

Thank you! I'd reciprocate but I'm out of votes for today. KEK

JohnCue ago

weird. no limit for me. gave out over 400....

SpagMeat ago

Odd. When I hit the limit I got a pop up telling me I must be new here and that being new I'm only entitled to 100 votes per 24 hours. Edit: just triggered the pop up again and apparently votes are tied to Comment Contribution points. My point level only entitles me to 100 votes.

fractalistic ago

Very odd, I've voted for over 500 now & still going. I hope they're all counting. Don't need any more karma so just helping those to do their thing!

Pjcab78 ago

Signed up a GA refugee..heartbroken its gone, dont understand yet the rules/ways here and the upvotes but glad to be here!

Keneo77 ago

Thanks, they cant stop us! WWG1WGA

Keneo77 ago

I tried to upvote this whole thread but my hand started cramping, patriot city!

Curiousgrl ago

Thank you for so quickly getting a new home set up for all discussions Q

Jimboballa69 ago

Patriot seeking shelter from the storm! Reddit is dead!

TexasOhio ago

Good to be home

Spacefox ago

What no pictures!!! This won’t work as a replacement

ddewar72 ago

Trading upvotes for upvotes

AussieAnon ago

Aussie migrant from GA reporting for duty.

We will not be silenced, we will not be stopped. I am honoured to be a part of this incredible movement.

Liberty1111 ago

Liberty checking in it was a matter of time before Great awakening went down. New to this platform thanks for upvolting.

Blonde_Patriot ago

Upvote me please!

Jess-E ago

Wow, at the same time they shut things down, the shills came out in full force to rub it in... Who is this Krassenstein guy that Twitter drops on all the Trump posts? Let’s get to work!

IronWolve ago

“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

I wasnt paying QAnon posts much attention, now that reddit went crazy against a few dozen QAnon subs, gotta see whats up.

Cap_Anon ago

Patriot from The great NW! Reporting for duty!

CaptJacks ago

Well hello everyone. Had to dig a bit to find it but that didn't take too long

Nattylitecoin ago

Nattylitecoin present and peacefully accounted for 🙏🏻

Moosefrizzle ago

Neon sent me.

Pando1 ago

Rob Rousseau admitted Q is real." I don't always love working at reddit but personally getting to shut down the qanon sub because they were getting too close to exposing the truth was pretty special."

CFJohn832 ago

I'm here but I don't know how this site works😟🤔 Any pointers? 🤗👍

Futt_Buckinton ago

I'm a refugee, haze me and get it over with, faggots

Txchic ago

Thank you!

Lola_0528 ago

Patriot reporting in!

KS1961 ago

Neon.. Here to keep the momentum going... We know they are running scared

mgray12 ago

mgray12 reporting. Need the upvoats pls. I banged out about 100 so far

Punisher1Pain ago

WWG1WGA! Reddit refuge here! Welcome everyone!

BSCB4U ago

Thank you neon

1FreeSoul ago

WWG1WGA!! Thank you for providing the path to stay in the loop!! will upvote for upvote!

Blonde_Patriot ago

This is a feeding frenzy, I love you guys! I feel like every upvote right now is a high-five! Please high-five me!

Weagle65 ago

Weagle65 just paddled ashore. Upvoting away...

WokePatriot ago

Woke patriot here... WWG1WGA!

graced_winner ago

Boy Howdy, this has been an interesting day. That jump to light speed gave me such a crick in the neck.

1FreeSoul ago

Thank you for providing the link / path to stay in the loop!

Freedomfighter1 ago

Reddit Refuge reporting in

graced_winner ago

You get an upvote, and you get an upvote, and you get an upvote, you all get upvotes!

ICthruIT ago

Sorry I'm Late. Glad to be here!! WWG1WGA

chumfreezer ago

Great job with plan B !

Truth_Seeker60 ago

Thank you for the heads up. Just say no to censoring! WWG1WGA. Help me getto my 10 upvotes - please and thank you!

psybrnaut ago

Reporting for duty, patriots. #WWG1WGA

q4pres2020 ago

Upvoattttt tehehe

oldleadslinger ago

Found the light! YAY!

MommyThePatriot ago

Neon Revolt sent me. Happy to be here!

Dropswakeyou ago

Helloooooo all you beautiful woke people! WWG1WGA! AND FUXK REDDIT!

graced_winner ago

Where do I stow my gear, and who's turn is it to make coffee?

krissieQ777 ago

So glad to be here with all my fellow Deplorables and Patriots! Looks like WWG1WGA has lead us to Voat and Gab.... so be it!

doreen ago

Hello fellow patriots

yeagit ago

BTW, I could use up votes as well, I know we all could, it like we just had our lives rearranged in the middle of the show.

handymessmama ago

Yay! Patriots! <3 I missed y’all during the reddit dark hours today.

DillySquilly ago

I was already having a weird day this morning, sat down on my lunch break to browse through GA and was thrown even more off balance. Spent the rest of the work day trying to determine how to figure out where to land next. Thank you Neon for the info, excited to join the voat family!

TheQuestionBeggar ago

They banned our Reddit to stop our Q/ but The Great Awakening says, “F.U!!!” Can I get a 10?

JaniesPassion ago

So, I'm very new to this platform. Anyone willing to give me some pointers without making me feel too much on the slow side of things? Idk the thought process behind upvoting and down and points... and yeah. Thanks in advance. And thank you Neon for your redirect. ;)

Bettyboop62 ago

WWG1WGA! ThanQ 😀

Omegamizzle ago

This feels like a scene from an old war movie where the soldiers who seperated have made it to the rendezvous and we are all dusting each other off. Happy we have found each other again. Safe for now.

SporadicMyrmidon ago

There was some really crazy stuff on GA that I absolutely did not believe, and some some that was utterly crazy and horrific that I did not want to believe, but could believe with evidence, and some stuff that I never would have believed in the past, but did believe since the evidence pointed there.... and yet the fact is that we are fighting evil and shameless people. I will gladly side with a crazy person over an evil and shameless person. WAR. WAR. WAR. WAR. WAR.

Gtmom1 ago

New here and need guidance:)

StarFire22 ago

Step 1 ... Upvoat your fellow patriots. Everything will come out in the wash!goat

neisyjane ago

Hello Patriots please help me get my upvotes! ThanQ!

spacemonkeymojo ago

Thanks for making first steps!!!!

Tiorum3 ago

Glad to have made it. Up vote me please!

ilulmb722 ago

Thank you, Neon Revolt and everyone working to keep the patriot fires burning!! Glad to be here!

Fairways8363 ago

Reporting! WWG1WGA

Dragonkoi ago

Newfag here. Was lurking on Plebbit before the immoral purge. Glad to be here and hope to be of help. WWG1WGA!

neisyjane ago

Neisyjane reporting in. Working on my 10 comments?!?

Mommyroxx_1213 ago


SMSPirate ago

Relentlessly pursuing change and truth.

O_Iesu_o_Ka_Haku ago


SherryOkie1 ago

Neon sent me!! #Q me up please!

neisyjane ago

Hello Patriots from Neisyjane! Survived the jump.

BlueyTheCat ago

We will WIN no matter what they do because WWG1WGA!!!

Tiki46 ago

Made the jump from GA. WWG1WGA🇺🇸

UserNamesPissMeOff ago

Is anyone here also on MeWe?

Strawstokesy ago

Great. Fast work.stay on point.

neisyjane ago

Hello Patriots! I finally got on VOAT!

bb_patriot ago

Found it! 👍🙌

OrwellianChronicle ago

maaaan am I glad I made this account a while ago LOL! VOAT was always better than Reddit, Zero cuckolding by the establishment. Neon sent me

64rjr05 ago

Thanks NeonRevolt!

Anne_O_Nimus ago

Glad I looked around for this new local, found it, and can log in. Was iffy connecting earlier this evening, but I thought to just be patient and I would eventually get in. I saw the reasons given by Reddit for the ban, but I find it hypocritical of the sight (and others like Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to not ban those on the Left for users posting their hateful and violent rhetoric. I think that's one of the most irritating things to those examining the viewpoints on either side. Apparently those on the Left are allowed a different set of rules of conduct...

Webbunny ago


Doc37876 ago

Glad to be here, now what?

numage ago

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if 80 thousand voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

MAGAtaur ago

Future proves past.

CreativeLady ago


yeagit ago

I am never shocked anymore by how shitty and petty people are.

Fairways8363 ago

We are been censored big time 🙁

Predestinarian ago

Glad there is a refuge!

Bisleen ago

Go Q

MAGAMarine ago

WWG1WGA SemperFi This Marine survived the jump. Would Appriciate the up votes fellow Patriots!

swimrobin ago

Many thanks to everyone involved in getting us up and running - team Voat, mods and NeonRevolt!

FightinEvil ago

Made it... WWG1WGA

hummingbird4 ago

I was so upset, pissed off royally when I went to reddit and we were banned! ThankQ Neon for sending us here

GiorgioB ago

Looking forward to surpassing 70,000 users here!

Mamarina1328 ago

Somebody here said Q said we were actually something like 290k in great awakening on reddit!

Qluelessnomore ago

297,000! We knew they were fos!


any news on Serial Brain2 ?

fractalistic ago

Wondering the same. An earlier link posted wasn't working.

x-cain-x98 ago

I'm in, need up votes

rabernet ago

So thrilled to be here!

fuckUspezthecuck ago

what the fuck happened on plebbit today? fuck uspez the lil gay boi bull prepping cuck



Boaz93 ago

Thank you Neon for the link!

Awokcanuck ago


Notplanningtopost ago

I made a Voat account years ago, just to follow PG when it was banned from reddit. As you can tell my by name, I was not even planning to post, but it looks like that's changed. They will not silence us! I'm looking forward to being even more active on here than I was over there


KrokusTheMagnifier ago

Is this really the best place? Won't this alienate others? Look at this link its typical on this site. How does this fit in with non-hate and being united Q advocates?

SporadicMyrmidon ago

It doesn't have to be the "best" place. It might be the place that works. Obviously, some people on Voat express some ideas seemingly rather antithetical to some of the ideals touted by Q. So what? Criticize them if you wish.

BonesDC ago

Maybe losing the sub was a good thing, for well over 2 months I was unable to downvote shills posting and do my part in helping to remove the asshats. Glad to have found this place though.

SporadicMyrmidon ago

"good thing"? Let us find a way to make it so! It is very easy to get complacent, I was starting to think of GA as a comfy place. This is war. WAR. WAR. WAR. Everyone can contribute whatever they are capable. Do what you can.

BonesDC ago

This was exactly my point, we are refined by fire not by sitting back and eating popcorn in a safe space. Whether that be digging, redpilling friends and family, or defending the truth, Im all in. Patriot thru and thru!

SimpleCapitalist ago

Already over 1200 subscribers!

Freefaller_1234 ago

Outstanding, did they think we would just roll up and crumble to the ground. Pffff, we got this!

Kimberlybrooke ago

Found it.

KrokusTheMagnifier ago

Phew, but I don't like the racist and Nazi stuff here. Q said we should be united as one

SporadicMyrmidon ago

By all means post your objections. "Free speech" tends to attract some juvenile people who have juvenile ideas that seem viable just because they are "forbidden". Most of the people constantly posting "pro-Nazi" stuff are not as smart or as strong as they seem.

6HsV82 ago

Checking in. Damn, a few hours away from keyboard and all hell broke loose. Will help with upvotes.

Srewopnod ago

WWG1WGA - we have indeed tonight!

mjfrance ago

Thanks for spearheading the jump!

wrathfulmomes ago

Small group of momeraths reporting in.

TheParadigmMan ago

Glad to be here with all you Patriots!! Thanks Neon for all you do !!!

CrowdstrikeAnon ago

CrowdstrikeAnon here.

Airaftanimal ago

Just made it bye bye Redit

Medic151 ago

Glad to have found This! I was gonna Jones without daily Q.

Moarann ago

Putting a whole new meaning to wwg1wga!

Lyfeliss ago

The swamp is just clogging up the drain is all.

scaryshit ago

Yep yep. Missed you guys!

AZ-8 ago

Ok guys, great to be back among friends! Found the roadmap here via NeonRevolt. Thanks!

fightin44s ago


Krazeesheet ago

How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?

What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?

Define 'Fascism'.

Forcible suppression of opposition?

Define 'Censorship'.

The institution, system, or practice of censoring?

Define 'Narrative'.

A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?

Define 'Projection'.

The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?

The forming of a plan : scheming?

Define 'Psychological Projection'.

A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?

Define 'Narcissist'.

A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?

Define 'Dogma'.

A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?

Define 'Aggression'.

Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?

Define 'Suppression'.

The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?

[Bonus Round]

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.


Define 'Realism'.

The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?


Actions of [ANTIFA]:

-Aggression (Projection)

-Suppression (Fascism)

-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:

-Aggression (Projection)

-Suppression (Fascism)

-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:

-Aggression (Projection)

-Suppression (Fascism)

-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)





"PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE?

Twelve moves ahead.

Suicide watch.


StarFire22 ago


fractalistic ago

Thank Q! Helping with upvotes so those that know what their doing can do their thing!

Tindaisy ago

Thank Q!!

tn0org17 ago

tn0org17 reporting in as well!

FreeHillbilly ago

Reddit refugee here. Looking for upvotes!

MikeTsaysNo ago

Patriot karma needed!

Show’s about to start and I don’t want to miss it!


Qfollower3 ago

Glad to be here ....WWG1WGA

Shatolson18 ago

Just jumped. Let's see how this goes!

The1stLantern ago

At last, the end of the beginning. Glad to see all if you Patriots - now get moving, we have work to do!

Spread the word via all other channels, followers and social media outlets so we can make this board our regroup area!

They want us divided, and they've won a temporary victory.

Well fuck them - we need to reconsolidate our strength - time to put the pedal to the metal and get the word out everywhere we can. WWG1WGA

While you're here enjoying your stay, please also consider supporting the Voat operation with donations.

Also, recommend checking it v/pizzagate - we are a great community also forged from the strike of Reddits ban hammer - and more eyes and ears are always welcome with us.

Keep the light burning my friends.

mihernan ago

I found this from the Q Archive site. They have it posted there. I have a deeplink to SerialBrain2's posts. He did post after the ban so I commented there as well. We will see more family come over.

StarFire22 ago

SerialBrain2 fan in withdrawal... Ima lookin to get on board there too. Where to find?

mihernan ago

You can still direct link to his posts here.

simulacra_01 ago

Damn it feels good to see you guys here! WWG1WGA!

KrokusTheMagnifier ago

I don't think I can stay here. This is typical stuff they have on VOAT and it goes against Q's telling us to be united

Adarcer ago

that is free speech ... just ignore it if it bothers you. what has political correctness done it has made certain words taboo, practically killed comedy unless your a minority then you get a free ride .. I lived pre PC it was great, did not have people calling me racist for being white or expecting me to apologize for something i did not have anything to do with ! Some of you have to learn this freedom that has been taken !

KrokusTheMagnifier ago

People can say what they want, but if you stand near people shouting racist stuff, you're not going to win most people over to the Q cause. Something is wrong here. I didn't say people don't have a right to speech. Read more carefully.

BlissorBust ago

Hi all. New here. Dark to Light! WWG1WGA

Shealove ago

New to voat...dumped by reddit. I understand I might be in need of some upvotes. Would much appreciate it. Thanks!

Chriscraft ago

Thanks Neon!

Colormakeupfan ago

Need upvotes, trade you! 😁

GrangerChesterfield ago

On the train, thanks to Neon!

Forkbomb ago

Sort comments by new to help the new folks out.

truthseeker832 ago

So glad we have a platform to turn to. WWG1WGA

Pando1 ago

Justice win be served. We are here for the show.

Coloneldave41020 ago

I guess I need 10 upvotes? I don’t even know how to subscribe. Fuck reddit.

Forkbomb ago

Hello patriots! MAGA!

Theexhortionist ago

Thanks for finding us a place. I would have withdrawals if you hadn't.

GsazerbyAnon ago

Mr. NR your work is fascinating and so happy to see you here.

Eyezwide0pen ago

Neon Revolt sent me!

Kehar ago

Hey y'all, glad to take the plunge into more free, non-cannabalistic CEO platforms!

Baby_Kaboomer ago

Neon Revolt, you are a beacon! Many thanks! Kinda miss the familiar format, colors and graphics of Reddit, but screw the slimy invertebrates who run that place. Patriot spirit will triumph!

Dishingnswishing ago

Dishing reporting for active duty!

GsazerbyAnon ago

Hello fellow Patriots, finally made it over.

GsazerbyAnon ago

Hey folks could use the upvotes. I feel like im in the coat check room on discord.

Mindy2000 ago

All for a larp? They never thought she would lose. Up Vote please. This is war!!!!!

SporadicMyrmidon ago

Done. Just joined. Battle stations.

7alon ago

Supporter/Lurker/digger here. DS can kiss my ass WWG1WGA!

letortfort ago

Thanks Neon.

VigilantBlackheart ago

Made the jump from reddit.

MikeTsaysNo ago

Next comment # please, thanks!

kgeig0011 ago

So we have to make 10 comments before we can actually post or post a that right?

