1Iron_Curtain ago

Yes, generally it is not desirable, but not critiquing Jews is a bad thing and is worse because it drives people away from the truth.

I believe in taking a very heavy handed two-faced approach with Zionists and think it would be ideal if they lived on some island far away from a place where they would find enemies or provoke issues. There are massive flaws with the Jewish mentality, but I am not going to go into it.

I think the Jewish mentality basically typifies why we in the West will collapse and/or decay, because even with great intelligence and reason(I think Jews are not as intelligent as claimed and better with stuff like manipulating concepts, engineering social systems, et cetera, which is less non-linear thought and some higher order/oblique form of thought that sort of very driven by superstition, reification, and stupefying through repetition and running in sequential circles.

They lack common sense and the application of it and they lack good systematic logic and intuitiveness(lack much of a strong internal life and are not very creative, which Otto Weininger languished over). The question are the Jews worse than the Greeks and Romans. Yes, qualitatively speaking, but essentially modern Jews are Hellenized Palestinians or basically half Rhinelander and half-Palestinian.

They are at once not lost Hyperboreans(being Palestinian) and they are Hyperborean Mischling that mentality wise is very Hellenized(some melting pot of lost Hyperboreans and non-Hyperboreans/or in this case "Aryan." One needs to be careful to be too open-minded with Jews, but not keeping dialogue with them and discussing matters with them can backfire and create a more passionate enemy.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I'm not a jew hater, I hate evil.

It just so happens that Jews and evil have an incredible amount of overlap.

Maybe you should stop being willfully ignorant of how the Jews have used their positions of power to wage a war of extermination against white people.

DakotaJane ago

When I first discovered Voat I thought it was a contest or something to see how many times you could bring up Jews. Then I realized it was just a bunch of retards that feel the need to blame others because they have an unnatural attraction to women dressed like rugs and Sex with goats.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Found the Reddit oven dodger. Go back to fucking your mom, inbred jew trash.

Jews are the lowest of the peoples.

DakotaJane ago

Not remotely Jewish. Not even male.

So wrong twice already.

Add on that Jews aren’t “the lowest of people.” That would be Palestinians.

That makes you a three time loser.


who cares

gazillions ago

It didn't drive you away, no matter how we hard we tried.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If I didn't have the stickies I'd probably be gone for all of the downvotes I'm targeted with. And I'm more resilient than most along with having more time on my hands than most and I still find you all annoying enough to open a thread like this, so...

grandmacaesar ago

It has nothing to do with "hating jews". It has to do with hating lies. If the liar happens to claim to be a member of any race / religion, oh well. Let the chips fall where they may.

Have you not seen all the "dear fellow white people, kill yourself" memes posted by jews on twitter and shared here on vote? Or the video of Barbra Lerner Spectre talking about how the jews are intent on a multicultural Europe?

Have you never read the protocols?

Joe_McCarthy ago

"Have you never read the protocols?" should be placed on Voat's proverbial tombstone.

grandmacaesar ago

I've got an idea. Close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and say, "Lalalalala zionists' lies are not a problem lalalalala." And all the world's troubles will magically disappear.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Only the most zealous of even anti-Semites speak of the Protocols of Zion as if they are legit'. I've associated with a lot of people on the net that didn't like Jews. Only on Voat have I regularly been told to pay heed to the Protocols. You're the kook fringe of even the kook fringe.

grandmacaesar ago

What about the protocols do you deny, oh wise one? (No comment on Ms Spectre? No comment on "fellow white people"?)

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Jews are the cause of literally every single problem on earth.

13635458? ago

Jews should be hated. They need to apologize for there peoples crimes and atone by having sex with niggers

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Oh come on, there's definitely a degree of self-parody and self-awareness here. It's all mixed together in a semi-ironic post-ironic milieu of internet culture. It definitely is not the same thing as a Stormfag.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Even if so it makes little difference for our purposes here. Whether unserious trolling or meant in earnest it creates the same experience of enduring stupidity. I know I've spent far too much time fielding the time wasting of idiots than is healthy. Others I know just shake their heads and stay away basically.

goyphobic ago

I'm inclined to believe that if one cannot wade through the bullshit to find something worthwhile, then maybe they should stay away. Free speech is a toy for big kids.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I think most of the users the site loses is due to the outages, and that it would actually be growing due to the trickle of new users if not for that.

Joe_McCarthy ago

This place had a lot more of a mix when I got here 2 1/2 years ago. Steadily the Jew haters came to dominate the site. I think that tells us who is mostly leaving. These people have the nature of zealous religious fanatics that seek to convert or drive out. Or if they don't actively try to drive out people self-deported due to the same one topic repeated in rote. I've seen forums built around minimizing the presence of these types because they are stuck on that one topic. This is old hat.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I maintain my earlier point. If the site was more consistently there would be more diversity of opinion as you say. My working theory is that the most loyal users of the site are also the most strongly Anti-Jew. So I am attributing this not their success in driving people off, but merely to the site going down. When the site goes down, people look for alternatives (Poal, Phuks), and then some settle over there.