ExpertShitposter ago

Not gonna read 90% of the shit written here, but i was lead here so i will shit out a few thoughts.

SBBH started as a joke subverse whose joke was literally pretending to be a faggot redditor mod. Anyone who wanted could be mod, and then ban random users, who don't even post there, for the most mundane shit. People would be unbanned within 3-24h, and they would be modded so they can ban you back.

It has since somewhat grown out of that joke, and into other jokes, but it generally doesn't ban anyone for more than a day except when gabara doesn't pay attention to his ban ad doesn't clear them. Usually i clean up after him.


There can usually be a clear distinction between "joke" subverses, and "serious" subverses. The distinction comes from weather the topics discussed are political in nature or not. Because censorship is a political weapon. it isn't being carried out to silence a comedian. Its being carried out to silence a political opponent. Politics affect our lives, jokes do not. Since most things can be political in nature, i would consider most voat subverses "political". There can be a sort of in-between subverse, such as DIY, that is nether joke not political. But when in doubt, the default state should be to not censor anything. So almost all subs on voat should never ban/delete. Tagging @PeaceSeeker cuz hes not retarded. Just a christfag :)

  • SBBH is a 99% joke subverse.
  • Beatlewhatever subverse is a 100% joke sub.
  • GA is a 100% political subverse.
  • WhatYouMissed is a "serious" subverse.

So what @virge is doing is just as bad as what you are doing.

PS, @Glory_Beckons u mad bro? Did a black bull cuck some random waitress you had your eye on? Stay mad bro.

virge ago

Both users and subverses on Voat can either be described as genuine or disengenuine.

Their interactions with each-other are like oil to water. It has been this way since day one of the Internet.

Glory_Beckons ago

Politics affect our lives, jokes do not.

A naive premise, and easily subverted, exposing your entire comment as nonsense:

SBBH routinely and intentionally seeks to affect Voat, and often succeeds, therefore SBBH is political and not a joke subverse.

u mad bro? Did a black bull cuck some random waitress you had your eye on? Stay mad bro.

How original. Nice to see you didn't have any real arguments, but enough sand in your vagina to ping me anyway.

Did something I said hit too close to home?

ExpertShitposter ago

The only fight SBBH ever fought on voat is an anti-censorship one.

You provided no argument ether. Just the usual they spread filth because they are not 100% political 100% of the time drivel with no substance. So there is not point in debating this, so i just say.....stay mad bro.

Glory_Beckons ago

The only fight SBBH ever fought on voat is an anti-censorship one.

That is a political agenda.

Particularly when it is applied selectively. And enforced with outrage mobbing and shaming rituals and whining to admins to enforce their will with global bans, and unban them after they've clearly broken rules*. And, when all else fails, with "satirical" personal threats. All of which are typical leftist censorship tactics that just seem so very familiar. Where, oh where, have we seen this before? And why would the "anti-censorship" crowd be using the same tactics leftists always use to censor and create echo chambers? Hm.

Of course, this all makes much more sense once you realize SBBH was never about anti-censorship. But only pro open borders. For all subs. Except for theirs.

Now, where have we seen that before?

*: Btw, there are no global rules on Voat against what SBBH calls "censorship" in subs that you own. There are, however, global rules against Spam and Dox. Both of which SBBH giddily violates every chance they get.

the usual they spread filth because they are not 100% political 100% of the time drivel

They're quite welcome to do whatever they want in their containment ghettos, er, I mean, subs. As long as it doesn't affect anyone else. They're "not political", after all, right?

The problems begin when they invade other peoples' subs. To preach, and demand, and enforce, standards and values that they themselves don't live by. They're a bunch of whiny hypocrites, who are actively engaging in censorship, using leftist tactics, and not fighting against it.

And by they, of course, I mean you.

ExpertShitposter ago

That is a political agenda.

An anti jewish one. Its bans that got us here to begin with. Hiding in some tiny website, instead of spreading the wort to a much bigger audience.

Particularly when it is applied selectively.

Not our fault. I advocate outrage against any bans. Maybe even removal of the ability to ban and delete.

"satirical" personal threats

What are you afraid of an internet shitposter on meth? And everyone was told to block him if they don't like him. didn't did you?

But only pro open borders. For all subs. Except for theirs.

Why are you so full of bullshit? Anyone can post there, and SBBH at one point literally sent mod invites to half this website.