Doodle_and_me ago

I think so...8 to go for me. Thanks for giving me something to say!

kgeig0011 ago

Thanks for

Doodle_and_me ago

I was just a lurker on r/greatawakening but the ban got me mad enough to come here and actually get a login. Wwg1wga!

FaStRmAn ago

Glad to have somewhere to call home... The internet version of couch surfing...

lvbuckeye27 ago

commenting because it was at 666

upvoats for all!

IceColdCovfefe ago

God bless you!

sILeNtwArrIor ago

Reddit sucks!

Rocco768 ago

OK Damnit... its been like 5 minutes, can we get a header up on this bitch already?! Ive been spoiled with Graphical talent.... make it happen bitches! WWG1WGA. Go to the bottom and click the little guys, we need karma!

brexit_ahoy ago

Q sent me.. WWG1WGA

d9421rom ago

Question. Does have an app like Reddit and Twitter or do I need to search each time? Not a computer guru at all


OMG, Reddit's Great Awakening board was so interesting that I stayed up until 6:00 AM this morning, not going to bed at all until 7 AM! Now, I wake up to find it GONE! Shocking! This is all out war on Q-followers! I am beyond incensed! Thank goodness someone posted this link to Voat otherwise I would have felt helpless after that gut-punch. Please, fellow Anons who have clout, get us back on Reddit where we are more familiar. Thank you, Voat for letting us post here. I am so upset over the censorship!

PepeLovesPandas ago

WWG1WGA Also Fuck You Spez

Shotinthedark ago

What's up party people! Voat is a fun place to free yourself from oppression of the PC nigger jew culture! Try not to bring any of that shit here!

bitterwon ago

I knew the Patriots wouldn't lay down and 5ake reddits shit. I'm glad to be here. WWG1WGA

jawns ago

This isn't the fucking America I was born into, I grew up in. I have had it with this shit. We need action. Enough of these words.

SGM11Z ago

Ya'll remember to upvote everything for a little bit so we can get enough points to make posts. And those of you with enough points...make some posts so we can comment.

AMProfessor ago

I made the jump however concerned about the opening statement. If the GA mods are here, I am out of here. We need a safe uncensored place to gather and post. Not the nonsense we had before on GA.

jinks23 ago

This is so cool. Seems I am part of the caravan.

MAGAmae ago

Need up votes pls gawd

benacious ago

I hate reddit so much...

EmmaS ago

Finally made it here.. Good to see familiar usernames :)

TimberGhost ago

Wear it like a badge of honor ...! Dead over the target 🎯 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 WWG1 WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸

simulacra_01 ago

Damn it feels good to see you guys here! Time to get comfy again! Fuck Plebbit! WWG1WGA!

Blondielady00 ago

WWG1WGA! They can’t stop us!

d9421rom ago

So glad I finally found where The Great Awakening moved to after being banned from Reddit. TY all anons for keeping us informed

RememberGoliad ago

Glad I found my fellow Patriots after today! I am new to this level of tech apps and navigating them. Will be blasting the link as soon as I figure the platform out!

Seeker_of_him ago

We need to quit squabbling over the exodus and start hoisting Q's latest post to the top for commenting.

Chucky733 ago

How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH? Demonstrate the total lack of ethics and suppression of American citizens Constitutional Rights to free speech in the digital public square and a RICO prosecution. Start arresting CEOs and it will stop.

carkeys ago

There's downvoting going on :(

Carsoir ago

I’m upvoting everyone!

abiffity ago

yep, me too but not sure how this works yet.

simulacra_01 ago

Yup. Couldn't even find my latest comment submission.

David-anonyme ago

Hello from France. Q army allies!

AmericanTemplar ago

Great to be here Neon! Let's give the Hell!

KB50 ago

Made it here!!! They cant put us back asleep. We are already awake!!

Chucky733 ago

The attacks will continue.

Chucky733 ago

Psst you a got an upvote you can spare? Big Tech sure is worried, winning never gets old.

AmericanTemplar ago

Reddit and the other idiots claim to know the TRUTH! Well I say, They can't handle the truth!

WhiteRabbit1776 ago

I was waiting for the ban hammer to finally fall. Glad to see an alternative available.

carkeys ago

SHIT IS GOING DOWN! upvote please

BeTheGame007 ago

i up voted everybody here to help out!

awesome to see familiar people. glad we are sticking this out! WWG1WGA

Colormakeupfan ago

Same here on all counts 😁

Rocco768 ago

Reddit Homeless Vet, reporting for duty....

TheJester77 ago

This is like "Star Wars" playing out in front of us all... The Empire was slowly being created in the background for the last 50+ years, but now that the technology is in place, they have decided to enforce the next phase in their plan of conquering the Universe...

They have now launched their "Storm Troopers aka Looney Left" phase into effect to enforce "The Empire"... But we all know how the "Star Wars Universe" plays out...

The "Rebellion" is formed and "Skywalker" comes on the scene and fights the "Empire" with "The Force"...


AmericanTemplar ago

Give Me Liberty! Or Death!

lurchmoar ago

anyone else having trouble upvoting?

CelticCoyote ago

Upvoted everyone I could before I crashed. Let's get back to work WWG1WGA

PatriotsTruth ago

wwg1wga Patriots! [[[They]]] can't stop the storm!!!

carlyjo ago

I will upvoat every comment I see.

betterpepper ago

Doing the same! Keep it up!

carlyjo ago

For sure, every post I see. Thank you Patriot!

MAGAmae ago

Reporting in. Thanks Neon for directing here. Hi family ♡

amg192513 ago

I’M BACK!!!!!! Luckily, I archived a few of my posts on GAwakening, so I can always repost them on here!!!!!!!:D Never Stop Fighting The Good Fight, -AMG19251

SeekNuShallFind ago

When will they learn that their resistance will only make us stronger and resolute.

Drewbertski ago

But Q is just a LARP....sure

fightin44s ago

No more anti free speech reddit for me. Need an upvote patriots! WWG1WGA!!

pat1776deplorable ago

In new territory. What do I need to know to make this work for wwg1wga?

wfcposey ago

start upvoting so we can post!

TinaQ17 ago

Push the little up arrows on everyone comment

wfcposey ago

Isn't that a Ween song? LOL you got it! Already started doing that.

TinaQ17 ago

Ween song?

TinaQ17 ago

Omg.... I found the only person on Earth who sings worse than me.

wfcposey ago


MAGAmae ago

10 comments? I just did a quick sign up to get started.. Hi patriot family! Q said will get worse before better. wwg1wga where's Q army? Been started yet by Neonrevolt?

AnonPatriot ago

Welcome aboard!

MAGAmae ago

Thanks, great to be here.

MAGAmae ago

Still needing up votes

DreamFree ago

Well, I'm here, Thanks Neon, i got your message. Wasn't sure it would be seen. How do i upvote here ?

AnonPatriot ago

Same little arrows, to the left. What's the weather like where you are. ;-)

DreamFree ago

Mid-West, sunny.

Mamarina1328 ago


TinaQ17 ago

Can these responses count towards up voats.. I'm new here so.. Let me know. ThankQ

peachblossom ago

I just canceled my account on Reddit. Also canceled my Facebook and Twitter account a few weeks ago. If they don't work for us, we'll just replace them.

AMC2500 ago

Up votes please fellow patriots. Will try to learn this so i can fit in. WWG1WGA

Dex69 ago

Upvote 👍

slimster303 ago

Ha! Lurked on Reddit for a couple months. Made my first 2 comments today. Go figure.

AnonPatriot ago

Newbies, please UPVOTE!

walla99362 ago

checking in

CelticCoyote ago

Found you guys again. Thank you. WWG1WGA


Buckle up Buttercups! from Q post 2133.

Its hilarious now in context!

Darstradamus ago

Future proves past. KEK


Praise Kek!

bbQchips ago

I’m upvoting anyone I see with less then 10. 👍

AMC2500 ago

Neon. thank you for the info ! Will tweet it .

Texan4Peace ago

Ready to Red Pill the masses! Up Voats please! #WWG1WGA

Carsoir ago

Thank you so much Neon. Don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t gone to your website. I’ve been following Q since Oct., 2017; right after FBIanon. Of course I have been following you, too!

Liette ago

What is Neons website?

peachblossom ago

revengeofpepe ago

Thank you for offering a place of refuge!

AMC2500 ago

Hello Patriots !!!

Peach_Garden_Oath ago

Love seeing the comments flow in on this post. Indicates we're gradually re-grouping. With many displaced however, I imagine Q related information will start cropping up on platforms we never would have anticipated. The censoring may prove to be a critical mistake.

Darstradamus ago


Trust the plan

QrvilleRedenbacher ago

Hello my fellow Americans! Fresh on to the Voat. @NeonRevolt sent me.

IceColdCovfefe ago

I have vats of covfefe. Did you bring popcorn?

Alex_The_Great ago

Neon, I just had a son and wanted to thank you for the important work you are doing in creating a peaceful world for him to thrive. God Bless!

salbida ago

Congratulations, fam! We're doing all of this for his generation and beyond!

6HsV82 ago

congrats on the new patriot! may he live long in a world fully awakened and free of shackles, even mental ones.

Carsoir ago


Tengun ago

Posting this to others!

KS41357 ago

Thanks for link Patriot Soapbox. Needing help with the up votes! WWG1WGA

lucasmcducas ago

Welcome Patriots. We cannot be stopped.

Hakuluoma ago

Anybody know how to delete a reddit account?

Adarcer ago

keep it ... not like they make any money on a inactive account ... plus you never know

ThinkSheepherder ago

I signed up for months ago as a back up to GA. Never thought I would have to use it. WWG1WGA !

deplorable_podunk ago

Glad that you made the jump okay

walts9 ago

Pennie reporting in, i made it here from fb

CatsInAPile ago

I'm so glad we have a new home. I was in GA withdrawal LOL Trading upvotes for upvotes too!

sam--urai ago

Wow-100% upvoites here - that would be impossible on Reddit...It's also nice to see the number of users AND subscribers. I was sure on Reddit that the lurkers were 10x the registered users.

The-only-me ago

Glad to be here

AnonPatriot ago

AnonPatriot, reporting for duty. Thank you to the founders of this subverse, and to those who've already made the trip. Eagerly awaiting Q's acknowledgement. WWG1WGA, including here!

IOK2BW ago

Fuck Reddit, big things must be coming if they feel the need to ban all discussions about a "LARPer" haha

AsOnlyIAm ago

Just gave out so many UpVoats I'm tired. Got you all!

Chuggwater1854 ago

Made it over, no problem. Can't quit now.

We must "adapt and overcome!"

sam--urai ago

Neon sent me,

Brilliant-Hope-91 ago

Thank you for this board!

MtnManAnon ago

Reporting for duty! WWG1WGA!

JadeWolf98 ago

I have been a refugee for far too long, but I am here now. Hello fellow Patriots. With that thought, they really are that stupid, trying to shut this down will only make it grow. Talk about a reverse action, sort of like a mirror. I have upvoted all.

QuietStorm ago

It's a good day!! We will survive! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

SoonerMac ago

Attacks have intensified! WWG1WGA

AsOnlyIAm ago

Reporting for duty

stelioskontos ago

I've been scared to completely jump off reddit but this was the last straw. Deleting my account felt so damn good!

NOLAforTrump ago

Don't forget to catch everyone who's replying to posts. A lot of people aren't getting upvoted because they're hidden. When you see "2 replies" or "Load more replies" click on it to find those being missed.

SuperKatlou ago

New refugee here! Glad to know about it. Where do we post the memes and such ? trying to find my way around!

Dex69 ago

WWG1WGA. Reporting in here

Brummenbauch ago


Koisville ago

Old Grandma here need to know why I need up votes??? Learning! Yes Patriot! WWG1WGA

salbida ago

Welcome! You need a minimum of 10 upvotes in order to be able do make your own new posts. (Presumably to make it a tiny bit harder for bots posing as new users to cause chaos.)

Since we're all coming in here in one big wave, we can mutually upvote each other past that limit with ease.

Koisville ago


LornaQ ago

Neon Revolt sent me!! WWG1WGA!

JustAnotherQPatriot ago

Neon sent me!

Pando1 ago

Reporting for duty.

1nosneb ago

Great to be here.

Liette ago

Btw, thanks Neon. I see you have rescued many other patriots. Good job man. Some of us were treading water for awhile.

lurchmoar ago

Glad I found you! Interesting times, eh?

Whatsamannar ago


Coco1Bow ago

Hi great to be here. Hope for no censorship here...

mgray12 ago

Mgray12 survived the jump.

MaezieMay ago

Hello fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!

Krazeesheet ago

I feel so..........deplorable.


YeshuaFollower ago

NeonRevolt sent me! We will not be stopped!

Koisville ago

Thank you NeonRevolt!!!!

LuBee ago

So glad to be here.

Krazeesheet ago

Hi Fam!!

Darstradamus ago

Another forced migration...WWG1WGA

betterpepper ago

We came in legally!

Colormakeupfan ago

Lol Good one!

Darstradamus ago

I know-----why should we have to leave, they're the ones that suck!!

Hakuluoma ago

Neon sent me. Happy to have a safe space.

hausensause ago

Onward, Patriots!

QsentMe ago

Thank you!!!! #TrustingThePlan #QsentMe #TheStormIsUponUs

SummerRain92516 ago

I have made some comments but so far no Karma points for it?

betterpepper ago

Same boat. I am just upvoting everything as well. We all need as much as we can get.


lolanaboo ago

ReCheck after a few minutes

bioweaponmaster ago

We should have announce migration months ago...

LuBee ago

In shock but recovering. Thank you for pointing us here.

Qanuck ago

I’m Qanuck on twitter. Welcome to the Voat Exodus!!! WWG1WGA!!!

Qanuck ago

I’m upvoating as many as I can. Upvotes welcome!

KneadThePeople ago

At the ready.

bellabe ago

so glad we can't be silenced 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Cosmos05 ago

Ugh! I loved my redit great awakening family! Well at least we all moved together!

WillYou3MTA3 ago

honey I'm home! Great to see everyone again

peiper73 ago

Woot glad to be here, screw the communist, first amendment blocking company of reddit.

judipurple ago

Hello one and all. Jeez, I just discovered Reddit only about a month ago and now it booted us out! (grinding teeth and spitting out bad words)...not sure how VOAT works, but as long as the same good people are on it as were on the r/greatawakening, it's bound to be great. Following Q, et al, since December, and feel the momentum and excitement building up around this movement. I've learned so much, and had many of my doubts and suspicions confirmed. **WWG1WGA!!! ** Thank you, Neon for the heads-up re:Reddit.

Heywoodjblome ago


birtie ago

Badge of Honor to all...over the targets!!! There’s nothing that can or will stop us in this battle. WWG1WGA

LabResults ago

Heard peeps were coming here from Patriots Soap Box 24/7 with Reddit censure and all. Chat said Neon came over too. I'm just following the crowd.

AnnieBelle56 ago

Reddit is down and I don’t want to lose all contact with the Anons & Autists. Probably won’t have much input.. but want to be in the dig zone. If Twatter goes down, I’ll be in the dark.

Big_Photo_Mojo ago

Photo_Mojo in the house

Qpatriotanon ago

Neon sent me here.

lolanaboo ago

Neon brought me here...Hey patriots!! WWG1WGA

abiffity ago

yes thank neon. may also want to check out GAB. seems like one of the recent q links had some GAB info on it.

MoreCoffeeAlways ago

Thanks for letting us jump in. Brand new here. I wasn’t surprised Reddit banned us. WWG1WGA MAGA

Lightcnqsdark ago

Glad I found everyone!

smacl61 ago

Censorship will NOT win for them in the end. Just shows how cowardly the left really is - and that they will not learn from history - they don't think that is important.

ythehorses ago

They can shut down Reddit but they can't shut us up!!! WWG1WGA!!!

IceColdCovfefe ago

No place else I'd rather be than with fellow QAnons.

QOnTheWall ago

Whew! Made it. Thank you. WWG1WGA.

TikiTikiTembo ago

Neon Revolt recommended I stopped by. Someone give that patriot a medal!

JohnQ_Public ago

Hello - glad to trade upvotes for upvotes

fractalistic ago

Do comments help? Here to help...upvoting all & 400 more to go! WWG1WGA

Qluelessnomore ago

Upvote for you!

carlyjo ago

I'm home.

Rafaim ago

Appreciate the heads up as well Neon! I would have never known till it was too late!

PatrioticLogic ago

Missed you all. Let's start putting our beloved sub back together!

Ruth5318 ago

Thank you NeonRevolt for sharing this info.

Liette ago

Oh man crazy, I hope we can get a good site together. I got this off the destroying the illusion site.

betterpepper ago


Namean212 ago

Thanks neon...I want my country back

NOLAforTrump ago

Made it!

Redheadedgal ago

Just a few hours without Reddit and I thought I was lost FOREVER! So glad I found this! Got it from other Anon's on FB closed group. Next they will be taking down closed groups on FB! WWG1WGA

Malakyzek ago

happy to be here. thank you neonrevolt for the heads up.

QAnonIsAwesome ago

I heard One was going here so I figured ALL will be here soon! Heard that somewhere on the Great Awakening board at the other doomed site.

