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Cato_the_Elder ago

You're as popular as ever I see, Joe! Lol, who'd you tick off this time?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Cato as in the guy that used to post at Apricity, etc., I presume?

Not sure what the source of the trouble is. Possibly a result of what happens when I post on a platform that gets overrun by nutzis. Voat didn't used to be this way.

Cato_the_Elder ago

That'd be me, the one and only! I think I must still hold some kind of record on Apeshitty for being banned so many times by Lolki and his minions for sockpuppeting and various other lulzy things.

Being trolled by nutzis, eh? Yes that'd be something that'd happen to you, lol.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A very bad thing about Voat as I find myself having the same conversations I did ten years ago. These guys are VNN-tier neophytes. Which means Jews in cloud formations. In their sweat socks. Secret Jews among them everywhere. Etc. These folks regressed the level of discussion back to 2006. A lot of us got past this years ago. But here they predominate.

Cato_the_Elder ago

You don't think that the JQ is a valid topic of discussion? One doesn't have to be a card-carrying Hitlerite to see why the JQ has to be on the table.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I basically oppose anti-Semitism. But that is because I do understand the topic. So no, I'm not against a proper understanding of the issue. Nutzis are nowhere near having a proper understanding. They know enough to where it arguably makes them less informed than they were before. Is acquiring bad information an improvement? That's shaky.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Have you heard of E. Michael Jones and, if so, are have you read any of his books, specifically The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History? That book has been a major influence on the development of my understanding of the JQ and his background comes from a traditional interpretation of Catholicism, hardly the stuff of internet nutzis.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've read Libido Dominandi. That's it with Jones. And yeah, naturally some of these lettered anti-Semites are of much higher quality than Voat-tier one-liners. I don't really agree with them either but then in talking about VNN-style fodder I would think it clear I don't mean them.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Jones is a critic of contemporary Judaism and the Talmud but has stated that he draws the line when it comes to hatred of Jews as a race. His opinions, which I regard as informed beyond the level of some blue pill or nutzi, are really not that much different than those of Fathers Coughlin and Feeney, which were more or less were mainstream three or four generations ago.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not overly familiar with his view on Jews specifically. Being a Christian he is naturally going to say he rejects hatred. But it matters little as such material fuels animus toward Jews. Not to say that is right or wrong. Only that it is.

Cato_the_Elder ago

Jews are exempt from criticism then? I think not! Christ Himself was quite critical of their clergy!

Joe_McCarthy ago

They're exempt, if that is the right word, from stupid criticism. That entails probably 90% plus of criticism of them.

I could, since you mentioned them, probably make as strong a case against Roman Catholics. Both Jones and Kevin MacDonald, two leading intellectual anti-Semites, are of RC background. But I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm anti-Catholic. To the extent Jews are opposed it should be under the rubric of liberalism rather than Judaism. The Jews that do take the anti-gentile stuff in the Talmud seriously even tend to vote more conservatively. It's quite asinine to preoccupy oneself with bearded dudes in Brooklyn.