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Goathole ago

I am going to be specifically looking for any user who posts in v/theawakening and hunt them down like pigs. Lines have been drawn, stay in your safespace cunts.

kalgon ago

I'm with you feel free to ping me once you spot one out of their shitbox

Goathole ago

Here's a couple voat begging.

It looks like they all stray out of the box a little. They're using V/GreatAwakening and v/Meanwhileonreddit to farm their votes too.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Upvoat The Truth !!!

kalgon ago

Whatever upgoat they get in theawakening it doesn't count, doesn't get added to their real ccp

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Don't tell them that, fam.

Goathole ago

omg, the ban list over at v/theawakening is huuuuuuuuuuuge. and I recognize them all. I feel excluded.

Sarevok ago

Same. Cue sad music.