PapersRockScissor ago

Glad to be here.

Harunalrashid ago

And...I'm back

M313 ago

I made it!!

BackupComms ago

And this name wasn't even taken. Nice!

Carol739 ago

My first time on one if these type of sites since neon revolt got banned, with regards relocation : never give up.

GM68 ago

I'm new but I moved as well.

iaminad ago

Hello friends and patriots, happy we found a new place so soon!

MiMiWoke ago

Howdy from Texas. WWG1WGA,,,,

Wyndhawk ago

Hopping on the comment train. Haven't figured this site out yet, but I am here for Neon and the Anons to do what I can do to make this habben!

WeTheQPeople ago

On board! 👏🇺🇸

MiMiWoke ago

Gezzzz, came home from work today from my NEW job after having been out of work for a while, Thank You POTUS!!!! Forgive me everyone, but gotta plug our robust economy,,,,,lol,,,,,

So, I checked for new Q drops, then on to twatter and reddit. WOW, reddit is gone, so here I am. We're so over target now,,,,I'm watching the movie and loving it. Justice will be served my fellow patriots.

WildCountry57 ago

Up Vote me please

Wyndhawk ago

Will do WildCountry57!

Necro_clown ago

Non “clown” affiliated, “necro clown” signing in. I am beyond livid. I’m glad I found you all here. I see some familiar faces. (Names)

eyerighteye ago

Here and ready family. Glad to see you all again.

cleo777 ago

Thanks Neon-WWG1WGA!

qfan ago

NEON REVOLT WHERE ARE YOU!?! I have fallen and can't get up. Reddit banned us. Badge of honor! We'll think back about this one time at Q camp where Reddit banned us!?!

hocuspocusfocusjeep ago

Hello Patriots!!!

artilleryeyes ago

Reporting for duty!

debolick1143 ago

Riled up Patriot reporting in and loading memes! Happy to see everyone finding their way over from the corpse of Reddit. Stay strong Patriots, attacks will intensify. Keep making plans for regrouping on the web if we lose voat. Archive everything and store offline. WWG1WGA!

Pol-tical-crap ago

Thank you for welcoming us. I almost drowned falling off the boat. I just hope there is no wall I have to climb over!

hildabeest-4-gitmo ago

Bump for Trump!

Handsoffmygats ago

Reddit is going to have some major answering to do.

quietriot1967 ago

Love the resiliency of Patriots!

RetroMojo ago

RetroMojo came from the Neon post - turn it around

Qser17 ago

Q sent me! WWG1WGA, of course!

sorneagle ago

Thank you!!

torrey881 ago

Made the jump from reddit. So glad to see some of you here. What a bunch of crap that was getting booted from reddit...#WWG1WGA

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

OK. Right On!

Doom1776 ago

Thank you all for coming to the new GreatAwakening on VOAT. The mod team appreciates your support and understands the chaos and frustration that Reddit has caused us all. Reddit has shown their true colors by not just removing GreatAwakening but by removing ALL Qcentric subs. Reddit has made themselves a very large target for investigation now so have faith that justice will be served when everything comes to light.

Qluelessnomore ago

All except DraintheSwamp. It is still there, but private. Good to see you!

niceunlessprovoked ago

Hello all, here we are again.

Amazoid ago

The fullchan guys are freaking out thinking the GA refugees will flood the chan. I actually have been doing both daily. Now I guess it's here and the chan.

salbida ago

8ch is like the engine of a car. It's apparently super useful and it's fun to watch all the moving parts doing who knows what, but no way I'm sticking my hand in there.

Amazoid ago

lol. that's pretty funny.

Actually, 8ch is like walking around in a rough part of town. Just don't look people straight in the eyes. And if you do, prepare to act so crazy that they believe you will kill them if they fuck with you.

marymouseetc ago

lol.that is how i feel.

tahitianon ago

Been looking for that backup all day! Glad I found where the Patriots were! Missed y'all for a minute!

Perrinsaxe ago

Reddit blows

Qzenseeker ago

Thank you for the Welcome :)

infodon ago

Finally got Voat to work, and joined now. Thanks for your leadership and help, NeonRevolt!

IceColdCovfefe ago

Hello, Good people. Please upvote me so that I may upvote others. Let's get this new plot of land cultivated!

Manapono ago

So happy we rallied quickly. This will backfire on Reddit et al. The anons were nervous we were all going to go over there! ; ) Thanks Praying Medic for the note. As q said today HOOAH!

RWB247 ago

WWG1WGA...made it over!

Doctor-Gonzo ago

doctor-gonzo reporting for duty. Made my way over from our former camp. Great to be back with my brothers and sisters in arms! One for all and all for one!

LoveHopeDream ago

Are we staying here now?

salbida ago

I've got my cardboard box set up over in this corner. Let's help the newcomers in!

ColdHardTruth8675309 ago

Q sent me here to comment. Can I get some karma from my fellow patriots?

Patriot2623 ago


sumtingwoke ago

Checking in. This is beautiful.

todd99 ago


qntmpkts ago

Hello, and thank you for setting this up!

I sent a bunch of traffic your way when this was brand new:


standstrong4christ ago

I made it!

wortguy ago

One went here, then we all did.

Not_illuminati ago

Thanks neon even I found my way here after alot of fails

PapayaBravo ago

Howdy, Voat.

Mordecaim ago

Good plan!

invisiblejones ago

How did things get so Orwellian so fast? I'm thankful that this community is here. We're going to need it.

squirrelfrattata ago

Bummed. Noticed that if you search on google on articles on how to get to any alternative other than reddit, google is FLOODED with articles of the banning of GA. Hundreds and hundreds already. Smells a bit if you ask me.

rockstar1111 ago

Thank you glad to be here!

Anon850 ago

Checking In! UpVotes Please!

Ashamandre ago

Ashamandre transferred over!

Alshagnasty1 ago


FakeNewzIsFake ago

Use Archive, don't post links to imgur fags. Enjoy your stay

fishgutmartyr ago

Told reddit to fuck themselves.

QHulksmash ago

Thanks! Migrating over!

Velocityraptor ago

If Reddit bans (already comp’d) r/conspiracy I’m jumping ship altogether. Writing’s on the wall.

DixiePatriot ago

I literally just cried ... as if I was at a family reunion seeing people I thought I had lost!
So glad to "see" everyone here!
Joined this time .. I won't loose you all again!
Love from Dixie!

Korsavius ago

I honestly felt a little lost when I couldn't get into GA and NeonRevolt hadn't yet posted about the ban!

Carsoir ago

Dixie, that’s the way I felt!

Wildmanjim62 ago

Thanks for the info Neon!

Wildmanjim62 ago

Nice. Screw reddit, facebook , and twatter

NoSuchGreatAwakeing ago

Holy crap, what a day.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Screw Reddit and everything it stands for. Thankfully I already had an account here. Made things easy. Matter of fact I had two accounts here sort of. I've had an account for over a year but one day when I tried to sign in it wouldn't let me. It said the username (Asvnoyi) was already in use. I seriously doubt that because the word Asvnoyi is in the native tongue meaning Nighthawk. My grandparents lived on the rez and my grandfather was a traditional. But it wouldn't take my password, which I know was correct because I kept it in a file with other passwords. I figured it was a glitch although I did try to contact a mod or admin. No harm no foul. I made a new one.

Greydle ago

I upvoated as many as I could until an error occurred.

Tyrvard ago

all i can think of is "banned from argo"

Tyrvard ago

all i can think of is "banned from argo"

SummerRain92516 ago

A ton of traffic...been trying to get here for about 2 hours now... Trying to subscribe to theawakening but it don't seem to want to work right...I'll keep trying!

rockstar1111 ago

Me too! I'm glad I got in, finally.

Iron_Tomato ago

I need posting power. help. me.

kittenhiss ago

been blocking resist bots on twatter all day, sure mass extinction is next there.

Casta012 ago

I’m In !!! Let’s Do This !!!

felipe_hombre ago

Wow. This new website is pretty rocky. Lots of failed attempts at signing in and navigating. Hopefully VOAT is really ready for this. Thanks for the scramble and hard work behind the scenes.

Velocityraptor ago

Hopefully VOAT is really ready for this.

No kidding. Outages for days when Pizzagate and FPH got banned and the mass exodus began. They need to prepare for being a primary platform soon. Even my super-lib friends say this censorship doesn’t pass the smell test.

Tenebre ago

Hello all I'm also a refugee from GA

haywood_jablomey ago

WWG1WGA Let's roll!

jduck51 ago


kittenhiss ago

FINALLY, I signed up when GA went down real time but Voat got overloaded after the second one went down. PSB link took a couple of hours but finally worked! WWG1WGA

TheQPhenomenon ago

The Q Phenomenon signing in...Posted link on my webblog.

Eye_Brew_4U ago

Are there any new Twitter accounts for the new group?

salbida ago

Are there any new Twitter GAB accounts for the new group?


KamieC ago

I’m happy to be here!

StormVet6 ago

If you haven’t done so yet, try using the Voatify app (or another if there is one). It does make things a bit easier.

synchro2fog ago

Getting the word out on Gab. It was only a matter of time for Reddit to censor/ban, they are MSM stooges!

Notaslave_0_o_mlln ago

Hello patriots, brothers and sisters. I just wanna say how unbelievable it is that GA went down. So leftists can mobilize, encourage physical violence on conservatives and make comments about assassinating the sitting POTUS, but we can't come together on a platform like Reddit peacefully without it being shut down because it's a threat??? The hypocrisy is astounding.

NamelessMofo ago

Honestly, I'm not surprised. They banned pizzagate first, then they banned cbts_stream. It was only a matter of time. And you're right, the hypocrisy is off the chain. But that's what all fascists, marxists, etc. do.

May_Mobley ago

Never went to reddit because it seems complicated. But I follow NeonRevolt religiously and he told us to come here. I’m so afraid we are all going to lose our connections and voices.

StarFire22 ago

No fear baby! Look at this site! Look at everyone who has shown up. They are just bringing us closer together when they try to plug us up. Dummies are building a wall of arm linked Patriots who stand together for FREEDOM. This crappola ain't my kids and grandkids future N-O-N-O-N-O-Noooooooo Way! WWG1WGA! I am going to go back to up voting my fellow Q family that have shown up here.

saffremaquis ago

Just tweeted the Voat location to my little world. Hope it helps. My family has experienced the dire consequences of repressive fascism in Europe. They do not understand the resolve of Patriots that are in this fight.

Oinkie ago

Those in Europe might as well be on an iceberg in the North Atlantic. I don’t see how anyone on that continent can withstand the invasion taking place. Good speed to you loved ones!

saffremaquis ago

Thank you! There are many Patriots there still. So sad the ravages of 2 World Wars killed off an enormous amount of free-thinking Patriots. I'm seeing that was the plan all along. God bless.

jwa71064 ago

We will NEVER be silenced! WWG1WGA!

SirRanger77 ago

Patriot reporting for deputy!

cbts ago

So, today I uninstalled Reddit and find myself registered at Voat. Glad I found you guys.

Star_Trek_Q ago

Make some threads, bake some breads. Join the chain on the Trump train. Your friendly neighborhood Q

GhostOfSwartz ago

Here and reporting for duty! Fuck Reddit! GA and conspiracy were the only reason I joined Reddit. Never going back!

Jasperrock ago

Our new home is great -- and happy to have trusted mods! Thanks!

Eye_Brew_4U ago

Hat tip to NeonRevolt for sending me here.

Mbrac ago

Digitally bruised and rolling with a thousand yard stare. But I’m here.

RG1527 ago

Spez is a cuck


sumtingwoke ago

Checking in from GA!

dillirc ago

Back finally

Cnservativehippychic ago

Am a newbie. But I am trying to catch up fast.

17flagwaiver ago

Thanks for making a place for us Great Awakening Refugees! This platform is a little unstable however. I have been getting a lot of error messages. First time user here but addicted to everything Q.

CommonCents1 ago

just saw the leaked Google corporate video. it about made me barf! they are MUCH more dangerous brainwashed groupthink than i even imagined!

abiffity ago

i do not think this is exclusive to google. the entire silicone valley (so cal) is totally far left mental.

Fadia23 ago

I guessed it was bound to happen, but still....It sucks!! But I am extremistischen grateful for boat to jump in. Thanks!! Much appreciated!!

Reddragon1111 ago

Choo! Choo! Getting on the Voat train! WWG1WGA!

CommonCents1 ago

CommonCents checking in! MAGA!!!

Nephesh ago

Hello Friend...

snap5665 ago

Thank you :)

epiphany504 ago

That was quick - Great Work!

trustingtrump ago

I don't think my comment got in. Thank you guys for the great welcome. WWG1WGA

Hancock_Ellis ago

It got in.

Rafaim ago

Hot diggity dog....I made do I subscribe?

Ammojeff ago

Thanks for throwing a life preserver. We are alive and well and will continue the struggle for what is ours to have, our to hold and ours to maintain for all Patriots now and in the future ! Thanks again!

PJR1 ago

Wheee! I'm here and able to comment... God bless the patriots worldwide, and especially the Christ-followers among us. #WWG1WGA

Drksthr ago

Thank you!

Malakyzek ago

Thank you neonrevolt for the heads up to this site. would have been a bit lost without the gang. wwg1wga

saav ago

_run lurkmode

pilgrimboy14 ago

I made it.

trustingtrump ago

Thank you for making room for us!! Happy to be here!

Biloxigyu ago


valkyriesmyst1 ago

Grrrr I’m so pissed. I’m upvoting everyone. I guess Q did warn us about this kind of stuff.

MatrixBug ago

We are ONE! I’m so pissed off, nothing in TGA ever had anything as an excuse to ban the sub... well, it seems we found a new home. Let’s go guys, censorship my ass!

Korsavius ago

I'm here! I was amazed to see r/greatawakening shut down, but I sure as shit shouldn't have been! I'm in for the long haul. WWG1WGA!

immaduck ago

Duck here, ready to go!

Qluelessnomore ago

Good to see you!

Rafaim ago

Yay Duck!

eyerighteye ago


Watercolorblue2 ago

Just got here. Hello patriots. We win in the end. 💖💙❤️💜

Biloxigyu ago

Can a brother in Qarms get a lil help on the up voats?

EllePea ago

We will NOT be silenced. Spread the word.

Biloxigyu ago

ThanQ for the welcome and thanQ Neon for recommending this site!!!!

4TheRepublic ago

Quirky platform notwithstanding.... I'm unlurking now, though. 4TheRepublic WWG1WGA

daBrown75 ago


Damiena3 ago

Test, take 3.

BelBlade ago

so this is what actual tyranny feels

salbida ago

Yeah, it's kind of surreal to be experiencing actual censorship...

StarFire22 ago

Ain't it though?

Adarcer ago

O.o are you saying this is unexpected ?

sweetdakini ago

Good to be here. Hello fellow patriots.

sweetdakini ago

Good to be here. Hello fellow patriots.

TheHumptyDance ago

Another peaceful and informative community banned... They are afraid of you, and they should be... An informed public is a dangerous public

oddlike777 ago

I'm not on Facebook or Twitter, and now I'm leaving reddit for good. Long overdue for me, and today was eye opening.

Welorf ago

Reddit refugee. Same handle. Already deleted the reddit app off my phone.

CarolinaQ ago

Thanks for the steering us this way Neon!

Hip2BeSquare ago

Reddit shuts us down. Twitter, FB, YT, Goog, all censoring us. This sure seems like an awful lot of crap to go through over a LARP, doesn't it? Seems to me they know whats comin' and they're trying to stall. Won't work! WWG1WGA!

fightin44s ago

It's just confirms what we know. WWG1WGA!

rockstar1111 ago

That's what I was thinking, som kinda LARP huh?

Intrepid865 ago

Reddit refugee here. This site is actually pretty good. It's easier to use than 8chan, and i can still call someone a kike nigger faggot.

DropGun ago

Reddit refugee here. This site is actually pretty good. It's easier to use than 8chan, and i can still call someone a kike nigger faggot.

Yeah, no, you cannot. You will find that this sub is modded just the same as it was on Reddit. Get your shit together, Intrepid865 . This is not a game.

Fuckyounigger ago

bahaha such a faggot, get fucked you dumb nigger loving kike

itsFine ago


475677 ago

How's it feel knowing your parents would be utterly ashamed of you for invading a corner of the digital world, trying to subvert the local population and then censoring everyone, which goes against the first basic fundamental rule this site was founded upon being free speech, because you're a power tripping pc faggot? I'd wager that your own father would say as much but you're such an egotistical piece of shit that'd you'd probably ban him for it in the interests of your idealized greater good too.

Unironically kill yourself or if you're unsurprisingly too much of a weak willed faggot to go through with it at least get a vasectomy so that you put an end to your bloodline. Try to think of it as helping the Earth by reducing the population but if you do then you know the right course of action is to ultimately neck yourself.

lettersofmarque ago

I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Ever hear of jewshing? It's like fishing but you basically fingerhook a faggot by his nose. In your case I'd have to use two fingers...

