Gothamgirl ago

Let me know what your thinking when you decide.

Gothamgirl ago

I wonder why? I recognized whose alt that was fairly quickly.


shes got more balls than you basement dweller


Gothamgirl ago

Go for it feta.

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't cheese wizard.

Vrblpollushin ago

Aren't you zyklon_b? I am convinced that there are 5 people with a hundred alts that post on voat. And a couple thousand everyday people here.

Crensch ago

Another example of you stalking my comments and submissions and talking to ME first.


Gothamgirl ago

Nope I saw it on All/New -psycho 🤯

If zyklon is guilty so is Lapdog.


Crensch ago

Everyone knows her one time of saying that was a reaction to his constantly threatening her and her kids.

You don't care because you're a fat guntpiggy that still loves a pedophile because it's not against your (lack of) morals to do so.

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting so 1 time it doesn't count, zyklons few comments do, what about your dozens of necrophiliac, and kid killer

posts, and comments?

I will always try to protect zyklon, after all he was being a hero for me in the first place. Words don't mean anything without action. Didn't the police tell Srayzie that when she reported it? Oh that's right she didn't!

You are the laughing stock of Voat Sancho.

Crensch ago

dozens of necrophiliac

Prove this, you lying, fat, pedo-loving skank.

Gothamgirl ago

Easy go to Voat search, type in anencephaly (which you know you have made plenty of posts about) and read all you have said my deceased infant daughter, you are deranged and obsessed.

Pedo loving would be you, your hanging onto a pedo mod who isn't even here anymore. I quit BTA...

I am not really fat, and not a skank, but I am kinda drunk, and I am just freaking awesome.

Crensch ago

Define "necrophiliac".

Search all you like to find anything resembling me thinking about your abortion in a sexual way, unlike the pedophile love of your life.


Gothamgirl ago

It says:

  1. an erotic attraction to corpses.

Which you display, with your numerous obbsessive rants, and you even brought up Viagra once, sicko, and you don't even have an all is satire disclaimer.

What happened to that $3500 Srayzie offered zyklon to take down Qrv?

Crensch ago

So you have nothing?


Gothamgirl ago

You are nothing.


Crensch ago

Proof - none of you have any.

Gothamgirl ago

Should zyklon sue her to get the money she owes?

You dodge more questions then President Bush ducked shoes.

Crensch ago

No proof.


Fat cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Well those were his words, are trying to say they are meaningless only in this situation?

or can his "All is satire" bio statement be applied here? I confused on when it is allowed by you, why so equitable?

You can't have it both ways slimeball

Dirty kike.

Crensch ago

When dealing with a liar, anything that isn't negative about themselves is probably a lie. Anything negative about themselves is a Freudian slip or some attempt at telling a bit of truth with their lies.

So, he's a leftist, race-traitor pedophile. And his accusations towards others is laughable and easily dismissed.

Gothamgirl ago

When dealing with a liar ( as per you-zyklon) Crensch uses the words he got from the liar, to his advantage to degrade another. Only then the lies being told, don't matter, and hold value. You see how that works? You are a joke, and extremely biased.

Crensch ago

Your whole life is a joke. You love a pedophile meth head.

Gothamgirl ago

My life is glorious though.

You love someone else's drunking meth pill popping whore 🤣 who are you to talk?

He wasn't on meth when I knew him, and is not NOT A PEDO, plus we broke up a really long time ago.

Maybe it's time for you to move on. It's seems like you're the one in love with him now.

Crensch ago

He's a pedo, and you're not over him because you keep defending him.

He posted constantly about raping children.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch you are not over him, I am just fine. My life is golden ♥️

I asked you to show me where these posts were quite a few times. The posts I did see were disturbing, I stopped looking, and it contributed our break up. No matter what he stated I knew him in REAL life, and he would never hurt a child, it was a really awful angle and tactic used for trolling.

Nobody would he even remember him probably, if you didn't constantly bring him up.

Crensch ago

You and the pedophile support group shitposters constantly defend him and prop him up as some kind of good guy.

The lot of you think a pedophile is a good guy.

Gothamgirl ago

I could say the same for your words and feelings about shitzy.

