redditsuckz ago

Did this thread get shadowbanned on the v/protectvoat "Hot" section?

Pizzagate mods are pedophiles in damage control and stem from an outside group.

I noticed a thread looked like it got shadowbanned on v/pizzagateuncensored as well a few weeks ago even tho there were no moderators.

Meaning there was no reason for the thread to disappear from the "hot" section. So is someone fucking with the code?

protectdeeznuts ago

When you upvote brigade your own post and have to ping in people to agree with you. :(

JesusOfNazareth ago

I didn't upvote this thread. You don't know my posting behavior at all. I pinged them in most of my posts, and it's not to look for agreement or upvotes.

protectdeeznuts ago


7918611? ago

A saboteur making a case against moderators. Rich!

JesusOfNazareth ago

You're a pedophile.

Conduct a fucking poll. How is a poll me making a case against the mods?

Get fucked with a rake.

7923224? ago

Take your meds and try again.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Don't tell me what to do, bitch pedophile.

7923528? ago

If I was, I'd fuck you instead of just laughing at you. If you had any coherent arguments, you write them. Instead, you puke up retardation. You and OP are a good match. Two huge idiots.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Hurr durr bitch pedo. Can't say shit to a poll. Kill yourself.

7923608? ago

Another senseless post.

You'd use your alts in a poll, like you used them to upvote this idiotic post. We need moderators, because we got retards like you.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Kill yourself.

7923916? ago

Back from rotating through your alts, you pathetic pedophile? Start your own pizzagate sub, I bet it will be successful (it wont).

JesusOfNazareth2 ago

Why aren't you dead yet, pedophile?

7924026? ago

Why haven't you started your sub yet, pedophile? You and all your alts could be in there telling each other to kill yourselves.

JesusOfNazareth2 ago

Because, as already stated, the default sub is the only one people go to, which is why you and your pedophile cohorts shouldn't be allowed to censor whatever they want there. Way to think that I'm the only one on pizzagate, the only one who has beef with the mods, the only one who upvoted this thread, and the only one who would vote in the poll. Kill yourself now, pedophile.

7924075? ago

Haha, the pedo thinks it has support.

JesusOfNazareth2 ago

You're the pedo. Die already.

7924109? ago

...the pedo said, using it's third alt in one post.

JesusOfNazareth2 ago

Die, pedo, die.

7924129? ago

Gee, sure is a mystery why subs delete you, huh pedo?

JesusOfNazareth2 ago

Maybe if you keep counting alts you'll stop being a pedo. Oh no wait that won't work because you're incurable. Kill yourself.

Like I'm the only one your pedophile ilk are deleting.

Kill yourself.

Bojangles ago

Hear, hear!

HarveyKlinger ago

I'm one of "them" and I would have to disagree. Without mods the shit posters would be flooding the sub with garbage posts (like MOD insert_name_here IS A SHILL!!!!!11!!!!!). That happens now but the crap gets deleted. I can't think of how many times I've gone into a thread and asked the question "What does this have to do with pizzagate?" And I ONLY did that when the posts were anything BUT related to pizzagate. I stopped frequenting the sub because I think there is way too many shit posts now. I can't imagine how bad it would be without mods keeping it clean.

I get what you're saying and I've been vocal about a few posts that got deleted for what I consider petty reasons, but the mods have a tough job and are doing what they think is best. If anybody sees a specific mod that seems to be trying to derail or kill the sub, report it and make it known in /pizzagatewhatever and /protectvoat and we'll get it taken care of.

redditsuckz ago

Without mods the shit posters would be flooding the sub with garbage posts

And how do you not know that its the mods that are the ones with multiple accounts shitposting?...Then they would make themselves look good by deleting their own shitposting threads and leave the garbage up and THEY DO have multiple accounts...

One pizzagate mod was caught upvoting himself 32 times from his own computer...

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

the mods have a tough job

Too bad, they should all quit...

are doing what they think is best.

They are doing their best serving their elite masters by hindering investigations left and right.

HarveyKlinger ago

How do any of us know that the few people trying to get rid of mods aren't the shit posters? Nothing would make their job easier than getting rid of the few people with the power to keep them in check. In fact, I assume that everybody trying to get rid of a mod is doing so for that purpose.

One pizzagate mod was caught upvoting himself 32 times from his own computer...

Oh, you mean on that site that has nothing to do with this one? Anything to do with Reddit is irrelevant in this discussion. The pieces of shit from that site have no relevance here. Are you certain that the mods here have the same permissions as over there? Are they the same people?