Negro_Nazi ago

Hahaha, fuck of back to Reddit you bitch.

bb22 ago

I don't know if you figured this out yet nigger, but Reddit is fucking retarded, the only cool people were banned from Reddit like three years ago, and Q posts on fucking 8chan you pussy kike faggot.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

Adding @DropGun to my internal list of massive cancerfaggots.

bb22 ago

Please make your list public so I can take advantage of it.

draaaak ago

Look everyone! A gigantic faggot!

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Who died and put this fucking nigger-loving Jew in charge? Seriously, fuck off Shekelstein Jewberg Cohen.

mumpsimus ago

Refugee under a new name here. Saw the link on Twitter. Thank you.

Hip2BeSquare ago

Man, this sucks. Nothing stated on any of the Great Awakening or Q Anon boards can even remotely approach the vulgarity of the censorship the tech "overlords" have implemented. Self awareness has never been a Liberal strong suit.

Intrepid865 ago

Go look at the subreddit braincells. It's just kids advocating rape and shit and it's still there. Plus they banned qproofs which was extremely dry with nothing controversial at all.

Damiena3 ago

Newbie refugee here as well. Thanks!

COG42 ago


dideediane ago

Glad to be here, hoping to hear some familiar voices. Thank you Neon for putting the word out.

papanoire ago

papanoire, here. I'll make the same trade with anyone.

betterpepper ago

Bring the pain, Q! Checking in.

SonarTech ago

Thanks Neon for the info I follow you on Gab

SonarTech ago


in like Flynn :-) couldn't resist

artilleryeyes ago

I see what you did there!

AmericanGirl45 ago

Made the jump. Thanks Neon Revolt for the info!

Aquaren69 ago

Thanks Neon!

Zoonationalist ago

Zoonationalist, reporting--back to work, folks!

red_american_patriot ago

sheepdog here, saw this on neonrevolt post WWG1WGA

detcmon ago

Neon Revolt is now suspended on Twitter!

Carsoir ago

We had to endure 8 years of hell, and I think we handled it gracefully. These people are crybaby whiners who just can’t handle things like “words”!

AsInHeaven ago

Seeing censorship in action firsthand is chilling. I accidentally hit the downvote button (thinking it might be a scrolling thing) and found out that you need to have 100 "karma" points to be able to downvote anything. Hope that helps with the downvote deluge that was rampant on the other platform.

Korsavius ago

Have an upvoat!

Adarcer ago

You get a upvoat ! you get a upvoat ! everyone gets an upvoat !

TheBastardBourbon ago

Trade upvote for upvote

carlyjo ago

Heading through every post and upvoating. WWG1WGA.

RememberGoliad ago


Thumbs tired...

Maiden_America4U ago

I'm worried about how late I came to all of this. Feeling like I was left behind. But it's all good. As long as some of us make it, we all make it in the end...

carlyjo ago

400 plus later lol, and happy to do it! Thank you Patriot!

cleo777 ago


Colormakeupfan ago

Me too

NOLAforTrump ago


Intrepid865 ago

Same. Can't wait till this subverse hits 100K! We will pick people up with each ban.

reinbeau ago

Neon sent me - wow. Q did warn us. Facebook is next I think.

LabResults ago

FB is half dead anyway--Glad to find this place!

reinbeau ago

I know, but I have so much there that's non political. Yes, I'm the old person who loves FB ;)

LabResults ago

I hear you--I'm a boomer and lots of high school and college friends are on it. I can't stand the commercials and too many opposite pol opinions. It's too much for me! I like to hang out with the like-minded. I quit going on FB over 2 years ago--thought I couldn't let go, but hey it was a waste of time there.

reinbeau ago

Now I am still liking FB and have a great group of people over there - these forums are mainly to feed egos here, it seems. It's ok, we all get what we can out of all of it.

penetrate_time ago

Was on GA earlier in the day---then gone!!! Thank goodness for the notification from Neon Revolt!! Carry on Patriots!!! WWG1WGA!!

DeplorableWokeSceap ago


Colormakeupfan ago

Hahaha Reeeeee!

Doyb ago

Batten down the hatches. Storms a brewin

Wat_Dabney ago

Missed you guys ! Thanks Neon. You got my up vote.

OskarMac ago

Glad it finally loaded. lol. Hopefully things will smooth out and Voat will benefit from 70k new users!

SpartaQus ago

Mad as ten thousand hells!!! We will prevail!

LpKim61 ago

Freedom of Speech!

raccoon_eyes ago

They can't shut Patriots down! Thanks Neon!

Richard-Lion-Heart ago

Glad to be aboard patriot 👍

cherrymafia ago

hello! thanks for taking us in! i need up votes as we! i will help you all out too!

c39v2 ago

Thanks Neon for letting me know. I was out in the yard all day and when I came in the other place was gone.

ForTruthSake ago

Checking in with the troops!

TheAnonLady ago

Hello everyone! I've arrived - finally made it through the crashes on here

Brownpa1968 ago

Reporting in!!!!!!!

IBannedReddit ago

I don't think voat can handle our activity! I just went to reddit to see what kind of reception I got there and had no problem getting to GA. 🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸

derplestiltzkin ago

Seems like Voat is finally getting their infrastructure upgraded to handle the influx.

Danieljsmith84 ago

Fellow patriot checking in. I left reddit in 2015 and made my voat account during the fatpeoplehate censorship. Overtime complacency lulled me back to Reddit where I was mostly comfortable. With today’s banning of greatawakening and the censorship of speech based on mods and admin not liking the content, I deleted my account and apps and am here now permanently. Help me out with some comment points please.

txtruthseeker ago

Neon led me here, we need to spread the word to all the Patriots out there!

TheOldBillyGoat ago

It will take a while for this old goat to get comfortable.

m1cr0cutz ago

We are not going away anytime soon.


MegaMAGA ago

Hey, I guess I'll be checking in here now. Not giving out my reddit username though!

CwPuckett ago

Thank you for the heads up on reddit Neon Revolt. WWG1WGA

urbanaut ago

Cheers to the GA mods

IBannedReddit ago

Greetings fellow patriots!! Hope the popcorn is plentiful here.🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸

WheelOfTime ago

Whew. After seeing the NYPD prostitute ring tweet from Breaking911, I went over to r/ to see if anyone had posted about it and saw the ban. Glad to find patriots setting up camp here.

joanninna ago

I am not sure I know how to use this, I was still trying to figure out reddit...LOL. Do I just type and submit? What are Karma/comment points?

eyerighteye ago

We are all going to learn together.

joanninna ago

Thank you. :)

TarantuLady ago

Whew...made it. WWG1WGA...bigly.

Savitar4senate ago

Well... There goes my one reason to use Reddit. Voat it is for now! MAGA!

mortiscausae ago

I hope we get to see the same amount of people on /r/greatawakening. I bet most of them still don't know what is the new home for us refugees.

cyberclearfrost ago

Almost needed a parachute to make the jump! Glad to have arrived.

Lrmicha1 ago

Thank you!

Meegs ago

So glad to find you all again.

Chungqee ago

Thanks for spreading the word about this new board NeonRevolt.

To hell with reddit, I deactivated my account.

mortiscausae ago


FriendofAbe ago


AlmondActivated ago

Can someone make a new thread ?


artilleryeyes ago

I dropped FB last month anyway

WanderingCatalyst ago

C_A run platform


FB has always been a terrible interface anyway. This just forced my hand to really jump fully away from the big tech. I still need to figure out how to fully get away from Google on my Android phone.

fightin44s ago

FB are traitors.

Claudair ago

They were from the start, like many social media. It is all about data collection for monitoring and control purposes. The tools themselves are good, but the intentions behind are dark. Patriots will gain control and use them for honest communications, sharing and enlightenment. As they were meant to be.

SolidSquid ago


Rafaim ago

We Go All!

Colormakeupfan ago



Hello patriots World Wide!

txtruthseeker ago

Neon led me here, we need to spread the word to all the Patriots out there!

WEareQ ago

Need some upvotes

mndeplorable ago

Whew! Finally got in!

Hopefilled1776 ago

Good to see we are sticking together.

Zynn ago

That is what they fear... unity

4nurh86qn7ekybdd ago

Damn Straight!

frankenglock ago

Try to keep us down! I wonder what the last thing posted on GA was that got us bumped off?

Geranium_Lily ago


therat ago

We were bumped because we are a threat. Take my upvote sir!

Lterryp ago


We must be getting too close to the target. Right?

chickenfarm5 ago

just came on over - thank you for the welcome! just please be patient w/some of us "old timers" who just managed to figure out the darn reddit thing and are now moving ! may take awhile to learn the " karma" - but we are willing ! kek

fractalistic ago

Same here chickenfarm5...Q Patriots sent me and I have no idea what I'm doing~ha! Upvoting those that do so they can do their thing. WWG1WGA!

MudPuddlePie ago too...sigh...

GlendaleBurbank ago

Me Three! 60 year old grandma..but I'm doing fine ! Been using apple computers since I'm in the groove !

Paul_Rick ago

We're over the target!

Fallout18 ago

Another refugee from redditt. So glad to find you all again. WWG1WGA

MI6chock ago

Thanks a lot for your kind welcome! I have been respectful of voat since your pedogate board seemed quite a bold endeavor. yorushke onegai shimas xD

Railgirl62 ago


WanderingCatalyst ago


Colormakeupfan ago

Right there with you!

Rafaim ago


Trfsrfr ago

Checking in...

dekutree64 ago

Struck down again... time to become more powerful than they can possibly imagine.

Patriotic_QAnon ago


TheSkitchyIrish ago

Thank God......Fuck Reddit

Phunkdeefied ago

Thank you Neon for the path! #QArmy - The Show Must Go On!

ResemblingRavens ago

Thanks for the welcome!

CajunGirl ago

Thanks Neon for letting us know!! WWG1WGA

AperionPatriot ago

When do you know you're over the target? When the whole subreddit gets nuked.

LegalTDImmigrant ago

Along with many others

YeetDiscreetly ago

Thank God for Voat. At least we have somewhere to go where we can communicate with each other without censorship.

detcmon ago

I'm here!

njc0217 ago

I am glad I finally got on, kept getting a goat icon so was freaking out they shut this down too. Thank you to NeonRevolt for sending me here & I'm sharing on twtr for other ppl to find us. Am trying to grab up as many folks on there that followed Q so that we have a new communication forum. Q also just put up 2 more posts on the chan.

BSCB4U ago

lets let the world know they will never silence our voice no matter what they try go patriots lets tell the world

Patriot8 ago

I’m here to check in. Someone get my bags.

Fireking151 ago

Sorry got butter all over my hands from the popcorn.

q4pres2020 ago

Exactly how I feel. Do you have the hotel key?

fractalistic ago

"If the house is rockin', don't bother knockin', just come on in" SRV



linthat22 ago

Hello folks! I can't wait to see what's coming.

detcmon ago

I'm here! This is crazy!

detcmon ago

I'm here! This is crazy!

Hancock_Ellis ago

"key the handset twice for a radio check..."

Joining_The_Q ago


fightin44s ago

Loud and clear

artilleryeyes ago

this device does not require inflation....

whatsupnoobs ago

What’s up Noobs. Glad you made the jump. HOORAH

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

Like all of you, I came here from Reddit and Neon Revolt. I feel that something BIG is coming, because they are afraid. This ban wave is a desperate attempt to stop the inevitable. Like all of their plans, it will fail also.

Every day I am praying for you all, Q team, President Trump, and all the brave men and women who are fighting evil in our time.

Sincerely, a Patriotic Canadian

Claudair ago

Well said! Another Canadian Patriot here (Montreal). Wish I could move down South. While I cannot vote in the US, I pray daily for POTUS, Q Team and all Patriots. We are One; we are Family!


Aww, that touched my heart, Claudair. We love our Canadian Patriots too. WWG1WGA DON'T FORGET TO UPVOTE.

6HsV82 ago

fellow canuck here. i see reddit nuked the northern awakening board too.

Rafaim ago

God Bless you! Keep praying!

Colormakeupfan ago

If we keep honoring God we will continue to see things we never thought possible

7darlen7cherami7 ago


LuBee ago


moonshadoe ago

Hello fellow Patriots!

vladi004 ago

Can I gate a link to the discord?

SensibleStoner ago

no faggot super saiyans only

DropGun ago


Dial it down, pls. Final warning. This is not the chans.

everlastingphelps ago

Dial it down. This is not reddit.

You're killing your sub because you don't belong as a mod. Go get some points.

vladi004 ago

Could have been nice. In the end we are all patriots and fight together but at least you told me that I can't join the discord.

everlastingphelps ago

I don't know if you're going to able to handle voat.

vladi004 ago


everlastingphelps ago

Whatever niggerfaggot.

Greydle ago


LegalTDImmigrant ago

There's no one nice here. No safe spaces on voat

vladi004 ago

I didn't talk about save spaces you idiot. But why should we be uncivilized. I'm not a leftist scum to want such things.

SensibleStoner ago

no faggot

Adarcer ago

What stage SS ?

LeebSagpart ago

Great job getting this set up so fast. Hope we can get this linked from

SensibleStoner ago

we help where we can when we can

anglojibwe ago

Thank you!

PutridPoots ago

Got this note off of discordapp: "the /r/banout2018 subreddit claiming responsibility for purging many major subs out there including the recent purge of /r/greatawakening and /r/thegreatawakening. The /r/banout2018 subreddit requires an invite to join.

Fireking151 ago

Reddit cleared all of SB2 stuff also

Maiden_America4U ago

This is pretty frightening to me. Think about how deep this goes and how massive it is.

salbida ago

And judging from the bot that's replacing all sorts of new posts on /r/banout2018 with its own boilerplate, it appears that to be allowed to post, your first post must be a pledge of fealty to their ideology.

No that's not spine-chilling at all, is it?

WanderingCatalyst ago

I found that equally disturbing.

rumoret ago


AllKnowingGoyim ago


TheWaterTastesFunny ago


shannonlatrisha ago

Awesome! Spreading the word!

q-new ago

Greetings! I'm new just tried to get on "reddit"; twitter pointed me hear...#WWG1WGA

AliceAwakening ago

Fun fun fun !

Annette61 ago


Cephasky ago

Starting over again!

fightin44s ago

Me too!

chromecapone ago

Euro Patriot checking in. Neon sent us all!

jasoncmd ago

Another UK Patriot followed Neon, please up vote, only just got my head around Reddit as well,

grandpa_9 ago

Made the switch -- almost forgot the popcorn.

Jacketch ago


chimpo ago


Ammojeff ago

You got Patriot

neisyjane ago

Did you type 10 separate comments or do they mean upvotes?

Cap_Anon ago

Great question cause I have no clue either!

fractalistic ago

Me I'm doing both so those that do can do their thing!

nebim123 ago

lets tried...

Commacausi ago


flashmans_nutcup ago

Reddit is a fucking nonsense at this point. They used the fact that names were being outed in one sub as justification to take down 3 subs... Someone over there needs a sharp kick to the dick.

Saracellio ago

They took down a lot more than three, and showed all their cards while doing it. Sad for them. Long live free speech!

KentuckyGrandpa ago

I was going thru cold turkey...hands shaking, thoughts racing, cold sweat, pacing...thanks to those who helped me get my fix.

How long before the same thing happens here as at Reddit?

ChiefPez74 ago

I'm not even lying when I say that I woke up in the middle of the night trying to figure out how we could get back what we built on Reddit, but now that we're here, it will be just fine.

BannedInDC ago

Man, I just bought 4 bottles of Kentucky GrandPa!!! Good stuff

Bamanon ago

KentuckyGrandpa, I was so addicted to GA on reddit. It was the first place I visited every day and visited several times throughout the day. Although not surprised, I was devastated when I saw the notice it was banned. So happy to find this board. I just up voted every post on this page. I began searching immediately for alternatives and found a link to on The Great Awakening just minutes before it was banned too. So happy to be able to feed my addiction and gather with Patriots! WWG1WGA

cantaloupe6 ago

AngelaButcher4 ago

Grandma from central KY. Glad to see I’m not the only one in KY following Q. I never see any signs of here where I’m at. Lexington area. Glad to know I’m not a lonely Kentuckian!

PatriotsAct ago

When they all start getting #CeaseAndDesistOrders for #Antitrust it will be #Victory against this #AntiFreeSpeech #Fascism

nutopian_anon ago

Keep the faith! They want us to be in fear- but there is no fear when you are armed with the TRUTH and the LIGHT.

NewOddKitKat ago

Me too! I need my patriot fix!

abiffity ago

go cats

Monkeyboy101 ago

WWG1WGA! God wins. Evil will be vanquished.

letortfort ago

I was so flipped out I drank a glass of wine while biking like crazy on my stationary bike.

letortfort ago

Sorry for repost. I didn't think it went through. It's a bit different from Reddit.

letortfort ago

I was so flipped out, I drank a glass of wine while biking s fast as I could on my stationary bike.

high-valyrian ago

Don't worry Patriot. Where we go one, we go all. Make sure you check in on the 8chan qresearch board's General thread for Notables if there are happenings. We've also purchased a permanent landing page if this or anything else ever happens, to make announcements, if you want to bookmark:

BuilderAnon ago

Perfect! I’ll go make sure to add my IP to the tracking list so I can be properly purged.

