slaver469 ago

It’s fucking sad.

shiiiit ago

yeah it really makes me wonder. I just figure eventually they'll pay the toll for their poor decisions. why they would touch one of those things in the first place though is beyond me

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

You are a Tyrone piece of shit

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

That's because you are a nigger

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

There will always be pure white men who will be smarter, faster and have the ingenuity to destroy any mud people those haffaNiggers can create.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Jesus that's it! How'd you get a picture?

Kirbylover02 ago

Now i get what you're saying mate. i know a lot of hardworking and smart black people in Technological science where a lot of innovative values are to be used frequently. But this monkey i see is just stupid. He doesn't even speak Swedish properly, clothes looks like your typical homeless gypsie. What's really make you think is i saw the white girl paid for both's meal. Our media is affecting innocent people!

Niggertown ago

Does anyone else hate seeing rhetorical questions on the frontpage?

Go ask that question on Reddit.

OdinsMessenger ago

I actually work in manufacturing and work with several niggers. I started very recently and management has already been trying to put me in a supervisory over them, even though some of the niggers have been working there for years. This is because I actually work hard and care about the job I do. Of course, the niggers want nothing of what I say, so I have to do their work for them and work alongside the managers to fix their mistakes. In my job the niggers don't want to work and when you can get them to do something they are slow and make mistakes. I've heard the same from so many other people that I'm inclined to believe this is the rule rather than the exception.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

You're wasting your time talking to this nigger piece of shit

OdinsMessenger ago

It's trolling, then.

You showed your hand too soon there, mate. You could've kept me going for a little bit acting like you were seriously debating me, then pulled the "Luk at meh im a reterd trull and made u mad lol". That would have actually been funny and would've wasted my time.

Such a shame, these amateurs coming in here and wasting energy with lackluster trolling.

OdinsMessenger ago

I believe you may have hit your head, friend. It seems you're having a bit of perceptive distortion, niggers don't start businesses or work hard. They don't want to work at all and they most certainly aren't great in any capacity.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Have a look at this and see the piece of shit you're talking too

OdinsMessenger ago

I agree with SyriansFuckCorpses in that thread. This dude has a personality disorder.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

He's a compete retard. He needs a .45 cal lobotomy

markrod420 ago

they are trash. i just consinder it helpful filtering.

SayNOtothedress ago

Marry a nigger, die at the hands of an animal. Marry a white man, die at the hands of an abuser who just "couldn't take the nagging". A woman's fate is the same either way.

Kirbylover02 ago

Whatcha doin' Rabbi?

SayNOtothedress ago

Ah. Classic. I've lost a friend to a nigger, and aunt to a white man. Tell me the difference, their caskets are the same size.

Splooge ago

When I was a child I distinctly remember seeing a nigger with its coalburner and immediately feeling uncomfortable, like something wasn't right about this. I felt revulsion and confused because it didn't make "sense" to me, this strange sight. Of course, at the time I didn't know anything about romantic relationships, much less sex, but seeing them hold hands just screamed wrong.

Spent my teens getting this "beaten out of me" so to speak, via public education indoctrination. Recovered a few years after I left high school, thank goodness for that. I got on facebook a while back and looked up some of the coalburners I went to school with -- every single one of them is a single mother to a halfbreed shitlet, living paycheck to paycheck at some shit job (while going to night school to get their dentistry creds or whatever). Every single one still burns coal.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Like the servant holding the masters hand.

Kirbylover02 ago

Lmfao! they sure paid the toll!

Splooge ago

In terms of life suck? Sure, I'll go with that. Personally, I don't consider the toll paid until they're dead or unable to reproduce and spread the nigger-loving virus.

Itsdone63 ago

Disgust, outrage, disappointment and somehow, contradictorly, a void. I imagine it's where my natural feeling of love for my kind used to be.

1Icemonkey ago

Next time you see a white trash bitch with a nigglet, try this,”oh, is that your little boy?, He sure is cute, he looks just like you”

aussie_fuckin_legend ago

I think it is better to say straight up, " wow, you are so courageous for adopting", then she says no..."It is mine", and you make the look...oooohhhhhhh

1Icemonkey ago

Hah! Even better!

srslyitsbad ago

Ha! That's pretty good.

ardvarcus ago

It's a waste of good white DNA.

DexterM1776 ago


anon44568821830 ago

It is disgusting and I dont even entertain the idea of dating a girl who has ever burned coal. Won't even talk to her, if I can swing it.

biscuitrage ago

What about coal burning men?

srslyitsbad ago

My ex-boyfriend told me a story once about how he tried to take a negress home but she ended up running off when a cop approached them (big surprise there). I was disgusted and dumped his ass shortly after.

