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Crensch ago

@Questionable_1 remember when you were whining about me posting? Where are you on this? Crickets, eh?

@AR47, are you attacking them for these posts?

@Armpit_and_ass, what say you? Is the highlight of their day "voat drama"?

How 'bout it, @maaaxheadroom? Do you hope they all suicide?

What about @OutragedForNoReason? Do you think this played out already and needs to stop... since it's them posting it constantly?

Posting it constantly... you know... like THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.

gabara ago

@crensch, I'm sorry.

Crensch ago


gabara ago

What would you have me do?

OutragedForNoReason ago

Dude, you're coming across as a tad unhinged. Give it a rest.

Crensch ago

Oh, I'm sorry, did you see my submission above?

Who's unhinged? Who needs to give it a rest?

OutragedForNoReason ago

Like I said, you, and I'm not trying to mess with you or be an asshole. Those people are fucking with you and you keep taking the bait. You say you ignore them but then you make a post like this. The fact that you even remember you and I had a discussion about this whole matter is absolutely bizarre, and if this was real life, I would probably be keeping my pistol real close, because it's fucking creepy man.

Crensch ago

You say you ignore them but then you make a post like this.

I ignored them for 6 months. At what point does this become not my fault, exactly?

The fact that you even remember you and I had a discussion about this whole matter is absolutely bizarre

I don't remember shit about you, because you're a non-issue. I just remembered to look up faggots like you that either couldn't figure out where to place the blame, or had some ulterior motive to place it at my feet instead of where it belongs.

and if this was real life, I would probably be keeping my pistol real close, because it's fucking creepy man.

How beta of you. Creeped out from what you believe to be someone remembering a conversation you had.

Absolutely beta.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Listen you spectacularly retarded motherfucker. You're a goddamn creep, no wonder people fuck with you, and for fuck's sake, find something to do with your life other than argue with people on the internet. Get a fucking life.

Crensch ago

Listen you spectacularly retarded motherfucker. You're a goddamn creep, no wonder people fuck with you, and for fuck's sake, find something to do other than argue with people on the internet. Get a fucking life.

So you piss and moan at me for calling out pedophiles and those that support them on the site, but when they attack someone, I'm still the bad guy?

And I'm the one that's supposed to get a life?

Congratulations on showing support for them. That's what you're doing here. /golfclap

OutragedForNoReason ago

Your worse than my ex-wife. Can't stand not to have the last word can you? Nice projection by the way. Creep.