sgx191316 ago

Go on, tell me how it's different because I accepted a mod invite to a shitposting sub last week.

You're lying about not banning people. You are not an innocent bystander, you ban people for what they say.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Go on, tell me how it's different because I accepted a mod invite to a shitposting sub last week.

That doesn't look like the name of a subverse.

sgx191316 ago

Go ahead and ask him to deny it if you think I'm lying. I want to see if he's even that honest.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

No, I was just thinking you might have told him the name of the sub (instead of calling him a liar - lol), then he would have unbanned you, if you were still banned. Not that you'd necessarily want to visit it.

sgx191316 ago

I don't care about the ban, I care about an "anti-censorship" mod engaging in the censorship he's complaining about.

sgx191316 ago

LOL, you banned me from a sub you mod which I never even commented in, for disagreeing with you on this sub. With that in mind, everything you have said in this entire post is hilarious.

Flour ago

Jesus you really are butthurt over getting banned, aren't you?

Maybe you should think twice before you goons act like a bunch of assholes for no good reason. Then you have the audacity to whine in your own personal safe space here because you can't have your cake and eat it too. What a loser.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Yea bullshit, it's literally what you just did you lying kike.

Suck on a tailpipe and gas yourself.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Faggotty shit happened among europeans?! Preposterous!!!

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

It was justified. You claim it was bullying. And now you're shifting the goal posts by claiming that moderators taking moderator actions is always evil unjustifiable oppression.

You're a lying kike and one of these days I promise you that's going to bite you in the ass.

Reconn ago

Its an unfortunate situation. RamblinRambo handed the sub off to Tits_out_forTheBoys, Tits_out had the opportunity to alleviate concerns about 'historical' mod-abuse in the thread, instead it turned into a shitshow and Tits_out started handing out bans. @Chempergrill was banned as well for making a post calling him out a few hours ago, I saw his thread get nuked.

I went through RamblinRambos user ban log (the ones he personally did over two years), the reasons are as follows:

  • Spam:26

  • Shill/Leftist:7

  • I don't like you(s):14

  • Inciting violence/Doxxing:3

Tits_out's record in v/European looks like this:

  • Spam:4

  • Shill/Leftist:5

  • I don't like you(s):6 (All of these were done in the last 2 days)

  • Inciting violence/Doxxing:0

Honestly, this is not all that surprising, you only need to look through Tits_out comment history. Even in unrelated subs its almost an unrelenting barrage of calling people names, calling people beta males/weak non-masculine insecure whiners, etc. Someone who spends so much time denigrating others, is mostly certainly not going allow the same treatment to come his way if he's got the power to shut it down.

piratse ago

Now we just need @puttitout to get off his fucking ass and keep voat a free speech platform. Nuke any mod that has abused their powers by banning people for what they type (outside spam).

Chempergrill ago

Confirming my thread was deleted, and I was banned for it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its time to end these faggots once and for all.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

What a shock, kevdude the pretend racist once again trying to steal subs for SRS by concern-trolling so they can co-opt the white nationalist movement.

@VoatForFreeSpeech @MariusFrank @OwnYourActions

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut up SarMegaKike

piratse ago

I actually sent them a message earlier before your post. I also reached out to @individualin1984 Instead of the Europe sub I messaged you guys about, I sent you mod invites to /v/identityeuropa

Flour ago

Considering SBBH, I don't blame some mods for not putting up with bullshit like yours. He's clearly not banning users just for dissenting opinions. It's just you being a continuous cunt. Why would a reasonable user act like that?

BigFatDaddy ago

That's what that faggot always does. Deletes his shit then tries to claim he never said it.

piratse ago


piratse ago

Hijacking since I had to deal with that faggot twice now. I made since @puttitout doesn't seem to get off his ass to remove mods who defy voat rules. Post there, don't let faggots win. I will pass the sub on at some point as I don't have time to mod a sub. Note in /v/european they call it a SUBREDDIT. They explicitly say no free speech. Mods literally ban for wrongthink and disagreeing.

RiverWind ago

Wow! I never noticed those things. They are alarming, in themselves. What is more alarming is that I didn't notice them.

Thank you.

ExpertShitposter ago

you are a goat among men

piratse ago

Sorry you have to get brigaded by tits out and his alts just for making a comment lol.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thee redditor army canot stand against the might of my shotpost ccp

Flour ago

Reading through, it really does sound like you lot are a bunch of whiny cunts diluting the subverse content

Flour ago

Gonna need to see this evidence of yours. Put up or shut up.

Flour ago

It sounds like you're the one doing the concern trolling. Haven't heard of any problems with /v/European until today, and coincidentally it's another alt-right sub that you have a problem with.