Liette ago

I was thinking some of us were gonna lose our minds.


I was thinking some of us were gonna lose our minds.

I felt strangely calm that a solution like this was imminent when I went on TD and Q fans weren't being ridiculed. Redpills were abounding, e.g.," Hey I wasn't into Q but banning all Q subs makes me think they were onto something, can't be just a LARP."

ChristusRetter ago

what doesn't kill us makes us stronger

LandieLandieQ ago

we will always make a way.....that is what Americans do.......and patriots worldwide...........we will NEVER give up........we make the way when there seems to be no way........we get it we PRAY!

Ammojeff ago

Ditto Im here, lets get this party started

everlastingphelps ago




I think you'll be fine.

GlendaleBurbank ago

Q left us a link for the 8 chan patriots fight board...we have that when all else fails.

Zynn ago

Awesome! Hopefully it doesn't get taken down as well.

RememberGoliad ago

Think you could post that for us normies to save?

GlendaleBurbank ago

I am so tech stupid that I bet some smart person out there would know how. I'm still trying to figure out this Voat site and I am clueless about 8 chan, I just fumble through it as well.


Chans are intentionally difficult to navigate to reduce normie traffic.

Works for me! KEK

GlendaleBurbank ago

Glad to hear that. I'm a 60 year old grandma who's been using apple computers since 1984. Married to a computer whiz and I'm not doing too bad for an old broad. But I know I will figure out 8 chan, eventually, so no problem here. I've probably owned computers longer than you've been on this earth. :) God speed to all the millennials out there! You are the next generation to help move the patriot agenda forward! Now, I just gotta get cued in on this whole KEK thing..I know, it's the whole Pepe the frog deal and all. Don't write us hippies off...we can be hip when we need to be!

2277cynthiaa ago

I’m a 63 year old grandma and am with you on all this support stuff. I have not techies in the house so I’m going to have to rely on my grandaughter in a pinch!!!

dbrodeen ago

65 year old here. Trying my best to keep up. At least we all found our way over here!

MegaMAGA ago

I suggest at the very least get on and follow NeonRevolt and some others there.

IrishMcB ago

I also recommend getting on For n00bs it's good practice and that site seems to be stable and has video available

finessa ago

I'm glad I routinely follow Neon at Gab because he always knows what's going on and told us about this new location.

BeanCounter221 ago

Yes...I would have been lost

Liette ago

Good to know.

PinkLatte ago

Go onto President Trump’s Gab feed and follow all his followers. WWG1WGA


Pink, where at Gab is President Trump's feed? I put that in the search bar at Gab and nothing happened. Please give us more information. I am hungry to follow him and his followers. Please respond. And friends, please upvote everybody. That's what I am doing.

PinkLatte ago

Then there’s this inactive one:

PinkLatte ago

He appears to have 2:

And - though I’m not sure about this second one because it’s linked to The_Donald subreddit

Redheadedgal ago

Good Idea!!!

LuBee ago

Which feed is the authentic DJT feed?

PinkLatte ago

Good question!

He appears to have 2 associated:

And - though I’m not sure about this second one because it’s linked to The_Donald subreddit

LuBee ago

Thank you.

toomuchcrapola ago

FTFY: has apparently got millions of users screaming out in pain trying to get in and sign up. We are like users needing a fix, right now as our voices on reddit have been silenced. At least that is what it would feel like to me. No doubt server overloads are occurring. If you see a "An exception has been encountered" in red just re-submit your comment a short time later. WWG1WGA Patience as I am sure had, as neither did we, any idea a right now backup plan was needed. Things will be sketchy here for days so understand and critically think of what is occurring when more than a few need a place to brain map.

It takes 10 upvotes to post here so let the upvotes fly and we can get back into the groove again.

GratefulGrandmother ago

I still say we need a WWG1WGA Woodstock, y'all. Any land-rich, un-blackmailable Trumpets out there willing to kick up the jams?

Bamanon ago

"needing a fix", that is how I felt. I panicked! Felt disconnected from the world. I am up voting everything.

NJ_TEE ago


1southernbell ago

I'm ready let's do this!

Atwistedsister ago

It seems to have gotten up to speed pretty quickly. Was either kicked off or unable to login at all within first hour. Growing pains are not always bad if you have patience. I think this might be a blessing in disguise. Like a Phoenix from ashes. I think the Reddit ban may have been the ultimate wake up for some of us that lurk and follow the brainiacs who are kind enough to post research that we don’t have the time to do ourselves. And I thank each and every one of you for keeping me informed. 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

IrishMcB ago

Came here by way of NeonRevolt's notification. As this goes on, we simply add more n00bFaggots and each gets more awake and skilled at communication. No more sleepy dreams through YT, FB, APP, GOOG. Building a practiced army of Patriots!

davidtheamerican ago


cerebralpeecock ago

Good info concerning ups as I had just broke 1k karma as a month old redditer and didn't know how or why lol

LandieLandieQ ago

TheQPhenomenon ago

Reposted also... Let's get this thing going...

MegaMAGA ago

It seems to be better now. I made this account a couple years ago after PG was banned from fucking reddit. Haven't used it in awhile, will take a bit of getting used to.

AlohaTrumpsHate ago

Exactly... it's like dejavu!

trustingtrump ago

Thank you, I got that message and reposted.

Fallout18 ago

We will find each other whatever they do

nebim123 ago

3365 subscribers now...lets see if we can beat from reddit ..

DeplorableWokeSceap ago

True enough! We a Fallout fan?!

Fallout18 ago

I am indeed. Went to Boston this summer (live in the UK) just to play in real life. You to?

DeplorableWokeSceap ago

OH YEAH! I've played all the Fallout series. I am some what excited about 76 and Miami. Time will tell! Coming from the UK, way cool Brother! Boston? Was it a live role play event? Thanks for the reply!

Fallout18 ago

I found them on F3 but been obessed ever since. Re Boston- was at a conference in NH and stayed in to do the freedom trail in real life. Loved it

Maiden_America4U ago

Please up vote me? We need to stick together. WWG1WGA!

DeplorableWokeSceap ago

As requested...

Truth_Seeker60 ago


Patriot8 ago

Then we move again, friend. And we pick up more patriots with each board we inhabit. I know how you feel, tho. I woke up from barely sleeping, working nights, and TGA just wouldn’t load. Strange. It still says “can’t reach” rather than banned on my device. All other subs load.

GratefulGrandmother ago

Too right! Just the act of moving gets peoples attention, 'cause they love to follow!

Weare3shop ago

are there other subs still spreading..or did they get all?

Zynn ago

This is a coordinated attack. I expect more to happen on FB and Twitter, as well.

Weare3shop ago

so found some interesting info about our new position upvoting..and i dont think i can post here eeven in this need to reply to one of my comments if a different subverse... find my comments in ... WHATEVER..... then comment on it there...i will then paste info...

just being vigilant.....

passing to your solely because we connected through this comment...


patrat102 ago

Well they shut down the Great Awakening Board, The great awakening back up board and even the Biblical Q great awakening sub. Reddit made a clean sweep---traitors.

NJ_TEE ago

I have no idea what I’m doing yet. Are we suppose to leave a comment to be able to link ? Ugh

Weare3shop ago

right.. Im upvoting all and commenting all. PEACE LOVE and REBELLION from EAST TEXAS

IBannedReddit ago

I had no issue getting into GA. But I am here now. 🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸

QShieldMaiden ago

I was actually IN GA when it went. Pissed me right off. Oh well...we adapt & overcome right Patriots?

WickedBaker ago

That's exactly right!

Ceirwyn ago

Love your username!

chimpo ago

Don't worry! WWG1WGA! We'll always figure something out ♥ They're panicking, but they're only bringing more attention to themselves. This is the HIGHEST badge of honor! We're scaring them!

KernelFlux ago

"You have enemies? Good. In means you've stood for something" - Winston Churchill

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

They brought the truth to light even more with all the headlines today

CelticCoyote ago

Damn right. They can't stop us!


right on!

davidtheamerican ago

look for the replies and then upvote

Lightcnqsdark ago

You are right. They have a way of shooting themselves in the foot! Hahaha

coucou ago

Or in the arm, as of today's leftist martyrdom attempt. Laughable ! Thing is, if a leftist shoots himself in the brain, it will go ... Peeeejjjjhhhhmmm!

ChristusRetter ago

they are desperate

Zynn ago

They need to go visit Noname

mr_shamalama ago

We are over the target.

Lightcnqsdark ago

This just backfired on them!!! Q post 2170


Kinda shocking! they must be

eyerighteye ago

Fuck it. Still winning!

LoveandLight777 ago

Hello Patriots!!

Joining_The_Q ago

ahoy hoy :)

TRi9UMPh8-17 ago

Hello :)

Christosgnosis ago

It's disturbing to get hit with fascism right square in the face - but it's kind of cool also to see our community of patriots regrouping

Anon850 ago

Hello Everyone. I need upvotes. Please!!!!!!

Maiden_America4U ago

Please? An up vote for an up vote, my fellow American Patriot?


I am giving a brand new upvote for you, and a new upvote for you, and a new upvote for everybody!

snigger ago

hi dave

LogicalPatriotLady ago


daBrown75 ago


BannedInDC ago

Upvoated. Scratch my back?

NamelessMofo ago

Got chu fam

InspiredPatriot ago

Done… may have missed a spot

mr_shamalama ago

Trust the plan.

BannedInDC ago

Plane the Trust!

Zynn ago


patrat102 ago

I trust the plan--can I have some up votes please---no one wants to be a zero. : )

2_Spillbeans ago

WWG1WGA! They won't be stopping us. Those people are stupid.

IrishMcB ago

Trust silent executioner from Alabama

ChristusRetter ago


Banister ago

Yes! Return? ;)

truth_plz ago

Translate please.

ChristusRetter ago

We are With you

Jollybeaker ago

We are With You

Srewopnod ago

We r with you

spaceace66 ago

Welcome patriots!

Zynn ago

Thank you, Patriot!

patrat102 ago

Thank you---I was so excited to find this link on the Qmap board. Homeless Patriot needed to find shelter from the storm.

KernelFlux ago

Glad to be here. Was sad to lose my GAW friends. Happy now!

abiffity ago

make it great again!

DeplorableDeb ago

I’m new and trying to figure this all out. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Can news articles (if available) be posted to Twitter? I just really need help with navigating my way around.

The-only-me ago

Fuck Reddit

Jollybeaker ago

Looking for a few (10) good upvotes!

davidtheamerican ago

heres one patriot

sanspeur33 ago


mrtruckajet ago


gladwyne ago

I kno I kno......this is old, but ....... Q sent me....... glad to be aboard the storm ....

Swiftse ago

Likewise. Great to be here. Upvotes please. Reddit can sick it!

Freedomfighter1 ago

Q sent me up votes please

vt1225 ago

Q sent me!

Swiftse ago

I meant suck it!!

carlyjo ago

Yes, happy to be here.

ChristusRetter ago

glad to be here

CTCZ ago

Dark day on Reddit!

patsyisnot1 ago

Dark to Light

1955walleye ago

So we have come to the light!

Lightcnqsdark ago

Bright day on Voat.....they can't stop the STORM!

BannedInDC ago

Who'll Stop The Rain?

Zynn ago

They are definitely in panic mode.

2_Spillbeans ago

WWG1WGA! They won't be stopping us.

1southernbell ago


The-only-me ago


Lightcnqsdark ago

The last Q drop was awesome! POTUS going to split up big tech? WWG1WGA

ChristusRetter ago

Good riddance

LandieLandieQ ago

they cannot stop the light of TRUTH

Shannonjyl ago

It will set them will set everyone free..regardless if they want it or not

1955walleye ago

Darkness dies.



sanspeur33 ago

Truth will find a way.....reddit....fogeddit

ChristusRetter ago

we will overcome the ban

LandieLandieQ ago

I have true faith in all we are doing and we are army is rising up!

necropancer ago

We all in new this was coming, just wait till T_D gets banned, reddit will be dead.

InspiredPatriot ago

Reddud's banning proves DS, MSM, & big tech are on the defensive. They don't have a coherent message or strategy

rachaelreads ago

What is T_D please?

necropancer ago


2277cynthiaa ago

It’s already banned

KernelFlux ago



Reddit is almost deddit.

Ludogirl420 ago

In my opinion it already is!

Liette ago

This was so dumb of reddit. Glad we are finding each other.

ChristusRetter ago

you are so right

Wingedmo26 ago

I sure hope T_D knows if they don't raise holy hell about this, they're next!

Heywoodjblome ago

They wont. They were banning and shadow banning posts about it. I made a post and was given a 7 day ban.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

T_D's been compromised for years. All the original mods were banned/replaced/bought even before the election was over. I lost count of how many times I was banned.

Shannonjyl ago

Our safe spaces are far different than the snowflakes

WickedBaker ago

Badge of honor!

Heywoodjblome ago

Agreed! Almost better than the 100s I have from /r/politics :D

WickedBaker ago

😂😂😂 This does nothing but prove how scared they are.

dbrodeen ago

Doesn't this mean we're over the target? Must be hitting a sore spot.

MAGAmae ago

Need upload baker

MAGAmae ago


WickedBaker ago

You got it!

Peach_Garden_Oath ago

At the rate TheGreatAwakening users are spilling into T_D it won't be long.

From the following article Q linked in post #2165:

"After a subreddit is banned for violating Reddit’s content policy, site admins can follow where the banned users go. And if another like-minded subreddit decides to host the fleeing community, admins ban those communities, too."

It appears they planned for this, now it becomes a game of whack a mole.

cantaloupe6 ago

The article says you'll need to mass visit their most active sites to ensure the spread of what they dislike...

Ch4r_4sn4bel ago

Nice!! Reddit will be dead in less than six months.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Reddit will be around for a while. Every time there's a mass exodus people predict the end, but ultimately everyone bites their tongues and accepts censorship because their pet sub wasn't in the crosshairs yet.

KB2Col ago

Awesome. Nothing like being the scourge. WWG1WGA

Ammojeff ago

They wont be dead they will just be talking to themselves in an empty room. Planning their next comped power play.

ZigZagging ago

Thank-you! Looking forward to great info.

Qforever ago

Hello again - After a walk with my dog I came back to a closed reddit door! well - we are back! WWG1WGA

imhookedanon ago

got the info from neon. thanks neon for the heads up

BelBlade ago

Vote up please

stuzor ago

I need refugee upboat prease!!

KeyomeDT ago


MudPuddlePie ago

Me too!


Fuck reddit.

sdotco33 ago

Fuck reddit, indeed. Can’t believe they censor like this. And all the work of my fellow Patriots was to ensure none of the Q boards were permitting threats nor harassment..... then they delete our boards. What were they reading?? I never saw any threatening posts.

QueenJanky ago

Here for the upvotes. But how do we know if Voat will be "safe"? Or is it only safe for now?


v/greatawakening is the safe sub. This one appears to already be compromised.

QueenJanky ago

Thank you

UnderRadarWildCamper ago

...and the horse they rode in on.

EZMojo ago

Please nobody ever visit that site again not even a single click. I was a member there for years and was active in a lot of subreddits. I'm done. I hope their servers die in a fire.

jcrna ago

I'm done with Reddit, too.

Cryptotee_ ago

Exactly rockstar them bastards, Drain the Reddit swamp!

XeoStyle ago

Im just a simple guy, turning arrows orang.. blue i mean

Joining_The_Q ago

Reddit? Damn near wrecked-it!

lightmeup77 ago

Amen to that. From dark to light. WWG1WGA

BelleDJour ago

damn right Fuck Rabbit

Godsflawedsoldier ago

what a complete ripoff. Hate that damn site.

TheblackStrat ago

Big time

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Reddit can sukit!

russian_intelligence ago

After this despicabe banning of /r/greatawakening, I deleted my account and will never use that platform again. I am passionate advocate for freedom and I will not tolerate/support this censorship and fascism.

dbrodeen ago

Same here!

489yearoldman ago

Fuck the NO NAME site FIFY

Aliceinconspiracy ago


The3rdKey ago

I wish that I could up-vote this a million times my friend. Unfortunately, I can only do it this one time......

2277cynthiaa ago

Can you hit me up with an upvote Patriot????

The3rdKey ago

You and everyone else patriot!

mr_shamalama ago

Can we get a group discount for t-shirts with that on the front for the next Trump rally?


Reddit is deddit.

Maltherian1 ago

That place died long ago. Only a festering corpse remains

TexasOhio ago

Delete the Reddit app. Send them a 70,000 plus response!

dbrodeen ago


Awakenednotwoke ago

I tried to delete my Reddit account earlier and kept getting messages that the function was down. Too many leaving at once I guess. :-)

Korsavius ago

I'll drink to that!

NonPotestisLatere ago

I wish I could upvote this forever. Reddit = Cesspool

mr_shamalama ago


Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

I want to give you more upvoats, I'll just have to upvoat every reply.

Ohbutwhatiknow ago

Your user name is friggin awesome 👏🏻

rachaelreads ago

You get my upvoat just for your name! Haha x

Maiden_America4U ago

I want to upvoat ur screen name every time I see it! Lmao! DO IT Q & Q+!

Commacausi ago

Neon set me!