I don't think he is a good guy, however I don't think he is a bad one either. He is as imperfect as the rest of us. He makes more bad choices then then rest of us true. I am a pretty fair person Crensch.

Just curious because of the rabbits and one of their names, were you a victim?

Crensch ago

He's a pedophile. And you're just like a nigger family talking about how he a good boi.

He's also a leftist. I proved that in my submission. He's also not a white nationalist, he has a half nigger child.

You defend a pedophile. Just like the rest of the pedophile support group.

Gothamgirl ago

Nigger family? I don't even live in the vicinity of one.

He his not a leftist but does like free shit. He is white and he has SS tattoos. His child is not a nigger and she is a beautiful and well educated.

You are a disgusting heap of shit and miserable one at that. Your making yourself look crazy and soon Boone will listen to you because you are an extremist and you act like a chameleon kike.

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Crensch ago

And he admitted she was a half nigger.

Gothamgirl ago

She isn't.

Crensch ago

He talks about his daughter that way and you defend him.

Gothamgirl ago

No I am not defending anything he says about his daughter, I telling you she isn't half nigger.

Crensch ago

And I'm telling you that I don't believe you, nor do I really care what you think.

Either his daughter is a half nigger and he's a race traitor, or he talks that way about his daughter. Either way, that makes him a sick fuck that ruins his offspring.

Gothamgirl ago

His kids mother isn't black she is a Filipino the worst type of Asian.

He is a race traitor, so am I, and so is Srayzie. So is most of America. Our ancestors shouldn't have let them in.

We had our children young, dumb we were brainwashed to do so. Me personally will never date outside of my race again.

Srayzie is still being a race traitor right now, but crickets from Crensch right?

Do you think she is a sick fuck who ruined her off spring to? Honestly out of the 3 of us, her husband is the closest to being black. Do you call her kids half niggers? Did you ever tell her you want to kill them?

Have you ever considered maybe that's the reason she is no longer talking to you?

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Crensch ago

He is a race traitor, so am I

Good to know.

Srayzie is still being a race traitor right now

You and he pretend to be white nationalists that get to have a say or look down on others while being race traitors.

You're liars and hypocrites, and he's a pedophile.

Have you ever considered maybe that's the reason she is no longer talking to you?

The one who's in love with her and wanted her squirt videos is @DanglingGoatBalls (@ESOTERICshade).

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Gothamgirl ago

I don't pretend anything. YOU DO! #WWG1WGA

I am not a White Nationalist I support Americans. I just won't date outside of my race anymore because Voat broke the Hellywood mind control that glorified race mixing.

So what if Esoteric loved her that's not your business, and apparently she was into it.

I still have a link to her cam, do you want it? Maybe you can rekindle what you thought you had.

Poor Chico needs to give her the boot ffs

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turniptruckpassenger ago

huh. so someone from the department of defense is a Q'er. that is very interesting. based upon your area of expertise its unlikely you are at the highest level. seems like those positions would be reserved for people with other skills. but you are in a position to know if its a larp. so either you are larping yourself or Q is real. personally I suspect that the current situation in our country is the military industrial complex vs. the communist global revolutionaries. bad guy vs. bad guy, with normal folks stuck in the middle having to live in the battlefield you and your buddies have created. you folks had better come clean with the American people. just friendly advice. there are bigger players in this game then even you are aware of. the truth will set you free. and nobody cares about what color your kids are. anyone who does is retarded and not worthy of even acknowledging. stop wasting your time with them. if they really did dox you and threaten you all youd have to do is submit an interoffice memo and have your harassers investigated. what you've reported are crimes. so that leads me to believe this is all theater. but I do believe you work for the department of defense, you bet.

Crensch ago

huh. so someone from the department of defense is a Q'er.

She doesn't know anyone in the DOD, she's a pathological liar that lives in squalor. Her ex boyfriend attested to that.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I do and I have already shown you pictures of the person but then deleted, remember this:

The person works for the DOD for on call missions over seas, as an ICE officer, and is a retired military Marine sniper, also owns a tree company, and has patients on military equipment.

turniptruckpassenger ago

you have to feel bad for these tortured people. they hold these grudges and worry at each other like a terrier with a bone. I wish these guys understood none of it matters, and they should all have a bbq and shut up. and stop being so carnal with each other because they've proven they cant handle it.

