Secretly_psycho ago

........ we can't say nigger anymore? But...:: but that's the core of voat!

Secretly_psycho ago

I mean are you Jewish? Or did you defend someone not white?

National_Anthem ago

Oh I do love a good spin. You are excellent at it, as well.

Get fucked you little beta bitch. Everything I said in here was true

Womb_Raider ago

Nice voat manipulation.

Womb_Raider ago

Keep mine out of your alts' mouths and I will.

Womb_Raider ago

You're the one going through my comment history and responding to comments meant for others...

Womb_Raider ago

I'm calling you out. You serially place yourself in control of subs that have influence here, and you're trying again. You're even using your own sub PV to host the conversation.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not defending him. You're changing the subject

Womb_Raider ago

The power to control ideas, something you evidently crave.

Womb_Raider ago

Another case of kevdude trying to take more power on voat. Awesome.

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, but your lackey Beatle creates a new account every time people start to realize who he is. Of course, a junkie isn't exactly the most subtle thing to be, so he's fairly obvious once he starts spewing his bullshit.

And your friend Hecho cleared out his account too. Guess he didn't want the enormous outpouring of good will that was coming to him for his 300 dollar donation to Putt... Oh, wait, he actually cleared it out because he was a pedophile.

Cheap_Knockoff ago

There's always v/identitarian2. formed after the last mod conflict a bit back.

neg_forever ago

once again kevdude, wrong... its okay tho it isnt your fault

National_Anthem ago

sweet, another sanegoat

shill343 ago

That place has become a new "safe space", just for the far right.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I was banned today for "subversion" as well. The offending comment.

unrelentless-search ago

I've had my free speech deleted and removed by you personally kevdude, and have been banned from subs you have control over by you.

you parade yourself as protector of voat, but you only use this verse as means to shift opinion to your favor. Its really quite sad. And Im sure you and the goonies have a army of alts downvoating the dissent across all of voat.

I'm glad you got a taste of your own bullshit.


Its his verse his rules, he can take it anywhere he wants to, Dont like it leave fuckface

digitalentity1497 ago

Am I gonna have to start blocking subverses and mods again?

National_Anthem ago


Naught405 ago

@Ownyouractions is a kike faggot

Naught405 > OwnYourActions | Sent: 1 second ago on 11/15/2017 3:12:49 PM

Prose Only

I hope my low brow language didn't make it impossible for you to comprehend the essential meaning of my prior missive. You are acting in the manner of a disingenuous and devious member of the Ashkenazi race. But your intent is clear. You are an outside actor attempting to destroy and divert the internal communications forum of right wing pro white groups by using PCism and other Cultural Marxist innovations to derail the conversation and remove voices.

source delete

Naught405 > OwnYourActions | Sent: 12 minutes ago on 11/15/2017 3:00:14 PM

Kike nigger faggot wetback cracker

and etc

Kill yourself you fucking faggot for killing the one good pro white verse we had. I fucking hate kikes so god damn much why don't you just fuck off? kys. kys. kys. Israel will give you citizenship and land and money to go be a kike in kikeland so you can fuck off out of our space.

source delete

National_Anthem ago

Letting Kevdude take over that sub would be killing it. Wake up you stupid mother fucker

Naught405 ago

let a censor take over is bad. there should be one mod to stop spam. thats all. users can use their voat buttons for everything else. both of these censorious mods are fucking reddit cancer and can go fucking die.

National_Anthem ago

I disagree and hope they don't give in to the actual SRS reddit cucks like you and Kevdude

Naught405 ago

alright user for one month

National_Anthem ago

Is that all you got? Just point out account dates like that makes you win an argument?

im @MightyYetGentle

Naught405 ago

You advocate censorship and called me a srs redditor you fucking kike faggot, kys "you stupid motherfucker"

is that all you got? point to other accounts like it matters after you advocate censorship? wtf is wrong with votes? Fuck off back to your safespace degenerate

Bar. Started as a drunken hookup. After 3 weekends in a row of drunken fuckfests we finally went on a date. Been together 2.5 years.

