Jem777 ago

@jangles have you connected with the researcher who has explained in great detail the process of taking the Pineal Glands from aborted fetuses and selling them in elite circles as rituals?

jangles ago

No, I am interested

Jem777 ago

Not sure how to link you to his post. He is from the Netherlands but wrote an expose on how the elite use Pineal Glands as part of their ritual. It involves a breakdown in a US politician's connection to a pizza shop and might explain a bit deeper into the reason pizza shops are involved. This involves Satanic practices so be prepared. He has written several posts with links including historical, and knowledge of occult meaning. Not for the faint of heart but please read. @ArtificialDuality

Jem777 ago

Jangles help me out with this. I recognizable M. Mc was intentionally trafficked or kidnapped (donated). As established she had a Pax2 mutation that was visibly shown as a coloboma. Are you saying the proteins and peptides in her unique genetic structure was valued as an asset?

jangles ago

It relates to this , pax mutations are common because of the structure of the chromosome. Pax is on #10 mid long arm. Pax2 is located 10q24.3 . If you look it is in the middle of the longest leg of all of the chromosomes. Odd coloboma disorders have unique expression of signaling factors that affect the brain and kidneys. I don't have much time right now. Ask me some more specific questions and I will try to answer as I can.

Cheers Jangles

jangles ago

Remember this thread @crazimal

Dressage2 ago

I had a server error msg trying to open this thread. Could you repost please? The issue with Coloboma/PAX2 is fascinating and I cannot believe this is constantly getting deleted from the main Pizzagate threads.

jangles ago

It is up for me. Let me know if it is still down.

Dressage2 ago

Got it!

jangles ago

This link is good for everyone to know about. Your children can have better lives if you understand this paper. Understanding the role of maternal diet on kidney development; an opportunity to improve cardiovascular and renal health for future generations.

jangles ago

A p53-Pax2 pathway in kidney development: implications for nephrogenesis. Saifudeen Z1, Liu J, Dipp S, Yao X, Li Y, McLaughlin N, Aboudehen K, El-Dahr SS.

Developmental renal genes likely to be co--regulated by p53 and Pax2. We propose that the cross-talk between p53 and Pax2 provides a transcriptional platform that promotes nephrogenesis, thus contributing to nephron endowment.

jangles ago

jangles ago

PAX2 activates WNT4 expression during mammalian kidney development Torban E1, Dziarmaga A, Iglesias D, Chu LL, Vassilieva T, Little M, Eccles M, Discenza M, Pelletier J, Goodyer P. source



The transcription factor PAX2 is expressed during normal kidney development and is thought to influence outgrowth and branching of the ureteric bud. Mice with homozygous null Pax2 mutations have developmental defects of the midbrain-hindbrain region, optic nerve, and ear and are anephric. During nephrogenesis, PAX2 is also expressed by mesenchymal cells as they cluster and reorganize to form proximal elements of each nephron, but the function of PAX2 in these cells is unknown. In this study we hypothesized that PAX2 activates expression of WNT4, a secreted glycoprotein known to be critical for successful nephrogenesis. PAX2 protein was identified in distal portions of the "S-shaped" body, and the protein persists in the emerging proximal tubules of murine fetal kidney. PAX2 activated WNT4 promoter activity 5-fold in co-transfection assays with JTC12 cells derived from the proximal tubule. Inspection of the 5'-flanking sequence of the human WNT4 gene identified three novel PAX2 recognition motifs; each exhibited specific PAX2 protein binding in electromobility shift assays. Two motifs were contained within a completely duplicated 0.66-kb cassette. Transfection of JTC12 cells with a PAX2 expression vector was associated with a 7-fold increase in endogenous WNT4 mRNA. In contrast, Wnt4 mRNA was decreased by 60% in mesenchymal cell condensates of fetal kidney from mice with a heterozygous Pax2 mutation. We speculated that a key function of PAX2 is to activate WNT4 gene expression in metanephric mesenchymal cells as they differentiate to form elements of the renal tubules.