Spam refers to advertising, and dox rules are for faggots anyway. What if it was time to dox high ranking jews for RWDS. Would you be against doxxing then too?

engaging in censorship

Where and how? Because gabara counter deleted some shitposts of srzye? Nigger please. Btw, SBBH is the most blocked sub on voat according to putt. Is your political speech being censored, when you post it to a sub where no one looks for political speech, than no one even sees because they blocked it years ago?

Glory_Beckons ago

An anti jewish one.

A political agenda is a political agenda. Your claim was that SBBH had none. That is a lie. Attempting to pass it off as anything else, just because you happen to agree with it, is disingenuous and manipulative. Just like the Jews you claim to oppose.

Its bans that got us here to begin with. Hiding in some tiny website, instead of spreading the wort to a much bigger audience.

Blaming bans for this is like blaming guns for school shootings. Bans are a tool. Who you ban, and why you ban them, is what makes the difference.

We are here because corporations and administrators bowed to pressure from manufactured outrage mobs and witch hunts. Which is exactly what SBBH is now doing to Voat.

Leftists also claimed to be anti-censorship and the defenders of free speech. Until we dared speak out against them. You are no different from them.

Not our fault. I advocate outrage against any bans. Maybe even removal of the ability to ban and delete.

Nothing ever is, is it.

And leftists advocate outrage against all guns. Maybe even all weapons. Thinking this will cure violence.

You're both wrong. For the same reasons.

What are you afraid of an internet shitposter on meth?

You don't have children, do you?

And everyone was told to block him if they don't like him. didn't did you?

I have most of both SBBH and GA subverses blocked. Which is why I was late to the party and didn't take notice until the shitstorm started manifesting as @puttitout stickies on my frontpage. Guess he didn't get the memo that SBBH is just a joke sub and can't possibly affect anything or anyone since it's not political, huh?

So, yes, I did. Preemptively. You lot still flung shit so far my way that I couldn't help but notice the stench. That's on you.

You could have told him and his pack of degenerates to block @srayzie and GA subs if they didn't like them. didn't did you?

Rules for thee, but not for me.


Why are you so full of bullshit? Anyone can post there, and SBBH at one point literally sent mod invites to half this website.

You admit yourself people get banned and comments get deleted in SBBH. Your attempts to rationalize it with various excuses doesn't change that it happens.

Either you are against ALL bans and deletions under any and all circumstances, or you think there are some circumstances when it is okay.

Which is it? If the former, you must be opposed to SBBH bans and deletions. If it's the latter, what business do you have dictating to other subs what exact circumstances do or don't make it okay for them? Just do your thing in your SBBH subs and let others do their thing in their subs. Why do you feel the need to invade other subs and force your rules upon them? That is commie leftist trash behavior.

Freedom is not being able to do whatever, whenever, wherever.

Freedom is being able to draw a line in the sand and say, "This here is mine, and that there is yours. When on mine, you follow my rules. When on yours, I will respect yours."

Is the difference so difficult to understand?

Spam refers to advertising, and dox rules are for faggots anyway. What if it was time to dox high ranking jews for RWDS. Would you be against doxxing then too?

Spam is any noise that derails or distracts from the purpose of the communication venue. If I make a bunch of bots to spam all SBBH subs with randomly generated bot talk, and to upvoat each other while downvoting all of you, would you not take offense to that? Would you not run to Putt for help, complaining that I'm spamming you and you can't use your subs for their intended purpose? No, you'd probably just ban my bots and delete their spam. Wait a minute...

I think guns should be legal. I think murdering someone, just because you don't like them, should be illegal and punished by death.

I think dox should be allowed. I think doxxing a Voat user, and threatening their children, just because you don't like them, should be forbidden and punished with a global ban.

Where and how? Because gabara counter deleted some shitposts of srzye?

I don't care what you do on your subs. Ban and delete away. Just stop being hypocrites about it on other subs.

I'm referring to SBBH having a long running reputation - and priding itself in it - of driving people away from the site and destroying or disrupting subs they don't like, for whatever reason.

Stop dictating to others how they should run their subs, or what they should or shouldn't be discussing there.

That is censorship. Doesn't matter that the weapons you used weren't bans or deletions. It kills free speech all the same.

ExpertShitposter ago

its party tiem.

i'll respond tomorrow

SandHog ago

If you would have held every mod accountable for their censorious actions as opposed to doing it selectively you would have had firm ground to stand on but you didn't. You cannot be a principled authority when you selectively apply the principles.

Vindicator ago

LOL. If I had $100 for every time Kev has said that very thing to me, I could take a vacation in Fiji.