National_Anthem ago

You advocate censorship and called me a srs redditor you fucking kike faggot, kys "you stupid motherfucker"

Why aren't you bitching about the censorship on PizzaGate? Could it be that ProtectVoat already took it over?

is that all you got? point to other accounts like it matters after you advocate censorship? wtf is wrong with votes? Fuck off back to your safespace degenerate

You implied I haven't been here long by pointing out this account's date. Don't dodge you silly bitch.

Naught405 ago

that's still true, you have been here a month you reddit account stopped posting 1 month ago pointing another old account doesnt mean anything, and if you respond to this with the old account so what? it has nothing in it and hasn't been active. dont dodge you sill bitch why is censorship better than voting?

National_Anthem ago

my reddit account is suspended you cuck lord.

dont dodge you sill bitch why is censorship better than voting?

It's not censorship, it's rules. Kevdude is vocally in support of pizzagate enforcing every interpretation of their shitty rules, then whines like a hyprocritical bitch when he gets banned for breaking Identitarians rules.

I'm banned from subs from comments outside of their subs. There is censorship everywhere, why are you choosing this hill to die on with Kev?

National_Anthem ago

you are a total fag. Go shill someone else.

Naught405 ago

kys kike go back to faggit

National_Anthem ago

another SBBH faggot banned? Nice, that sub might not be cucks after all :^)

National_Anthem ago

and im oprah winfrey

WakkoWarner ago

Use GIT, it isn't 2005 anymore.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Huh, i said all white men should marry an asian and wasnt banned. LoL

Chempergrill ago

Fuck niggers. Fuck kevdude.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Make a sub, msg me ill join.

No rules, no ego's, no Faggotry

Hayashimo ago

I thought free speech was supposed to be a really big thing on Voat. A large part of why I ended up coming here. Kind of sad to see.

smallpond ago

Free speech on voat just means censoring the people you disagree with... it looks a lot like censorship does everywhere else.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

redpilldessert ago

I mod v/AlternativeRight and will NEVER ban or censor anyone (except if it breaks sitewide rules). Not even far leftists as much as I despise them.

Disallowing slurs to help portray the movement in a more 'respectable' light is an interesting concept, but insta perma bans for naive infractions (if that's what's happening here) is not cool

National_Anthem ago

it happens in every sub that ProtectVoat takes over. you do the math

Grifter42 ago

I'd like for that, as long as the FBI sees the same for your bullshit.

You love to take things out of context, don't you?

That's why your crew deletes their accounts every two or three months.

Dildo_Face ago

Time to cut the chord.

Kal ago

I never know which side to be on in these things. I lean toward fuck kevdude by default though.

Naught405 ago

@ownyouractions has successfully killed v identitarian. what a kike. just can't let anyone have anything nice gotta jew all over it ya fucking kike faggot.

rohenheim ago


JunOS ago

How the fuck is some who's joined voat 18 days ago a mod?

Lppks like collusion. /v/protectvoat

albatrosv13 ago


Country_Boy ago


KikeFree ago

anyone willing to setup an alternative subverse?

It just takes about 30 seconds to fill in the form with IdentitariansFirst, do it yourself.

Identitarians are weak, just go to /v/niggers instead.

Ina_Pickle ago

I just asume everyone is a troll or a shill. Less headache, plus I get to be pleasently surprised when I see a quality post.

Chempergrill ago

At some point someone will set up a subverse for discussion in favor of censorship, but take no moderator action. Egos will crack.

Pawn ago

Should've just banned him for being kevdude, that's reason enough lmao.

Grifter42 ago


Fuck your bullshit, retard.

sept ago

Either you recognize jesus christ as your lord and savior or you get burned at the stake your call

philomath ago

There ya go, hurting people's fee fees again. You'll never learn, will you?

National_Anthem ago

does @PuttItOut see it? can he please confirm for us? Or are we all SaneGoat?

dooob ago

Dat 1 month old acc... Noice

National_Anthem ago

I deleted my original account after receiving too much spam and downvotes from these kikes.

dooob ago

Of course, i blv u Sane

National_Anthem ago

im amalek

dooob ago

You are anti-voat and you apply SRS-like tactics, allegations and no proof is your M.O.