Gothamgirl ago

Really have you ever been messed with? Or has anyone ever come to your home? Or called your home threatening to kid nap your child?

turniptruckpassenger ago

have no fear. they feed on it.

Gothamgirl ago

They won't feed on me I am fighter, they won't win either.

turniptruckpassenger ago

good! the world needs more fighters and less pickers. don't feed the trolls.

Gothamgirl ago

I am a troll, and much more effective then any of them.

turniptruckpassenger ago

A troll that hangs out with the department of defence. I sure wish I knew if you were the good guys.

Gothamgirl ago

It's an individual I know that works for the DOD, who has never heard of Q, but is more redpilled then anyone in the Q movement. It may be that people in government are compartmentalized about Q, as well as many other things.

I am not anybodies employee. I don't work for anyone but when I do it's not for government, although I do hold 3 certifications, as a civilian with the US Army.

Crensch has not threatened me, however he and his crew have doxed my current address, my name and attached a label of pedophile to me. So I feel we could be in danger if some twisted psycho decides to do something. I am actually considering moving and have spoken to a realtor.

turniptruckpassenger ago

sometimes a fresh start is necessary. wherever you go, find a good church. good luck to you. I think you and I both know we are at the top of a toboggan ride, and its going to be insane. Godspeed.

Crensch ago

I still have a link to her cam

No, you don't. And you never did. You're a stupid Missing Link that can't understand that.

So what if Esoteric loved her that's not your business

And yet, somehow, you make it your business to accuse me of the same. Only I never said anything remotely like that beyond "nice tits".

Crensch ago

To her.

You're really a one-of-a-kind stupid.

She is hot. Exceedingly so.

Gothamgirl ago

Red devil hot lmao If you like woman who have no a soul.

OMG you have a crush on a married meth/pill/alcoholic 🤣 how funny is that? Not something I would ever brag about...

Crensch ago

She's hotter than you ever were. How funny is that?

Gothamgirl ago

That is absolutely false 😁

Crensch ago

It's not. There's no way a cave troll like you could have ever competed with her. She could be a decade older and still hotter than you ever were.

Gothamgirl ago

Like I would take your opinion seriously ever...🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

Why not go interrupt her marriage Sancho? Sounds like a romantic degenerate love story in the making.

Crensch ago

Not interested. But I know a genetic failure when I see one, and your line should have ended long ago.

Thankfully you killed it off with your race mixing.

Gothamgirl ago

And Srayzie has done the same, so what exactly is your point?

My kids have my blood flowing in their veins. You always get your mother's blood type.

No of what you ever say even matters, at all 🤣

Genetic failure? Are you not in a wheelchair?

Crensch ago

Funny, she's only ever had one husband.

You? Spics, meth head pedophiles, other strange men...

At every level she is more moral than you are.

Gothamgirl ago

Strange men ? Prove that.

1 Spic for about 25 years starting at 15 years old.

No meth head, and no pedophiles around me ever...

She's had 1 husband with many online affairs and openly bragged about, and participated in flirting with that meth head pedophile you claim, plus she is junkie/drunk herself.............

And we only know about the guys on this website.


Sunshine get some. It helps.

You don't even know me at all.


Crensch ago

Strange men ? Prove that.

Meth addict pedophile that you still don't believe is a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

You still do not believe shizy is one.

Crensch ago

Because she's not. Your man fantasized about it daily for quite a while there, didn't he?

Yes, he did. Because he deleted a lot of his more threatening comments.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't really know, he asked me not to go through his post when we first started dating because I bitched him out, over him asking Kat for pelfies. I should've let him alone right then. But he said he was asking for cat pics.

He also said he played a character here, or some shit - all is satire and performance art. So I really never looked at what he was doing because we were in constant contact.

When he pinged those people to go after my kid, he told me they're actually law enforcement.

Then I saw the post with the dead kid pic, I begged him to take it down and he did. I saw a couple more things that were bothersome, so I stopped looking and decided it was time to get out of the relationship, because there was other things going on.

I don't know anything about deleted comments you could be right.

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Crensch ago

I don't know anything about deleted comments you could be right.