NotHereForPizza ago

You aren't much better, though, dumbass. How are you this upset kev got head from that fat skank and you didn't?

SandHog ago

Oh fuck off you gaslighting piece of shit.

NotHereForPizza ago

You act like that method is unpopular.

You're not much better, anyway.

SandHog ago

I'm not the one going around gaslighting people. I simply follow the evidence where it leads me. Nice to see you finally admit that I was right about you all along though. How much of the shit that got stirred up with @thewebofslime was you pulling strings behind the scenes?

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny you say that because I haven't the slightest clue who that is.

Also, I only use what I've learned on people that deserve it.

SandHog ago

NotHereForPizza ago

Lol that post was by the wrong person, jackass...

SandHog ago

You understand the context as well as I. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Why the gaslighting? What exactly was it you were hoping to achieve here anyway?

Glory_Beckons ago

The SBBH clique are the niggers and shitskins of Voat.

Many of them literally. Spreading filth and destruction wherever they go. Chimping out whenever they don't get their way. Always consuming and destroying, never creating anything worthwhile.

The ProtectVoat flock are the liberals and cucks of Voat.

Making all the usual excuses for their subhuman wards, while busily wagging their fingers at those who've had enough of their bullshit. Ignoring any and all damage caused by the savages, while imposing impossible and self-destructive standards onto us, and selectively preaching eternal guilt over not living up to their absurd ideas of perfection.

MolochHunter ago

Imagine being at the funeral of assassinated pizzagate whistleblower Senator Nancy Schaeffer. Imagine that while everyone is mourning as the casket gets lowered into the ground, some yahoos who are actually active known pedophiles arrive at the scene and yell at everyone with derision and celebration at Nancy's demise in a delberate orchestrated attempt to interrupt the grieving

Imagine then that some decent blokes attempt to physically remove the pedophiles from the cemetary. Then imagine a complete asshole from among the mourners come to the aid of the PEDOPHILES and cause a punch - on, insisting that the decent blokes leave the pedophiles to their freedom of expression

imagined all that? Good.

because thats an IRL equivalent of what @kevdude did to @Crensch and the rest of use when Crensch deleted the posts of those who came to shit all over @Srayzie's farewell post

argosciv ago

assassinated pizzagate whistleblower Senator Nancy Schaeffer

Wait what?

MolochHunter ago

I like RealityCalls video on this because her posh feminine english voice turns my knees to jelly

argosciv ago

Damnit, I hate videos (prefer reading), but I'll watch this and/or catch myself up at some point with reading.

Guessing there's bound to be submissions on it in v/pizzagate that I missed or have forgotten about.

MolochHunter ago

reality calls got scrubbed pretty hard from the net in the early pizzagate days and later some mirror copies were reposted

argosciv ago

Watched video.

Speechless at "murder-suicide" narrative.

Thanks for the link.

MolochHunter ago

her voice didnt do it for you ;)

argosciv ago



If I'm completely honest, I have to say it's a bit hard to be enamored by a voice alone, but, if it were a less awful topic...

/clears throat

MolochHunter ago

i edited - see parent for pikky

argosciv ago

I saw. I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut (for neither positive nor negative reasons).

The underpinning topic overrides.

Crensch ago

Well said.

And given /v/SoapBoxBanHammer's comment deletions, he really has no room to piss and moan about it - but he does, anyway. I'm still public enemy #1. Not the guy talking about killing kids and doxxing them to NAMBLA.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonTalk submission.

Posted automatically (#46664) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

carlip ago

You're all massive faggots and have done nothing but stir the pot for the last four years. There's nothing to conclude here but the fact that you're all the same group trying to destroy voat by causing manufactured drama like a bunch of preteen girls. Fuck off.

VicariousJambi ago

Yup, ignore this gay ass highs school drama. Cant believe I got involved even a little.

GreenSlug ago

Total agreement. They are both a couple of worthless chuckle fucks and i hope a nuke drops on Israel and wipes them both out at once

Crensch ago

You've always been a whiny bitch that couldn't hold his own.

carlip ago

I can't dispute your facts

Clearly you are an authentic user

Crensch ago

You never had facts, just assertions you never back up.

HollaKost ago

How much are you being paid?

That's weak.

RockmanRaiden ago


Crensch ago

Oh, kevdude, you kill me.

Crensch ago

If I got paid for this shit, I'd buy an island. I'm going to destroy you for free.

Vindicator ago

Kev has replied to me a couple of times when I have pointed to this lack of concern with those who use their free speech to silence users and mods with the assertion that PV focuses on policing mods not those trying to be doxers. He says that's on Putt.



