piratse ago


Durm ago

They are stupid and trying to manage a brand of free speech. There are like 20 of them so its amplified and the stupidity is amplified. Its a giant Serena Williams.

hang_em_high ago

They aren't hiding anything. It is clear exactly what they are. Censoring pieces of shit and/or shills. Glad we aren't fucking idiots that fall for their bullshit like Reddit fags.

Neinlife ago

They are hiding lots of salami in rectums. Who cares, why are we paying attention to posers.

modsRa55holeN1GG3rs ago

Been banned 2x going back in wish me luck faggots

Paneedleribena22 ago

It is Jews

MrDarkWater ago

What did q say about comms? If it ain't 8chan, it's not from q, so trust is up to you.

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

Build The Wall

fuckingmockies ago


kalgon ago

Pretty sure most of those who participated in voat farming were ill intentioned, especially among those with admin rights who got stuffs like hundreds of upvoat in a couple of hours

That plus the pseudo militaristic language like "reporting for duty" points to super moronic mindset

Ina_Pickle ago

Thank goodness the site developers planned for this eventuality.

gazillions ago

It's probably even worse if they really are frightened of being called racist.

In that case they're guilty of turning the internet into a kindergarten class, along with the bitches who think they're everybody's mommy.

Niggerfaggot jew chink cracker wop spic, whichever they are they better go make a man somewhere a sandwich and fuck right off.

Ina_Pickle ago

They keep saying they need a clean place to post so people will think they are legitimate.

Then they say they have to stay despite the vulgarity because Q told them to.

These people are scary. Like mind controlled scary.

FlappyJappy ago

q has never even mentioned voat though so no idea where they get that from. another way for the mods to get people into their controlled subverse im guessing

fuckingmockies ago

Please, please, please edit your comment to replace your ",,,," with a proper ellipse.

kalgon ago

How do you feel after this one @DropGun https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145953.png ?

Pretty dumb uh?

And btw, why did your parents called you dumb?

Goathole ago

I am going to be specifically looking for any user who posts in v/theawakening and hunt them down like pigs. Lines have been drawn, stay in your safespace cunts.

lethak ago

what happened to "stay united" ?

Goathole ago

When you and your mods get booted from reddit you come here and repeat the same behavior IT WILL LEAK INTO THE REST OF THIS SITE.

You will fucking assimilate OR you will hide in your little fucking cancerous hole.

lethak ago

They sure wont be looking at you and your toxic attitude.

Goathole ago

They sure wont be looking at you

I'm not meant to be looked at, I wouldn't care anyway.

MDE came in here without a problem. Your first fucking day and you guys are already throwing the banhammer around. You can fucking die.

kalgon ago

I'm with you feel free to ping me once you spot one out of their shitbox

Goathole ago

Here's a couple voat begging.



It looks like they all stray out of the box a little. They're using V/GreatAwakening and v/Meanwhileonreddit to farm their votes too.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Upvoat The Truth !!!

kalgon ago

Whatever upgoat they get in theawakening it doesn't count, doesn't get added to their real ccp

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Don't tell them that, fam.

Goathole ago

omg, the ban list over at v/theawakening is huuuuuuuuuuuge. and I recognize them all. I feel excluded.

Sarevok ago

Same. Cue sad music.

big_fat_dangus ago

If it's illegal, it gets deleted. If not, the voats decide its place.

The practice of mods being able to delete legal content is a huge flaw and will always fuck us.

PoundSign_999 ago

Very interesting. Our day's on this site look to be numbered. Let's just start communicating via flyers, like the old underground music days. Bringing it back baa-bee!

IheartSwimming ago

What happened to Voat loving Authoritarian Right?

Ina_Pickle ago

Most of the people I've met here seem to be fairly libertarian.

IheartSwimming ago

That's true, Fascism is more of a meme here.

IrbyTremors ago

No, it isn't. Among ourselves we value free speech, but we always like Communists like those v/awakeningmods getting gassed.

Ina_Pickle ago

I don't call that fascism. That's self-defense.

Oveass ago

They also banned someone that posted a picture on where people could access all the deleted comments and submissions. Really strange.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Do you know where we can see that? I know about snew for Reddit, but for voat?

TheCompanionCube ago

sweet I never knew that

fuckingmockies ago

Probably because banning is so infrequent there's almost never a reason to check.

Sometimesineedhelp ago


Ina_Pickle ago

Every sub has mod logs for deleted comments and banned users. It's at the bottom of each sub's sidebar. Mods can't alter the logs.

Sometimesineedhelp ago


Oveass ago

It is built into voats code.

You can never truly have content you post be deleted, unless you yourself delete it. (I think it even stays if you remove your account, if you do that the posting name becomes a random number, different for each post/comment you left behind.

You scroll down the sidebar, all the way down, until you see "removed submissions" And "removed comments"

Accessing the sidebar on mobile by clicking the 3 bars. On pc with a full screen browser it's always there.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Thank you!

Ina_Pickle ago

Especially since they didn't bother to remove most of the troll posts left by pissed off regulars.

dunklederf ago

agreed, the teawakening is 100% a controleld opposition containment board specifically to isolate the softheaded meek followers and brainlets from actually accomplishing anything, and keeping them in a padded room where they cant do anything meaningful for their supposed 'cause'

psymin ago

I think this is good for Voat. Let them have their safe space especially if their CCP can't be farmed to mess up our social ecosystem.

Shishamo ago

They came from reddit, so naturally they're addicted to the ridiculous rush they get from moderating internet people.

spiggot ago

Things are different here than reddit and that's a good thing.

Those mods are bringing their original reddit way of doing things over here. That's only to be expected initially, but hopefully they will change and fit in here better soon. Maybe, maybe not.

Either way, I'm already preferring things on here to reddit. Fuck that shitstain of a place.

SandHog ago

It's been pretty entertaining to observe. I wonder how long it will last. Anyone come up with an over/under yet?

melancholia ago

You know the end game. Control

Why is this shocking to old voaters? Why isn’t it assumed that all Reddit mods knew and/or participated here through out the years. I just can’t after so many years away from Reddit and on sites like voat understand why people don’t assume that everything is somewhat compromised to some level.

If I was an alt right power mod at Reddit and I was the slight bit observant wouldn’t I make an account here at voat and start the ground work for when my alt right Reddit sub gets banned.

Battlefat ago

Censorship and narrative control are a hell of a drug

yurisrevenge ago

Da comrade @DropGun what being you end game? Why am you reddit rapfugee come on voat and being to fuck up me home?

Shotinthedark ago

Probably the suppression of free speech where ever truth is found! I wonder who might want to do that?