Crispr-Cas9 use propelled the meeting. The technique, invented three years ago, allows editing DNA in an easy and precise manner. The use of which could enable physicians to alter human genetics, including enhancing physical and mental traits. "If we are going to view certain applications of human genome editing as permissible, can we draw a line and not throw out legitimate medical applications in order to stave off those that are less palatable to most of us?" George Daley, MD at Boston Children's Hospital, asked conference attendees.
Truth be told, the world has entered a new age of technology where all bets are off. Even though there are governments and corporations that have much more power than the average person, technology has given more power to modern men and women, than their ancestors could have ever dreamed of. This means that the potential for disaster is now in the hands of more people than ever before.
That’s what James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, recently expressed in regards to modern gene editing technologies, though not in the same words. In his annual worldwide threat assessment report, he suggested that genetic editing devices like CRISPR will soon pose a “weapons of mass destruction and proliferation” threat.