1955walleye ago

Sent me too.

spetraniv ago

Please do, I want to see more of your username.

chevy_coors ago

Please do and I'm upvoating everywhere! WWG1WGA!

Maiden_America4U ago

Me too! We're in a fox hole and We MUST get each other's backs. 2nd Revolution? Yep. IT'S ON!!

ThisTooShallPass ago


lightmeup77 ago

Exactly what I am doing. WWG1WGA

1955walleye ago

I’m with you.

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Please and thank you!

IrishMcB ago

Up, up and away!

Oinkie ago

When Pigs Fly. And I’m Flapping as Hard as I Can!

Banister ago

Return? ;)

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

To infinity and be-ond @ Q!

neisyjane ago

So it says you need 10 comments does that mean I need to create 10 or receive 10? And then that is separate from a upvote? ThanQ for the help!

1955walleye ago

Great Again

TheblackStrat ago

Go get em!

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Your doing awesome

2277cynthiaa ago

Can you help with an upvote Patriot???

TheblackStrat ago

All day long

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

You have to have 10 upvotes on comments you make.

Exomnis45 ago

I have 10 and it still won't let me post.

JaniesPassion ago

Thank you for askin that! Much obliged

always_vigilant ago

I am doing that as well!

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Patriots, elevating "Whack-a-Mole" into an art form ...please and thank you!

impendingpeace ago

Agreed patriot! And hey, notice no automatic 15 downvotes here! Matter of fact, these voats seem accurate! Grateful patriot

MayorAnon ago

How long till the downvote bots come here?

Zynn ago

Upvoating as I read! :)

Christosgnosis ago

There will be shills showing up here too - especially as the community gets re-established here

Godsflawedsoldier ago

What type of expectations should I have over the integriity of this site?

2277cynthiaa ago

Can you help with an upvote Patriot!!!

Oopsadaisy45 ago

GA refugee here thanks for the shelter. Just navigating at the moment but I’m up voting everyone.

patrat102 ago

Help given--can you help patriot?

SkyPilot98 ago

Up votes appreciated. We need to bring everybody up to speed!

Crimsontsunami ago


Banister ago

Helped, return? ;)

letortfort ago

me too?

Commacausi ago

Dont forget me!

impendingpeace ago

Done! Idk if it’s showing up tho?

KernelFlux ago

That's crazy talk! I'm waiting for the downvote bots to kick in... lol.

alfonumeric ago

upvote plz kind sir

Raging_Rhino17 ago

hit me bro! Thx!

IrishMcB ago

I actually stopped watching for upvotes because downvoting was so heavy

davidtheamerican ago

that you bucmcirish? it,s smashmouth here . i love trumpets wink wink

AlohaTrumpsHate ago

Let's hope it stays that way for a while, at least!

patrat102 ago

Yes ---it's very disconcerting to be cast overboard in the middle of a conversation. Wish I could down vote reddit some way.

S1a2k3i4i5-201 ago

Love your user name. Maui here. Aloha!

AlohaTrumpsHate ago

Aloha kakahiaka, Maui! 808 born and raised, mainland now!

7darlen7cherami7 ago

Yes, I agree!

ManyAreGettingAwoken ago

And meanwhile, lets spread to as many platforms as we can.

WickedBaker ago

I wish I could up one this a million times!

daBrown75 ago

It's over 9000!

qanonisrealz ago

Need upvoats!

wallysgirl ago

Me too

InspiredPatriot ago

Here you go

BannedInDC ago

Me too!

PeTRasLikeTetris ago


Krazeesheet ago

I want to upvoat you many, many times.

1955walleye ago

Upvotes please. WWG1WGA

Tigerlily6 ago

I need 3 more upvotes please!

patrat102 ago

You got mine can you help this refugee out--just got here.

NJ_TEE ago


patrat102 ago

You got mine--can you help me out--I just got here.

mr_shamalama ago

They cannot silence all of us.

wdis40 ago

Try they may, fail they will

TheblackStrat ago

We watch the watchmen!

IrishMcB ago

Stick together. Power in groups

OminousZ ago

Hiya :)

lbeni540 ago

We are here! the influx of refugees might make it a problem for the servers no? just saying..we are an army haha!


Zynn ago

Perpetuating the upvoat orgy

The3rdKey ago

Could be a pretty big problem. On Q post 2168, Q responds to an anon's post on 8chan. The anon referred to 70k users on GA. Q's response was 297k. Is Q telling us that Reddit was suppressing our subscriber count by over a 100K? That's an incredible factoid if I got that right....

Bamanon ago

I figured the numbers were being suppressed. Just like fake news polls. We can't trust any of them.

Maiden_America4U ago

I read it the same way you did!

MAGAtaur ago

Yeah that's what it appears to be. 297k might crash voat if we all move here lol

7darlen7cherami7 ago


Saracellio ago

Holy crapola, I missed that one. So shady, Reddit. Shame on them. WWG1WGA!

time_traveller ago

200k... And yes, I reddit was definitely messing with the numbers. Remember these are the people that always play with the numbers and thought Trump would never win, tried to paint his supporters as a minority.

salbida ago

With what they've been doing with the subscriber count of T_D, I wouldn't put it past them. GA had been getting some serious activity ever since Q went mainstream.

QHulksmash ago


ChristusRetter ago

back at ya

necropancer ago

I'm crashing like crazy! Trying to upvote everyone.

Bamanon ago


Maiden_America4U ago

Me too. Whoahhh... I feel a movement coming on from outta nowhere! Please? A return up vote? And if you do, Thank you. And if you don't, God bless you N E WAYS!

Weare3shop ago

feel like a fat kid in a cupcake store...upvote that that that and i will upvote all that!!

Maiden_America4U ago


Mamarina1328 ago

Same here. Finger getting blister soon ... :)

bbQchips ago

Same problem here too.

Lightcnqsdark ago

I know what you mean!

Ceirwyn ago

It's like the running of the bulls! Only with Reddit users.

lightmeup77 ago

I was thinking more like herding cats :-)

Oinkie ago

X-Reddit here too. They will pay for their heresy!

OsoCovfefe ago

Q told us the enemy was trying to fight, still I was shocked when it happened, thought I'd simply been banned or something. I've been waiting decades to see Justice on some of those people, please God let it rain!


PNWLighthouse1 ago

Totally. Saw several posts on 8chan where they were trying to figure out how they would make accommodations for 70K Patriots and not have us interrupt the bakers!

Sheclips ago

297,000 Patriots..

dp007since09 ago

ChristusRetter ago


KingOzymandias ago


Ammojeff ago

Hiya! Glad ya made it

Aeioulmao ago

Remember patriots this just makes us stronger.

nebim123 ago

thats true....

dp007since09 ago

We are not kidding about WWG1WGA ,

Can I get and upvote please?

Commacausi ago

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

Colormakeupfan ago

Running thru helping anyone who needs upvotes. You are right. This makes us stronger!!!

qGoat ago

Let's go!

Greatlyawakened ago

This place seems nice....

IamQstrong ago

Nice color choice

eyerighteye ago

I can feel the love already

Colormakeupfan ago

Upvotes coming! Glad to help!

indy0704 ago

Let's make this work.

Gulfhills ago

I'm in, why was reddit banned?

MI6chock ago

"Attacks will only intensify"

SensibleStoner ago

CIA Niggers in the admin

LegalTDImmigrant ago

Faggots. The lot of them

DropGun ago


Dial it down. This is not the chans.

LegalTDImmigrant ago

Stupid shit like this is what caused a split at plebbit from Greatawakening to The_greatawakening. Don't overstay your welcome here or you won't be welcome to stay over.

My context was not derogatory to €@&&0÷$. There are two subs for plebbit refugees now and the one that employs the same censoring tactics will die off quickly

lbeni540 ago


LabResults ago

Me 2--let's go!

MyFartsKillPlantLife ago

Twatted the URL, hopefully more refugees see it, was getting 403 errors a little bit ago.

digitaldevil70 ago

Finally! Was soooo depressed when GreatAwakening was shut down! So happy to find you guys again! Thanks Neon! WWG1WGA

NeonRevolt ago

Neon reporting in, trading upvotes for upvotes!

GratefulGrandmother ago

You're getting all the vig. Not fair! What a circus. mic dropped.

Zurenarrh ago

Big Words like Symposium ... Zurenarrh BoNeZ in Position Indubitably We return and Stay the Course ... TRUTH is the Inevitable Force ESPERANZA :

FoxySten ago

Wow! I really appreciate your articles. One of the first people I was able to stop fact checking before I shared 🤩

LabResults ago

Have the gazillions arrived yet?

CarlaJones ago

I need help with upvotes please.

Hazard0x ago

Glad to see you here Neon!

Notaslave_0_o_mlln ago

Look, I'm no snowflake, but consider, anons being funneled into a forum with people saying nigger faggot every word, it's not a good look, know what I'm saying? It looks bad which could be ammo for the deep state in some kind of subversive kook- association campaign. Not that it matters, because we are in control, but the message might not reach as many people, yeah? Also, it's a bit uncomfy being in the midst of these turrets sufferers who don't give a shit about Q. Just sayin...

Andweknow ago

Love your work Neinrevolt.

FanofQ ago

Hello Nenon! Thank goodness you are here now get everybody whipped into shape and back where we were on GA

Sakii201 ago

I read your piece about Voatify and thought I had joined yesterday. Took a while because of all the refugees from Reddit. I would sincerely appreciate upvotes to get in. Thank you.

neisyjane ago

Thank you Neon ch or letting us know about this new site. My heart sank when I found out about Patriots being Censored. Shame on Reddit!

bornfree2 ago

love NeonRevolt, go there everyday he does a really great job. So does Prayingmedic on youtube he does a great job of decoding Q.

BostonCharlie7474 ago

What up NEON!!!

Reporting for duty! o7

CavemanQ ago

Thanks for your work

DropGun ago

Yeah, welcome! Thank you for your support, Neon. I'm a huge backer of you man. You are drinking from the firehose!

Fighting4OurChildren ago

Glad to see you here Neon! Thanks for sending us over!

NamelessMofo ago

Thank you @NeonRevolt for all your work helping to get the word out! I read your articles every chance I get. :thumbsup:

Suzymacquac9 ago

Thanks, Neon -- would follow you anywhere!

CatsInAPile ago

Thanks Neon for directing us here. I'd be lost without you!

socomtom ago

Welcome! WWG1WGA and a cheap request for an upvote or two.

Mdking73 ago

Upvote sent Patriot!

DeeCree ago

Here as well - thanks Neon - can I have help for the 10 upvotes please Patriots?

InTrump45WeTrust ago

Thanks Neon!

Mammaof5 ago

This is all very new to me here on Voat. Can't believe Reddit did what they did. Shame on them. I hope this platform will be just as good or better. This is a fight that we must all be a part of. Patriots unite!!!!

TalkingDixon ago


TheirSoStupid ago

Hey Neon... Liked your breakdown this morning

kornholio ago

Just registered...

stelladallas ago

hey Neon

drgrow ago

Too bright

Brownslover01us ago

ThankQ for letting us know Neon! I was having withdrawals 😭

PizzaMario ago

THANK YOU NEON and VOAT! God bless you! Patriots, please join in (I'd like to earn my 10 upvoats, thx :-) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and may you O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who wander about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

DameDeplorable ago

Thanks for the link to here, Neon!

MagaRepublican ago

Thank God for Neon providing the map to find my fellow patriots.

Patr555 ago

Make Great Awakening Great Again! MGAGA!

chavatar ago

Thanks neon! Good luck and God bless

Reallucky1 ago

Thanks Neon I was really upset yesterday you puled some magic wand shit and here we all are!!

riccos ago

Neon directed me here.

Two700c ago

Neon is da bomb!

FractalizingIron ago

Good success Neon

Phillylotus ago

Thank you for the immediate update with directions! I started spreading it asap to others!

Cryptotee_ ago


Cryptotee_ ago

Thank u much Neon appreciate all you do my friend.

braddoubleu ago

Thanks for the link Neon. #WWG1WGA

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Holy smokes, this may be the highest rated comment ive ever seem on here...

Aussie777 ago

Hey neon u r so popular here in Sydney Australia good work and research i'm a fan

JakeLaRoss ago

Heya Neon. Saw your post and looking for the 10. Thx all.

Joining_The_Q ago

^ This guy signed up and checking in. Hello friends ;)

littlemissgratitude4 ago

Thanks for your article, I knew where to come!

FidelNaidoo ago

And this is more work-friendly looking, than the fiery orange background we had. ( See the silver lining in everything ).

FidelNaidoo ago

Thank you, Neon. Your site was my 1st thought on where to go, when I got the welcome screen on crapit.

DoWhatsRight ago

Thanks Neon! So glad I found u! Has anyone Sean SB2?

CarlaJones ago

I made fun of my dad's crackerbox car with this saying "You go, I go, we all go in a YUGO." WWG1WGA PATRIOTS UNITE TOGETHER

Zynn ago

Thank you! WWG1WWA

FeCpig ago

Thanks for all the work and criticizing where you feel the need!

cigman2000 ago

Thanks, Neon! Upvotes, please!

OldAutist ago

Where We Go One We Go All

Ososik ago

Here because of you patriot!

cigman2000 ago

Thanks for the link, Neon!

Christosgnosis ago

Good to see a familiar handle - hopefully mores will show up

dbrodeen ago

Thanks for the redirect, NR! Still learning my way around here. WWG1WGA!

mojoflyingsolo ago

Can't post yet need 2 more points, thanks for the heads up WWG1WGA

Mom4t ago

I made it!

isprobablygigh ago

Thanks for helping to get us here

1whoknocks ago

thanks Neon!

Lakejumper20 ago

You have my vote! Many thanks to NeonRevolt. WWG1WGA

patrat102 ago

OHHH---that is great, a familiar face. I just stumbled in from the traitors at reddit. One minute I was trading comments with patriot friends and then we were just dropped overboard. I felt so lost and lonely not being able to visit other patriot friends.

Clanfeargus4597 ago

Saw your post and jumped over here.WWG1WGA

KandyGirlTN ago

Thanks for letting us know where to go! WWG1WGA

Nosferatutu ago

I start every day reading your articles, Neon! Doing God-Emperor's work over there!


Same. Need upvotes to post. Then the Awakening CONTINUES!

FiatJustitiaRC ago

Subscribed for a while, but happy for a new Qanon home. Fight! Fight! Fight!

S1a2k3i4i5-201 ago

I read your post on the web page. Thank you for letting us know where we are congregating again. Up votes appreciated.

Paladin_Diver ago

Thanks for pointing us here NR.

Hi again everyone. I missed you all. WWG!WGA

Sheclips ago

Thank you Neon!

Bork_ ago

I heard the top of a thread is good for some of those tasty upvoats, thought I had enough to start a thread, help a boy out?

Sapfromthegap ago

Reporting for duty!

marymouseetc ago

needing some upvotes. thanks.


Joined after seeing your post. Keep up the good work!

3dayfreedom ago

Whew! Happy to find you Neon. Here ya go 1:1

Zenmaster67 ago

Good to see you here Neon

Shesaseer ago

Upvoted!! luv ur threads!

Kevin313 ago

So glad to see u here! Love the work u do Neon!

MotherDee ago

You ALWAYS have my upvote, Neon!

MotherDee ago

You ALWAYS have my upvote!!!! I could use one, too. Thanks Neon! Oh....and thanks for pointing us all in the right direction. I was worried this afternoon.

SVOctopus ago

I just uninstalled Reddit. Bye Comrade Huffman. Q's leaving the house. Bye bye.

Aranyani ago

I’ll taje your upvotes good sir!

EDC3 ago

I absolutely love your dedication and research!!

ThisTooShallPass ago

Thank you so much for posting about this place - am glad to be off reddit with its Trump hating, vaccine loving sheep :-)

SVOctopus ago

Thanks Neon! I was steaming some. Thanks for putting out the post on Twitter directing me here.


gadget820 ago

gadget820 here...request permission to come aboard

Joanon ago

Neon, thank you for what you do! I'm rather new to Q and found you at the same time and you caught me up to speed! I totally think the massive drops while you were on vacation was a fun nod from Q to YOU😜

1southernbell ago

Thanks for the info Neon. I just hot here how about an upvote or 10....not sure I'm probably a little bit older than some but does anyone remember soda head? That's kinda what this reminds me of.

TXpatriotdr76 ago

Thank you for your amazing articles!! Read them every day and every chance I get!

EDTQ ago

Hi Neon ;-)

TruckerAnon ago

VERY glad to see you here, your my one stop shop for the patriot on the go!

NWPatriot_2 ago

Need 10 points

Intelrevolution ago

The Great Awakening cannot be silenced! D5

alfonumeric ago

upvote plz

Flyakight ago

Glad to see you’re accounted for Neon

LewisDodgson ago

Another Patriot checking in, and leading more to the site

SpagMeat ago

Thanks for paving the way here! Looks like WWG1WGA is more than just a rallying cry. KEK

Commacausi ago

Neon thanks for posting the link to here.

SmilesTheBear ago

Yeah Neon!

LibertyStorm ago

Need my 10, help a patriot out? ;) And thanks Neon!