Kirbylover02 ago

The thirst for pussy is amazing. Some people can even turn into faggots to fuck other people of the same gender.

OdinsMessenger ago

In prison maybe, but outside gay is gay. My own thirst for pussy is what makes me gay XD

mleczko ago

i love telling people that from where i am from (Poland) you used to spit in a pram with mixed race baby.

whitemaleie ago

Got to love Poland..shame if it isn't still happening!

truthwoke33 ago

Disgusted, yes I am disgusted with the pathetic worthless cuck father's who'd rather pray to God than spend half a nano second with uncomfortable thoughts spurring action. Enjoy your half nigger grandkids.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

That is the sad truth about evolution. If she was dumb enough to screw an ape, what other stupid shit would she do? You just have to write them off and out of the gene pool. They are tainted.

It's like goblin slayer: Once their womb is blacked, they become worthless.

Goblin slayer is a Japanese analogue for the subhuman races that attempt to mingle with the rest of humanity.

oligarchsalamander ago

Apparently I was visibly put off by it on public transit because both of them looked straight at me and then at one another. In that moment I was thinking that the girl must be an idiot who needs a babysitter as an adult, and the dude should go back to their own country and turn it into something of any value at all.

Must have been written all over my face.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

I get a bit disappointed. Not angry or anything. It’s not REALLY her fault. I mean it is, but it isn’t. There’s a LOT of indoctrination going on, and if you are young, don’t know any better, and surrounded by people parroting the same dogma over and over again, it’s probably going to stick. If she won’t learn the easy way, she’ll have to learn the hard way.

dundundunnnnn ago

Tons of them in Tacoma, WA.

Derpfroot ago

I stare; make it known that it's not normal or OK. But it sort of doesn't matter at that point. Because once you go black, you can't come back.

HamAtEnormousSize ago

I have kids and an old lady. All of the women I care about know better to talk to dirty niggers, it is unfortunate that so many girls grow up without a father, that or they hate the guy, any man whose daughter dates a nig should kill themselves.

AR47 ago

Disgusted? No more along the lines of repulsed. Disgusted isn't even a strong enough word.

I get that some will have the argument that somehow you don't chose whom you end up loving, but I always ask about self preservation, and or single parenthood. Mainly because the moment a child shows it almost always ends with that conclusion.

Animals are incapable of love, because that requires devotion and commitment. A male or even female nigger can't have either one of those traits. It just doesn't happen.

Those that can't recognize that I won't even speak with them upon finding that out.

SirNiggsalot ago

It makes me want to find their father and kick him in the ass for raising a coal burning skank !

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Have an upvoat. I've got two good kicking feet.

HamAtEnormousSize ago

I laugh, because my children hate niggers. My mother didn't hate niggers, I grew up not knowing that niggers were garbage, had to meet a few to determine that 100% of them are better off in a garbage dump. Anyways it sucks so many girls grow up without a father.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

"Anyways it sucks so many girls grow up without a father." That's the most important statement I've read tonight!

CRKT_M16Z ago

You recently saw one?! Shit, I wish I could go one day only seeing just one. That shit has basically reached epidemic levels where I live. It's fucking sad.

Hand_of_Node ago

There are a lot of factors that would cause me to blacklist a living location, but "overrun by niggers" is at the top of the list.

Soyboy69 ago

Well it's either overrun by niggers, overrun by spics or soon to be overrun by either.

dundundunnnnn ago

Are you in Seattle/Tacoma, too?!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Ha! No, but I've visited there several times. It's definitely a liberal hellhole, that's for sure. But where I live now isn't too far off from Seattle. Largely liberal, lots of African muslims, lots of Mexicans, and while there isn't a large percentage of blacks, the ones that are here still manage to be a blight on civilized society.

Kirbylover02 ago

This was in Sweden. The niggering is just getting worse here.

PuritySpiral ago

My condolences.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Oh. Gotcha. Fucking Sweden. What a shame.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Sweden is the new USA. What took us 50..60 years they'll accomplish in 10.

NosebergShekelman ago

You can thank Barbra Spectre for all of it.

whitemaleie ago

Same in my country. It's disgusting. Any woman who goes down that road, deserves everything she will no doubt get.

MelatoninDreams ago

I used to. Not any more. If they want to pay the toll, that's their problem, not mine.

southern_fried ago

Weak of mind girls. They've fallen prey to the propaganda. Fuck 'em.