National_Anthem ago

Im anti-jew, anti-SRS, my group is literally called "antisjw". Keep calling everyone with an original thought sanegoat. It seems to be working out great for the return rate of casual users. Feeling pretty empty around here.

dooob ago

You are anti-jew, like the (((KKK))), your group is called antisjw just like "antifa"? Yeah, great argumets. I feel great here, surrounded by like minded people open to discussion and debate, presence of shills, ddos and people like you just further prove we are a thorn in someone's eye.

National_Anthem ago

You are anti-jew, like the (((KKK))), your group is called antisjw just like "antifa"? Yeah, great argumets. I feel great here, surrounded by like minded people open to discussion and debate, presence of shills, ddos and people like you just further prove we are a thorn in someone's eye.

You are making a lot of implications while being a shill yourself. I suppose anyone who disagrees with you is a kike, even though I've made it clear what side of the coin im on.

Go shill somebody else, im eating lunch.

dooob ago

Straight to name-calling, i asked you of proof of the so-called "SRS"? There is more proof that SRS is attacking sbbh than the opposite, altho there is also a possibility that both groups are SRS but i think it isnt true since SBBH is pro-free speech.

National_Anthem ago

There is more proof that SRS is attacking sbbh than the opposite,


dooob ago

Yes, avoid everything and focus on just one point, you dont seem like SRS at all.

The fact that you have to make a new account every now and then is the ultimate proof your bullshit dont work here.

National_Anthem ago

It was because i was brigaded every single time into censorship until put starting banning people for doing that. SBBH/PV/SRS get around that by stickying posts like this and having everyone click from there, which put ignores.

ruck_feddit ago

You new here? We're all sanegoat.

National_Anthem ago


RimeTheBard ago

Jesus Christ what the fuck is going on.

@CatWithDogAttitude can we start hosting Identitarian content on our sub if /v/Identitarian goes down? Temporarily, of course.

CatWithDogAttitude ago

Yes. You are an owner of the sub. You can do anything of course.

National_Anthem ago

haha, what a little faggot. I would pay money to see you try and debate Sar.

He is 100% right. Let's see what happens after your hissy fit.

redpilldessert ago

Honestly we have no proof he was the one who made that comment with a thousand n words. That could easily have been a troll

National_Anthem ago

It's an accurate summation since he has done this exact same thing previously to install ProtectVoat mods into PizzaGate ultimately making it the most censored sub on this entire website.

sept ago


neg_forever ago

lol, oh no Nellie cant have her way,

National_Anthem ago

hahaha. You broke the rules kev, you know, the thing you are so fond of.

idk ago

Can you answer his question instead of trolling please?

What rules did he break?

unrelentless-search ago

Can you answer his question instead of trolling please?

are fucking retarded, he did

National_Anthem ago

he made a new account imitating me and spammed against the rules. The only thing going on here is he wants control of another popular sub, along with his goons.

idk ago

I guess I don't see the proof, nor do I see how this would lead to him controlling the sub.

But I don't really have a pony in the race, so IDGAF.

National_Anthem ago

just watch. This post might have fucked him, when he took over PG, it was easy.

National_Anthem ago

what makes you think you are above subverse rules?

idk ago

Since when did Voat care about or enforce rules? This is news to me.

National_Anthem ago

when it benefits the shills. You been here long enough to know this.

National_Anthem ago

Good, keeping faggots like you out is beneficial to the alt-right

Grifter42 ago

Lol, you cocksuckers banned me from /v/showerthoughts for things I said in /v/whatever.

You are a world class hypocrite, and a confirmed faggot.

National_Anthem ago

Can confirm, i was banned for being a "sanegoat" alt which is total horseshit.

Grifter42 ago

Hey, Tex, don't you know that if you reply to me, it means we're the same person?!

It's not like Gabara, Mick, and Kevdude would ever be in collusion or contact with eachother, noooo.. That would be impossible.

National_Anthem ago

shut up you sane goat alt! REEEEEEEE

Grifter42 ago

Such is life under Putt's regime.

Grifter42 ago

Says the fucking kike that runs SBBH.

You got what was coming to you, and people see through your bullshit.

In before he accuses /v/identitarian of being Sanegoat or Russia.

WhiteRonin ago

Who runs sbBh? Not kevdude.

Lets cover our own tracks by claiming what we are not when in reality we are what we aren't claiming.