Gr8Amurican ago

I just upvoted everyone who replied. WWG1WGA

5OL4R_FL45H ago

Thanks for the heads up Neon 🍿

1955walleye ago

Please up vote me. Thanks

AmericanSovereign ago

Thanks for your continued QANON analysis Neon.

zapbrannigan1 ago

Hey Neon.

Really enjoy your site. Thanks for leading me here.

RedHorseMama ago

Newcomers please change comment sorting to new and upvote other newcomers

1776Trumps1984 ago

QArmy reporting for duty. 🇺🇸 I knew it was only a matter of time before GA was banned. Let’s grow this party here! Over the target much?

Gr8Amurican ago

Thanks for the heads up about voat, Neon. I’m here because of you.

BelleDJour ago


ChristianChaplain ago

Neon, THANK YOU for sharing all your dedicated research findings on Gab and your NeonRevolt site!!!

Banister ago


DonaldPEDE ago

Upvoted! Thank Neon, could I get some upvotes Patriots? Much appreciated & #FUCKREDDIT #WWG1WGA

new_patriot_david ago

hey Pal thanks so much for your article I just landed here thanks to your article. Its so weird being in this situation its like being in some damn sci fi thriller. I just cant wait till our President and the Patriots in Government really start to come down on these fascist leftists this is getting ridiculous. God Bless

TheblackStrat ago

Love your site!

AppliedForce ago

Upvote submitted

PNWLighthouse1 ago

Saw your article and it led me here! WWG1WGA!

Knowunderstandspeak ago

Yup! Thanks for your guidance, Neon.

billbradleybradley ago

thank you, neon revolt

Qarmy777 ago

I enjoy your blog. Thanks for the work you do!

Lupinstorm ago

I wasn't gonna comment cause I got 10 pretty quickly already, but it turns out your upvoats are limited by your comment contribution points, I like to upvoat comments tho and already hit my 24h limit. I was so happy looking at the comments of the 10th highest rated thread on Greatawakening which I posted (The Resistance poll where they were humiliated by losing their own poll by 11% of 250k votes Hah), oh well, reddit was fucking scum anyways.

Flyinby2 ago

Thanks for directing us here, Neon!

FreeWil17 ago


PeTRasLikeTetris ago

You the Boss!

Lordsendme1019 ago

I'm so new. I think I'm figuring this out. I'm no tech but, my Dad wrote software for a major hospital in the 80's matching renal patients with qualified donors. I knew this would one day come back to help me. I'm here!!! I'm awake!

DeepStateNoMore2019 ago


CosmicV1001 ago

I saw your post and here I am.

mm_on_the_wall ago

Thanks for the redirection. You have mine^, now please give me yours ^ And while I’ve got the chance, thanks for the great articles.

Ochams ago


cyberclearfrost ago

Love you Brother! Thanks for sending us here!!!

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Love your work NR, you introduced my wife to "Digging" with your content on Arkansas... And everything connected to it... She's still going a week later bro!

CindyLu008 ago

Love Neon, I’d upvote him all day....but how do we know it’s really you?!

2277cynthiaa ago

Trying to get upvotes. Can you help

Beauty_Berry ago

WWG1WGA is even more fitting today. Glad to have this Q family back!

WezeBWoke ago

Thank YOU Neon Revolt for the Massive heads up to come here!

salbida ago

Finally made my Voat account because of this. Never posted in GA (or T_D) to save my standing in neutral communities, but fuggit. No more stealth mode. The more they try to squish us, the more we squirt out into places they'd rather we not be.

Also motivated me to finally order my t-shirt from you, sir, so there's that too!


TheGreat_MAGAPatriot ago

Me too! Twitter is my home, but I lurked Reddit and the Chans. If they are going to try to silence us, might as well go all in!

KernelFlux ago

Thank you for pointing us here Neon!

jobethian ago

Thanks Neon for the re-direct. Upvoting you and all the replies. Pls upvote me back.

ArgentumHD ago

The ban has left me speechless. Doing my part with the upvotes.

Jerryr007 ago

WWG1WGA! A legal immigrant from Reddit! :)

IrishMcB ago

Thanks for the ride over, Patriot, 🐸🐸🐸

Raeyah ago

Thank you for your work, Patriot. You have my upvote.

wrathfulmomes ago

Hello, NR. My CCP have vanished. :(

cerebralpeecock ago

Always happy to oblige w/ups for you. Do I need up votes for anything as I am not an autist?

23Psalms ago

Checking in... time to make them pay...

Frazzledrip ago

Great awakening refugee here. Not sure how this site works, is there a section where we subscribe to just our cause, or is it everyone posts anything on an open platform?

mojo_rzn ago

Thanks for the heads up, mojo_rzn reporting for duty...WWG1WGA!

cerebralpeecock ago

Glad to find a familiar patriot. Still trying to work out my surroundings here tho. This old fart has hated cyber changes since the old 286/ 386/ 486 etc.... days lol

NZPatriot ago

Yes thank you Neon for the direction - looking for up votes now thanks!

be_angry_and_s1n_not ago

So great to see you!! I'm messaging on every Trump site I can find WWG1WGA! to let him know we will not be deterred! It would be awesome if everyone would send him some live and support!

Q62 ago

Mining for upvoats too.

BCPatriot ago

Great Idea. I was unhappy to see that reddit dropped the ban-hammer, but happy to see us meeting up on another platform. WWG1WGA

underground_patriot ago

Thank you for doing what you do, Neon. Loved your bloodlines articles!

Curiousgrl ago

Thanks for the link to voat

BestBoyGrip ago

Just referred here from NeonRevolt. Glad to be here!

pds8220 ago

Just got here and glad to see so many others here already! I need some up votes please!

carlyjo ago

Thank you Neon for bringing Patriots here!

Moosefrizzle ago

I am here.

CaptJacks ago

Can't keep a good man down WWG1WGA

K19ves54 ago

Thanks so much for sending us here. I was almost in panic mode.

WeThePeopleAreQ ago

Wowzers, Neon - good to see a familiar face! =) WWG1WGA MAGA Qtrue

1FreeSoul ago


Quietwolfkingcrow ago

Found this from you, Neon. Thank you. Until I saw it, I wasn't sure where else we could gather. WWG1WGA. Feel free to upvote so we can downvote the shiils.

Deathtotyrantsn2019 ago

Here's my first.


Imanalias ago

Neon, you do great work. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to this cause, and for the insights you bring.

Sonofstener ago


Glad to see all the Awakened arriving.

Webbunny ago

WWG1WGA! Thanks NeonRevolt!

I_of_the_Storm ago

Same here!

BogBogCerrado ago

I finally made it. Glad to see you all here. What a Day.

Truly WWG1WGA... this only makes us stronger.

crayonanon ago

lets get those upvotes over here folks

Thanks for the post, Neon. I've shared it on a fb group or two.

thedarkknight2020 ago

Thank you. I also noticed /v/GreatAwakening. Shouldn’t we join together?

Korsavius ago

You're awesome, Neon - you helped me get my wife onboard with your intro to Q!

DillySquilly ago

Thanks Neon for the lead! Exciting times we are in!

LisaBrauer ago

How do I friend you or your subverse? Sooo lost Neon!

IKRY0 ago


lottojdh ago

Ooh, I'd like some of that, please.

OrwellianChronicle ago

I get email alerts of the blog, saw this on my phone and hopped on the PC!

JohnCue ago

followed you here

CAQanon ago

Could use some upvotes please.

yeagit ago

Thanks for the heads up earlier today. I was speechless and could not believe this happened today, but it shows that we are getting to them big time at this point.

Rocco768 ago

Sort by new or bottom guys and upvote some refugees... my fuckin hands gettin tired. (and not for THAT reason for once)

Twicebit ago

I read your article on your webpage, that is how I found my way here. Thank you.

sassymama ago

Thanks Neon

Michelley ago

No downvotes? What kind of happy place is this?

MarielleBlackwood ago

You were the first place I went when I realized what happened. 👍🏻

DW0924 ago

Can I get this comment karma please! WWG1WGA

CAQanon ago

Thanks Neon for letting us know where to go. So great to have a community of Patriots!!

basedwifey ago

thanks for posting to your page, neon. Hubs and I came straight here.

We are on GAB, too. Any other sites we should have at the ready? Fuck reddit.

Dose808 ago

I’m here because of your post...thanks Neon!

AbbasOfGermany ago

I am trying to debunk this whole thing for 17 years. So far, no luck.

jasoncmd ago

Saw your post Neon and followed you here, watching and helping from the UK

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

PatriQt reporting for duty sir. o7!

Sparnmer ago

Hi everybody!

Gab -> NeonRevolt post -> here I am

r/CalmBeforeTheStorm, r/GreatAwakening refugee. Reddit is such a shit-hole anymore.

BillMunny ago

I'm in and raising you one upvote.

Basterd ago

Take my UpVOAT sir!

SummerRain92516 ago

Need upvotes bad!!! Please and thank you! WWG1WGA

A2Savvy ago

Thanks for blogging on where to go. I was a bit distraught when it was gone.

bloodykisses84 ago

Just want to say thanks for all your work @NeonRevolt

ShroudOfEnigmas ago

Many thanks for the heads-up Neon!

PatriotsUnited ago

I visit your page daily. So glad you posted about the move. Canceled my ribbit acct. Thank you for the heads up, Neon!

GrangerChesterfield ago

Thanks for all your hard work and for getting us over here!

ChaosFrog ago

Hope this place works out. Panic in DC. All this for a larp?

jawns ago

They cannot stop us. We're American for crying out loud. We will never surrender!

6HsV82 ago

there's a lot of international patriots as well :-)

Kehar ago

Yep, it was your link brought me over here--I follow you on Gab. Thanks, man! I found Gab through your website, originally. So great to be able to post again away from Twatter...

brexit_ahoy ago

Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA

murphy208 ago


Monkeyboy101 ago

Yes, thank you Neon.

UrinalFly ago

Thanks for getting me here Neon- Really appreciate your work.

RememberGoliad ago

Thank you Neon for all ur hard work! Started following you about three months ago. The issues I have understood but your site was a great way to get my “toes wet” in the Q world. After today I am up to my neck in it. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

truth_plz ago

Thanks, Neon!

wdis40 ago

Thanks for the heads up Neon! I was beginning to get lonely lol

FreeHillbilly ago

Thanks for heads up Neon!

Looking forward to the new platform.

imanta1201 ago

Thank you Neon

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

Finally made an account here too.

GA_maga ago

Thanks Neon! Found through your link.

Greekgurl ago

I came, I saw, I subscribed! Thanks NeonRevolt!

Pol-itical-crap ago

Thanks for the link from your blog. I registered earlier, but it did not keep.

waringi ago

Don't start reddshitting up my Voat, you nigger. This is a place of ideas, not dumbshit votes.

Canrlaw92 ago

Thanks for heads up on Voat. WWG1WGA

sweetholymosiah ago

make some content for upvotes maybe

wfcposey ago

Hello Patriot! Good to see you! WWG1WGA

LindaLeeEVPEACE ago

Reporting in as well Neon👍

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

Voat meh.

SKBAnon ago


Redheadedgal ago

Got the news out on a few Q FB sites I am on.

Palindromedan ago

So nice to see a friendly username!

reinbeau ago

I can answer but can't post yet - any help :)

6HsV82 ago

on voat you need 10 upvotes first. i just gave you one. :-)

reinbeau ago

Thank you, but people are determined to make certain to take them away. Ridiculous, really.

Texan4Peace ago

Ready to help! #WWG1WGA

cb762 ago

Thanks for directing me here! Also saw this on your blog.

SoCalGirl42 ago

WWG1WGA!!! Please help me with upvotes - thank you!!

my_name_here ago

wouldn't have found my way here if it weren't for your post, so thx for that! Had a damn near heart attack when I tried to log into GA on reddit after work earlier. Took a few tries to get here but WWG1WGA

Scooby131 ago

I am here because of you, sir. Thank you for all you do. WWG1WGA

Whatsamannar ago


Magapedes13 ago

ThanQ for pointing me here. I've felt lost all day, but there's electricity in the air! I'm happy to be here, doing my duty to fight back against the swamp.

DeplorableDeb ago

Thanks for directing me here. I was panicking when I found we were banned from Reddit. I always read your posts and I knew you would have your finger on the pulse and would direct us where to go. Once again, thank you.

I_Am_Fartacus ago

You’re the reason I’m here Neon!

PaulDmitrios01 ago

Thanks for the link from your blog.

lvbuckeye27 ago

thanks, Neon.

LuBee ago

Recovering from shock. So glad that you pointed us here.

Cosmos05 ago

Crazy days and nights!

bioweaponmaster ago

thanks for telling me where to go neon, i went blank for a second there haha.

artilleryeyes ago

I'm just a poor little LARP, please don't ban me from the entire INTERNET!

BelBlade ago

Thanks for the heads up to come to Voat.

Neon Revolt was the only beacon of light after Reddshit went all commie overlord on us.


Phloatpill ago

Neon! Glad you're here brother.

Escrowguy ago

Following Q since December, followed GA from the beginning, but never commented or really participated. NO MORE! This is bullshit, outright censorship, and no matter how it is twisted or manipulated, a clear violation of the First Amendment. Keep up the GREAT work NeonR! WWG1WGA!

NordicGoats ago

Thanks for the referral, Neon

Qpatriotanon ago


setTRUTHfree ago

What a wild ride! WWG1WGA!

Lightcnqsdark ago

Nice to see you Neon!

allikitteh ago

Thank you for your endless dedication and amazing writing skills. Your website is the only site on the entire internet which i will allow to send me push notifications. I appreciate you so much. Glad to see you here.

Dirtan ago

You are such a good writer Neon, I check your blog daily for new posts. Keep up the good work and god bless from Sweden!

readthebooks2 ago

Yup.. Neon sent me,too. Not personally.

deletes reddit bookmark

RetroMojo ago

Not cool reddit...wrong side of history

6HsV82 ago

ain't that the truth!

LandieLandieQ ago

redditsucksq ago

Work colleague linked to your page which linked me here after I panicked seeing that r/greatawakening was gone.

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Thanks Neon for the link. Took me three hours to successfully register. The price of FREEDOM. F reddiots!


gtrevels ago

I follow NeonRevolt!

qfan ago

Hi Neon, please upvote lil ole me.

LandieLandieQ ago

hey neon......landielandie here.........just sent a mass email re: you article and told everyone in many to read your article and come over to VOAT.

Pol-tical-crap ago

I, too, came here from your blog post. Thanks for all your great research. It always puts me on more rabbit trails and I end up researching for hours because of your posts!

fractalistic ago

Same house is a wreck, kids eating right out of the garden & I think the cats still in the closet...but I'm awake!

TheGreat_MAGAPatriot ago

Haha! Same at my house! 😂

AlwaysDeplorable ago

Wow, it took me over an hour just to get on Voat. But glad to be here.

quietriot1967 ago

Thanks for pointing us this way, Neon! You rock!

quietriot1967 ago

I got a rock. :( Upvoats, please. :)

WickedBaker ago

Thank you for the link, Neon! Came over as soon as you gave us the heads up!

somechickincali ago

New here! Let's trade!

Handsoffmygats ago

Thanks Neon for everything you do

KB2Col ago

Read your article and here I am. Thanks Neon Revolt.


Rock and roll Neon!

LoveHopeDream ago

what does up votes do? i was kinda new to reddit before it got banned

TheQPhenomenon ago

The Q Phenomenon also reporting in... Upvotes for upvotes let's get posting.

CyntaxX ago

Good to be here. Hopefully the ball will get rolling here soon enough.

tahitianon ago

Upvoted! :)

Thoutzan ago

love u ❤

Bo_Hoover ago

I see we have here on VOAT The Awakening and The Great Awakening. What is the difference?

man_with_titties ago

Thanks for guiding us here, Neon.

Qzenseeker ago

Upvoted :) And thank you for the welcome :) and let's STAY AWAKE !!

Prog-Off ago

Hooah!, Patriot!

SassySouthernGal ago

I was a little upset to find out about the ban today. Then I thought, I'll bet Neon has some info. Sure enough, he's on the ball directing everyone here. Glad to see all the refugees :)

Toadvine ago

Came here from Neon's page

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Shallweplay ago

Thank you, Neon! I came over after reading your blog. I appreciate the digging you do. You blow my mind :)

invisiblejones ago

Thanks for the heads-up on this community! :)

cleo777 ago

Neon sent me - thank you Neon!

Velocityraptor ago

Weee have yr upvoats Patriot

Iron_Tomato ago

Hey man can I get som o yo upVoats?

Gr8MouseDetectiv3 ago

upvote WWG1WGA

cbts ago

Here's an upvoat for you Neon.

Peach_Garden_Oath ago

Great to see familiar faces, our new home. For now....

Reddragon1111 ago

As soon as i saw reddit had banned us i went straight to your site, so thanks for pointing us all here :)

Witsend ago

Thanks Neon! Checking in!

Ammojeff ago

Thanks for pointing us in the right direction

4TLove229 ago

So confused...we didn't say anything bad about Serena! kek!

Watercolorblue2 ago

Hi Neon. I appreciate your work so much! So glad to finally get here.