Blame PV for what others do with their speech. We are here to police moderators.

Maybe someone should Police @Kevdude

Vindicator ago

I think that is long overdue.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Who is "decent goats" though?

ruck_feddit ago

If you're the original cheesebooger I used to bullshit with, I'd say you are a decent goat.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I am, and thank you.

CerealBrain ago

Nah, you pretty much suck. Why am I still banned from BeatlesGayArmy?

CheeseboogerHimself ago


CerealBrain ago

You got it. After you and your gay cucked friends unban me..

HollaKost ago

If you have to ask, you probably aren't one.

Crensch ago

If they're not friends with you, they've got a pretty good chance of being decent goats.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Lets clarify this. shall we? Are you saying that anyone who doesn't like Trump and Zionism is indecent?

Crensch ago

Your clarification leaves much to be desired.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dodge much?

Crensch ago

Perhaps if you made a decent attempt at clarification, or gained the IQ points required to do so, there'd be more to say to you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago


Crensch ago

Posted here because on /v/ProtectVoat this would get a "meta drama" flair despite it being quite central to the protection of Voat and the users on this website.

virge ago

I'm just going to admit to being one of those goats who was around for years but tunnel-visioned into a few subs without paying attention to whats going on. I hold no particular bone to pick with either side and think I made my point with @kevdude very clear. He and I do not agree upon the circumstances of the situation. If he and those who think like him demand from me what I intend as a constructive donation of my time to society for the sake of their safe-space comfort then their actions speak for themselves. I believe any reasonable person would conclude this a battle with no purpose, and I give up nothing by abandoning the comments section so I see no problem with this compromise in the end.

I have concluded @kevdude means well, but I've observed his methodology and measurement of success does not share the same fundamental ideology as I do. The best him and I can hope to do is agree to disagree on a functional level, understanding that I'm more libertarian and he's ultimately more authoritarian.

Crensch ago

If he and those who think like him demand from me what I intend as a constructive donation of my time to society for the sake of their safe-space comfort then their actions speak for themselves.

Nobody but a loud, entrenched minority wants that from you. Do what you will in your own subverse. Fuck them.

I believe any reasonable person would conclude this a battle with no purpose, and I give up nothing by abandoning the comments section so I see no problem with this compromise in the end.

Age quod agis. The attack on you is a pattern of behaviour that I'll not tolerate any more on this website. You're welcome to have or not have any part in it.

I have concluded @kevdude means well, but I've observed his methodology and measurement of success does not share the same fundamental ideology as I do. The best him and I can hope to do is agree to disagree on a functional level, understanding that I'm more libertarian and he's ultimately more authoritarian.

I thought so, too, once upon a time. His selective enforcement against good users and leaving the shitposters alone is where he will hang himself.

virge ago

Nobody but a loud, entrenched minority wants that from you. Do what you will in your own subverse. Fuck them.

4-5 posts by @WhiteRonin with my name in it a day, and a comment history averaging 7-10+ downvotes on a large chunk of my comment history. Anyone can go view it. Some have even commented on it with curiosity. What's that old saying about being over the target?

I thought so, too, once upon a time. His selective enforcement against good users and leaving the shitposters alone is where he will hang himself.

I'm too old for games, and I've gotten myself to a comfortable place in life where I could be unemployed for the next 20 years and still be just fine. I intentionally gave @kedude all he'd need to doxx me a few days ago. I figured if he used it then I'd know for sure, and since I really don't have anything to lose as far as future job prospects and pay lawyers and CPA's a lot of money every year to make sure I do everything legally I really don't care if he exposes this information about me.

The fact that he hasn't shows me he isn't as bad as you portray. With that said, life experience has taught me that the answer to most things lies somewhere in the middle; afterall, the difference between a little and lot, isn't a lot.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#46679) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

4-5 posts by @WhiteRonin with my name in it a day, and a comment history averaging 7-10+ downvotes on a large chunk of my comment history. Anyone can go view it. Some have even commented on it with curiosity. What's that old saying about being over the target?

Yeah, the PV brigades everyone tried to tell me about for years are actually real.

The fact that he hasn't shows me he isn't as bad as you portray. With that said, life experience has taught me that the answer to most things lies somewhere in the middle; afterall, the difference between a little and lot, isn't a lot.

Those that stay in the middle will find themselves yanked one way or the other by the most extreme, and one side can, in fact, be right.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey @Virge I’m pinging you in since you are pertinent to the conversation and I’m gonna be addressing you specifically but I want Crensch to watch this.