Look at what's left and tell me that amount would really concern someone that hasn't been doxxed. He caused TWO users concern, and the other would never admit it but he'll tell you all about his guns and how he invites someone to come try something.

I know he has never harmed any child in my presence at all, we were inseparable when we lived together.

So because you haven't SEEN him molest a child (actual crime) you defend him against reasonable accusations that a man constantly threatening to sodomize little boys IS PROBABLY A PEDOPHILE (not a crime unless acted upon).

He also said he played a character here, or some shit - all is satire and performance art.

And yet he doxxed you, according to you. Was that a lie, or performance art?

Gothamgirl ago

When he doxxed me where were you? Oh that's right you were calling my kids niggers right along with him...

Why is any of this, him, or you my problem ?

I am not Police or a Pedophile, and I am not zyklon. I would never say the things he has to anyone I have NO connection with him at all since 7/3/19

It's been done and over, for awhile now , maybe try to get some counseling?

I am not deleting my account for you, and I don't exactly know what it is that you are looking for from me. You should move on.

I honestly don't want to be cruel to you. However you have to know youre stealing others enjoyment of this site, with the constantly harping about something, no one can change.

Gothamgirl ago

This is her page.

Click blog on the right side, and then blog again, tell me what you see. 🤣

Crensch ago

Missing Link is too stupid to realize a porn site picked up the abandoned page and put a botted "profile" there.

God damn you make this too easy.

You loved a pedophile, and you still do. Nothing washes that out.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove it!

Crensch ago Mmmm, the things we find when we go digging!

Gothamgirl ago

I mean it's not like she wasn't writting reviews for a sex shop about dildos or anything that's connected to this same very page...

Gothamgirl ago






And here's one for you where he pinged his buddies... since you apparently forgot:


Look Grensch, you've stated you had months of threats to Srayzie. You absolutely fail to produce every single FUCKING time. You are the reason Q followers are called Q yard. Maybe it's time to backtrack to another letter.

F is for Fucking FAILURE

Crensch ago


Here you go, pedophile-defending cave troll.

And that right there is proof that he deleted comments that looked bad for him. Making claims about the frequency of his threats absolutely unable to be denied. He scrubbed his history, but he was a stupid pedophile meth-head and failed to get it all.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok we'll this is the first time I have seen that post thanks for sharing. Are you done now? Can I get on with my life?

Can you never mention him to me again?

Can you report it finally. You can make a report and document it with the police even if they don't press charges, which is the right thing to do, especially since you believe he is voilent felon and all. You don't want anyones kid to get hurt do you?

Either way I have someone waiting for me, none of this is my problem.

Crensch ago

Ok we'll this is the first time I have seen that post thanks for sharing. Are you done now? Can I get on with my life?

Can you stop showing up to defend him or whining that his 1990 has been hijacked and will never EVER be what it used to be? I never EVER want to hear from you, but you keep forcing the issue.

Can you report it finally. You can make a report and document it with the police even if they don't press charges, which is the right thing to do, especially since you believe he is voilent felon and all. You don't want anyones kid to get hurt do you?


Crensch ago

Good to know you don't really seem to know all that much about her and her life. I won't dox her by telling you where you're wrong, but it's hilarious.

And zyklon is a pedophile. All your hemming and hawing is irrelevant.

He likes thinking about the rape of little boys. Except it's worse than that. He threatened the rape of little boys

Gothamgirl ago

No one cares but you, so.. keep that secret tight.

About zyklon -if you feel he is a pedophile THEN FUCKING REPORT IT!

Why the fuck are YOU harboring a pedophile???? You seem to think your evidence is a slam dunk, go for it big guy..

And why o why do you keep bringing all this up to me, I have nothing to do with him, FatsKat has a much closer relationship with him. Go bother the her. I heard she is an ex Leo.

I have nothing to do with any of this it's been over 7-8 months.


Crensch ago

Last I checked, lolusting after kids went get you prison time.

But defending someone who does is something the community should be aware of.

Gothamgirl ago

Right you should show them you still support one, and have one as a mod on GA under 2 different screen names and possibly more.

Crensch ago

I don't support one at all. One is your pedophile lover and the other is a woman that got fed up and threw it back at him ONE TIME.

You're as dishonest as you are ugly.