Grifter42 ago

Mick, Kevdude, and Expertshitposter all run SBBH together. Fuck your bullshit.

WhiteRonin ago

I am just asking and you already are using abusive language. Why are you intent to insult me?

National_Anthem ago

i bet he did because you are the same faggot who always defends SBBH, considering you are a top poster

WhiteRonin ago

Defends against general statements. Today, actual proof was posted but I did ask what set it off. People just don't target people out of the blue normally.

But in general, I will agree with your claim about me.

Fagget? Lol ... Names calling won't lead to a decent and civil conversation.

As for being a top poster? Sure ... I post images. Lol. Top commentor is a whole different world. I comment through out Voat and almost nothing in SBBH so being part ofnthe cabal is different than you want to paint me as.


I thought that sub was for unabashed white supremacism

OoklaTheMok111 ago

I say let the nigger tranny fucks sub die....fuck 'em

Samsquamch ago

You know there's going to be problems in a subverse when they have more than 10 mods

gramman74 ago

Just don't have all faggots. has more than 10. We do alright

AnmanIndustries ago

I find a lot of true racists in there. I've actually clashed with a few of them today. They seem to have forgotten that the original identitarian movement was to maintain their race, not destroy others.

White_Phillip ago

How do you propose removing other races from your nation?


AnmanIndustries ago

What is wrong with other races? I see things wrong with other peoples cultures, other peoples religious beliefs and most importantly, other peoples personal beliefs. But what is wrong with race?

FOR NOTE. I am NOT supporting the jewish propaganda of race mixing for the sake of removing white people. If a black person genuinely loves a white person and they have the Christian Gods blessing in marriage, then there is nothing wrong with it. But the shit coming out of MSM is unacceptable. You think its to destroy the white race, its actually to destroy every one. It actually creates conflict and causes black americans and white americans to want to kill each other. THAT is the true cause.

White_Phillip ago

You can't protect a race with multiculturalism. We're still competing and collaborating with other races, you're just not paying attention.

AnmanIndustries ago

You can't protect a race with multiculturalism.

Did I say you could?

sept ago

"I find a lot of true racists in there. I've actually clashed with a few of them today. They seem to have forgotten that the original identitarian movement was to maintain their race, not destroy others."

Exactly, nobody cares about your fucking pet niggers, nobody cares if they get genocided or called niggers, precisely

This is about us, not them as you said, so fuck them , FUCK THEM ALL

AnmanIndustries ago

If that is how you feel about other people, then that is how they will feel about you. It is exactly how I feel about you.

sept ago

I don't care about your "other people", that's precisely the problem with whites, they care about "other people", while "other people" absolutely don't give a flying fuck about them, zero fucks

And you're like "ho, but we shouldn't offend other people with racial epithet"

I mean how lame are you ?

AnmanIndustries ago

I don't care about your "other people"

It shows. And as I said, I dont care about you either. But I do care enough about what you are saying, to refute it, because you are a failure, but what you are saying needs to be shot down.

You are mistaking "we shouldnt offend" with

nobody cares if they get genocided

I will offend whoever or whatever i want. If a black person touches my kids, he will die. If a white person touches my kids, he will die. If a black person is hit by a bus and needs help, he will get it. If a white person is hit by a bus and needs help, he will get it.

Your doctrine is calling for pure hate and chaos in society. And that is what the jews want, for us to turn on each other. So, you are doing exactly as a good little consumer should do.

sept ago

Oh but you care about the nigger word lol

get the fuck out nigger

AnmanIndustries ago

... Word nigger? You know, its just not a word we use in Australia. So, I honestly couldnt care. How about cunt? You like that word? You can be a cunt if you like. I dont actually care.

sept ago

How hold are you, seriously

You sound weak like you want to do well

You're 14 ?

AnmanIndustries ago

Didnt I use these arguments on one of your alts recently?

Its hard to tell, all people like you are the same.

sept ago


"Uh... I don't care... I care not.... Muhlennial..."

The consistency of cloud and the energy of a wet leaf

AnmanIndustries ago

Perhaps you should do some more research on your subject.