Look, I'm not a mod (nor a shill). I'm just trying to be rational here. Mods are a necessity, especially in controversial subs. There's WAY too much shitposting (some for the sake of trolling and some because many people are idiots, despite their good intentions). PERSONALLY, I'd probably delete far more threads than what the mods do now because I get sick of seeing the exact same content posted over and over as new threads because the mope posting it didn't bother to search and they somehow think they were the first ones to discover that youtube video from 5 months ago. I'm all for free speech and I'd probably lobby to change or ease the rules a bit, but trash needs to be taken out and shit needs to be flushed immediately before the whole place starts to stink.

Saying that u/down voats self-manages the sub is a pipe dream and quite frankly screws me personally. I ONLY browse subs by NEW sort order so if some lunkhead shitposts a couple dozen in a row, I would have to wade through pages of garbage to find legitimate content. Fuck that. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

So tell me, how do we know that the people requesting to eliminate the mods aren't Reddit trolls looking to destroy the sub?

redditsuckz ago

Oh, you mean on that site that has nothing to do with this one? Anything to do with Reddit is irrelevant in this discussion.

I think you will have to look a little closer at the links again...The mods from reddit migrated to v/pizzagate including the one with all the alternate accounts so he is still a mod on v/pizzagate with a bunch of his alts. The mods on reddit told everyone to migrate to v/pizzagate before reddit ceo spez deleted the sub on reddit because they completely controlled it.

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

So tell me, how do we know that the people requesting to eliminate the mods aren't Reddit trolls looking to destroy the sub?

You dont...but we seen how these mods work on v/pizzagate and how these same mods worked on r/pizzagate before it was deleted and they suck. So its time for a change. It likely wont happen but it should.

HarveyKlinger ago

Do you realize since I wrote that last comment that no less than THREE posts have been posted (and deleted) in /Pizzagate calling the mods shills? All have the exact same title but posted from three different accounts. Without mods, that shit will get worse.

That being said, I'm all for dumping mods who have proven themselves to be worthless cunts like pizzathrowaway777 appears to have been on Reddit. Thanks for the mod comparison, I honestly didn't know. And I swear I'm not trying to be a confrontational prick. So if I'm reading it correctly, kingkongwaswrong is the supermod with the power to remove mod permissions, correct? I don't know him any more than I know you but I have had a couple back and forths with him and he seems legit. He's the ticket to getting rid of the shill mods, which is in his best interest as well. If he doesn't, the sub will die and the users will migrate to a different one.

redditsuckz ago

Do you realize since I wrote that last comment that no less than THREE posts have been posted (and deleted) in /Pizzagate calling the mods shills? All have the exact same title but posted from three different accounts. Without mods, that shit will get worse.

Like I said before it could be the mods doing it to look legit.

he seems legit

kingkongwaswrong added rogue mod numbchuck who if he wasnt caught by kevdude in time would have done even greater damage to the sub;

Here is mod numbchuck going rogue;

All mods that kingkongwaswrong added should be removed immediately and all mods that were added from the mods he added should also be removed and his "owner" privileges revoked.

HarveyKlinger ago

Hmmm... shit. I take back just about everything I said. I still think we need mods to clear out the shitposts regularly but I no longer have any faith in the mods we currently have. Sadly, I'm not aware of any way to remove all of them other than just saying fuck this sub and start or move to another one. I naively thought the mods here had the best intentions and now I have no clue why they are mods or even contributors to /pizzagate. None.

I don't think there's much chance to eliminating the current mods but if you have a plan to do it, you've got my support.

antiracist ago

Let the community decide with downvotes.

No one reads the other pizzagate subs. No one reads the removed submissions log. Just get rid of the mods.

Make v/pizzagatemoderated. The default one shouldn't be.

HarveyKlinger ago

All it takes is a page or two of shit posts and the sub will die. If I may ask, what is the reason you want to get rid of mods? Since there are a lot of users and it's only a tiny percentage that has a problem with mods, I'm curious. Do you frequently have posts deleted? If so, what is the reason?

antiracist ago

The point of the poll is to determine how many people have a problem with mods. I've had stuff deleted. They say some rule number. I've seen lots of interesting stuff in the removed submissions log. I've seen a lot of people complaining. I've seen submissions with dozens of upvotes getting deleted.

Look at this shit. 45 upvotes, 4 downvotes, deleted.

Like the mods know what's better for the community than the community does. Fuck that noise. If that's the case, I should be made a v/niggers mod again so I could delete everything despite community outcry.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh @puttitout

HarveyKlinger ago

I'm still not happy the AMA got deleted and agree that some posts probably shouldn't have been deleted but without mods, the shit posters win. The pro-reddit faggots and others hell bent on killing this investigation will have a field day and just shit post endlessly. How would we keep that in check without mods?

antiracist ago

Downvotes. And you can have a moderated sub, just not the main one.

Cuckbot ago

Then convince the users to go to the unmoderated sub and it becomes the main one.