Gothamgirl ago

Lies, she threw it back at ME not him. I had nothing to do with it until that point. I was trying to work it out with Srayzie in PM's. I stayed out of it, I was driving mostly, I said not one word until that happened. You people are a bunch of rabid animals and you got what you deserved, minus the threats from zyklon.

Ineffective incel.

You sound so pathetic practically whining over another man's wife! There is literally thousands of single people in this country. But you slobber over a whore, who is passing pics to everyone she could. How damn sad is your life right now, window licker?

Crensch ago

Lies, she threw it back at ME not him.

You supported him, and he obviously didn't give a shit about his own spawn.

Gothamgirl ago

When she did that yes I did, but I had no idea he would take it as far as he did.

He cares very much for his kids



Crensch ago

He cares very much for his kids

So much that he loses them to his mother.

Gothamgirl ago

It was his best chance of him getting his kid.

Crensch ago

Pedophiles shouldn't be allowed near kids.

Gothamgirl ago

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

Pedophiles shouldn't be breathing.

Crensch ago

And yet you defend one.

Gothamgirl ago

You do to.

Check this out Crensch.

I recall you writing a post calling yourself a failure during this drama, and rightfully so, you are.

You failed to protect a woman you claim you are very attracted to.

You failed to stop zyklon

You failed at confronting zyklon

You went over to Poal with crickets towards zyklon and Failed again

You failed to get law enforcement involved to protect those children.

You failed to archive things before things were deleted.

You failed to prove the "hundreds of posts made" by zyklon

You failed to make a complaint to whatever authority in control of the internet.

You failed about getting Skrayzie in the end

Your failing on her sub

Your failing at the 1st Amendment

Your failing a harrasing me or being an effective, bully.

You failed failure

Crensch ago

You failed to make yourself look better than srayzie in any way.

You still love a pedophile. You had CP on your phone. You paid a man 36k to be with you. You anencephalied your child. You supported that pedophile while he made pedophilic threats against children.

And yeah, @ar47's kid is 10. He admits it here freely. Your man did that. Yours. You owned that.

You have caterpillar eyebrows, mancheeks, cataracts, wispy 80-year-old-hair, floppy titties, and you needed a myspace angle to keep your fat rolls from being seen.

Gothamgirl ago

Not one thing you say is reality.

Get off the drugs or get some, which ever helps you get well again.

You, her and him are not my problem.

I have no idea who Ar47 is or what your talking about.

Go take it up with zyklon, your buddy theoldones has all his personal information, go find him, write him a letter, or don't.

Why are you so obsessed with me anyways?

Crensch ago

Not one thing you say is reality.

You love a pedophile.

I have no idea who Ar47 is or what your talking about.

Zyklon threatened his boy with rape, too.

Go take it up with zyklon, your buddy theoldones has all his personal information, go find him, write him a letter, or don't.

You could just stop defending him and fuck off like a good low-self-esteem fatty should.

Gothamgirl ago

Answer the question Crensch

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Crensch ago

Just by the eyebrows alone you can tell those are 3 different people... if you're a human, you can tell, anyway.

The smiles on the left two aren't even remotely the same, nor are the teeth or shape of the eyes.

The thing on the right's eyebrows look drawn on.

So you post THREE pictures of THREE different women and expect anyone to take you seriously?

I would kill myself if I looked like Skrayzie.

You wish you were as hot as her, and that's obvious. Any three in those pictures are hotter than you.

The pictures of her that were spread around before, and the one where she mocked you for being a fat, ugly hog, show that she's far out of your league.

Her lips are gross, did she suck more then 1 dick or glass pipe at a time for them to become that way?

Given your SELF-POSTED pics, you hate your own lips so much you have to draw them on (middle "face" pic). .

Those eyebrows are really fucking odd kinda devilish...

You have manbrows at best. You've already shown that your eyebrows are caterpillar eyebrows genetically, and that they nearly touch (middle pic).

She should lay off the crayola box, she looks like a tranny, or a gypsy idk.

The pics she herself has uploaded dont' show anything of the sort.

Now on to your MTF mug:

You have the face of someone that never smiles, because your life is as miserable as everyone knows it is. Your hair shows you're massively unhealthy, and your face is that of someone who is fat. You have what the Japanese call "sanpaku" eyes. Your right pic, second example in the image. Also, every one is a myspace angle to keep your fat doublechin out of the pic.

