UltraRibbed ago

Well I cannot vote on this subvoat, but they aren’t downvoting me at the moment.

Some time back I want from almost 100 to -40.

Cato_the_Elder ago

You're as popular as ever I see, Joe! Lol, who'd you tick off this time?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Cato as in the guy that used to post at Apricity, etc., I presume?

Not sure what the source of the trouble is. Possibly a result of what happens when I post on a platform that gets overrun by nutzis. Voat didn't used to be this way.

Cato_the_Elder ago

That'd be me, the one and only! I think I must still hold some kind of record on Apeshitty for being banned so many times by Lolki and his minions for sockpuppeting and various other lulzy things.

Being trolled by nutzis, eh? Yes that'd be something that'd happen to you, lol.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A very bad thing about Voat as I find myself having the same conversations I did ten years ago. These guys are VNN-tier neophytes. Which means Jews in cloud formations. In their sweat socks. Secret Jews among them everywhere. Etc. These folks regressed the level of discussion back to 2006. A lot of us got past this years ago. But here they predominate.

Cato_the_Elder ago

You don't think that the JQ is a valid topic of discussion? One doesn't have to be a card-carrying Hitlerite to see why the JQ has to be on the table.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I basically oppose anti-Semitism. But that is because I do understand the topic. So no, I'm not against a proper understanding of the issue. Nutzis are nowhere near having a proper understanding. They know enough to where it arguably makes them less informed than they were before. Is acquiring bad information an improvement? That's shaky.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Have you heard of E. Michael Jones and, if so, are have you read any of his books, specifically The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History? That book has been a major influence on the development of my understanding of the JQ and his background comes from a traditional interpretation of Catholicism, hardly the stuff of internet nutzis.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've read Libido Dominandi. That's it with Jones. And yeah, naturally some of these lettered anti-Semites are of much higher quality than Voat-tier one-liners. I don't really agree with them either but then in talking about VNN-style fodder I would think it clear I don't mean them.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Jones is a critic of contemporary Judaism and the Talmud but has stated that he draws the line when it comes to hatred of Jews as a race. His opinions, which I regard as informed beyond the level of some blue pill or nutzi, are really not that much different than those of Fathers Coughlin and Feeney, which were more or less were mainstream three or four generations ago.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Joe I was never able to last on boards like Skadi because the nutzis display a belligerence regarding the Church that is almost as great as their belligerence towards Jews. It's pretty amusing tbh; Kevin MacDonald sees the Catholic Church as having arisen partly from anti-Jewish sentiment and yet the nutzis are often belligerent ignoramuses when it comes to Catholicism. Very amusing.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not overly familiar with his view on Jews specifically. Being a Christian he is naturally going to say he rejects hatred. But it matters little as such material fuels animus toward Jews. Not to say that is right or wrong. Only that it is.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Jews are exempt from criticism then? I think not! Christ Himself was quite critical of their clergy!

Joe_McCarthy ago

They're exempt, if that is the right word, from stupid criticism. That entails probably 90% plus of criticism of them.

I could, since you mentioned them, probably make as strong a case against Roman Catholics. Both Jones and Kevin MacDonald, two leading intellectual anti-Semites, are of RC background. But I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm anti-Catholic. To the extent Jews are opposed it should be under the rubric of liberalism rather than Judaism. The Jews that do take the anti-gentile stuff in the Talmud seriously even tend to vote more conservatively. It's quite asinine to preoccupy oneself with bearded dudes in Brooklyn.

QueenMab_II ago

26 downvotes? This must be a some kind of a record, even for you, Joe. Sometimes I think Voat is full of frustrated, 12-year old pimply-faced kids.

Skyrock ago

Looks like the brigading has subsided. No submission in the last 13 hours has any downvotes oitside of the ordinary.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Seemed to calm down right after I opened the Putt thread. Or maybe they (or he) got bored.

SamMusinguzi ago

Downvoting is propblematic and cis sexist.

Joe_McCarthy ago

After I opened the Putt PM thread I notice someone in this thread reversed their downvote to an upvote. Lulz.

1Iron_Curtain ago

Do you think some people are being sent over from Apricity, Joe, now that I see the anti-Nazi stuff posted over at the Apricity? Someone is flooding over from some site over to here.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not at all. I haven't had anything to do with that site since Loki got cokerage and mass banned dozens of us back in 2012. There's no reason why they'd have anything to do with this.

1Iron_Curtain ago

Yeah, I doubted it too, but I could see the people doing it coming from a crowd like that.

deployable ago

"It does once again highlight why the voting system sucks." Yes, just being able to give out unlimited up/down votes makes them worth little. Also the ones given for reasons other than the content on post or reply, have equal weight to sincere ones. The place that I was, f169bbs, til shut down a few months ago, had decent system. You earned one up or down vote to give out, for every reply you made. Not perfect but really made you spend carefully (and reply more). For this format maybe giving you additional credit for every reply you get to original contribution posts.

Oswy ago

Personally, I always downvote threads that whine about downvoting.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You do that. One thing mass downvoting of this sub is likely to do is discourage people from posting here. Indeed, that is almost certainly the object - if these knuckleheads are capable of that much long range planning. So you'll be helping in the creation of a ghost town.

Octocopter ago

"No one should be expected to have to tolerate this" You got some downvoats and you are acting like people are shoving your dirty ass in a shower.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Shower? If we're to use an accurate metaphor I wish I could run y'all over with a Sherman tank. The new Nazis are not so much dangerous as annoying.

1Iron_Curtain ago

I have been getting hard recently. Its like bouncing around in a pinball machine. At some point people will get tired of everything.

Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you just turn around to downvote their threads. That justs there is no civility. Everyone has their right to protest though and I support you in that context.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Notably, most threads on page 1 are now double digits in downvotes. Will be interesting to see how long this persists.

273645546372 ago

And it certainly doesn't help that content is barely being up voted in general.

Diggernicks ago

Internet points don't matter. Kill yourself asap.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No one other than trolls like yourself is likely to take this nonsense seriously. If you even do - being a troll and all.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Now I suppose a question is if this is just a few randoms or something making trouble or our own homegrown nutzis taking their Jew hating jihad to the next level as it were. If I had to guess I'd bet the latter.

1Iron_Curtain ago

This is what happens when people are stuck between well what do with the Zionists and want not to do. How bad are the Zionists really in the end game?

What other threats are we contending with? Its all a massive issue we have to contend with and when you stress the problem too much you lose focus of others problems, which leads to radicalization.

Most people cannot even contextualize or point out references to what is wrong with the Zionists and get stuck in the devils in the detail or building castles in the sky, and then they sort of forget why they dislike the Zionists and just hate them with pure hatred and what you get is genocide(I believe in Nazism separated from genocide and that it can work).

Joe_McCarthy ago

Nutzism, like much of political extremism, takes on the traits of religious fanaticism. I'm an infidel to be vanquished is what I think this boils down to.

Unfortunately there is probably no effective way to counter this loophole if you will that allows a gang of retards to mass downvote. Putt would probably have to step in and he is notoriously absent and unresponsive. I am also increasingly impatient with the endless nonsense that is Voat.

SamMusinguzi ago

You're the white man. They are brown.

SamMusinguzi ago

You're a holy crusader and they are jihadists.

1Iron_Curtain ago

I guess to an extent it can, but not all of that is necessarily bad worked into a certain mode of thought and context. Sometimes the time requires radical responses to make sure devious forces are kept from acquiring power.

We should not boil it down to a this/that kind of argument and throw enemies into one category, but deal with them appropriately and with the hope of offsetting each into their respective nature. I am not a fan of the religious component at times, because it does not drive one forward, although looking towards the past is important to driving forward and the task of driving forward is to revive the past in its primordial sense, which involves a kind of non-categorical religious component. Its when we start setting rigid standards that we start to lose sight. I think that is why you allow for a modicum of agreement and disagreement, even with your enemies and finally with yourself.

This is most necessary for progress and advancement of the white preservationist cause. Yeah, I think generally speaking the downvoting/upvoting on a certain site could be abused, but its not really that bad. Voat can get scattish and generally lumpenproletariat Hoi Polloi, but you are being able to contend with and analyze some of the raw problems that effect things at a micro-scale.

I don't know where else one can go to get a good talk going on something. Godlikeproductions sort of sucks when all is added up. I guess we could all head over to Germanic Worlds. Just kidding.

drakesdoom2 ago

You just need to short sell your ccp so when you get down voted you get up votes on the back end.

Durm ago

A bunch of people with Capcase_Capcase names seem to have shown up suddenly, recently, acting like a similarly weird kind of retard.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Your version of "Mass Downvoating" is 5-6 downvoats?

Joe_McCarthy ago

There are threads with 10 or 11 downvotes. Sometimes 8 or 9. Frequently 5 or 6. Some of them include your threads.

Not normal for this sub. Not at all.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I honestly didn't notice the recent -11 stuff.

I just post and move on due to viewing downvoats as "Trigger Trophies".

Quaestorr ago

The fact that your threads are being mass-downvoted as well, makes me inclined to believe (seeing you as some sort of a dissident within the context of this subverse) that it's not so much done for ideological reasons (it is, e.g., not someone who takes offense on Joe's stance on the Single-Jewish-Cause antisemitism); it's more some folks (or some indivudual with 15 different accounts) that target(s) this subverse at large.

Joe_McCarthy ago

For that to be the case it's going to probably mean some new force off of Voat coming into downvote. Anything is possible I suppose but we are dealing with what is most likely. The only people on Voat that are known to hate me are Nazis and there is little reason why they wouldn't downvote KHK too if the object is to discourage submissions to this sub.

Quaestorr ago

Well, it depends on what you'd consider "indigenous"... Someone might find it useful to target this sub, indeed it is one of the busiest (at least you said it is, and I take your word for it). If I were a nazi, I would probably be not target e.g. KHK's threads. But who knows.

Ironically for my personal experience it doesn't even matter if all threads consistently get 15-20 downvotes, because I seldom take notice of Voat outside of this sub anyway.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Yes. The downvoating was getting up into the -20's across the sub.

It most certainly looks suspect, AND it smacks of reddit faggotry.

Quaestorr ago

Yes, which is weird, if it were done for ideological differences within the larger frame of ethnonationalism. To simplify: while there is probably much common ground between you and Joe (and me, and other more 'moderate' members), there is some ideological friction that involves a few issues. If a person would share your opinion, which we can assume that those who Joe calls 'nutzis' do, it'd make good sense to target anything in this sub but your (and similar) threads. So, personally I'm inclined to believe it is done by either clueless (and opinion-less) trolls, or cosmopolitans (or, maybe even ((( cosmopolitans ))), as you might put it. Although we shouldn't underestimate Joe's gut feeling about it.

Btw besides the usual hebraeobsessive stuff, I noticed you broadened your scope in the last few months, and brought several interesting tidbits to the attention. Take that as a compliment, for what it's worth (admittedly not much, as I haven't been around much lately, but still).

Atomized_Individual ago

Kids. I'm glad the jewposting jewtards are gone.

Atomized_Individual ago

Yep...all gone when school started.