Trousersnake1488 ago

All women are are weak minded.

Inb4 white knight nawalt

Kirbylover02 ago

Wow there incel! How dare you assume that? Let me check out your profile. 1488, racism and anti semitism is present. I will not bother talking with you and convince you the other bigot! /s

WhitePaladin ago

That was totally any redditor, checking your posting history to justify not replying to your facts.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Had you downvoted til I read the /s at the end.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol you wish I was incel

knickers ago

yeah being an incel you at least have a hope that maybe they're not that bad and it's just you.


mrfetus ago

Weak of mind girls

Women are that way. Us men have failed them.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

I hate to say it but I agree. Every weak minded, "they're just like us" pale US male needs to be castrated. We need 1950's men again. Worked hard, went to church and weren't afraid to speak their minds about niggers and how things should be.

mrfetus ago

Couldn't agree more, save about castration.

WhitePaladin ago

You fucking cuck, how dare you put their fault on us ? The fucking balls

Hand_of_Node ago

Unfamiliar with the nature of human females? Look into it.

WhitePaladin ago

Ive looked, and guess what, its still not my fault or the rest of us.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not saying it your fault, it's simply an unmaintained female. When there's a lack of proper training or guidance, they "go wild" and/or adapt to whatever influence is greatest.

mrfetus ago

What are your favorite sources on this and dating?

mrfetus ago


mrfetus ago

Very well put.

Kirbylover02 ago

Our kindness as a whole failed. Jews are taken over our values, and knowing whites and asians are so kind at heart, they think of racism and many excuses to destroy what we are as a whole!

Soyboy69 ago

asians are so kind at heart

Umm, kind isn't the word I'd use to describe them... extremely indifferent maybe?

Kirbylover02 ago

I'd say though most Voaters here think Asians are bugmen, i'll have a say as most asians are very silenced and have a bad image of themselves through some whites in Europe and the US. I'm an Asian myself, so i'd say both whites and asians are very much alike in terms of civillization and way of thinking. Most of the time, i think we support a lot of other races who are insufficient at certain jobs... so i'd say that is very kind.

TapasTree ago

My pet theory on this has been that the lower IQ and higher test level of whites leads them to be more individualistic and aggressive than Asians, but not to such a degree that it is a huge fault like in niggers.

I believe because of this, Asians are more susceptible to group-think and collectivism as evidenced by East Asia's cultural traits and ruling governments. I'm clearly biased towards Western civilization, but I believe that the reason Europeans dominated through expansion and industry was because our intellectual and emotional characteristics struck the right balance for a society that could rapidly innovate and expand while not regressing towards a statist, communist government that hinders progress given our more individualistic nature.

Obviously there will be exceptions to this theory, but Asian cultures have always seemed much more about keeping your head down and following whatever greater authority rules over you, working instead to succeed within the confines of that authority. On the other hand, whites will more quickly seek to uproot and supplant this authority if we believe it runs counter to our individual interests(much quicker than Asians will, not that they won't also, eventually given proper motivation) without destroying our entire culture and restarting from scratch, like when one nigger chieftain kills another and then burns their village to the ground out of spite.

Basically, Asians are too good at convincing other Asians to follow their lead and working as a more cohesive society. Those characteristics get hijacked by the ruling class and end up stifling forward progress. Whites are more likely to stab each other in the back, thus continuing the cycle of innovation and expansion that leads to a freer marketplace of ideas and cultures, where the better ones will succeed. Niggers might have been even better at this but you don't get very far building lasting civilizations with average 70 IQ's and a complete lack of foresight.

mrfetus ago

White men are born for war.

fuck-your-world ago

Not any more. Now it appears to my sadism, knowing the probable outcome. As soon as I know a white woman has gone that way, I root for her to pursue it to her end.

I'm happy that white skinned non whites are doing this to themselves. The white race needs purification of these losers.

mrfetus ago

I will not wish destruction on whites.

dialate ago

Ya, naive young idiots who weren't raised right...they'll figure it out but by then the litter came out and baby daddy skipped town

jwm5514 ago

Traitors should be killed before the enemy.

mrfetus ago

Women are like children, they depend upon us for protection.

Gas the kikes and those that betrayed us.

fuck-your-world ago

They aren't white.

Hand_of_Node ago

Well, not anymore.

Phantom42 ago

Well, soon anyway, they'll be black and blue and smeared with red.

fuck-your-world ago

Just like they deserve.

con77 ago

Shoot them both

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

"beautiful with her native nordic genes" God save us PLEASE!