Once again you show how disgustingly flabby your tits are in that right pic - and you have a cancer spot you're too poor to remove. That black dress? You're not hiding anything with your fat arm in the way of your innertube waist.

Nothing about you is fit, trim, healthy, shapely, or hot. Your children's friends have never once thought their mother was hot. Any man that popped a boner for you would pop a boner for a sow in heat... or would have been paid 36k and taken a lot of Viagra.

Crensch ago

Missing Link still can't think her way through a proper response without looking like a retard.

Gothamgirl ago


AR47 ago

For fucks sake....just go masturbate and make up....we all know that it's the same person and you manufacturer drama....just like Reddit just like here.

We all stopped caring and you random ping...go corral your cats in Q and find something new....

Or how about you do what I am on a real positive difference....make someone a part of the community of voat, and not your corner.

Don't ping me into your drama. Do it to someone that will reply.

Crensch ago

Do it to someone that will reply.


AndrewBlazeIt ago


Gothamgirl ago

Thanks 😊

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Crensch ago

, he is a hippy, who likes free shit.

So he's an honest leftist. A socialist. A Bernie bro.

Gothamgirl ago

No hates and doesn't support any Jews, or basically anyone in politics. He calls them all out, he is black pilled. He is more awake then most, pretty intelligent, and questions everything. If it wasn't for him I would still be in the dark about the jews. He redpilled me.

You attack people's kids and slander when you have no valid talking points, you clearly hate kids. You're the leftist. You limit and censor people's first amendment, on a free speech site cause you dont agree with them. Your are the Jew in sheep's clothing, and also wannabe dictator.

You are burning any legacy Srayzie had left into the ground.

Crensch ago

He likes free shit. He's a socialist. There is literally a guy on the Democratic stage that will give him free shit.

Bernie is also probably Pro pedophile, so that ought to seal the deal for zyklon

Gothamgirl ago

Bernie isn't giving out nothing for free, he is a Jew. Damn your dumb.

Crensch ago

He would indeed give out free shit. Bernie approved of the breadlines. Your pedophile socialist buddy could go get some free bread thanks to Bernie.

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklons family makes bread from scratch.

Somebody will be paying for the shit Bernie promises, but the Jew will not give anyone shit. Bernie is all talk. It will be funneled into so fake charity or he will give it to another country.

Crensch ago

Zyklons family knows he's a pedophile and makes bread for him still? Sick fuck genetics. Glad he destroyed his legacy.

Gothamgirl ago

How the fuck should I know? I don't know where he lives.

He isn't a pedo, so why would they know about your twisted fantasies?

His family was really good to me and my kids, when we first came here. I think alot of them.

He didn't destroy his legacy, and he has more then 1 kid.

Crensch ago

He isn't a pedo

I thought you said you weren't going to defend him anymore. Can you keep even a single part of your story straight?

He is a pedo. Non-pedophile men don't "joke" about raping, eating, and murdering kids. Or do you think those guys with instagrams posted on /pizzagate were just totally joking?

I bet you do.

Gothamgirl ago

This isn't defending him, that's correcting you lies.

Plus I was waiting for you to respond, saying -it would ease your fragile head, so I could tell you to go fuck yourself. I will defend him always and I have told you that already...

I was with him for 18 months he has never done anything inappropriate to, or around children.

I do think the people are not joking on Instagram, unlike zyklon I have never met them, so I believe the worst until proven otherwise.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Nobody cares. Fuck off, loser.

Crensch ago

You care enough and are invested enough in this to try and get me to shut up. Thanks for outing yourself, kike.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Zero investment. I'm a vehemently disinterested, uninvolved third party, and I'm telling you to fuck off, you worthless loser.

The highlight of your day is voat drama.

Think about that for a minute.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Zero investment.

Doesn't seem like it.

I'm a vehemently disinterested

Lie #1.

uninvolved third party

Also a lie.

and I'm telling you to fuck off, you worthless loser.

Emotion here suggests your first sentence is a lie.

The highlight of your day is voat drama.

And now you think you're a mind reader, too.

Think about that for a minute.

Back at you.