GlendaleBurbank ago

Neon, glad you made it. Took me forever to load this thread. Question: How long until they take this down? Everyone, be sure to go to 8.chan patriots fight board if this goes down.

patriot7625 ago

Thanks for directing to this site.

the504ever ago


spaceace66 ago



Reddit made a big mistake.

6HsV82 ago

i read on 8chan that Q said we had more like 297k followers, not the 70+k that the board showed. that's a lot of people to piss off in one shot, and all it does is give us a chance to demonstrate our real strength!

BelBlade ago

Please up vote every refugee so we can get habbening here. PLease!!!!!!

scurfie ago

Thank you Neon for the link!

mumpsimus ago

Take my upvoat!

Intrepid865 ago

Seeing you here puts me at ease patriot.

ifGodisforus ago


LegalTDImmigrant ago

I moved here a year and a half ago when the Donald got compromised mods, hence the name. I never learned my lesson as I went straight back to Reddit for cbts_thread and Great Awakening

LegalTDImmigrant ago

Welcome aboard

Wtfsheeple ago

Here here

jwa71064 ago

Thank you NeonRevolt for directing us here! I read your articles every night and I appreciate your tireless effort!

lottoj ago

I was under the impression that voat was some sort of a spinoff from Reddit, and still under the same jurisdiction, but I suppose I'm wrong about that - hmm, maybe I'm thinking of Steemit? Meh, it's too hard to keep track of all of these different sites. But speaking of Steemit, maybe a blockchain based site wouldn't be a bad idea in terms of the whole "can never be deleted" bit.

uppergammafunction ago

they're gonna need more horsepower for this board!!

Papa_tum ago

Quote from JAWS....we need a bigger VOAT

dideediane ago

I posted your blog around. Thanks for being here. Hoping to hear some familiar voices.

toomuchcrapola ago

@Deep State, You can't win. If you strike us down, We shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. QAnon

Thanks NeonR for your comms.

TheBastardBourbon ago

I learned about this site from your blog.

GranimalSnake ago

You got mine, be gone now to do the lords work!

Jedthro ago

Thanks for all you do neon

mm_on_the_wall ago

Thanks for the direction Neon.

WeGoAll ago

Just moved over, thanks Neon!

67CamaroSS350 ago

Thank you Neon for the link and upvotes would be great!

rumoret ago

Thanks for providing link to

Sarthax ago

Thanks for the hard work

Fallout18 ago

Tag me in

StormVet6 ago

When I was on GA and posted earlier today, I was chatting with the mods about it and then the damn thing went bye-bye. I’m glad the mods got on this as fast as you did.

Doom1776 ago

Thanks Neon!!!

vegan4trump ago

I'm a regular reader of your blog. Thanks for doing all you do and keep up the good work!

DonkeyLipz ago

Damn shame about today, happy to be here though.

chimpo ago

Upvoting everyone! ♥ (I'm thinking we should always look out for our fellow Patriots by upvoting, bc we're all congregating here now, and I /bet/ the shills are gonna flock here too; and people need upvotes to post on Voat!) We've got to look out for each other now more than ever!

torrey881 ago

Seeing as I'm at 0 points, I've got no place to go but up lol.

JaniesPassion ago

😅😅👍 I feel yah lol here's mine for ya

Kateko ago

Here's your very first "UP"!

AperionPatriot ago


Syntax3rr0r ago


FoxySten ago


Papa_tum ago

Hooah! If you dont know that is army slang for "understand? You get a hooah back if that is an afermative,can also mean highspeed low drag ,as in a person, that soldier is hooah.jarhead version....oorah

socomtom ago

HOOAH back! WWG1WGA! An upvote, please patriot?

BannedInDC ago

Duly Noted!

QShieldMaiden ago

Take my Upvoat

daBrown75 ago

And mine.

alfonumeric ago

yes please

bettylougrits ago

Upvote me pls!

jwaynec ago


TheblackStrat ago


AusPatriot ago

No, you take mine.

489yearoldman ago

Suddenly homeless Patriot here, Looks like I just found a new home. Might need some of those extra upvoats.

TheblackStrat ago

You’re in

WEareQ ago


Sir_Zorch ago

Going to need the up'voats'. Good to see everyone.

common-citizen ago

Could use some upvotes myself and thank you in advance.

Oilguy55 ago

Same here. Says I need 10 cc in order to post. Not sure what that is. LOL

MotherDee ago

My cat's name is Zorch.....seriously.

Sir_Zorch ago

Wow - very unique. The Zorch I use came from Mad Magazine, probably in the late-60s. A fan at a stadium waving a flag that said "Go Go Zorch".

MotherDee ago

My brother used to call the ahem...poop stuck to a cats fur....a zorch. My kitty was so smelly as a baby....that's what I named him...LOL. We're Zorch Family!

Twotoneblue ago

Knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time. They can’t stop it even though they try so hard.

alfonumeric ago

heres 1

BelleDJour ago

Shit is getting real. Upvote please.

new_patriot_david ago


CAQanon ago

You got it! I could use some upvotes myself please.


Have your first voat!

IKRY0 ago


WeThePeopleAreQ ago

Yep we all gotta UP-VOAT . . . lol make a few passes up and down this thread catching everyone, eh?

basedwifey ago

So thats how this works? Must have the upvoats to post?

GratefulGrandmother ago

You get one from me just for being so innocently forthright. Hug.

ShaowIndy ago

Could I get a few aswell. WWG1WGA

Papa_tum ago

You get a up voat ,you get a upvoat,....upvoats for everybody!

BannedInDC ago

Upvoated for you

IrishMcB ago

Welcome Patriot! Q sent me

JaniesPassion ago

I'm learning too lol


Have your very first voat!

JaniesPassion ago

Aww thank you! Lol my stomach dropped for a sec trying to figure out that this is a good thing, when I hit context trying to figure out which comment you replied to. You Rock🤙

Dose808 ago


mr_shamalama ago

Not sure, but you got one from me anyway.


Lightcnqsdark ago

Ditto. Could use some upvotes myself 😁

Soakingitup123 ago

Why are upvotes needed ? I figured out I needed likes before I could post...

new_patriot_david ago

here you go patriot

Dose808 ago

Any upvotes are appreciated, fellow patriots!! WWG1WGA!!!!

BannedInDC ago


alfonumeric ago

i need some too

NellerBean ago

Me too.

Hoss_Proof99 ago


KS41357 ago

Gotcha! United!

BannedInDC ago

Upvoat for you

The-only-me ago


Magapedes13 ago

You request, sir, has been granted

new_patriot_david ago

Here you are too sir WWG1WGA God Bless

2277cynthiaa ago

How about a reciprocal upvote!!!

new_patriot_david ago

There You Go God Bless

ChristusRetter ago

ok happy to help

alfonumeric ago

need some upvotes plz

Jollybeaker ago

Hey pedes GA refugee here

2277cynthiaa ago

Can I get an upvote ?

anhro23 ago

Can I have an upvoot?

SeraphimZ ago

Thanks for letting us know about this NeonRevolt!

Godsflawedsoldier ago

I think this should be POTUS' trigger point. He has to know that this Storm is creating massive havok in our personal lives (e.g., infighting with normies and libtards). His most loyal base is weakening the longer he makes us wait for the Hammer to drop.


ShaowIndy ago

Timing is everything....

krylda ago

Thanks Neon!

Twiggs ago

I found you Neonrevolt! Patriots will reassemble

IKRY0 ago

In from Reddit, thanks NR!

vt1225 ago


Homesick12 ago

Thanks Neon

RedZorp ago

Ditto. Thanks a bunch Neon.

always_vigilant ago

Yes Thank you!!

Theyrdumberthandirt ago

Yes, thank you Neon

Mikewill2 ago

Continually amazed at how quickly the patriots can reassemble in new arenas! Dark to light

GratefulGrandmother ago

White-man's magic, one of my friends calls it. ;-)

Shannonjyl ago


FoxySten ago

we shouldn’t really be surprised we were all in the same place when we got the word. #WWG1WGA

Karukatoo ago


sdotco33 ago

Yes!! sdotco33 reporting for duty!!!

Papa_tum ago

Can't keep a good cause down!

Rocoh ago

Fantastic to observe! One by one we make it over.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Seriously, we're already here reconnecting the network. WWG1WGA!

These people are seriously fucking stupid.

Knowunderstandspeak ago

I was deflated at noon today. Now I’m giddy to find you all!

LittleGoat4DJT ago

Same here. Glad I found my way

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Heck Yeah!

KernelFlux ago

Currently 1524 subscribers and about 1469 ONLINE! Howdy! WWG1WGA!



Lightcnqsdark ago

Did you read the last Q post? It sounds to me that those dummies just gave probable cause for POTUS to step in to regulate and split up big tech!! These people are stupid!! Go check it out. Its a long drop

ShaowIndy ago

They r stupid indeed...

Oilguy55 ago

Not sure they realize what they’ve started

ShaowIndy ago

What's next on the agenda....hmm

Aranyani ago


Brilliant-Hope-91 ago


PutridPoots ago

Saw your post on your blog directing people here Neon.

ShaowIndy ago

Same, thanks

mick8675 ago

Thanks Neon....please upvote me! Thanks!

dellip_der ago

Made it, although 8ch is a pretty darn good read :)

rebelfofoz ago

Same here! Without Neon Revolt, I wouldn't have found this new home of the "Great Awakening".

common-citizen ago

Thank you Neon. WWG1WGA

TheblackStrat ago

Censorship dies today

1955walleye ago

Need vote. Thanks

Reddit_u_suck ago

I no longer recognize this World.

chevy_coors ago

Looking to get upvoted please!! Thanks all! We must be positive and unit during this time. WWG1WGA!!

PeTRasLikeTetris ago


Alderwolf ago

Another one who saw your blog and followed the links here. Thanks for the info.

neisyjane ago

Help me understand. I need to comment 10 times? Or I need to receive 10 comments?

Greydle ago

I thought it was 10 upvotes.


yeah me too~! glad to connect

finessa ago

Thanks for referring us here Neon. We will try to learn the ropes to fit in.

iaminad ago

WWG1WGA! help me get my 10 upvotes please

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Looks like we got some faggots begging for upvoats' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:


This notification (#783) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Sykotic ago

Got you !!

MayorAnon ago

upvoted, thank you Patriot!

amdgamdg ago

me too please>

NellerBean ago

Happy to be here. Would appreciate 10 upvotes.

TheirSoStupid ago

I had to re-register. Lost all my upvoats. Help me get back in the loop with upvotes please. WWG1WGA

MemeLord96 ago

Me as well everyone hit my up button I’ll hit yours

AngelaButcher4 ago

Not sure what I’m doing, but I’m here. Just bare with me if I make a mistake. I’m But I’m a die hard patriot! Always willing to make this place a better place to leave for our children and grandchildren! WWG1WGA!

dbrodeen ago

Still figuring this out myself. Glad we all made it over here.

Kevin313 ago

Here we go! Glad u made it here

Crimsontsunami ago


Wga ago

Reporting for duty.

2_Spillbeans ago

WWG1WGA! Here's one for you.

Banister ago

WWG1WGA Same here

QCD ago

Upvoted Patriot!

PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Dam Skippy!

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Check and please as well if ya don't mind thank ya!

IrishMcB ago

All I need is a little help from my friends! 🐸🐸🐸

Jaynet ago


1FreeSoul ago

Here is your 10th! WWG1WGA!

graced_winner ago

There ya go.



MAGAmae ago

Got you

wdis40 ago

Got you, now please get me

OrganicLight ago

Hook me up!


Wga ago


MAGAmae ago

Need up votes too mang

3dayfreedom ago

Trade 1:1?

socomtom ago

1:1 leads to 5:5 WWG1WGA Return the favor?

davidtheamerican ago

lol me too

Magapedes13 ago

Updoots granted.

wdis40 ago

Tag you're it!

The-only-me ago

I got you all

3dayfreedom ago

I got Q 2! Return the favor?

socomtom ago

1-2-3 - you're it! WWG1WGA

LandieLandieQ ago

I need them to..I just upvoted me please

NOLAforTrump ago

I'm in, just need some upvotes!

GeneHackmansBFF ago

Help for upvotes please! WWG1WGA

socomtom ago

WWG1WGA And an upvote. Please return the favor. I need them too!

bbQchips ago

Got you 👍🏻

NOLAforTrump ago

Back at you!

Bnut0480 ago

Need votes! WWG1WGA!

WeThePeopleAreQ ago

Let's get these replies counted, eh?

Magapedes13 ago

One for one? I gotchu fam

FoxySten ago

How do you get your 10?

socomtom ago

And an upvote from me. Replies are, it appears, our friend. Please reply in kind.

FoxySten ago

I think my reply disappeared

FoxySten ago

I’m so nervous to comment. The Chan’s got me scared.. too shy been silent for so long

TheirSoStupid ago

Gotcha covered with the upvote. Hit me back fellow patriot

FoxySten ago

It’s seems I’m having tech difficulties as I am sure we all are atm

FoxySten ago


socomtom ago

If I'm doing this right, here's an upvote. Get me one back, please.

Kevin313 ago

Up’ed ya! Hit me back?

Banister ago

1'for 1

Kevin313 ago

Gotcha:) Come back?

davidtheamerican ago

upvotes till we all can post maga patriots

Banister ago


Raging_Rhino17 ago

Right on right on, thank you

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

It's amazing we're all already here. WWG1WGA!

Upvoted everyone here btw, I know vote requires a certain amount of upvotes to post threads.

Raging_Rhino17 ago

OBVIOUSLY! Peace brothers and sisters, now let's walk down, and FUCK THEM ALLLLLLLLLL

DoWhatsRight ago

So glad to see familiar names! I was lost for a bit. Still looking for SB2,I’m sure he’s around here somewhere!😊

NOLAforTrump ago

I already did you, I'm one of your two! LOL Please do me though. Thanks.

drgrow ago

Do me like a slut in a train!

RootedWalk ago

I’m trying to figure out why it’s letting me upvote some and not others?? Maybe I’m fatfingering the phone keyboard.... thought I’d try replying to someone, and you are the lucky person! Lol!

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Its a newbie thing, there are time restraints until you reach 100 ccp.

RootedWalk ago

Thanks for the info

WezeBWoke ago

NOLA best food ever

high-valyrian ago

Got you!

3dayfreedom ago

Good to see ya here! Trade up votes?

SerialBrain2 ago

Sent you message via reddit, could you please look at it? Thank you.

DoWhatsRight ago

SB2, so nice to see all the patriots! If I only knew how to follow people on Voat!😂. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

3dayfreedom ago

Found ur message so glad to find u here. Trade up votes?

socomtom ago

One for you, one for me. WWG1WGA

2277cynthiaa ago

Glad you made it over!!!

vt1225 ago


Banister ago

WWG1WGA Reply... ;)

3dayfreedom ago

;) up vote return the favor?

davidtheamerican ago

upvoted patrioy

Banister ago

Thank you!

wdis40 ago

Tag you're it! Now me?

3dayfreedom ago

Tag back at ya now me?

socomtom ago

You're it!

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Fo sho, and thank you!

high-valyrian ago

Gotcha :)

WeThePeopleAreQ ago


3dayfreedom ago

Trade up votes? Love ur user name btw

Raging_Rhino17 ago

"Please keep smashing that like button!"

3dayfreedom ago

I smashed urs return the favor?

Raging_Rhino17 ago

Ohhhhh I'll smash yours bruh....

Captainfancypants ago

Same here!

Rickstarr5 ago

Upvotes please

Godsflawedsoldier ago


Ceirwyn ago


PeTRasLikeTetris ago

Keep it up!

Neon__Wolf ago

Are wolves also welcome refugees?

Shannonjyl ago

Ha ha

Kekalicious ago

As long as you don't fuck with the Goat's here. We are legion.

ShaowIndy ago

Awesome, here's to you all

Kzintrooper2016 ago

How about Kzin?

BelleDJour ago

loup garou mon frere?

1FreeSoul ago

We must be!

anhro23 ago


OrganicLight ago


wdis40 ago

WWG1WGA!! Got you, please get me

qfan ago

they are predators

Neon__Wolf ago

They are also capable of becoming man's best friend.

LupoBella ago

Yes, we are.

RealJimSmith ago

Neon Revolt sent me

fightin44s ago


Earth_is_Awesome ago

Thanks, here's another comment from me. Others of us are also on telegram @QAnons

Sakii201 ago

Thank you! I’ll go have a look.

Sakii201 ago

Hey. I just noticed that I have gotten down to no upvotes. How can this be? I had over 20 yesterday. I hope it’s not trolls again. Good grief. Already?

xreparations ago

I'm in, severe connectivity errors though!

dp007since09 ago

voat does have the infrastructure resources of crudeddit. The chans have put up a space for us if we wan to use it to help these guys out.

lightmeup77 ago

Was about to mention the new 8 chan board also.Good call. WWG1WGA

dp007since09 ago

Can I get an upvote? I am at 0 right now.

Ammojeff ago

It will get better, its not like we haven't been stifled before. BO has his hands full. Help a brother out if you can.

Fallout18 ago

Probably cause 70k people are joining!

M313 ago

I"m in!!!

M313 ago

I'm in!!