OwnYourActions ago

Exactly. That's the point. v/identitarian is attempting to stay true to the name. Get White people in touch with their identity. It's ineffective to call people names. It's most effective to advocate for our own and put our energies towards self improvement. There are plenty of other subverses if users want to spend their time hating other races. We can acknowledge and discuss racial differences without racial epithets.

markrod420 ago

Lolololol ur on the wrong site nigger.

National_Anthem ago

why dont you show the same outrage over PizzaGate cancer mods??

markrod420 ago

I havent actually seen them ban anyone. I show outrage over any reddit faggotry i see. But im not an autist. I dont go hunting it down either.

National_Anthem ago

look at their ban log.

glassuser ago

You done fucked up.

sept ago

Who the fuck you think you are to tell us what identitarian is and isn't you fucking piece of shit nigger ?

Resign you fuck

National_Anthem ago

Don't listen to these shills @OwnYourActions. They just want to take over your sub.

Noicem ago

what the fuck are you doing in voat, this website is free speech first. You banning people for saying nigger and kike isn't going to do you any favors, so please do yourself and us all a favor and go back to leddit

National_Anthem ago

why dont you show the same outrage over PizzaGate cancer mods?

Artofchoke ago

Wrong move, bud. Not here.

National_Anthem ago

Yet PizzaGate does the same thing, and look who mods it. Same mod as this sub. That sub is ran exactly like reddit and no one complains because Kevdude already installed his mods there.

Artofchoke ago

I don't know from pizza gate, but one sub being run by a tyrant doesn't justify two. If you want to Power mod, just go to Reddit. Right?

National_Anthem ago

i dont fuck with that sub at all but this is a false witch-hunt. Use discernment.

National_Anthem ago

this sub is used for Vote brigading FYI

ExpertShitposter ago

And your solution is to ban people? Not warn them, not remove a post, but to ban them. Get the fuck out of here you fake ass kike infiltrator. You're not fooling anyone.

National_Anthem ago

i love irony

FireSauce ago

I haven't looked through this all too much but I can see where you're coming from. If you want to make the verse about things that help lift your race up it's fine to moderate the submissions in that way and delete the ones like "well look what the niggers did now!" since it wouldn't fit rules.

But as far as comments in those submissions, no. I've seen posts from that sub on front page just yesterday. The material itself should follow the rules but can't control the way people interact with it.

Grifter42 ago

Listen, you're being baited right now by the leader of Voat's version of SRS, SoapBoxBanHammer.

They want to turn the site against you so they can take over the sub, like they've done to dozens of others.

If you want to see who's attacking you, look at their moderation positions and posts. Most of the people here that are pulling this bullshit are part of SBBH.

OwnYourActions ago

No baiting. It's simple. I've attempted to make v/identitarian a place for a positive White identity and self improvement. Others, largely through years of self-indulgent behavior on the internet, think there are no consequences to actually hating other people. But there are: it wastes your time focusing on other people and eats at your own soul. A smaller group of people are actually subversive and don't want an effective and radically mainstream identitarian movement for our people. I think some of these guys are sincere in there desire for free speech, however there's also a bunch of them who would rather keep voat a dark corner of the internet than allow it to grow.

Mumbleberry ago


redpilldessert ago

I'm a giant advocate for free speech but I think you may be onto something. However I'm heavily against banning people without warning them first, assuming that's what's happening here.

Grifter42 ago

Listen, man. You are being baited, and they're gonna try to get you to play into it.

These people are fucking vicious, and they employ the same tactics as Reddit's SRS and Shareblue teams.

That's what SoapDoxBanHammer is. And they have Putt's de facto approval.

WhiteRonin ago

Which BanHammer are you referring to?

People. Becareful here. Some people have been trying to take over sbBh for a while. They want to take away freedom to shitpost and target pedos.

People will claim SBBH is SIRS. This is a bullshit lie to take over the sub. These very same people also want to take out PuttitOut.

These people are abusing rights given to them by PuttItOut.

Grifter42 ago

I have linked and archived posts of what SBBH tried to do to me. Beatle threatened to flood my inbox with CP, and Mick, head of SBBH, is fine with that cocksucker doing that.

So try and tell me that SBBH isn't SRS.

Go fuck yourself, pal.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok. Fair enough on blaming them. But from my experience in life. I see only 1 side of the story. Also, this was done publically and not private. Makes you wonder how much is just trolling.

