CameraCode0 ago

Kinda agree with some of that; a lot of the time PV can be misguided and worked up into a frenzy and lose sight of the bigger picture and their original goal. Too much drama and infighting is bad for this site; it causes confusion, sets people on edge, and causes them to hold grudges and further divide Voat. Most people are doing what they believe is best for Voat, and our (rightful) distrust can make us turn on people who might not deserve it.

I think PV is definitely still necessary and does good work. I also think it would be good for preserving the integrity of the site and it's freedom of speech if some users took a little more time in examining the situation before jumping into action.

Crensch ago

I think PV is definitely still necessary and does good work.

Point me to something it has done "good" in the past 2 weeks.

I also think it would be good for preserving the integrity of the site and it's freedom of speech if some users (not just from PV) took a little more time in examining the situation before jumping into action.

I think it'd be good if users like you took a little more time examining the situation before jumping into action. Kevdude effectively is PV. He's the only active mod left from 2 weeks ago. His selective enforcement and rabble-rousing shows he is not there to protect anyone but his beloved shitposters.

Take a look. Let me know if you still think your comment is correct.

CameraCode0 ago

In the last 2 weeks? Idk, I don't keep up with then that regularly. I have seen good posts about how Voat's system can be gamed and general vulnerabilities, how to protect yourself, pointing out bots and other similarly suspicious activity. I do think there are good users who post to PV with good intentions. If all the other mods have left, perhaps that has changed. A few months ago they brigaded a new sub for a Minecraft server subverse and drove away a few good users in a situation that could have been avoided by just talking it out, so I've definitely seen the bad.

I also haven't been following Kevdude enough to make any statements on him, just wanted to throw my opinion out there.

Vindicator ago

A few months ago they brigaded a new sub for a Minecraft server subverse and drove away a few good users in a situation that could have been avoided by just talking it out, so I've definitely seen the bad.

Please have a look at what happened to me the other day, Camera. I made a meticulously sourced submission about it, and was summarily dismissed as a drama seeker. Not one person seriously weighed the evidence I presented.

Crensch ago

I do think there are good users who post to PV with good intentions.

I don't disagree.

Kevdude isn't one of them.

I also haven't been following Kevdude enough to make any statements on him, just wanted to throw my opinion out there.

I hate to be a dick, but...

if some users (not just from PV) took a little more time in examining the situation before jumping into action.

argosciv ago


I can't for the life of me figure out why, but, your ping to @Peaceseeker is broken...