kneo24 ago

So what point are you trying to make here? How seriously can we take this claim? In that very topic you asked that very person to support their position about nazi's and SJW's being the same, and all they did was try to weasel their way out of supporting it.

All of this infighting is retarded and there are bigger issues on Voat.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Who cares.

virge ago

The above acount's entire comment history is intentionally abrasive to troll. Various comments I have screenshots of even admit it, and at various times in the past the bio has been updated to reflect this. Things like "I intentionally say things to rile people up". I'd have to do some digging through my data to find the exact ones and he's legitimately not worth the time but I saw his name and was trying to remember why he's on my user block list.