So, What did you do that make them Troll you?

Grifter42 ago

What did I do that made them troll me?

Initially, calling them out on their infiltration of a number of subs, the first being /v/FatPeopleHate, which had been turned into an anti-Trump circle jerk.

After that, a flood gate opened. Before all that happened, I thought Voat was for free speech. After that happened though, it was just a cavalcade of people like Beatle threatening to dox me, and after I archived it, and posted it to him, Putt claimed it was nothing.

WhiteRonin ago

I'm glad that this is becoming more civil.

Hmmm, turning fph into anti-trump ... That's other a complete joke or just not their MO.

Beetle ... Well ... Yeah. You must have really pissed him off. Granted saying shit like isn't cool at all but still i am thinking you 2 were going at pretty good.

I have no clue why Putt would say that unless it was just to get children to cool down.

Voat -- free speech? ?? Hmmm yeah it is. People call me a kikin, race traitor and a SRS shill all the time. I have 0% connection redfucks and I am not a kike.

Getting down voted is also common with me.

If you are hoping that Voat would be a safe space ... I would argue against that.

Grifter42 ago

Youve either got your head buried in the sand, or you're a fuckin' shill. Considering the fact you're on (((ProtectVoat))), which is basically the ACLU of Voat...

WhiteRonin ago

U were posting here before I jumped in.

See. You proved my point. I was being civil and trying to meet you on your points.

But you decided to go full retard and become abusive. Thus it makes sense why you got targed -- you weren't being decent but rather you were being an ass.

Thanks for proving yourself to us.

Grifter42 ago

You're 215 comments deep in SoapBoxBanHammer.

If I had realized that in the first point, I would have just pointed that out in the first place.

That sub is fuckin' cancer, and it only exists to manufacture an artificial consensus on certain topics, and to keep anyone from questioning the status quo of the site.

The mods are all nepotistic as hell with Putt, and Putt lets them act like SRS did in Reddit.

So when I say that Putt is basically a low rent Spez, and that you people are nothing but a bunch of goons and useful idiots, I know this through interactions with both. You both use the same tactics, and the same harassment campaigns.

You spoof accounts and post fucked up shit to try and smear people, and when your people are called out it, like Beatlejuice, they delete their accounts and start new ones. You know, just for shits and giggles, I tried to see if there was any sort of protection against spoofing, and went and saw that for Putt's account, there are. Even for extremely creative ones, there's very strong anti-spoofing protection.

But only on his account. See, it recognizes when someone tries to replace an i with a lowercase L. But that same anti-spoofing protection doesn't apply to normal users...

I wonder why? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that your band of brigaders likes to abuse that. Putt wouldn't want a taste of his own medicine.

But then again, Putt's always been a "Rules for thee and not for Me" sort of leader, and it's obvious to anyone with a brain that he, Mick, and Kevdude are SRS leftists larping as conservatives.

WhiteRonin ago

Post counts don't matter.

Posting in a sub shouldn't effect a conversation.

I don't do what you claim. But you might have used "you" in a general sense.

What does spoofing gave to do with this conversation?

AnmanIndustries ago

Then what on earth are you modding? My lowest all time comment is this:

IIf you see a nigger lay its hands on a white, beat the everloving shit out of it. submitted by Granzt to Identitarian

AnmanIndustries -12 points (+1|-13) 4 months ago

So what do you do when a white man lays hands on a white man?

And I see this sort of thing on a regular basis. I have no idea what kevdude is going on about, but that sub is full of the very thing you say you do not think its about.

Here is my third all time lowest comment:

In reference to black people being everywhere

No matter how friendly they are, no matter how they act around you. Black people hate you. Dont ever forget that. submitted by bourbonexpert to Identitarian

AnmanIndustries -8 points (+0|-8) 4 hours ago

So... According to you, chicago is america. Thanks for your wisdom.


literallyoprah ago

@kevdude is a jew faggot, ignore her whining.

Grifter42 ago


Kike's just trying to take over /v/Identitarian.

Derpfroot ago

That modlog in there is pretty extensive. Not cool, man. Not cool.

