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Yep I think the elite literally drink blood. Thus I call them Vampires.

You are also a Vampire as you have admitted to drinking blood.

But just because I use the same word. Doesn't make me the same person as E.S.

I posted my research and nobody debunked it. 1 post in my series was removed due to the blood drinking elite referenced being long deceased.

argosciv ago

Once again, only reply I need to give you in this thread:

Parroting the talking points of a known(proven) alt-reliant larper, manipulator and brigader, who used multiple accounts to push slanderous lies about me & manipulate users while pushing a themed narrative.

Didn't make the explicit claim that you're the same as anyone.

Readers can determine the rest for themselves.


Didn't make the explicit claim that you're the same as anyone

But your post is titled:

"Is u/EngelbertHumperdinck an alt or ally of u/ESOTERICshade? (inc. u/NOMOCHOMO, u/carmencita, "Donkey" and many others)"

You're a weasel. Your whole post is "questioning" if I am an alt.

What slanderous lies have been pushed against you?

You are projecting your own actions.

By your own admission, you drank/drink blood and engaged in "consensual" sex magic.

Repeating your own words back at you isn't slander.

ESOTERICshade ago

argosciv has the I.Q. of a cockroach. Don't let him bother you.