For Virge:

You should know exactly how many posts I did about you since that image specifically has you saying you use excel to track everything. You have also said you automate it in a recent comment. Run a macro for us will yah!

So, 7-10+ down votes insinuating it was me. Nice! I didn’t ask for help like most people on this site does. The post itself was more than enough to make you look like a psychopath ass. Your words spoke enough to prove my point.

But let’s play a game since you are so financially set and pay for lawyers and shieet!

The premise is simple. You want transparency, right? Yet, your actions have proven you delete any comment that shows you in a bad light. I know you aren’t doing it for points because most of your comments are -5 as per your undelete comments. You are accusing me of -7 per your comments when we interact.

So, let’s play a game. You are saying I’ve down voted you about 200 times? I’m gonna counter with 20+ (Probably more like 10+) Down votes since I’ve interacted with you. How about we get Putt to pull my vote history and you pay me $1000 for the difference. I will also provide my other alt since I only have a lurker account for various personal reasons. He brigade report can easily confirm that. So, combined 2 accounts are less than your even low ball conservative figure of 80+ of me being a Mr Meany down voted. We have an outside source who provides data and you pay me about $60k since I know my voting habits and proof is on my side. 80 - 20 X $1000 per your over stated down vote. Thus $60k. Why 1 vote accusation is equal to $1k? To make you suck my dick and prove you are a slandering piece of shit, that’s why!

You are well off so $60k would be a drop in the bucket and your lawyer can verify Putt’s findings thus it’s all on you to prove your accusations against me. And as a bonus! You can even ask Putt for a history on all my votes in either direction!

Throw in another $20k and I’ll give permission to pull a detailed vote history on me and my alt. That other one might have some juicy info on it! I’ll even make this sweeter! For an extra $10k for a total of $30k outside of the game above. You get all of the above and I’ll apologize to you and if you don’t send me a Nigerian prince deposit, I might just walk away. Hey, as lots of have tried to call me a Jew or a shill, I might as be one and walk away with a sweet severance pay.

So how about little condescending bitch, are you willing to put your wallet where you mouth is and prove to all of vote how much of a bad guy I am and how I have hurt your fee fees with a measly 20 possible down votes? I know you are good for the cash, hell, I might even meet you in person to receive it in a brown paper bag (let’s make it real cheesy since you down talk to me all the time). I’ll even sign an NDA for your lawyer to keep this all hush hush. You know, I could use that money, I’m a Jew according to many here on Voat!

Just think, you could shut me up by buying me out and keep your larp going.

Or will you chicken out and be a little bitch that will twist this challenge around and call it blabbering gibberish once again.

You have the cash, you have the CPA and you have a lawyer on retainer so it’s real simple for you!

I iterate once again, by me out and you can have my data, my reputation and possibly for the right pay out. Me gone from Voat for good! I mean it! I’ll never set my digital signature on this site ever again.

Of course, buying me out will allow you to dump my data on the net for all can see! Remember, that alt “might” have some juiciness to it! (Psst it’s a teaser!) PM access would be off the table.

Wow! Isn’t that a deal of the century or what!

So, Crensch what do you think? I know I’m an asshole, so skip those comments, I am 100% looking to prove Virge is a slandering cock sucker for shekels! I give you permission to post this comment all over vote too! Screen shot all you want because I really will love to see Virge eat crow or me being paid a nice salary to leave.

As for the vote brigades. It has always happened. Every single new immigration is an example. You killing off hundreds of Dial Indicator’s alts and much much more. I thought PV was the good guys. I was wrong. RPV are dicks but they have started to make sense. So does sanegoat.

Honestly, no side is clean. I’ve seen enough over the years to realize this.

virge ago

Damn thats a lot of shit to type on a phone, even for an Asian H1B programmer. Your thumbs must literally be bleeding.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey bitch!

Buy me out! Like I said, I’ll even meet in person and prove you wrong once again! But you already know the truth! Hehe

So, do we have a deal or are you a little pussy larp fag?

virge ago

I always wondered what it would be like to witness the passing of a brain aneurysm.

WhiteRonin ago

@crensch (disclosure purposes)

I just put up an ask voat question to see if you are a chicken shit slandering little bitch who won’t but me out!

WhiteRonin ago

Well? No counter offer? Mr Big Guy who has money! Come on, prove me wrong and have a good laugh all for the price of proving me a Jew too!

Do it! Go for it!

gabara ago

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JackHoff ago

Are those pubic hair sprinkles?