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retprob ago

My popcorn is ready. What did you subvert?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

The rules specifically say "Don't say the N word" so kevdude (a mod of /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, i.e. SRS on Voat) posted the N word a million times and tried to incite the users against the mods so SRS can take over the sub. SRS loves to masquerade as nazis and use the N word despite all being Leftists), that way they can establish a false equivalence between the Right and Nazism. Now that his transparent attempt to take over the sub has failed, he's spamming everywhere that the /v/Identitarian mods are SRS and need to be removed just because their sub has rules designed to improve the brand image of the alt-Right.

ExpertShitposter ago

Get a load of the subversive SarMegaKike. First you talk your Le SRS shit, then you lie about it being against the rules to say nigger, then you lie about kev saying it a lot, then. You link to the one communist that was ever a prominent member of SdBH and claim its all of SBBH.

Typical kike liar.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago


109 submissions to OrthodoxJudaism

No shit, this guy is a Jew. No wonder why he's all about the alt-kike.

false equivalence between the Right and Nazism

Lol. "Silly goyim, your beliefs are limited to what's good for the Jews!" Fuck off with that bullshit faggot. Go cry about your holohoax or something.

National_Anthem ago

He isn't a kike, look at his posts you low IQ nigger

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Of course I looked at his posts. Here's one of them about "Israel's own version of the Alt-Right:"

National_Anthem ago

Maybe talk to him instead of me, because taking things out of context makes you look like CNN.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

defending a jew

smearing statements of fact as "looking like CNN"

Oh so you're also a jew. Got it.

National_Anthem ago

The dude redpills more about jews than anyone ive seen on Voat

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I seriously doubt that.

National_Anthem ago

try him then.

neg_forever ago

lol, oh no Nellie cant have her way

notyouraveragellama ago

People who legitimately believe either SDBH or SBBH are completely delusional.

National_Anthem ago

based on what, shill?

Mortivore ago

"Brand Image" that's cute. You guys want to make right wing views more palatable? OR maybe you think you can hijack those dumb enough to acquiesce to your strangely familiar word policing. Either way, NIGGER, why don't you baby dick suckers fuck off back to reddit.

National_Anthem ago

nice sleeper account, shill.

Mortivore ago

I'm honored, but this is my only account, faggot

National_Anthem ago

There are forces working daily to subvert conservatism, kevdude is one of those small forces. He did this exact same thing when PizzaGate had free speech, then installed his /v/ProtectVoat mod there and now the sub is a word-prison and shit gets removed constantly. It is identical to reddit. They seek control over all narratives. Nothing is sacred.

Rotteuxx ago

Take over the sub ? SRS ?

Is that you buddy ol'boy ?

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look:

It's that Rotteuxx faggot again.

Fuckin' piece of shit leftist larper.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh look, i am not Myg1488, i am a Vietnam vet!

What a faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm too crazy for my alts

Too crazy for my alts

So crazy it hurts

And I'm too crazy for alts

Too crazy for alts

This alt, and that alt

I'm too crazy for your butt

Too sexy for your butt

No way I'm not a tranny

Le_Squish ago

Came for drama, got lulz. Thanks, brah.

Rotteuxx ago

If you can't beat 'em, might as well laugh at them.