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virge ago

@thewebofslime, a line of inquiry:

I have all of the Collections.

How? I asked you this question once and you never responded. These aren't just public, you can't go to their site and get the database. That's valuable data, worth money on various open markets. How did you obtain it?


So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight.

  1. Please elaborate on the term "mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot autit."
  2. Why are you hiring attorneys to investigate data you've collected? What is the purpose of spending money on this?


My thesis, which I required the help of two non-pizzagaters to uncover (they do not believe in it, at all), is that a person used a CACI company device to visit the pizzagate thread, then came to the site and started low level attacks from their own device, before moving onto a series of more sophisticated atrtacks.

Please clarify the involvement and assessment of CACI. Is CACI a NGO, or just a CIA front? It smells about as legitimate as USAID. Of course, I could be wrong. Just curious.


@Crensch referral tag is rudimentary website child's play. From a technical perspective I see nothing that merits objection about this. Please illuminate me as to your complaint.

Same observation for "he probably made his own website". I don't see anything malign.

The Vindicator section is not enough corroboration. Unless I missed something, he's making an educated guess on 2 minutes. That's about as accurate as flipping a coin, @webofslime?


indirectly admits to using stolen credentials to send emails, in addition to email spamming

I don't see this at all. He never says he uses stolen credentials. He admits to e-mail spamming, yes, but he's e-mail spamming a list of CNN and Government e-mail addresses. He's waging a war against CNN. What's not to like?


using alts in same conversation

@thewebofslime, what is the purpose of @followthemoney, and why separate the accounts?

The vernacular used by the accounts matches.


claims usernames/passwords are public info

IF @thewebofslime is @followthemoney, then this has the appearance of a albeit somewhat arrogant over-exaggeration for the aggregate. From a technical perspective, he's right - most peoples passwords have leaked by now and most people use a lot of repeat passwords. A staggering, disgustingly amount of people. It's common modern OpSec to never re-use passwords and to have cypher's or variants because of this.

@crensch, if anything this is sound technical observation and my only complaint is he's not even bothering to educate directly and seems mostly indignant he'd have to. Frankly, I would, too.


claims doxxing material deleted by kevdude (, when it was done by Voat (

@thewebofslime, can you explain the discrepancy? Was this a mistake, assumption, or is something not readily apparent by the logs?


holds criminal/doxxing material of Voat users

@crensch I see what @thewebofslime is saying here, and calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

The guy basically said she doxxed first, so he retaliated. Help me see why this isn't equalization of force to combat a threat.

SandHog ago

IF @thewebofslime is @followthemoney, then this has the appearance of a albeit somewhat arrogant over-exaggeration for the aggregate.

It is. Definitely is. The whole kerfuffle with this guy started because he didn't want to follow the submission guidelines to v/pizzagate and proceeded to flip out and accuse Vindicator of being a shill and then proceeded to ask if it was ok to dox him. Of course the response to that was much like what you see here. It appears that only reinforced his preconcieved notion that pizzagate was comped and he proceeded to spread that bullshit (before his 'investigation' was even completed mind you) all over reddit and the chans. And he has no idea why those of us involved with pizzagate and saw all this shit first-hand don't trust him.

I've gone around and around with the guy in an attempt to resolve this issue and he simply ignores everything and continues on with whatever game he is playing.

virge ago

And your candid opinion on the rest of my line of inquiry?

argosciv ago

You want candid do ya? How about this...

I was, for a long time and still to an extent, suspicious of the shit being flung at you by malicious users, but, seeing you bend over fucking backwards to defend this cunt, makes me severely suspicious of you.

So to address your "line of inquiry":

Same observation for "he probably made his own website". I don't see anything malign.

How about you open your fucking eyes and learn to read.

The post says "probably created his own attack on website", not "he probably made his own website"

@Crensch referral tag is rudimentary website child's play. From a technical perspective I see nothing that merits objection about this. Please illuminate me as to your complaint.

Are you fucking daft?

Let me spell it the fuck out for you:

  • He post his shitty site all over voat.
  • His site's google analytics tracks all visitors referred from any website, but, we are talking about Voat and its users/visitors.
  • He admits to actively checking and noting all of these ip addresses.
  • Most notably, he is recording and personally looking at the ip addresses of QAnons and pizzagaters who visit his site from the links he posts here. Then has the fucking nerve to justify this by saying that Voat has our IP addresses as well. No fucking shit it does, but we trust @PuttItOut enough to be here and have no reason to suspect that he is actively noting IP addresses for malicious reasons.
  • TWOS on the other hand, has concocted a narrative which he uses to smear @Vindicator and others, based on an almost-certainly faked "attack" on his website. He clearly knows enough about how to do such a thing and I can tell you from personal knowledge that it would be easy as piss to do.
  • Combine that with his claims to have actively doxed multiple Voat users and be sitting on a compendium of data which he will happily weaponize and post around Voat -- as seen by his doxing of srayzie, which was then shared by a 22 hour old burner account after his comment was deleted, which was then further disseminated across Voat by WhiteRonin.

