kwelity ago

Stop holding my hand. I can take care of myself!!!

AmericaTrumpsBabylon ago

Finally found v/GreatAwakening earlier. Go there lads

IheartSwimming ago

You say Nazi like it's a bad thing.

AmericaTrumpsBabylon ago

Complete bullshit. I don’t think there’s really a good q subverse. v/TheGreatAwakening is the only other one I can find and it’s a day old with basically no activity

feckyerlife ago

IMO That is not the issue (the language). The issue is there are only 2 options left besides 8chan. Voat and Gab, where people can go to post about Q, everything else is gone. Since everyone is posting everywhere for Q supporters to go to Gab or Voat, you gotta know the MSM/DS is going to be watching the threads/sites like a fucking hawk. So now lets face it, at least one place has to be cleaned up a little bit and it doesn't look like its going to be Gab or 8chan. Without one clean place to post about Q, then they win because if you got NiggerkikeFaggot on every thread title on all 3 sites, then we fit their narrative that we are all racist ass redneck conspiracy theorist , which will create division among the Q supporters and without all patriots . So until someone starts their own board or forum, i feel like one subsection of Voat wont hurt to be a little clean. This is a fucking war and sacrifices need to be mad, doesn't mean it has to be for ever.

dunklederf ago

you're still barging in uninvited like a boatload of fucking niggers, trampling around like you own the fucking place, shitting in the streets everwhere with complete disregard for everyone that made this place safe for you to come to.

i'm sure you must have seen the whole 'import the 3rd world people get the 3rd world problems' that's you you're the thirst world redditors.

you fucking reddit fucks come here with your cancer reddit habits that made reddit cancer in the first palce, and try to make this place more like the shithole you fucking came from.


s0ftpaddle ago

dafuq do you care? WWG1WGA and you dont have to go or come anywhere. you dont even have to be in this subverse

feckyerlife ago

and your the reason this place will become nothing when a simple DDoS hits it.

AmericaTrumpsBabylon ago

I see what you’re saying. But voat and it’s established culture have been going for a while now. I think we’re definitely gonna see some culture clashes going forward

feckyerlife ago

and i get that too, i understand that you guys feel like we are hijackers. Maybe the OGs from Voat should talk about it and see if they can agree to dedicate one sub to refugees? Its not like their asking for the whole site to be clean, just the one sub. Im not sure how many OGs of Voat their are, maybe its not something that can be done. just a thought

FlappyJappy ago

if v/theawakening wasnt a cancerous censorship boil then you wouldnt be having this problem, v/greatawakening has been going along fine here for months, keeping updated about Q and hitting v/all regularly. clean and "nigger" free, the kind of place youre wanting, youre only seeing it now because youve invaded here and we dont want your weak censorship happy mods on this site. and it wont stop until theyre gone.

uvulectomy ago

/v/TheAwakening is the problem. Cancerous censorfaggot powermods like @dropgun don't want to have a place for the community; they want a place where they, personally, can still have power. That's why they're so gung-ho about acting like a boatload of African savages.