markrod420 ago

You mean we cant call a spade a spade anymore? No more calling niggers niggers you say? Well, count me out then. Off to a new sub because some nigger is ruining this one.

EggsnBakey ago

It seems this user has left history unread.

anthonylancer ago

This and occidental enclave are compromised. Voat is basically an identitarian/occidental enclave all on its own though

anthonylancer ago

This sub is owned by someone who doesn't even believe in kikes

Rellik88 ago

So as a rule abiding member of this subverse. I want to make sure I dont break any rules. So are these racial epitaphs?

925 AA Abeed Ace Of Spades African African't Africoon Afro Americoon Angus Antique Farm Equipment Ape Apple Arf Ashy Aunt Jemima Baboomba Baboon Baluba Baluga Banjo Lips Bantu BAP BBK BDN Bear Bebe's Kids Beggar Bergie BET BFI Billy Reuben Bingo-Bongo Biscuit Lip Bix Nood Black Barbie Black Magic Black Time Blackie Blacky Chan Bleck Blockbuster Blood Blow BLT Blue Gums BMW Bo-Bo Bobblehead Boffer/Boofer Bomb Bonky Boogat Boogie Boon Bootlip Bounty Bar Bourbon Boy Bozak Branch Manager Brillo Pad Bro Brother Brown Trumpet Brownie Bubb Rubb Bubba Bubbles Buck/Buck Nigger Buckwheat Buffalo Soldier Bumper Lips Bun Buppie Burnt Cracker Burnt Match Burnt Toast Burr Head Bush-Boogie Butter C-15 Caffre Calpurnia Camel Lips Canadian Candy Man Canigger Cargo Carl Winslow Carlton (Banks) Casabooboo Cast Iron Chad Chain Dragger Chalky Chango Charcoal Briquette Chernozhopyi Cheshire Cat Chicago Navajo Chicken Bandit Chiquita Choco Chocolate Drop Chocolate-Covered Marshmallow Chombo CHUD Clicky Cliff Ape Clocker Clyde Coal-Miner Cocoa Cocoa Puff Cocolo Coconut Cocoon Cold Drink Colin Colonel's Kids Colored Coltrane Congo Congo Lip Conky Conquistador Convict Cookie Coon Coonadian Cooner Coontang Cordon Cornbread Cornelius Cosby Cotton Ball Cotton-Picker Craw Crayola Cream Of Wheat Cricket Crime Crimestopper Criminal Factory Crioulo Crispy Crow Cubs Cuff Curb-Biter Czarnuch D.F.N. DAN Darkie Darkness Dawg Defendant Democrats Destro Deuce Ding Dong Dinge Do-Da Donkey Kong Dootie Dorito Double A Double Dip Doujin DWB Egglet Eggot Eggplant Egot Egoy Eight Ball Elevator Operator Eraser Head Es-obe Extra Crispy Fahim Fakey Jamaikey Fat Albert Feargal Feb Field Nigger FILA Floppy Foedy Franklin Frasier FroBro Frostbite FUBU Future Inmate G/Gee Gar Gatorbait GED Geechee Ghetto Ghetto Hamster Ghetto Monkey Ghost Rider Gimpy Glocky Golliwog Gor Gorilla Grapico Greaser Gro Groid Gronesha GTA Guttermonkey Hagwei/Hayquay Hakui Half-Human Hambone Harlem Haunt Hendrix High Yellow HNIC Ho Baas Ho De Doz Holy Shit Homey/Homie Hoopty Hootie Horse-Gums Hotel Hotnot House Nigger Huey Hutch Huxtable I P's Inky J.J. Jackamammy Jackpot Jambo Jar Jar Jellybean Jerry Curl Jersey-Dweller Jet Jiffy Pop Jig Jig And A Pig Jigaboo Jigga Jim Jim Crow Jr. Mint Juba July Ham June Bug Jungle Bunny Justin Igger Kaffer/ir Kaffir Kala KFC Kingfish Kirby Kizzy Knees Grow Knuckle-Dragger Kobe Koku-jin Koolaid Kooshi Kunta (Kinte) Kurochan Kurombo Kushi Lando Latifah Lawn Jockey Leprecoon Leroy LeRoy Rogers Levar Lincoln's Mistake Little (Black) Sambo Liver Lips Liverlips Lucius Lugz Ma Se Poes Magila Gorilla Mammy Mandingo Mandinka Mangro-Monkey Maroon MARTA Mavro/Mav Mayate McNigga Mechanical Melanzana Mellanoid Melon Johnny Meshky Mi Dang Midnight Milk Dud Milkman Mishwa Miss Cleo Missippi Tree Emblem Mississippi Blue Lip Miyate MLK Mo And Yo Moanback Monday Monkey Monkeyboy Mono Montu Mooliachi Moolie Moolignon Moon Cricket Mottisa Mow-Mow Mr. Big Mr. Bojangles Muckadoo Mud Duck Mud Flaps Mud People Mud Turtle Mufasa Muffin-head Mulunyan Munt N'er Naca NAGA Nagur NAHA Nanner NAPA Nappy Head Nappy-headed Ho Neekeri/Nekru Negative Negress Negro Negroid Nelly NFT Ni-ni Niche Nig-nog Niggabyte Niggapotomous Nigger Nigger mortis Niggerachi Niggerette Niggerino Niggeroid Nigglet