So, yes, referral tagging is "rudimentary", but what TWOS uses that for is absolutely malicious and proves he has absolutely no fucking regard for the privacy, safety or well being of any Voat user.

Just think, this is all based on what we know he does with Google Analytics services provided by his webhost... whaddya think he has knocked up in the actual website code itself? Do you have any idea what kind of malicious tracking can be performed by someone who has basic understanding of php and who clearly has no ethics on the matter of privacy and safety of others?

calling it "holds criminal/doxxing material" is a large stretch of the imagination.

Bull.fucking.shit. You dishonest motherfucker. Read what the cunt said again:

I have a lot of doxx on a lot of people. I have more criminal histories, as well. (Of Voat users)

The only one stretching their imagination here, is you.

You are bending over fucking backwards to defend the prick, and for what, because you don't lie @theoldones?

I sure hope that's the only reason you are doing it...

I was willing to call it bullshit the way malicious users were treating you, but agian, in light of your defense of TWOS, you are suspicious as fuck.

Now, kindly go fuck yourself.

cc: @SandHog

thewebofslime ago

He post his shitty site all over voat.

False. Find me one example outside of the 5 or 6 links I've posted to my own subverse. This type of dishonesty, right off the bat, makes me feel like I don't need to address the rest.

His site's google analytics tracks all visitors referred from any website, but, we are talking about Voat and its users/visitors.

You clearly don't know how tracking works. It starts at your own device and anyone with an Amazon subscription can see site visitor stats.

Notice it can tell you where the traffic is coming from. It doesn't need Voat to install tracking, it is using everyone else's devices and is trading with other data conglomerates. A lot of people just don't understand how the Internet works, so I don't blame you... just stop pretending to be an expert and stating your opinion as fact.

He admits to actively checking and noting all of these ip addresses.

This was my main problem with @Vindicator who, supposedly, knows nothing about technology but insists my site is a "security risk." Voat tracks you way more than I do and I only look at my logs when attacked. I'm not trying to farm the information as I already have plenty of that.

So, your statement is wildly dishonest. I haven't checked my logs since the attack stopped. In fact, I haven't touched my site since April. So, please stop lying. At this stage, your credibility is already gone.

Most notably, he is recording and personally looking at the ip addresses of QAnons and pizzagaters who visit his site from the links he posts here. Then has the fucking nerve to justify this by saying that Voat has our IP addresses as well. No fucking shit it does, but we trust @PuttItOut enough to be here and have no reason to suspect that he is actively noting IP addresses for malicious reasons.

Someone broke the law. I looked into it for the legal implications. This means I was attacked and I, as the victim, have a right to investigate. You are proposing that I accept being attacked and do nothing. That is quite literally insane.

TWOS on the other hand, has concocted a narrative which he uses to smear @Vindicator and others, based on an almost-certainly faked "attack" on his website. He clearly knows enough about how to do such a thing and I can tell you from personal knowledge that it would be easy as piss to do.

I shared the logs. I asked politely how to deal with the situation. Sorry, but you are really, really, far off from representing the truth of the matter.

Combine that with his claims to have actively doxed multiple Voat users and be sitting on a compendium of data which he will happily weaponize and post around Voat -- as seen by his doxing of srayzie, which was then shared by a 22 hour old burner account after his comment was deleted, which was then further disseminated across Voat by WhiteRonin.

I get that not everyone is able to read in between the lines, but I look through police reports all the time. When this all went down, I pointed to all the reports I dug up on Colin Flaherty because, even though I didn't share those reports, I made it pretty clear that I knew the information in them. This was in response to being attacked by pro- Colin Flaherty shills who had, seemingly, made fake dating profiles around the country to get at me. This was because I said that the over the top racism distracts from the discussions about high level corruption and works to discredit the movement and keep "normies" away.

This was when I implied that I had other police reports and other criminal records, which I do. Every time I am attacked by shills, I look into it because there is legal malfeasance that can be remedied in civil court.

My site is bare bones, so if you would please view the source and walk back your statements about my site, we won't have a problem.

SearchVoatBot ago

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