Gothamgirl ago

Your urinary tract is worse off then all of terrain the the US has bombed in the last 2 decades.


This retard is a low level shit alt


theoldones ago

I haven’t seen that. If theoldones does get Swatted, I bet they’ll find loads of drug paraphernalia. That way no cops get harmed, should be good.

SWATing with intent to kill a target via police proxy is actually a punishable crime, let me remind you.

theoldones ago

you deserve a bullet.

theoldones ago

fuck off and die

you threatened to stalk me via internet bot, get my info, doxx my info, then use that info to SWAT me. this is what you did, so i have every reason to shoot you.

theoldones ago

you literally threatened to send a SWAT team after me. dont you DARE claim victimhood here.

theoldones ago

Why, do you fantasise about being killed? Is this self destructive tendency, why you do so many drugs? Slow death vs quick death, is that the dilemma? Please seek help, unless you’re jewish.

you people are evil and need to die.

theoldones ago


remember when you threatened to doxx me, stalk me with an internet bot, then SWAT me?

would you care to elaborate on your desire to kill me via SWAT team?

theoldones ago

@R3BIRTH go die in a hole.

Vindicator ago

Just laugh at him for having had to delete his main account.

argosciv ago

Ah! We both derped!

Gotta exclude yourself from the search for submissions about you.

With NSFW included, it's still 227 results.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Spank me daddy.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Not all your mentions are negative. Dont be such a victim fag.

philomath ago

I never understood that place......

MadJackChurchill ago

It's like a subtype of underground Nazi jazz club, the ultimate verboten fruit but the freedom of expression fills our souls more than lockstep compliance ever could.

Crensch ago

Bunch of sickos that want to destroy this website so you and I can't speak about what we want to speak about.

argosciv ago

OH! you forgot to include NSFW, to catch v/QRV posts by them.

262 (give or take a few for potential false-positives).

Crensch ago

@Questionable_1 remember when you were whining about me posting? Where are you on this? Crickets, eh?

@AR47, are you attacking them for these posts?

@Armpit_and_ass, what say you? Is the highlight of their day "voat drama"?

How 'bout it, @maaaxheadroom? Do you hope they all suicide?

What about @OutragedForNoReason? Do you think this played out already and needs to stop... since it's them posting it constantly?

Posting it constantly... you know... like THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.

gabara ago

@crensch, I'm sorry.

Crensch ago


gabara ago

What would you have me do?

OutragedForNoReason ago

Dude, you're coming across as a tad unhinged. Give it a rest.

Crensch ago

Oh, I'm sorry, did you see my submission above?

Who's unhinged? Who needs to give it a rest?

OutragedForNoReason ago

Like I said, you, and I'm not trying to mess with you or be an asshole. Those people are fucking with you and you keep taking the bait. You say you ignore them but then you make a post like this. The fact that you even remember you and I had a discussion about this whole matter is absolutely bizarre, and if this was real life, I would probably be keeping my pistol real close, because it's fucking creepy man.

Crensch ago

You say you ignore them but then you make a post like this.

I ignored them for 6 months. At what point does this become not my fault, exactly?

The fact that you even remember you and I had a discussion about this whole matter is absolutely bizarre

I don't remember shit about you, because you're a non-issue. I just remembered to look up faggots like you that either couldn't figure out where to place the blame, or had some ulterior motive to place it at my feet instead of where it belongs.

and if this was real life, I would probably be keeping my pistol real close, because it's fucking creepy man.

How beta of you. Creeped out from what you believe to be someone remembering a conversation you had.

Absolutely beta.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Listen you spectacularly retarded motherfucker. You're a goddamn creep, no wonder people fuck with you, and for fuck's sake, find something to do with your life other than argue with people on the internet. Get a fucking life.

Crensch ago

Listen you spectacularly retarded motherfucker. You're a goddamn creep, no wonder people fuck with you, and for fuck's sake, find something to do other than argue with people on the internet. Get a fucking life.

So you piss and moan at me for calling out pedophiles and those that support them on the site, but when they attack someone, I'm still the bad guy?

And I'm the one that's supposed to get a life?

Congratulations on showing support for them. That's what you're doing here. /golfclap

OutragedForNoReason ago

Your worse than my ex-wife. Can't stand not to have the last word can you? Nice projection by the way. Creep.

argosciv ago

Now count how many (and who) comments reference you by salty nicknames such as "Crunchy".

Crensch ago

Very true. Not even necessary because they can't help but REEEE like fucking kikes when discovered.

Attacking SBBH is Anti-SBBHemetic. Never attack one of their (((chosen))) or they'll go after you with hundreds of posts in a month!

ratsmack ago

You have a persecution complex man... it's all just fun and games.

Crensch ago

"It's just a joke, dude" - after threatening users' children with rape, cannibalism, and murder.

You're a sick fuck.

ratsmack ago

Well, you're a very small, shallow and weak person...sad.

Crensch ago

Is that why @srayzie is no longer around and fearful of the well-being of her kids? Is that why @shizy is no longer around?

Is that why that faggot, @AR47 has to talk about the guns he has to protect his family while pretending not to be scared for their safety?

ratsmack ago

The drama flows... again, sad.

ratsmack ago

Just because people want to be drama queens doesn't mean they are in some kind of danger... and then look at you, Mr, drama Queen.

Crensch ago

Oh, a meth-addled, pedophile, violent convict is somehow not a threat when he makes threats towards your family, whom he and his compatriots doxxed?

"Drama queen"