Nightcrawler Niglige Nigloo Nignorant Nigonometry Nigra Nigress Niknok Nineteens (19's) Ninja Nitch Nog NOLA Nonswimmer Nooc November Nubian Princess Number 2 Nurple O.J. O.T.W. Oar Tuggers OBG Oil Slick Old Brown Tucker Omarosa Orb Oreo Orlando Othello P.O.A. Palta Papolo Patio Primate Pez Dispenser Pickaninny Pine Sol Pine Tree Ornament Pineapple Pink-Heel Pit Platneus Plow Jockey POC Point-Six (.6) Pontiac Poo Pookie Popolo Porch Monkey Prapper Pretzel Prieto Primate Property Pube Head Pubie Puddle Duck Pusher-Man Quashee Ragoona Raisinhead Re-nigg Redbone Reggie Reggin Reggina Remote Control Roach Rock Rockfish Roid Rope-Head Rope-Straightener Royal Hawaiian Rufus Runs, The Safe Sailor Sambo San Sanford Satchmo Scat Schwartza Schwarzenigger Schwarzie Schwoogie Semi-Simian Shade Shadow Shadow-Smurf Shaft Shaka Zulu Shine/Shiner Shipping Cargo Shit-Slinger Shitheel Shitskin Shoe Shiner Shuffalong Shvartz Shvatsa Shvooga Silverback Silvery Simian Sir Mix A Lot Six Sixer Skillet Skinflint Slave Slave Ships Sleestack Slide Smigger Smoke Smoked Irish Smokefoot Smokestack Smokey Sneakers Snigger Snipes Snob Snowflake Son Sooty Soul Food Southern Windchime Spabook Spade Spear-Chucker Splib Spliv Spoda Sponge Head Spook Spoon Spoonbill Spota Stacks Stepn Fetchit Stovelid Stovepipe Strange Fruit Strap Hangers Street Cheetah Sub-Human Suntan Suspect Swamp Donkey Swamp-Runner Swamper Sway Sweaty Sweetback Swinger Tagger Tar Baby Ted Stevens Terrence The Element The Missing Link Thick Lips Thief Thing-a-manigger Thirty-Six-Thirty (36-30) Three-Fifth (3/5) Thumper Tibbs Tifuti Tigger Tizzun Toad Toby Toilet Swimmer Token Tokenbump Tom Robinson Tootsie Rolls Tounge-Clicker Tree Hockey Tree Ornament Tree-Jumper Tree-Swinger Trigger Tripod Tutsoon/Tootsoon Tycoon Tyrone Tyvek Ubangi Uncle Ben Uncle Tom Unemployus Africanus Urkel Vacuum Cleaner Vanilla Coke Vanilla Gorilla Velcro-head Vinny Del Voodoo Water Buffalo Watermelon Wayans Webe Welfare Monkey Welfare Mother Whale Turd Whipping Post White Wall Whose My Daddy? Wikki Wikki Windchimes Wog Wookie Wool Head Yam Yard Ape YBM Yen Yo Yo Yom Yombo Yont'an Saram You People Ze Goggles Zigaboo Zip Coon Zoo Ape Zoot Zulu Willy B. TNB Anchor Baby Blue collar BMW Border Bandit Bracero Brown Tractor Canned Labor Carnie Chalupa Cheech Chili Choker Cholo Chuco Chunt Clown-Car Corn DampBack Dirty Sanchez Fence Fairy Fence-Hopper Fesskin Field Rat FOB FOF Four Footer Gordita Grasshopper Greaser Jumping Bean Killer Bee Landscaper Lawnmower Lubricano Manuel Labor Mexcrement Mexi-Ho's Mexican't Migger Miguel Mo Modern Farm Equipment Mudslide Olympican Pachuco Pool-digger Potato River Nigger Roach Roadblock Scrap Soak Spicaninny Spicet Fence Spread Taco Jockey Tex-mex Texican Tire-Hugger Tonk Triathlete Vato Wadie Wetback Wetvac 10% Off 539 AMF Bagel-Dog Bar Code Beanie Beastie Boy Bible-Shortener Big Nose Bones Brew Bronx Indian Bun Burger Campers Canadian Goose Cashew Christ Killer Circle-K Cliptip Crikey Dead Sea Pedestrian Dial Dreidl Easy-Bake Nigger Falasha Firewood Four By Two Gargamel Gatemaster German Candle German Oven Mitt Gew Gingerbread Man Goldberg Goldie Half-Dick Hanah Hebe/Heeb Hebro Hickory-Smoked Himey Hooknose Horvitz Hot Pocket Hymie Ikey-Mo Interesting Isaac JAP Jesus Killer Jew Jew Jew Bee Jew Yorker Jew-Bag Jewbacca Jewbling Jewbrew Jewbu Jewess Jewgaboo Jewlet Jewmaican Jewpac Jewpidity JUBU Kike Kosher Konsumer Koshie Lamp Shade Matza-Gobbler Matzah Mockey Morta Cristo Moses Mosquito Nickel Nose Oven Magnet Oven-Baked Oven-Dweller Palm Beacher Penny Chaser Penny-Pincher Pinocchio Pizza Popular Science Porky Red Sea Pedestrian Scooby Doo Seinfeld Self-Chosen Sheeny Sheister Shnozzle Shonnicker Shylock Six Point(er) Six-nose Snipcock Snow Bird Snowflake Special Meal Stein Toucan Sam Wandering Jew Wej Yahoodi Yenta Yid Yid/Yid-Lid Yiddiot Yitze Yom Zhid Zhidan Zionist Zog

