Dressage2 ago

I think this post should be directed to the mods. They think they are drs. and dismiss what investigators are posting with regard to Coloboma and ithey mmediately delete them. Maybe the picture is bad so you cannot tell clearly, but let the people decide in their own minds if they believe they see Coloboma. Don't play the dictator and dismiss them automatically as their guess is as good as an investigator's guess. This is the problem out in the US right now. People hear all this stuff about Pizzagate and believe it is ridiculous so they push it aside and dismiss it completely. We believe it is true that is why we are here working tirelessly, but what if we were all wrong. What if these people were the mods and deleted our forurrm. This is the exact same thing happening here. If the mods don't like what we, the investigators, believe then they delete it and tell you to move on, nothing to see here. We are investigating here, it should have some thought, people's ideas put out for discussion, instead it is being censored because we do not fall in line with their decision regarding Coloboma.