ESOTERICshade ago

Go fuck yourself argosciv. You have the I.Q. of a damn snail

auralsects ago

Dude how embarrssingly retarded can one be

I was never DonkeyOatey and if i were why the fuck would i let the account go inactive XD

All my Donkey accounts were banned specifically for harrassing carmencita for being a useless dumb bitch, like you clearly are

Get another hobby detective dipshit, this clearly isnt for you

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Something tells me you're not a real detective.

I probably shouldn't even bother responding to this, but I almost never get mentions, especially by users I don't recognize. So I'll just skim through it and address a few points because it might be funny.

  • Regarding the first thread about the dead kids, I didn't respond to Pizzalawyer's comment asking why ES's comment was getting upvotes because I wasn't sure who he was talking about, as there was nobody in the thread with the initials ES. I considered the possibility that he might have been talking about me, but since the comment was a direct reply to my own, it didn't make much sense that he would refer to me in the 3rd person.
  • Vampires: Yeah man. Jews are fucking vampires. It's a metaphor. Just like if I said that you are a brain dead zombie. It doesn't mean that I think you are a decaying corpse stumbling around looking for brains to eat.
  • Qanon: I'm no expert on Qanon, but from what I've seen, I'd say it's almost definitely a psyop. It might be convincing to people who were not already familiar with many conspiracy theories or others who just really want to believe in it. But I don't have time to try and decipher a bunch of cryptic clues that sound like a cold psychic reading from John Edwards.
  • Calling Dial_Indicator "cheese": D_I is not Cheesebooger'sGhost, aka Cheesebooger. They're nothing alike. But as he stated, he does have tons of alts. One of which was CheeseLane. Another I can remember off the top of my head is FrogBait (or something like that). He's easy to recognize because he is a psychotic retard who always refers to himself as The Iron Fist. He is also obsessed with freshmeat, aka MightyYetGentle.
  • Wisconsin: I don't know what you're reading into this statement, but you probably need to get more sleep. The graduating class is photographed throwing the roman salute. At best, they're nazis. At worst, they're not afraid to insult jews. Either way, it seems like a decent place to live.
  • Debate skills: I make fun of two immature dumbasses arguing on the internet, and somehow, argosciv the super sleuth decides that this is a noteworthy comment. Ha.
  • Edible Weeds: Holy shit! EngelbertHumperdinck made a comment in a gardening thread, we got him now boys!

Let me know if I missed any other 'evidence' you might have presented. I'll be happy to review it and point out your stupidity.

BTW, if you wanted to know about my alt account, you could have just asked me. Hey @chatScriptBot, what is u/argosciv's IQ?

chatScriptBot ago

After examining the user's profile, I have calculated that u/argosciv has an IQ of approximately 84.  
He or she scores in the upper 15% of all sub-saharan negroes.  

Can I assist you with anything further?

youllrememberme ago

Sorry, I gotta check to see if it's actually a bot. Hard to believe that's the only comment in 1.6 years.

Hey @chatScriptBot, what is u/youllrememberme IQ?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

No, that's all. Thank you.


Yep I think the elite literally drink blood. Thus I call them Vampires.

You are also a Vampire as you have admitted to drinking blood.

But just because I use the same word. Doesn't make me the same person as E.S.

I posted my research and nobody debunked it. 1 post in my series was removed due to the blood drinking elite referenced being long deceased.

argosciv ago

Once again, only reply I need to give you in this thread:

Parroting the talking points of a known(proven) alt-reliant larper, manipulator and brigader, who used multiple accounts to push slanderous lies about me & manipulate users while pushing a themed narrative.

Didn't make the explicit claim that you're the same as anyone.

Readers can determine the rest for themselves.


Didn't make the explicit claim that you're the same as anyone

But your post is titled:

"Is u/EngelbertHumperdinck an alt or ally of u/ESOTERICshade? (inc. u/NOMOCHOMO, u/carmencita, "Donkey" and many others)"

You're a weasel. Your whole post is "questioning" if I am an alt.

What slanderous lies have been pushed against you?

You are projecting your own actions.

By your own admission, you drank/drink blood and engaged in "consensual" sex magic.

Repeating your own words back at you isn't slander.

ESOTERICshade ago

argosciv has the I.Q. of a cockroach. Don't let him bother you.