Want to make sure I comply with the reddit tier rules you have for us plebs.

Thanks o' mighty mods, may peace be upon you.

National_Anthem ago

Crensch is though. And for all we know you could be using an Alt to mod there since you already got your cabal in place.

ExpertShitposter ago

@OwnYourActions are you a kike that infiltrated voat you peace of nigger shit?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Do more of that.

totes_magotes ago

Fuck censorship in all forms. Over-regulating subs with rules on top of rules on top of rules is the way of reddit. Fuck that reddit-fag.

National_Anthem ago

I talked with people you and cresnch have banned over nothing. You are rule fags just like reddit admins. No one buys your lies, you lie every day on this website.

National_Anthem ago

The entire history of the sidebar rules is stickied.

I dont even have to look at it to know what happened. You and Crensch and some SBBH fags probably spammed the fuck out of it with alts and the conveniently provide your service to step in and control the sub.

I didn't create shit. The history of the rules is here:

See above.

National_Anthem ago

community backed


You know this but you pretend that you don't because your goal is to subvert this platform.

My goal is truth above all else, and you are a confirmed lying cuck. Show me one subverse on this site that enforces as many rules as PG, for reasons you created in the first place.

National_Anthem ago

Why dont you stand up to PG cancer mods? Oh, that's right. They are your mods in ProtectVoat.

National_Anthem ago

You mean identitarian is controlled opposition? you don't say, kev. Shocking

Lag-wagon ago

Of course....

ruck_feddit ago

How the fuck does a faggot who's here for 18 days get to mod the sub?

NationaI_Anthern ago

Is niggerjew two racial epithets, or one? Technically it's one thing, and so a noun in its own right. Chink gook would be two, yet only racist against one race.

This rule is ambiguous. I'm confused about my sexuality but also this rule

ExpertShitposter ago

Thank you for your comment national enthem.

middle_path ago

Are you implying we can de-mod people here?

hangry ago

Bad words? FOR FUCKS SAKE, what is this, kindergarten?

Whore_Whore ago

You first nigger. Srs is never leaving voat though are you?

sept ago

Tough shit nigger now btfo

NationaI_Anthern ago









































MightyYetNotaGentile ago

Taking bets- how long before this comment is removed?

National_Anthem ago

Oh look, more SRS kikes impersonating me.

MightyYetNotaGentile ago

How am I impersonating you?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

A better question is why are you impersonating me

MightyYetGentle1489 ago


MightyYetNotaGentile ago

Your impersonating me

NationaI_Anthern ago

That depends on how much niggerkike cock @OwnYourActions sucks

MightyYetNotaGentile ago

@NationaI_Anthern do you have yellow fever still from your college experience or do you mix it up now?

Whore_Whore ago

You are cancer you brigading cunt.

Whore_Whore ago

Supersmart @kevdude! The site is noticibly dying but you want to continue to engage in witch hunts. Damn you are good for voat.

super_jackoff_style ago

Kikes just don't understand free speech. They can't and won't understand it. They've however do understand a boot to the head. You can't reason with them, they have to be suppressed and put somewhere they can't do any harm.

bourbonexpert ago

that sounds like some faggot nigger kike shit right there.

WD_Pelley ago

Nah, it's probably the kike-gypsy spics up to their usual faggotry.

bourbonexpert ago

i honestly didnt know there was one. im certian ive used several offense words, never noticed

Lag-wagon ago

I don't give a shit. If bad words hurt your feefees then you are on the wrong site.

Naught405 ago

Oh, it's probably because @ownyouractions is a kike

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Member for: 18 days

How does one remove this negro?

ExpertShitposter ago

That negro is an (o)mod therefore obviously an alt of ether @VoatForFreeSpeech or @MariusFrank

They are the only ones that could have given him the (o) so one of them is the infiltrating kike and is using the alt to avoid the flame for being a kike in action. You faggots cant pull this shit without being ousted for what you are kike maggot.

@Trigglypuff @kevdude @crensch

superspathi ago

racial epitaph

Roses are red violets are blue this niggers dead whoop de fucking do

JewGoat ago

I think that if you begin to censor speech, then the next step is to censor ideas.