National_Anthem ago

you should check out /v/PizzaGate, which was taken over in this exact fashion when kevdude cried about alt accounts posting nonsense there (pro-tip, he was those alt accounts)

This is a power grab, /v/Identitarian is not controlled by SBBH/SRS and kevdude seeks to change that.

Rotteuxx ago

The use of racial epithets and other self-indulgent extremist actions isolates those of us who want to advance our people into ideological ghettos.

Am I reading this right ?

... those of us who want to advance our people into ideological ghettos.

So he's saying he wants /v/identitarian to be an echo chamber ? To try and make people think like he thinks or else ?

What the actual fuck @ownyouractions ?

Warmoose76 ago

@ownyouractions is a tranny

Warmoose76 ago

@ownyourownactions is obviously a tranny

goatfuckit ago

I was too except for foul language and spam in a single comment. Mod is a speech hating sissy

buschofgarbage ago

a speech hating pussy faggot nigger kike cunt*

retprob ago

If you find out let us know. Sounds interesting.

retprob ago

My popcorn is ready. What did you subvert?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

The rules specifically say "Don't say the N word" so kevdude (a mod of /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, i.e. SRS on Voat) posted the N word a million times and tried to incite the users against the mods so SRS can take over the sub. SRS loves to masquerade as nazis and use the N word despite all being Leftists), that way they can establish a false equivalence between the Right and Nazism. Now that his transparent attempt to take over the sub has failed, he's spamming everywhere that the /v/Identitarian mods are SRS and need to be removed just because their sub has rules designed to improve the brand image of the alt-Right.

ExpertShitposter ago

Get a load of the subversive SarMegaKike. First you talk your Le SRS shit, then you lie about it being against the rules to say nigger, then you lie about kev saying it a lot, then. You link to the one communist that was ever a prominent member of SdBH and claim its all of SBBH.

Typical kike liar.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago


109 submissions to OrthodoxJudaism

No shit, this guy is a Jew. No wonder why he's all about the alt-kike.

false equivalence between the Right and Nazism

Lol. "Silly goyim, your beliefs are limited to what's good for the Jews!" Fuck off with that bullshit faggot. Go cry about your holohoax or something.

National_Anthem ago

He isn't a kike, look at his posts you low IQ nigger

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Of course I looked at his posts. Here's one of them about "Israel's own version of the Alt-Right:"

National_Anthem ago

Maybe talk to him instead of me, because taking things out of context makes you look like CNN.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

defending a jew

smearing statements of fact as "looking like CNN"

Oh so you're also a jew. Got it.

National_Anthem ago

The dude redpills more about jews than anyone ive seen on Voat

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I seriously doubt that.

National_Anthem ago

try him then.

neg_forever ago

lol, oh no Nellie cant have her way

notyouraveragellama ago

People who legitimately believe either SDBH or SBBH are completely delusional.

National_Anthem ago

based on what, shill?

Mortivore ago

"Brand Image" that's cute. You guys want to make right wing views more palatable? OR maybe you think you can hijack those dumb enough to acquiesce to your strangely familiar word policing. Either way, NIGGER, why don't you baby dick suckers fuck off back to reddit.

National_Anthem ago

nice sleeper account, shill.

Mortivore ago

I'm honored, but this is my only account, faggot

National_Anthem ago

There are forces working daily to subvert conservatism, kevdude is one of those small forces. He did this exact same thing when PizzaGate had free speech, then installed his /v/ProtectVoat mod there and now the sub is a word-prison and shit gets removed constantly. It is identical to reddit. They seek control over all narratives. Nothing is sacred.

Rotteuxx ago

Take over the sub ? SRS ?

Is that you buddy ol'boy ?

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look:

It's that Rotteuxx faggot again.

Fuckin' piece of shit leftist larper.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh look, i am not Myg1488, i am a Vietnam vet!

What a faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm too crazy for my alts

Too crazy for my alts

So crazy it hurts

And I'm too crazy for alts

Too crazy for alts

This alt, and that alt

I'm too crazy for your butt

Too sexy for your butt

No way I'm not a tranny

Le_Squish ago

Came for drama, got lulz. Thanks, brah.

Rotteuxx ago

If you can't beat 'em, might as well laugh at them.

SuperShilly ago

Oy vey only kikes are lawfully allowed to subvert.