Goathole ago

I'm not a big enough racist for titsoutfortheboys, let that sink in for a minute.

That faggot is a poser, he makes his sub look stupid.

Lafall ago

if we are not careful voat will become another fucking reddit

Flour ago

Why is it always the same users constantly bringing this shit up? Don't like the sub verse rules then make a new and better one.

goatsandbros ago

Because it's funny.

Flour ago

Not really. You're just diluting the content.

goatsandbros ago

You're diluting heterosexuality, nigger.

Flour ago

I'll try to leave some pussy for you. No promises m8

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Why because you make propaganda calling justifiable actions oppressive use of power? Stop lying you disgusting kike.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I don't argue with idiots.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Twisting the facts in order to push your own worldview is what you seem to be best at. Stop being so disingenuous you kike.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Oh I'm sorry is everything you disagree with consider bullying? Furthermore you sound like a shitlib trying to protect others from big bad "toxic masculinity" causing people to get bullied. Your faggotry is not welcome. Get the fuck over it you little worm.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Umm what? Are you not the one who started all this? Take some responsibility you fucking manchild.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Errr muh gerd. Rules. Moderators. Errr muh gerd. It's just pure oppression.

You're a little faggot. Period.

ExpertShitposter ago

Sounds like you're afraid of the truth. Sounds're not really down with fascism.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Oh really and what "truth" am I afraid of? Please elaborate because it sounds like you don't know the first thing about fascism.

I on the other hand have contributed original content to further people's understanding of fascism.

So I'll leave it up to others to decide which one of us is trying to bullshit them here.

ExpertShitposter ago

One who is not afraid of the truth has no wish, need, or desire to censor "liars" "shitposters" "off topic posters" "leftists" ......

If you believe in the truth always rising to the top thee is no need to censor people.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

One who is not afraid of the truth has no wish, need, or desire to censor "liars" "shitposters" "off topic posters" "leftists" ......

Hahaha WHAT?

You seriously just pulled that out of your ass dude, and everyone with a head on their shoulders knows it. National Socialism and Fascism is all about making people aware of all the lies first so that they'll finally take an interest in learning the cold hard truth.

As stated before you have no idea what you're talking about.

ExpertShitposter ago

National Socialism and Fascism is all about making people aware of all the lies first so that they'll finally take an interest in learning the cold hard truth.

Yeah, exactly right. Making people aware of lies. took away kevdudes's voice. If @kevdude is a liar, how is banning him gonna show the poeple his "lies" ?

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Implying that he stopped lying after getting banned.

Furthermore you've just conflated "feeding people lies" with "fascism" which once again tells me that you're pulling shit out of your ass.

ExpertShitposter ago

To be honest i dodn't even check what kevdude said in the first place. Pleas post the horrible jew lies he said that are worthy of a ban.

Secretly_psycho ago

Dude, I've followed you from our old home. These gracious people took us in. We need to integrate, and here? Mods aren't gods. Here mods are two steps away from death. Please be careful dude.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I appreciate your honest input. Tbh I have no intention of ever censoring any on-topic post on that sub. This harassment campaign was started with the intention to push me across a certain line in regard to how I deal with people whining over baseless bullshit.

I'm willing to take responsibility as a mod and these people are just trying to obfuscate that with their baseless, off-topic whining. I've been put into a corner and there's really nothing I can do except ignore them from this point forward. Which is exactly what I'll do.

goatsandbros ago

You don't have to write "period" after using a period symbol, stupid.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Do something about it you queer.

BigFatDaddy ago

Why don't you spam some more nigger porn? That'll show everyone what a fine upstanding aryan you are.

Secretly_psycho ago

Is there an actual source of this claim?

Lafall ago

spamming subs with Commiefornia porn, Noir Black abusing gangbang on blonde pornography?

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

For the 10,000th time, I never did that.

Glad to see you kikes all coming together to hurl false accusations at me. Really warms my heart how much I piss you people off.

BigFatDaddy ago

Still not a kike, no matter how many times you try to claim it. Ill give you credit for at least learning the lingo, you consensus cracking d&c shilling soros cocksucking faggot piece of leftover reddit trash.

And enough of us remember you and your buddies spamming that shit, you're never gonna be able to bury it.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Well if you're not a kike you act exactly like one. In my eyes you're no different than them, pushing false claims in the absence of any evidence whatsoever.

The power lies in the facts, not the accusation. Kikes attempt to flip that on its head and the mindless masses buy into it.

So if you're not a kike, maybe you should quit acting like one.

BigFatDaddy ago

Anyone I don't like is a jew. Blah blah blah.

t. You